Google Pay test card suite


Last updated: Dec 3rd, 11:09pm

Test Google Pay card payments in an Expanded Checkout integration using test card numbers.

Visit the Card testing page for more information about testing.

Successful scenarios

Use the test cards in the following tables to test successful payments using Google Pay:

Cards by country and brand

Issuing country Card band Card number
US American Express 431719448528954
CA American Express 345383818559761
GB American Express 989888724064749
IT American Express 342825837040184
FR American Express 308201374214461
FR Cartes Bancaire 4360000001000005
US Discover 6504843087456605
US Mastercard 5413291068719504
CA Mastercard 5350364446374865
GB Mastercard 5330400000646077
IT Mastercard 5317626620232578
FR Mastercard 5131015074177287
US Visa 4566201562849481
CA Visa 4551211304930496
GB Visa 4698461667090156
IT Visa 4951749275359506
FR Visa 4820201095803320

Step-up authentication success: 3D Secure cards by country and brand

Issuing country Card band Type of auth Card number
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041108355344
US Mastercard 3D Secure step-up authentication 5147552104214336
US American Express 3D Secure step-up authentication 378678310596793
CA Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4536041103779848
CA Mastercard 3D Secure step-up authentication 4500022107836596
CA American Express 3D Secure step-up authentication 373380310297697
GB Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4832061100371226
GB Mastercard 3D Secure step-up authentication 5330402102195045
GB American Express 3D Secure step-up authentication 374259310290598
IT Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4877181102050176
IT Mastercard 3D Secure step-up authentication 5331462108067555
IT American Express 3D Secure step-up authentication 375255310069395
FR Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4973971109225018
FR Mastercard 3D Secure step-up authentication 5130372106022002
FR American Express 3D Secure step-up authentication 374982310011116

3D Secure Frictionless success

Issuing country Card band Type of auth Card number
FR Cartes Bancaire Frictionless authentication 4979498016380375

Unsuccessful scenarios

Use the test cards in the following table to test unsuccessful payments using Google Pay:

3D Secure failure: cards by failure type

Issuing country Card band Type of auth Card number
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041116908548
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041127085534
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041133398285
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041149505584
US Visa 3D Secure step-up authentication 4653041158020079

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