Add a donate button to your website with PayPal's Donate SDK


Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:31am


With the Donate SDK, users can select the PayPal Donate button to donate in a pop-up overlaid on your website. This keeps users on your website instead of redirecting them to a donation page on PayPal.


The easiest way to find out if you're eligible to integrate the Donate SDK is to use

  1. Log in to with the account you want to use to make a Donate button.
  2. If you can start a flow to make a Donate button, you're eligible to integrate the Donate SDK.

1. Create Donate button

To use the Donate SDK, create a Donate button in the sandbox.

  1. Log in to and make your Donate button.
  2. After you create a button, you get code. From the code, copy:
    • hosted_button_id value if you have a business account
    • business value if you have a personal account.

You'll need this parameter to pass to the SDK.

The Donate SDK accepts all parameters accepted by a Donate button, such as item_name or item_number.

2. Add Donate SDK to web page

Add the Donate JavaScript SDK to your web page to integrate the Donate button into your site.

    1<!DOCTYPE html>
    4 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- Ensures optimal rendering on mobile devices. -->
    5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <!-- Optimal Internet Explorer compatibility -->
    9 <script src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>

    3. Render Donate button

    Render the Donate button to a container element on your web page.

    Provide either the hosted_button_id or business parameter. If you have a business account, provide hosted_button_id. If not, provide business.

      2 <div id="paypal-donate-button-container"></div>
      4 <script>
      5 PayPal.Donation.Button({
      6 env: 'sandbox',
      7 hosted_button_id: 'YOUR_SANDBOX_HOSTED_BUTTON_ID',
      8 // business: 'YOUR_EMAIL_OR_PAYERID',
      9 image: {
      10 src: '',
      11 title: 'PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!',
      12 alt: 'Donate with PayPal button'
      13 },
      14 onComplete: function (params) {
      15 // Your onComplete handler
      16 },
      17 }).render('#paypal-donate-button-container');

      To render another button on the same page, create another container, for example, <div id="paypal-donate-button-container-2">. Render to the new container: }).render('#paypal-donate-button-container-2').

      4. Test

      1. Click the Donate button.
      2. Make sure it opens a pop-up and shows your donation page.
      3. Complete a donation with a sandbox credit card or sandbox PayPal account.
      4. Verify the onComplete function returns an object parameter. This object contains the following fields:
      txTransaction ID for the transaction
      stTransaction status
      amtTransaction amount
      ccCurrency code
      cmCustom message
      item_numberPurpose configured for the transaction
      item_nameProgram selected by the donor during the transaction

      5. Go live

      To go live with the Donate SDK, complete these steps:

      Replace sandbox data with live data

      1. Replace sandbox hosted_button_id with live hosted_button_id, or sandbox business with live business.
      2. Remove the env parameter, or change env to production.
        2 <div id="paypal-donate-button-container"></div>
        4 <script>
        5 PayPal.Donation.Button({
        6 env: 'production',
        7 hosted_button_id: 'YOUR_LIVE_HOSTED_BUTTON_ID',
        8 // business: 'YOUR_LIVE_EMAIL_OR_PAYERID',
        9 image: {
        10 src: '',
        11 title: 'PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!',
        12 alt: 'Donate with PayPal button'
        13 },
        14 onComplete: function (params) {
        15 // Your onComplete handler
        16 },
        17 }).render('#paypal-donate-button-container');

        See also

        If you accept cookies, we’ll use them to improve and customize your experience and enable our partners to show you personalized PayPal ads when you visit other sites. Manage cookies and learn more