Transaction Level Fee Report Rowanchor


This report is currently in beta for US merchants, and the API is subject to change.


A unique number that tags a credit or debit card transaction when it goes from the merchant’s bank through to the cardholder's bank. Also called a trace ID, this number is often used to determine where a transaction's funds lie at a certain time.

Total amount of fees that Braintree assessed for the transaction.

The brand of the credit card. See card_type on the credit card response object for possible values.

The 3-letter ISO code of the country that issued the credit or debit card. See the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes.


Type of card that was used for the transaction. Either credit or debit.

Date that Braintree sent the funds associated with this transaction to your bank account.


Percentage rate at which Braintree assessed fees for the transaction.


Amount of the Braintree discount rate fees returned to the merchant account that processed the transaction in the case of a refund.

Only returned for IC+ reports. Estimated flat-rate, per-transaction interchange fee. Actual amounts may differ.

Only returned for IC+ reports. If Transaction Type is credit, the estimated amount of interchange fixed fees returned to the merchant account that processed the refund. Actual amounts may differ.

Only returned for IC+ reports. Estimated percentage rate at which interchange fees were assessed. Actual amounts may differ.

Only returned for IC+ reports. If Transaction Type is credit, the estimated amount of interchange rate fees returned to the merchant account that processed the refund. Actual amounts may differ.

Only returned for IC+ reports. Estimated total amount of interchange fees assessed for the transaction. Actual amounts may differ.

Only returned for IC+ reports. Estimated total amount of fees assessed for the transaction, including interchange and Braintree fees. Actual amounts may differ.


The currency exchange rate at the time the transaction was authorized; the rate is applied when the transaction is disbursed.

The payment method’s Bank Identification Number (BIN).

Only returned for IC+ reports. The 3-letter ISO code that identifies the currency the interchange fees were assessed in. See the ISO 4217 codes.

Only returned for IC+ reports. The type of interchange fee that was assessed for the transaction.

The bank that issued the customer’s credit or debit card. This will return an empty string for alternative payment methods such as Android Pay or Apple Pay.

The ID for the merchant account used to process the transaction. Within your Braintree gateway, you can have multiple merchant accounts to process transactions for different businesses or currencies.

Only returned for flat-rate reports. The fee amount assessed for transactions presented in one currency but settled in another (e.g. a GBP transaction that settled in USD). Always 1% of the transaction amount.

Only returned for flat-rate reports. If Transaction Type is credit, the amount of multi-currency fees returned to the merchant account that processed the refund.


The unique identifier you provided (if any) when creating the transaction via the API.

The sale transaction amount associated with a refund transaction.

Only returned if Transaction Type is credit. The unique Braintree identifier for the original transaction. Can be used to find the sale transaction associated with this credit.

The type of payment used to process the transaction. See payment_instrument_type on the transaction response object for possible values.

Flat rate per-transaction fee assessed by Braintree.

Amount of the Braintree per-transaction fees returned to the merchant account that processed the transaction in the case of a refund.

The 3-letter ISO code for the currency in which the customer was charged. See the ISO 4217 codes.

Specifies the type of the refund. Possible values:

  • Full for full refunds
  • Partial for partial refunds

See Transaction: Refund for more information.


Only returned if Transaction Type is credit. Amount that was issued back to the customer.

Amount deposited in your account in the specified Settlement Currency.

The 3-letter ISO code for the currency in which the transaction was deposited to your account. See the ISO 4217 codes.

Date that Braintree successfully settled the transaction.

Only returned for flat-rate reports. Total amount of fees that Braintree assessed for the transaction.

The unique Braintree identifier for the transaction. Can be used to find the transaction in the Control Panel or via the API.

Identifies whether the transaction was a sale or credit.