

Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:57am

Record types

The record type field categorizes transactions based on accounting principles for reporting purposes. Record subtype provides more details about the subcategory the transaction belongs to. These fields help users to understand the different categories of transactions and account them in their books appropriately.

Record TypeRecord Type DescriptionRecord SubtypesDescription
SalePayment received from a buyer for sale of goods or services.No subtypeAll sales transactions, unless specified otherwise.
Accelerated CheckoutA sales transaction via your accelerated checkout integrations.
RefundPayment sent to a buyer when you refund them the money they paid you for a sale.ReferencedRefund related to a payment you had received earlier, via PayPal. This refund will be referenced to the original payment in your PayPal account.
Non-referencedThis refund won't have a reference to the original payment, which was made offline.
DisputeMoney movement resulting from a dispute filed by you or the buyer.ChargebackMoney moved back to the buyer's PayPal account when a dispute is resolved in favor of the buyer.
Chargeback reversalReversal of a chargeback that was debited from your account earlier.
Other paymentsTransactions that are not related to sales and include other types of payments using your account. Includes postage payments, purchases through gift certificates, third-party payments, PayPal virtual debit card transactions, donations, rebates, and certain types of reversals.Payment sentOther payments that are not directly related to a sale.
Payment receivedOther payments that are not directly related to a sale.
DonationPayment sent or received as a donation.
Blocked paymentMoney movement when a payment is blocked.
OtherPayments that cannot be put into any other existing categories.
Currency conversionAccounting transaction generated to capture currency conversion details and costs.Balance conversion fromAccounting transaction generated when your PayPal balance is converted from one currency to another. This shows the original currency.
Balance conversion toAccounting transaction generated when your PayPal balance is converted from one currency to another. This shows the destination currency.
Conversion fromAccounting transaction generated when a sale or refund amount is converted from one currency to another. This shows the original currency.
Conversion toAccounting transaction generated when a sale or refund amount is converted from one currency to another. This shows the destination currency.
Add moneyAddition of funds in your balance by you or some business event.No subtypeGeneral money additions to your balance.
Credit card transferMoney added to your balance using a credit card.
PayPal Credit transferMoney added to your balance using any PayPal Credit scheme.
PayPal payablesMoney added to the balance by PayPal, which you must pay back later.
Incentive redemptionFunds added to your balance for incentives, gift certificates, or rewards.
Withdraw moneyWithdrawal of money from your balance to a bank or non-banking institution account by you or auto-generated business events.No subtypeGeneral money withdrawals from your balance.
DisbursedGeneral money withdrawals from your balance.
Non-bank withdrawalWithdrawals that are not going to your linked bank account.
Credit card withdrawalWithdrawals to a credit card account.
Manual withdrawalWithdrawals initiated by the user manually. Not related to automated, scheduled withdrawals.
BonusAddition of funds to your PayPal balance as a bonus for services you've subscribed to.No subtypeAll general bonuses.
Cash bonusNone
Referral bonusNone
Warranty bonusNone
Protection bonusNone
ReversalNonePayment reversalPayment reversals due to disputes and risks checks.
Bank reversalReversal of a payment by a buyer through their bank account. The reversal is triggered because the bank has declined the payment.
Incentive reversalReversal of an incentive payment made to you in the past. After reversal, the incentive is available for use again.
Failed disbursementFailure of an automated transaction that was initiated by PayPal to disburse the money from your balance to your linked bank account.Bank reversalFailure of an automated transaction that was initiated by PayPal to disburse the money from your balance to your linked bank account.
AdjustmentDebits or credits made by PayPal in order to make adjustments in your account.No subtypeAll general adjustments.
PayPal receivablesAdjustment made for money you owe to PayPal on account of a PayPal payables transaction.
PayPal Credit adjustmentAdjustments made for money you owe to PayPal on account of a PayPal Credit transfer.
Account correctionAdjustments due to account corrections.
HoldHolds placed on the amount of a sales transaction or on all the funds in your account.Account holdHolds placed on your account due to a payment review.
Temporary holdA temporary hold placed on your account due to a payment review.
Disbursement holdHold on the funds before being disbursed to your account
Account reserveAmount reserved at your account level, based on your instructions to PayPal, to manage your risk.
Transactional reserveAmount reserved at a transactional level, based on your instructions to PayPal, to manage your risk.
Dispute holdAmount put on hold to manage risk when a dispute is filed against you.
Tax holdHold placed on the funds from a sale due to a missing Tax Identification Number (TIN).
Hold releaseReversals of holds and incentive usages in your account.Account hold releaseReversal of an account hold. Also see description of record type Hold.
Temporary hold releaseReversal of a temporary hold. Also check descriptions under the Type Hold.
Disbursement hold releaseReversal of a disbursement hold.
Account reserve releaseReversal of the amount put on reserve at the account level.
Transactional reserve releaseReversal of the amount put on reserve at the transactional level.
Dispute hold releaseReversal of amount put on hold to manage risk when a dispute is filed against you.
Tax hold releaseHold is released on the funds from a sale.
Funds transferTransfer of funds between two accounts, such as PayPal accounts owned by you, PayPal accounts of partners or marketplaces, and general ledger accounts.No subtypeAll general funds transfers.
Receivables financingNone
RecoupmentTransfer of funds from a PayPal account, bank account, or a partner account to another PayPal account for covering a negative balance in that PayPal account.
Transfer refundReversal of a fund transfer transaction.
Sent / ReceivedAll general fund transfers.
FeesTransactions created to record fees charged or reversed by PayPal.No subtypeGeneral PayPal fees, including both variable and fixed components.
Withdrawal feesFees charged on withdrawals from PayPal balance under special circumstances.
Chargeback feesFees charged on chargeback processing
Monthly feesMonthly fees charged for your PayPal Payments Pro account or charged for special products such as VT and PRO.
Dispute feesFees charged on disputes that required PayPal's involvement for resolution.
Fee reversalReversal of a fee
Custody feesA fee charged for holding more the allowed balance in your account.
Bank return feesRecovery of fees charged by a bank on returns. Can be due to reasons such as insufficient funds or high risk.
Campaign feesFees associated to a campaign running in your PayPal account.
Fee refundRefund of a fee charged to your account earlier.
Payout feesFees charged on payouts to multiple recipients
Transactional feesFees charged by PayPal on a transaction.
Authorization successActivities that incur fees for using a PayPal premium product.
Fees charged by PayPal for various events, such as authorization, and its various states, such as success, decline, and void. This represents a decline state.
Authorization declinesSame as previous entry.
Capture successSame as previous entry.
Capture declinesSame as previous entry.
Void successSame as previous entry.
Void declinesSame as previous entry.
Refund successSame as previous entry.
Refund declinesSame as previous entry.
Monthly scheme feesScheme fees charged monthly.
Authorization scheme feeScheme fees associated with authorizations.
Verification scheme feeScheme fees associated with verifications.
Authorization misuse scheme feeScheme fees associated with authorization misuses.
Partner feesFees charged by a partner for processing a transaction.No subtypeGeneral fees charged by the partner.
Partner taxTax withheld by the partner.
PayoutPayout transaction.Sent / ReceivedAmount paid out or received from a different account.
Payout refundRefund against a past payout transaction.No subtypeNone
Payout reversalReversal of a payout transaction.No subtypeNone
Scheme feesNoneMonthly feesFees charged by your Interchange++ scheme.
TaxTax Withholding to IRS.Tax withholdingNone

Payment instrument type and subtype

Here is the list of payment methods that PayPal accepts. Use the payment instrument type and payment instrument subtype fields to find details of which payment method the buyer used while transacting.

Payment instrument type gives the main family name. Payment instrument subtype gives the granular details of the payment method under each family used by the buyer. For Wallets and Network token, Payment Source Subtype would show details of card type and card brand used to fund the transaction.
For example:

  • Credit card-Visa
  • Debit card-Mastercard

Payment instrument typePayment instrument subtype
Credit cardAmerican Express
Cartes Bancaires
Diners Club
Debit cardVisa
American Express
PayPalPayPal wallet
VenmoVenmo wallet
Apple PayDebit card-Visa
Credit card-Mastercard
Debit card-American Express
Credit card-Discover
Google PayDebit card-Visa
Credit card-Mastercard
Debit card-American Express
Credit card-Discover
Network TokenDebit card-Visa
Credit card-Mastercard
Debit card-American Express
Credit card-Discover
Direct debitNone
Local payment methodOXXO
Sofort (Legacy) *
Pay upon invoice

Report File Naming Convention

For Individual Account report file naming convention for a report generated for an individual merchant account is as follows:


Encrypted Subscription ID7Subscription ID within PayPalADSF13S
Node Identifier45For PayPal accounts, this corresponds to the merchant's encrypted account number (PayerID)9HBKUHNC34696
Sub Family20Sub family of Report

BTR for Balance Transactional Report

BSR for Balance Summary Report

FTR for Fee Transactional Report

Template Name50Managed or user-given template name




Date Cadence4-29

For daily report :

Report date in YYYYMMDD (ISO-8601) format in the merchant's time zone

For a Custom Date Range :


Both date and time are in YYYYMMddHHmmss (ISO-8601 without separators) in the merchant's time zone.

Length 29 is including the delimiter for {startDateTime}-{endDateTime}

  1. Daily reports example for June 1st 2022: 20220601
  2. Monthly report example for June 2022: 202206
  3. For a custom date range :

For example, August 1st to August 31st 2022 is shown as:


File Number3Current file number or sequence from 1 to 999None
Total File3Total number of files in this report from 1 to 999None

Optional. 2-digit offset from the Coordinated Universal Time on which the report is generated. This is useful when generating multiple reports for the same entity, like MAM.

Gen DateTime14Unique generation ID. Generated in YYYYMMddHHmmss format.None
Extension3Filename extensionNone
Delimiters9'-', '.'None
Total length185Length to be limited to 200None
formatNoneOne of the following:
  • CSV: a comma-separated value file

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