PayPal Order

Braintree and PayPal offer three ways to accept PayPal payments in your checkout flow:

  • Authorize (default)
    • Most commonly used method
    • Authorizes the payment when the customer is placing the order, but the transaction must be submitted for settlement separately
    • Allows merchants to choose when to capture funds (e.g. immediately, or when the goods or services have been shipped or delivered)
  • Sale
    • Authorizes and captures funds simultaneously once the customer has placed the order
    • Best suited for merchants selling goods or services that are delivered instantly
  • Order
    • Validates the customer's ability to pay for the purchase without an authorization (i.e. without holding funds)
    • Transaction must be submitted for authorization and settlement separately, similar to the Authorize method
    • Best suited for merchants with complex order fulfillment processes (e.g. shipments from different warehouses on different days, shipments spread across long periods of time)

The Order method allows you to authorize and capture funds up to 90 days after an order is placed. However, you can only capture up to the amount (plus a tolerance limit) approved by the customer when placing the order. After 90 days, any remaining funds on the order will be forfeited.


A merchant sells laptops, tablets, and smartphones. A customer places a single order for the following:

  • 1 tablet for $200, which will ship from a US warehouse in 10 days
  • 1 laptop for $800, which will ship from China in 30 days
  • 1 smartphone for $400, which is a pre-order of a new model releasing in 45 days

Since the items are shipping from different locations at different times, a single authorization will not be valid for all items. With PayPal Order, the merchant can get the customer's approval for the total amount in a single order, and then capture funds for each item separately:

  • 10 days after the order, when the tablet is ready to ship, the merchant can create a $200 authorization for just the tablet. Once it has shipped, they can capture the funds from that authorization.
  • 30 days after the order, when the laptop is ready, the merchant can create another authorization – this time for $800. Once the laptop ships, they can capture the funds from that new authorization.
  • 45 days after the order, when the smartphone is released, the merchant can create a final $400 authorization for the last item. Once shipped, they can capture the funds from that final authorization.

If all funds are not captured within 90 days – for example, if the smartphone release is delayed – then the remaining funds on the order will be forfeited. The merchant would need to get the customer's approval on a new order (in this case, for $400).

Flow when using PayPal Orderanchor
