Shopping cart buttons

Integrate Add to Cart and View Cart buttons to offer multiple items for purchase in one shopping cart. No coding knowledge required.

Accept payments

Accept one-time payments with PayPal, Pay Later, Venmo, Apple Pay, and major debit and credit cards.

Get started quickly

You can get started quickly with this simple copy-and-paste integration.

Customize your integration

Pick from multiple checkout options and choose from a list of colors and styles.

With Shopping cart buttons you can accept PayPal, Pay Later, Venmo, Apple Pay, and major debit and credit cards.

How it works

Small businesses that want to accept payments online can set up shopping cart buttons to accept payments on their website. The shopping cart buttons support PayPal payment methods, including PayPal, Pay Later, Venmo, Apple Pay, and major debit and credit cards, with availability varying by region.

You can receive and manage order details directly on your PayPal dashboard. You don't need developer skills or coding knowledge. You will only need to copy and paste a few lines of code.


Log in to your PayPal business account and select the Shopping Cart button in the menu navigation.


Add your required information in the provided form including pricing and product name.


Include optional details such as shipping fees and tax rates.


Select Settings to modify the button's appearance with colors and styles. You can preview the design in real-time.


Follow the provided instructions to copy and paste your website's Add to Cart and View Cart button code.


Refresh your website to review both buttons and make a test purchase to confirm they function properly.


Refund the transaction from your merchant activity page.

How to integrate Add to Cart and View Cart buttons

We provide 2 easy-to-use copy-and-paste code options you can use to embed an Add to Cart and View Cart button on your website. This will help you accept payments in a variety of situations, such as selling:

  • Domestic and international physical goods and services.
  • Digital products.
  • Services with invoices.

Select Add to Cart Button Code or View Cart Button Code to learn more and get started with your integration.

Add to Cart Button

The Add to Cart button helps customers select and store products in their shopping cart so they can continue browsing or shopping before completing the purchase.

Get Started


If you’re a new merchant, you’ll need to sign up for a PayPal business account to get started.


Pay links and buttons are available to merchants with a PayPal business account in these supported countries.


See PayPal pay links and buttons troubleshooting tips.