Android Pay Cardanchor


As of version 3.0.1 of the Ruby SDK and version 6.0.0 of the PHP SDK, AndroidPayCard was renamed to GooglePayCard.


The billing Address associated with this Android Pay card.


The first 6 digits of the card number, also known as the Bank Identification Number (BIN). If this Google Pay card is network tokenized, its BIN may differ from the BIN of the underlying source card.

Whether the card type is a commercial card. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::Commercial::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Commercial::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Commercial::Unknown

The country that issued the credit card. Possible country values follow ISO 3166-1.

The value Unknown will be returned if we cannot immediately determine the card's country of issuance from the bank identification number (BIN).

The date/time the object was created. Returned in UTC.

A string value representing an existing customer in your Vault that owns this payment method. Use this to look up a single customer.


Whether the card is a debit card. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::Debit::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Debit::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Debit::Unknown

A value indicating whether the specified payment method is the default for the customer.

A value indicating whether the issuing bank's card range is regulated by the Durbin Amendment due to the bank's assets. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::DurbinRegulated::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::DurbinRegulated::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::DurbinRegulated::Unknown

The expiration month of the credit card, formatted MM.

The 2- or 4-digit year associated with the credit card, formatted YY or YYYY.

A unique identifier provided by Google to track the payment method's transactions.

Whether the card is a healthcare card. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::HealthCare::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::HealthCare::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::HealthCare::Unknown


A URL that points to a payment method image resource (a PNG file) hosted by Braintree.

Indicates whether this card has been network tokenized. A network tokenized card is a generated virtual card with a device-specific account number (DPAN) that is used in place of the underlying source card.

The bank that issued the credit card.

Whether the card is a payroll card. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::Payroll::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Payroll::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Payroll::Unknown

Whether the card is a prepaid card. Possible values:

  • Braintree::CreditCard::Prepaid::Yes
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Prepaid::No
  • Braintree::CreditCard::Prepaid::Unknown

The code for the product type of the card (e.g. D (Visa Signature Preferred), G (Visa Business)). See Product ID codes below for possible values.

The last 4 digits of the card number. If this card is network tokenized, this is the last 4 digits of the customer's actual card.

The card type. If this card is network tokenized, this is the card type of the customer's actual card.

Indicates what type of payment method was tokenized by the network. Also includes an identifier for the account (e.g. last 4 digits if the payment method was a credit card).

Subscriptions associated with the payment method.


An alphanumeric value that references a specific payment method stored in your Vault.

The date/time the object was last updated. Returned in UTC.

The last 4 digits of the card number. If this card is network tokenized, this is the last 4 digits of the device-specific account number (DPAN).

The card type. If this card is network tokenized, this is the card type of the network tokenized card.

Product ID codesanchor

The Braintree gateway returns the following product IDs for credit and debit card payment methods. The product ID is generally 1-3 characters and indicates the specific credit product that was issued to the customer.

Product ID codeProduct name
001Discover Consumer Credit – Rewards
002Discover Commercial Credit
003Discover Consumer Debit
004Discover Commercial Debit
005Discover Prepaid Gift
006Discover Prepaid ID known
007Discover Consumer Credit – Premium
008Discover Consumer Credit - Core
009Discover Private Label Credit
010Discover Commercial Credit – Executive Business
011Discover Consumer Credit – Premium Plus
012Discover Commercial Prepaid – Non-Reloadable
013Discover PayPal
014Discover PayPal Mobile
AVisa Traditional
BVisa Traditional Rewards
BPDMasterCard Business Premium Debit
CVisa Signature
CIRMasterCard Cirrus
DVisa Signature Preferred
DAGGlobal Debit MasterCard Salary
DAPPlatinum Debit MasterCard Salary
DASStandard Debit MasterCard Salary
DLGDebit MasterCard Gold Delayed Debit
DLHDebit MasterCard World Embossed Delayed Debit
DLPDebit MasterCard Platinum Delayed Debit
DLSDebit MasterCard Card Delayed Debit
DOSStandard Debit MasterCard Social
DWFDebit MasterCard Humanitarian Prepaid
EVisa Proprietary ATM
FVisa Classic
GVisa Business
G1Visa Signature Business
G3Visa Business Enhanced (US only)
G4Visa Infinite Business
G5Visa Business Rewards
IVisa Infinite
IVisa Infinite Privilege
IBAmerican Express Non-US
IRAmerican Express Non-US Reloadable
ISAmerican Express Non-US Stored Value
J3Visa Healthcare
KVisa Corporate T&E
K1Visa GSA Corporate T&E
LVisa Electron
MABWorld Elite MasterCard for Business Card
MACMasterCard World Elite Corporate Card
MAPMasterCard Commercial Payments Account
MAQMasterCard Prepaid Commercial Payments Account
MBBMasterCard Prepaid Consumer
MBCMasterCard Prepaid Voucher
MBDMasterCard Professional Debit BusinessCard Card
MBEMasterCard Electronic Business Card
MBFPrepaid MC Food
MBKMasterCard Black Card
MBMPrepaid MC Meal
MBPMasterCard Corporate Prepaid
MBSMasterCard B2B Product
MBTMasterCard Corporate Prepaid Travel
MBWWorld MasterCard Black Edition Debit
MCBMasterCard BusinessCard Card
MCCMasterCard Credit Card (mixed BIN)
MCDDebit MasterCard Card
MCEMasterCard Electronic Card
MCFMasterCard Fleet Card
MCGGold MasterCard Card
MCHMasterCard Premium Charge
MCOMasterCard Corporate (Meeting) Card
MCPMasterCard Purchasing Card
MCS(Unembossed) Standard MasterCard Card
MCTTitanium MasterCard Card
MCVMerchant-Branded Program
MCWWorld MasterCard Card
MDBDebit MasterCard BusinessCard Card
MDGGold Debit MasterCard Card
MDHWorld Debit Embossed MasterCard Card
MDJDebit MasterCard (Enhanced)
MDLMasterCard Business Debit Other Embossed
MDOMasterCard Debit Other
MDPPremium Debit MasterCard Card
MDRMasterCard Debit Brokerage
MDSDebit MasterCard Card
MDTCommercial Debit MasterCard Card
MDWWorld Elite Debit MasterCard
MEBMasterCard Executive BusinessCard Card
MECMasterCard Electronic Commercial
MEFMasterCard Electronic Payment Account
MEOMasterCard Corporate Executive Card
METTitanium Debit MasterCard Card
MFBMasterCard Flex World Elite
MFDMasterCard Flex Platinum
MFEMasterCard Flex Charge World Elite
MFHMasterCard Flex World
MFLMasterCard Flex Charge Platinum
MFWMasterCard Flex World Charge
MGFMasterCard Government Commercial Card
MHAMasterCard Healthcare Prepaid Non-Tax
MHBMasterCard HSA Substantiated (Debit MasterCard)
MHDMasterCard HELOC Debit Standard
MHHMasterCard HSA Non-Substantiated (Debit MasterCard)
MHKMasterCard Magna Health Access Card
MHDMasterCard HELOC Debit Gold
MHDMasterCard HELOC Debit Platninum
MHDMasterCard HELOC Debit Premium
MIAPrepaid MasterCard Unembossed Student Card
MIKPrepaid MasterCard Electronic Student (Non-US) Card
MILUnembossed MasterCard Student Card (Non-US)
MIPPrepaid Debit MasterCard Student Card
MIUDebit MasterCard Unembossed (Non-US)
MLAMasterCard Central Travel Solutions Air Card
MLBMasterCard Brazil Benefit for Home Improvement
MLDMasterCard Distribution Card
MLEMasterCard Brazil General Benefits
MLFMasterCard Agro Card
MLLMasterCard Central Travel Solutions Land Card
MNFMasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card
MNWMasterCard World Card
MOCStandard Maestro Social
MOGMaestro Gold Card
MOPMaestro Platinum
MOWWorld Maestro
MPAMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Payroll
MPBMasterCard Preferred Business Card
MPDMasterCard Flex Prepaid
MPFMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Gift
MPGDebit MasterCard Standard Prepaid General Spend
MPHMasterCard Cash
MPJPrepaid Debit MasterCard Card Gold
MPKMasterCard Prepaid Government Commercial Card
MPLPlatinum MasterCard Card
MPMMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Consumer Incentive
MPNMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Insurance
MPOMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Offer
MPPMasterCard Prepaid Card – Commercial Reward Funding
MPQMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Government Disaster
MPRMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Travel
MPTMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Teen
MPVMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Government
MPWDebit MasterCard Business Card Prepaid Workplace Business
MPXMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Flex Benefit
MPYMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Employee Incentive
MPZMasterCard Prepaid Debit Standard Government Consumer
MRBMasterCard Prepaid Electronic Business Card (Non-US)
MRCPrepaid MasterCard Electronic Card (Non-US)
MRFMasterCard European Regulated Individual Pay
MRGMasterCard Prepaid Card (Non-US)
MRHMasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel (US)
MRJPrepaid MasterCard Gold Card
MRKPrepaid MasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card
MRLPrepaid MasterCard Electronic Commercial Card (Non-US)
MROMasterCard Rewards Only
MRPStandard Retailer Centric Payments
MRSPrepaid MasterCard ISIC Student Card
MRWPrepaid MasterCard Business Card (Non-US)
MSAPrepaid Maestro Payroll Card
MSBMaestro Small Business Card
MSFPrepaid Maestro Gift Card
MSGPrepaid Maestro Consumer Reloadable Card
MSIMaestro Student Card
MSJPrepaid Maestro Gold
MSMPrepaid Maestro Consumer Promotion Card
MSNPrepaid Maestro Insurance Card
MSOPrepaid Maestro Other Card
MSQUnknown MasterCard
MSRPrepaid Maestro Travel Card
MSTPrepaid Maestro Teen Card
MSVPrepaid Maestro Government Benefit Card
MSWPrepaid Maestro Corporate (Reloadable) Card
MSXPrepaid Maestro Flex Benefit Card
MSYPrepaid Maestro Employee Incentive Card
MSZPrepaid Maestro Emergency Assistance Card
MTPMasterCard Platinum Prepaid Travel (UK and Brazil)
MUSPrepaid Unembossed MasterCard Card
MUWMasterCard World Domestic Affluent
MWBWorld Elite MasterCard Business Card
MWDWorld Deferred MasterCard
MWEWorld Elite MasterCard Card
MWFMasterCard Humanitarian Prepaid
MWOWorld Elite MasterCard Corporate Card
MWRMasterCard World Retailer Centric Payments
NVisa Platform
N1Visa Rewards
N2Visa Select
OLBMaestro Small Business Delayed Debit
OLGMaestro Gold Delayed Debit
OLPMaestro Platinum Delayed Debit
OLSMaestro (Student Card) Delayed Debit
OLWWorld Maestro Delayed Debit
PVisa Gold
PMCMasterCard Proprietary Credit Card (Swedish domestic)
PMDMasterCard Proprietary Debit Card (Swedish domestic)
PSCMasterCard Common Proprietary Swedish Credit Card
PSDMasterCard Common Proprietary Swedish Debit Card
PVAMasterCard Private Label A
PVBMasterCard Private Label B
PVCMasterCard Private Label C
PVDMasterCard Private Label D
PVEMasterCard Private Label E
PVFMasterCard Private Label F
PVGMasterCard Private Label G
PVHMasterCard Private Label H
PVIMasterCard Private Label I
PVJMasterCard Private Label J
PVLMasterCard Private Label L
QVisa Private Label
Q2Visa Private Label Basic
Q3Visa Private Label Standard
Q4Visa Private Label Enhanced
Q5Visa Private Label Specialized
Q6Visa Private Label Premium
RVisa Proprietary
RPAmerican Express US Reloadable
SVisa Purchasing
S1Visa Purchasing with Fleet
S2Visa GSA Purchasing
S3Visa GSA Purchasing with Fleet
S4Visa Government Services Loan
S5Visa Commercial Transport (EBT)
S6Visa Business Loan
S7Visa Distribution
SAGGold MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SALStandard Maestro Salary
SAPPlatinum MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SASStandard MasterCard Salary Immediate Debit
SOSStandard MasterCard Social Immediate Debit
SURPrepaid Unembossed MasterCard Card (Non-US)
SVAmerican Express US Stored Value
TBEMasterCard Electronic Business Immediate Debit
TCBMasterCard Corporate Immediate Debit
TCCMasterCard (mixed BIN) Immediate Debit
TCEMasterCard (Electronic) Student Card Immediate Debit
TCFMasterCard Fleet Card Immediate Debit
TCGGold MasterCard Card Immediate Debit
TCOMasterCard (Corporate) Immediate Debit
TCPMasterCard Purchasing Card Immediate Debit
TCSMasterCard Standard (Unembossed) Card Immediate Debit
TCWMasterCard World Signia Immediate Debit
TEBMasterCard Executive BusinessCard Card Immediate Debit
TECMasterCard Electronic Commercial Immediate Debit
TEOMasterCard Corporate Executive Card Immediate Debit
TNFMasterCard Public Sector Commercial Card Immediate Debit
TNWMasterCard New World Immediate Debit
TPBMasterCard Preferred Business Card Immediate Debit
TPLPlatinum MasterCard Immediate Debit
TWBWorld MasterCard Black Edition Immediate Debit
UVisa Travel Money
VVisa V Pay
WBEWorld MasterCard Black Edition
XVisa B2B Virtual Payments