Processor Responses


4000-class codes indicate the success or failure of the request to capture the funds. Based on the processor response we receive, we will update the transaction status accordingly.



Pending requestsanchor

4002Settlement Pending


4001Settlement DeclinedThe processor declined to settle the sale or refund request.
4003Already CapturedThe transaction has already been fully captured.
4004Already RefundedThe transaction has already been fully refunded.
4005PayPal Risk RejectedThe sale request was rejected by PayPal risk.
4006Capture Amount Exceeded Allowable LimitThe specified capture amount exceeded the amount allowed by the processor.
4018PayPal Pending Payments Not SupportedPayPal returned a pending sale or refund response which is disallowed by Braintree. This failure is likely due to a misconfiguration in your PayPal account. Further details may be found in the transaction details.
4019PayPal Refund Transaction with an Open Case Not AllowedPayPal declined to settle the refund request as there is an open dispute against the transaction. If you have enabled PayPal disputes within Braintree, you may resolve the dispute within the Braintree disputes dashboard. Otherwise, you may do so via your PayPal account's Resolution Center.
4020PayPal Refund Attempt Limit ReachedPayPal's maximum number of refund attempts for this transaction has been exceeded.
4021PayPal Refund Transaction Not AllowedPayPal does not allow you to refund this type of transaction.
4022PayPal Refund Invalid Partial AmountThe partial refund amount is not valid.
4023PayPal Refund Merchant Account Missing ACHYour PayPal account does not have an associated verified bank account.
4024Refund Time Limit ExceededPayPal requires that refunds are issued within 180 days of the sale. This refund can't be successfully processed.
4025Payer Account Is Locked Or ClosedThe customer’s PayPal account can't be used for transactions at this time. The customer will need to contact PayPal's Support team for more information or use a different payment method.
4026The amount specified in the request exceeds the original limitThe amount specified in the sale or refund is over the original limit. Contact PayPal's Support team for information on how to enable this for your PayPal account.