BMGetButtonDetails API Operation (NVP)


Last updated: Aug 15th, 8:08am

Shows information about a hosted PayPal Payments Standard button.

You can use this information to set the fields that have not changed when updating a button.

BMGetButtonDetails request

The request includes only the ID of the hosted button whose details you want to obtain.

BMGetButtonDetails request parameters




(Required) BMGetButtonDetails


(Required) The ID of the hosted button whose details you want to obtain.

BMGetButtonDetails response

The response fields contain all non-inventory information related to the button.

BMGetButtonDetails response fields




The kind of button. Value is:

  • BUYNOW. The Buy Now button.

  • CART. The Add to Cart button.

  • SUBSCRIBE. The Subscribe button.

  • DONATE. The Donate button.

  • UNSUBSCRIBE. The Unsubscribe button.

  • VIEWCART. The View Cart button.

  • AUTOBILLING. The Automatic Billing button. Since version 63.0.


The kind of button code. Value is:

  • HOSTED. A secure button stored on PayPal.

  • ENCRYPTED. An encrypted button, not stored on PayPal.

  • CLEARTEXT. An unencrypted button, not stored on PayPal.


The use of button. Value is:

  • PRODUCTS. The button is used to purchase products.

  • SERVICES. The button to purchase services.


ID of a PayPal-hosted button.


HTML code for web pages


Code for email links and links in other documents that support external links


HTML standard button variables

Option details fields




(Optional) The menu name.

It is one or more variables, in which n is a digit between 0 and 4, inclusive, for hosted buttons; otherwise, it is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.

Option selection details fields


(Optional) The menu item's name

It is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive


(Optional) The price associated with the first menu item.

It is a list of variables for each OPTION0NAME, in which x is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive

BMGetButtonDetails errors

Error codeShort and long messagesUser action
10001Internal Error
Internal Error
To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?.
11950Invalid Data
A hosted button ID must be specified.
11951Invalid Argument
The hosted button ID specified is invalid.
11951Operation Refused
Operation not supported for Sample Buttons.
11992Invalid Argument
You do not have permissions to access this button. Verify the hosted button ID and try the request again.

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