Fees report


Last updated: Aug 15th, 7:42am

The fees report provides a transaction-level breakdown of the interchange fees, scheme fees, and the PayPal fees associated with card-processed transactions.

The fees report is created on the 6th day of each month and available by no later than 12:00PM daily in the leading timezone of the reporting window. You can access the fees report through the PayPal merchant portal or over SFTP. The report is available on the secure FTP Server in the /ppreports/outgoingdirectory. See Access SFTP reports for instructions.

You can also find the summary of these fees in your monthly statement report under Fees Summary.

Download the sample fees report.

Know before you begin

  • The fees report is only available in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
  • The fees report uses UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) character encoding.

Report file name

The naming convention of the fees report filename is as follows:


See the glossary for more details about file name conventions.

How to use the Report

To identify the total IC++ fees for a specific merchant account:

  1. Select all records with the same merchant account ID
  2. Iterate through the records and consume at least the following columns:
    • Related Record type – type of transaction accruing the fee
    • Total interchange fees
    • Total scheme fees
    • PayPal total fees

Report Specification

The report contains three sections:

  1. RH - Report Header
  2. RD - Report Details
  3. RF – Report Footer

For the balance report, the section implementation is as follows:

CSV CodeSectionDescriptionConfigurable
RHReport HeaderYou should have the following fields in the Fee Transactional Report:
  • Report name: Name of the report. The default name is `FEE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT`. If the name is customized, the report name shows the custom name or the standard default name.
  • Report status: `Success` or `Error`.
  • Report generated: The date the report was generated.
  • Hierarchy: Encrypted PayPal account number.
  • Timezone: Time zone of the report
RDReport DetailsFor the fee transactional report:
A transaction-level breakdown of the interchange fees, scheme fees and the PayPal fees associated with their card-processing transactions.
RFReport FooterThis section includes the following information:
  • File number: The current file number, which is part of the file naming convention.
  • Total records: The number of transactions included in the detail section in a specific file. This field is shown in the report only if there are transactional details.
  • Total files: The number of files generated for the report.

Report Header

PositionColumn nameOptional/RequiredData typeDescription
1RDRequiredStatic 2 charactersIndicates to the merchant that this row of data contains report body data.
2Report nameRequiredCharacter varying (256)Report name: Name of the report. The default name is `FEE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT`. If the name is customized, the report name shows the custom name or the standard default name.
3Report statusRequiredSuccess / ErrorReport generation status
4Report generatedRequiredYYYY-MM-DDThe date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD where
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is the two-digit month of the year.
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
5HierarchyRequired Character varying (256)Encrypted account number of the merchant, also called the payer ID.
6Time zoneRequiredCharacter varying (256)Encrypted account number of the merchant, also called the payer ID.

Report Details Section

PositionColumn nameOptional/RequiredData typeDescription
1RHRequiredStatic 2 charactersIndicates that this row of data contains report body data.
2Merchant account IDRequiredcharacter varying (256)Encrypted account number of the merchant
3Record IDRequiredcharacter varying (256)Unique identifier for this transaction.
4Related record IDOptionalcharacter varying (256)Indicates the immediate parent transaction ID.
5Original record IDOptionalcharacter varying (256)Unique ID of a previous transaction referenced by this transaction. For example, refund transactions also contain the ID of the original sale transaction.
6Record typeRequiredcharacter varying (256)Type of transaction.
7Record subtypeOptionalcharacter varying (256)Subtype of the transaction record.
8Related record typeOptionalcharacter varying (256)Record Type of the Original transaction which is contributing to this transaction.
9Related record subtypeOptionalcharacter varying (256)Record subtype of the Original transaction which is contributing to this transaction.
10Partner identifierOptionalcharacter varying (256)The channel partner who initiated the transaction. The partner identifier is created when the merchant has authorized a channel partner to initiate transactions.
11Invoice IDOptionalcharacter varying (256)The order ID of the transaction passed by the merchant.
12Original invoice IDOptionalcharacter varying (256)Order ID of the original sale transaction
13Custom fieldOptionalcharacter varying (256)Custom field
14Payment instrument typeOptionalcharacter varying (256)The method of payment used to process the transaction. For more details refer to the glossary.
15Payment instrument subtypeOptionalcharacter varying (256)The specific tender used to process the transaction. For more details refer to the glossary.
16Created atRequiredYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSDate and time the transaction was initiated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset. Where:
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is two-digit month of the year.
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
  • HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
  • MM is minutes.
  • SS is seconds.
  • offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800
17Record currencyRequiredcharacter varying (3)Currency of the transaction. See PayPal Supported Currencies for possible values.
18Gross amountRequirednumeric (23, 2)Total amount of the transaction before deducting fees.
19Total fees net billedOptionalnumeric (23, 2)Total PayPal fees deducted as part of the transaction
20Net amountRequirednumeric (23, 2)The net disbursed amount, which is the gross amount minus total fees billed.
21Transfer IDOptionalcharacter varying (256)Unique identifier passed at the time of withdrawal of funds to either BANK or HW or any external instrument that appears against the transaction in the bank statement / HW statement of the merchant. In the Disbursement Report, this enables the merchant to reference all the transactions that contributed to a particular Withdrawal.
22Variable fee rateOptionalnumeric (23, 4)PayPal fee rates, represented in percentage. For example, 2.49% = .0249
23Fixed feesOptionalnumeric (23, 2)Fixed PayPal fees.
24PayPal feesOptionalnumeric (23,2)Total PayPal fees applicable for each transaction
25Fees descriptionOptionalcharacter varying (256)Name of the interchange program classification
26Interchange rateOptionalnumeric (23, 4)Interchange rate applied to this transaction.
27Interchange fixed feesOptionalnumeric (23,5)Interchange fixed fee applied to this transaction.
28Interchange feesOptionalnumeric (23,5)Total interchange fee charged by the issuer.
29Scheme feesOptionalnumeric (23,5)Total scheme fees applied to this transaction.
30Total passthrough feesOptionalnumeric (23,5)Total passthrough fees applied to this transaction. The sum of total interchange fees and total scheme fees.
31Total fees gross billedOptionalnumeric (23,5)Total fee applied to this transaction. This fee is billed monthly to the merchant.
32Store IDOptionalnumeric (23,2)ID of the store where the transaction was initiated.
33Reader IDOptionalnumeric (23,2)Terminal ID in the store where the transaction was initiated.
34Payment tracking IDOptionalnumeric (23,2)The tracking ID specified by partners to obtain information about a payment or to request a refund. This value is not unique and can be blank.
PositionColumn nameOptional/RequiredData typeDescription
1RFRequired Static 2 charactersIndicates that this row of data contains report footer data.
2File number Required numeric (23, 2)The current file number, which is part of the file naming convention.
3Total recordsRequired numeric (23, 2)Total records: The number of transactions included in the detail section in a specific file. This field is shown in the report only if there are transactional details.
4Total filesRequired numeric (23, 2)The number of files generated for the report.

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