Sepa Debit Accountanchor


The tokenized payment source to fund a payment.

The date/time the object was created. Returned in UTC.

A string value representing an existing customer in your Vault that owns this payment method. Use this to look up a single customer.

A value indicating whether the specified payment method is the default for the customer.


The unique identifier used to identify this SEPA Debit Account in Braintree's GraphQL API.


The last characters of the International Bank Account Number, a unique identifier for a bank account that is used by banks around Europe.

Represents the type of mandate. This can be either 'ONE_OFF' or 'RECURRENT'.

The merchant account ID used for the subscription. Currency is also determined by merchant account ID.

The unique ID for a customer in merchant's or partner's system of records.

Subscriptions associated with the payment method.


An alphanumeric value that references a specific payment method stored in your Vault.

The date/time the object was last updated. Returned in UTC.

A url link to view the customer's mandate.