UpdateAuthorization API Operation (NVP)
Last updated: Sept 19th, 3:10am
Important: NVP/SOAP is a legacy integration method. We accept new integrations and support existing integrations, but there are newer solutions. If you're starting an integration, we recommend our latest solutions.
Note: Advanced permission from PayPal is required to use this API operation.
Changes the shipping address of an existing authorization transaction. To use this API operation, the original authorization should still be open, not completed, not reversed, not voided, and not on hold for any reason.
UpdateAuthorization Request Message
UpdateAuthorization Request Fields
Field |
Description |
(Required) The value of the authorization's transaction identification number returned by a PayPal API. Character length and limitations: 17 characters. Orders transactions have 19 characters. |
(Optional) IP address of the customer. |
AddressType Fields
Field |
Description |
Person's name associated with this shipping address. It is required if using a shipping address. Character length and limitations: 128 double-byte characters |
First street address. It is required if using a shipping address. Character length and limitations: 100 single-byte characters |
(Optional) Second street address. Character length and limitations: 100 single-byte characters |
Name of city. It is required if using a shipping address. Character length and limitations: 40 single-byte characters |
State or province. Character length and limitations: 40 single-byte characters |
U.S. ZIP code or other country-specific postal code. It is required if using a U.S. shipping address; may be required for other countries. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
Country code. It is required if using a shipping address. Character length and limitations: 2 single-byte characters |
(Optional) Phone number. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters |
(Optional) Indicates if the item purchased will be shipped to a store location. |
UpdateAuthorization Response Message
UpdateAuthorization Response Fields
Field |
Description |
(Optional) Authorization identification number of the original transaction passed in the request. Character length and limitations: 17 characters. Orders transactions have 19 characters. |
Status of the payment. Value is:
Reason the payment is pending. Value is:
Note: PendingReason is returned in the response only if PaymentStatus is Pending . |
Prior to version 64.4, the kind of seller protection in force for the transaction. Value is:
Since version 64.4, the type of seller protection in force for the transaction. It is one or more of the following values:
If more than one of these values is returned in this field, they are returned in a comma-delimited string; for example, |
A message ID used for idempotence to uniquely identify a message. This ID can later be used to request the latest results for a previous request without generating a new request. Examples of this include requests due to timeouts or errors during the original request. Character length and limitations: string of up to 38 single-byte characters. |