
Address: Update

See also the Address response object.

  1. C#
var updateRequest = new AddressRequest
    FirstName         = "Jenna",
    LastName          = "Smith",
    Company           = "Braintree",
    StreetAddress     = "1 E Main St",
    ExtendedAddress   = "Suite 403",
    Locality          = "Chicago",
    Region            = "Illinois",
    PostalCode        = "60622",
    CountryCodeAlpha2 = "US"

gateway.Address.Update("TheCustomerId", "TheAddressId", updateRequest);

In addition to updating an address directly, you can also update an address while updating a customer or updating a payment method.

If the address or customer can't be found, it will throw a NotFoundException.

AddressIdrequired, string
The two-letter value for an address associated with a specific customer ID. The maximum number of addresses per customer is 50. You must pass customer_id, then address_id in order to successfully update this value.
CustomerIdrequired, string
A string value representing an existing customer in your Vault.
Additional Parameters
Company name. 255 character maximum.

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specified in an address. The gateway only accepts specific alpha-2 values.

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code specified in an address. The gateway only accepts specific alpha-3 values.

The ISO 3166-1 numeric country code specified in an address. The gateway only accepts specific numeric values.

The country name specified in an address. We only accept specific country names.

The extended address information—such as apartment or suite number. 255 character maximum.
The first name. The first name value must be less than or equal to 255 characters.
The phone number that belongs to the address that is structured with country code and national number.
Country code of phone number. 1-3 digits. Required.
National number of phone number. 4-12 digits. Required.
The last name. The last name value must be less than or equal to 255 characters.
The locality/city. 255 character maximum.


We recommend using international_phone. This functionality still exists in the gateway but is no longer documented. This parameter will be removed in the future.

The postal code. Postal code must be a string of 4-9 alphanumeric characters, optionally separated by a dash or a space. Spaces and hyphens are ignored.
The state or province. For PayPal addresses, the region must meet PayPal's state restrictions; for all other payment methods, it must be less than or equal to 255 characters.
The street address. 255 character maximum. Required when used to create payment methods or transactions that perform verification when AVS rules are configured to require street address.