Pay Later Upgrade Options


Last updated: Mar 14th, 6:13pm

If you have an existing PayPal integration and want to add Pay Later messages, choose from the options below.

Upgrade to JavaScript SDK integration

If possible, upgrade your PayPal messages integration to the latest PayPal JavaScript SDK. The new code keeps you current with messages, features, and styles.

Know before you code

  • These steps upgrade an existing legacy integration to PayPal's latest JavaScript SDK.
  • If you want to continue using your legacy integration, you must add a <script /> tag wherever you want to render messages.

How it works

To upgrade:

  1. Remove the legacy <script /> tags that you're currently using for PayPal messages.
  2. Add the PayPal JavaScript SDK with the messages component to the <head></head> of your document.
    1<script src=""></script>
    1. Add div elements with proper attributes inside the <body></body> of your document where you want to render messages.

    Sample code

      2 In your code, dynamically update data-pp-amount with the price or
      3 cart amount. For example, data-pp-amount="89.99" for $89.99 product
      5 Also, update data-pp-pageType with the page type. Can be one of
      6 "home", "product-listing", "product-details", "search-results", "cart", "mini-cart", or "checkout"
      9 data-pp-message
      10 data-pp-style-layout="text"
      11 data-pp-style-logo-type="inline"
      12 data-pp-amount="ENTER_VALUE_HERE"
      13 data-pp-pageType="ENTER_PAGE_TYPE_HERE"

      The following explains the legacy messaging integrations that help you identify your integration and upgrade. For a full set of instructions on adding and customizing messages with the PayPal JavaScript SDK, refer to the customize messages page.

      Legacy merchant.js integration

      In this integration, you added one or more <script /> tags to your site, inside of which you're loading a merchant.js using

      Sample code

        1<script type="text/javascript" data-pp-payerid="YOUR_PAYER_ID">
        2 (function (d, t) {
        3 var s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],
        4 n = d.createElement(t);
        5 n.src = "//";
        6 s.parentNode.insertBefore(n, s);
        7 })(document, "script");


        To upgrade, complete the following:

        1. Remove the <script /> tags that are loading the merchant.js.
        2. Add the PayPal JavaScript SDK to the <head></head> of your site.
        3. Add div elements with proper attributes where you want to render messages.

        Legacy merchant.js subdomain integration

        This integration is similar to the merchant.js integration outlined earlier, but it loads merchant.js using

        Sample code

          1<script type="text/javascript" data-pp-pubid="YOUR_PAYER_ID">
          2 (function (d, t) {
          3 var s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],
          4 n = d.createElement(t);
          5 n.src = "//";
          6 s.parentNode.insertBefore(n, s);
          7 })(document, "script");


          To upgrade, complete the following:

          1. Remove the <script /> tags that are loading the merchant.js.
          2. Add the PayPal JavaScript SDK to the <head></head> of your site.
          3. Add div elements with proper attributes where you want to render messages.

          Legacy direct integration

          This legacy integration directly loads assets directly from from

          Sample code

            1<script type="text/javascript">
            2 document.write("<scr");
            3 document.write(
            4 'ipt type="text/javascript" data-ppmnid="92820893359741" src="// K94SASJJZDBBQ&format=js&v=2.4&placementtype=120x90&ppmnid=92820893359741&rand=' +
            5 Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000000000) +
            6 '">'
            7 );
            8 document.write("</scr" + "ipt>");


            To upgrade, complete the following:

            1. Remove the <script /> tags.
            2. Add the PayPal JavaScript SDK to the <head></head> of your site.
            3. Add div elements with proper attributes where you want to render messages.

            Existing integration

            You can use the PayPal JavaScript SDK messages component with other components of the SDK to integrate with many PayPal features and services simultaneously. You can also use PayPal JavaScript SDK messages independently on pages that need only messaging.

            The PayPal JavaScript SDK is also compatible with older versions of PayPal checkout integrations, such as checkout.js, the immediate predecessor to the PayPal JavaScript SDK. To use the SDK on the same page as checkout.js, you must include the data-namespace attribute on the <script /> tag.

            Use on pages with no other PayPal integrations

            Use on pages with no other PayPal integrations. In this scenario, you'd like to add messages to a page that has no other PayPal integrations. Set the value of the components= parameter to messages in the <script /> tag's src attribute.

            Sample code

              1<script src=""></script>

              SDK buttons component

              Use on pages with SDK buttons component. In this scenario, you've already added the PayPal JavaScript SDK to add PayPal checkout buttons to your site. Now you'd like to add messages as well. Add the messages component to the components= parameter in the <script /> tag's src attribute. Use a comma to separate individual components.

              Sample code

                1<script src=",messages"></script>

                Legacy PayPal checkout.js

                Use on pages with a legacy PayPal checkout.js integration. It is recommended that you update your checkout integration to use the PayPal JavaScript SDK and use components=buttons,messages, as outlined above. However, if you're unable to upgrade to the SDK but still want to use messaging features, keep your checkout.js script and add a new script for the PayPal JS SDK with the data-namespace attribute set to "PayPalSDK".

                Sample code

                  1<script src=""></script>
                  3 data-namespace="PayPalSDK"
                  4 src=""

                  If you're configuring messages using JavaScript, the value you set for data-namespace is the name of the global variable you use to configure and render messages.

                  Sample code

                    2 <!--
                    3 Whatever you use for data-namespace, you have to use below
                    4 when configuring and rendering the messages
                    5 -->
                    6 <script
                    7 data-namespace="PayPalSDK"
                    8 src=""
                    9 ></script>
                    12 <div class="pp-message"></div>
                    14 <script>
                    15 // PayPalSDK is used here because this is the value we used above
                    16 // for the data-namespace attribute in the <script /> tag
                    17 PayPalSDK.Messages({
                    18 amount: 500,
                    19 style: {
                    20 layout: "text",
                    21 },
                    22 }).render('.pp-message');
                    23 </script>

                    You can find more information about advanced JavaScript message configuration in Advanced Usage.

                    Legacy PayPal REST API or static button

                    Use on pages with a legacy PayPal REST API or static button integration. If you have an integration that's not JavaScript-based, such as an HTML form with a static button image, you could include the PayPal JavaScript SDK with only the messages component on your page without affecting your existing buttons integration.

                    Sample code

                      1<script src=""></script>

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