API Error Codes
Last updated: Dec 9th, 9:13pm
A PayPal API operation can return multiple error and warning codes.
Error codes and associated messages are sorted in ascending order by error code number, short message, and long message.
10000 to 10099
Code | Component | Messages | |
10001 |
DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoNonReferencedCredit DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails MassPay RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout TransactionSearch
SHORT: ButtonSource value truncated.
LONG: The transaction could not be loaded. |
10001 |
BAUpdate DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization GetExpressCheckoutDetails GetTransactionDetails MassPay RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout TransactionSearch UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Internal error. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10001 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid GetExpressCheckoutDetails RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Transaction failed due to internal error. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10001 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Warning an internal error has occurred. The transaction id may not be correct. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10001 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus MassPay UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid account number.
LONG: The transaction failed as a result of invalid credit card number. Check the number or attempt with another credit card. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10001 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Receiving Limit exceeded.
LONG: Internal error. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10001 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The MassPay receiver_type is not a recognizable type. Note: To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10001?. |
10002 | MassPay |
SHORT: Account locked.
LONG: The user account is locked. |
10002 |
CreateBillingAgreement DoCapture DoNonReferencedCredit DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid MassPay GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Authentication/Authorization Failed.
LONG: You do not have permissions to make this API call. |
10002 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid SetExpressCheckout RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Account is locked or inactive. |
10002 | General. | SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Internal error. |
10002 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: You've exceeded the receiving limit. This transaction can't be completed. |
10002 | BillAgreementUpdate DoCapture DoVoid GetExpressCheckoutDetails MassPay SetExpressCheckout RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Restricted account.
LONG: Account is restricted. Note: Your PayPal merchant account has been restricted. Contact your PayPal account manager for resolution. |
10002 | BillAgreementUpdate DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Authentication/Authorization Failed
LONG: Username/Password is incorrect. |
10002 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Security error
LONG: Security header is not valid. |
10003 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: A transaction id is required. |
10003 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: Either transactionID or PayerId is required.
10003 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: Invoice ID is required. |
10003 | BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: Item name, amount and quantity are required if item category is provided. Scenario: The merchant passed an item category as either Digital or Physical but did not also pass a name , amount , or quantity parameter. |
10003 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: One or more of these giropay URLs is missing: giropaySuccessURL , giropay , BanktxnPendingURL .
10003 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodID is missing.
10003 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodLabel is missing.
10003 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Missing argument.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodType is missing.
10003 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Start date is a required parameter. | |
10004 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Cart item calculation mismatch.
LONG: Cart item calculation mismatch. The regular non-trial billing period amount is different than the sum of the amounts for each item in the cart. Scenario: The regular non-trial billing period amount is different from the sum of the amounts for each item in the cart. |
10004 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Invalid argument. |
10004 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. |
10004 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
10004 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Invalid transaction type.
LONG: You can not get the details for this type of transaction |
10004 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Tax calculation mismatch.
LONG: Tax calculation mismatch. The tax amount for the regular non-trial billing period is different than the sum of the tax for each item in the cart. Scenario: The tax for the regular non-trial billing period is different from the sum of the tax for each item in the cart. |
10004 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: A transaction id is required. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: AllowPushFunding value specified is invalid. It must be 0 or 1 or an empty string.
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Auction item id is not valid. |
10004 | MassPay TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Currency is not supported. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: End date is invalid. |
10004 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid argument; BillingType input field is set to None. |
10004 | BAUpdate |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid argument; description field or custom field is empty and the status is active. Note: Check the description and custom fields of the billing agreement. Either the description or custom field is empty and the status is active or the contents of one of these fields exceeds the maximum field
length. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid character in parameter. Invalid characters include 0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x5, 0x7, 0x8, 0xb, 0x1a, and 0x1b. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback overall negative count. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback overall positive count. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback recent negative count. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback recent positive count. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback total negative count. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay buyer feedback total positive count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay item buyer protection type. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay item payment hold risk. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay item transaction date. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback overall negative count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback overall positive count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback recent negative count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback recent positive count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback total negative count. |
10004 | SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback total negative count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid eBay seller feedback total positive count. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid item URL. |
10004 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid payment type argument. |
10004 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid value for request billing address parameter. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Multiple eBay order IDs not allowed. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodType is invalid.
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Payer email is invalid. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Receipt id is not valid. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Receiver can only be specified for payments you've received. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Receiver email is invalid. |
10004 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: RegistrationDate of buyer is invalid.
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: SellerRegistrationDate is invalid.
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Start date is invalid. |
10004 | GetTransactionDetails |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Store ID is required if Terminal ID is specified. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount exceeds the max limit of a single mass pay item |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount is less than or equal to zero |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount is missing. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount is not a valid number. |
10004 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount specified is invalid. Make sure any punctuation marks are in the correct places. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The currency is missing. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The note string length exceeds the maximum limit of 4000 characters. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The number of input records is greater than maximum allowed. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The number of input records is less than or equal to zero |
10004 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The partial refund amount must be a positive amount. |
10004 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The transaction could not be loaded. |
10004 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid GetExpressCheckoutDetails MassPay RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout TransactionSearch UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The transaction id is not valid. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The unique id string contains a space as a character. |
10004 | MassPay |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The unique id string length exceeds the maximum limit of 30 characters. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Transaction class is not supported. |
10004 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. |
10004 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods. Scenario: Merchant is not signed up for digital goods but passed item category as Digital. |
10004 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: You can not search for a transaction id and a receipt id. |
10004 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: You can not specify a partial amount with a full refund. |
10004 |
SetExpressCheckout DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Currency does not support decimal precision. |
10005 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Merchant not enabled to use enhanced checkout data. |
10005 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Merchant not enabled to use OtherPaymentMethodDetails .
10005 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Refund Advice is not supported without transactionID .
10005 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Transaction ID is not supported. |
10006 | General. | SHORT: Version error.
LONG: Version is not supported. |
10007 | GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: You do not have permission to get the details of this transaction |
10007 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: Because this order has either an outstanding order authorization or a recorded capture, it cannot be moved. |
10007 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: You do not have permission to make this API call. |
10007 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoNonReferencedCredit DoReauthorization DoVoid MassPay RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: You do not have permission to make this API call. Note: You do not have a verified ACH. |
10007 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: You do not have permission to make this API call. |
10007 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: Because this order has either an outstanding order authorization or a recorded capture, it cannot be moved. |
10008 | General. | SHORT: Security error.
LONG: Security header is not valid. |
10009 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Account is locked or inactive. Note: Try the request again later or close the order. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Account is restricted. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Partial refunds can't be offered at this time because there is an open case on this transaction. Visit the PayPal Resolution Center to review this case. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Can not do a full refund after a partial refund. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Refund failed as receiver account is closed. |
10009 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: The account for the counterparty is locked or inactive. Note: Merchant is locked/close/restricted. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: The partial refund amount is not valid. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: The partial refund amount must be less than or equal to the original transaction amount. Note: The partial refund amount must be less than or equal to the remaining amount. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: The partial refund must be the same currency as the original transaction |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: The PayerID is invalid. Note: The PayerID is invalid. Make the API call again with a valid PayerID. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: This transaction already has a chargeback filed. |
10009 | RefundTransaction Authorization and capture |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: This transaction has already been fully refunded. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: You are over the time limit to perform a refund on this transaction |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: You can not do a partial refund on this transaction |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: You can not refund this type of transaction |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: You do not have a verified ACh. Note: This error occurs because you do not have sufficient funds in your PayPal balance to cover the amount of the refund and your PayPal account does not have an associated verified bank account. Be sure that you
have sufficient funds in your PayPal balance and that you have verified the associated bank account. |
10009 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: You have not filled out the Direct Debit Instruction |
10010 | DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Invoice.
LONG: Non-ASCII invoice id is not supported. Note: Non-ASCII characters are used in InvoiceID field. |
10010 | DoCapture |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid argument. |
10011 | DoAuthorization DoVoid RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Invalid transaction id value.
LONG: Transaction refused because of an invalid transaction id value. |
10014 |
BAUpdate BillOutstandingAmount CreateBillingAgreement CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails GetExpressCheckoutDetails GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails GetTransactionDetails ManagePendingTransactionStatus ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus MassPay RefundTransaction SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout TransactionSearch UpdateAuthorization UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: API call was rate limited.
LONG: The API call has been denied as it has exceeded the permissible call rate limit. |
10069 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Payment refused due to risk; user notification necessary.
LONG: Payment could not be completed due to a sender account issue. Please notify the user to contact PayPal Customer Support. Note: Inform the customer that PayPal declined the transaction and to contact PayPal Customer Service. |
10100 to 10199
10100 to 10199
Code | Component | Messages |
10101 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Express Checkout temporarily unavailable. Please try later. |
10101 | General. | SHORT: This API Temporarily Unavailable.
LONG: This API is temporarily unavailable. Please try later. |
10102 | DoDirectPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: PaymentAction of Order Temporarily Unavailable.
LONG: PaymentAction of Order is temporarily unavailable. Try later or use other PaymentAction .
10103 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Please use another Solution Type.
LONG: Your Solution Type is temporarily unavailable. If possible, please use another Solution Type. |
10200 to 10299
Code | Component | Messages |
10201 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Agreement canceled.
LONG: Billing Agreement was canceled. Note: Inform the customer that the billing agreement has been canceled and the customer needs to create a new one. Offer the customer the chance to signup for a new billing agreement through Express Checkout.
10201 | BAUpdate |
SHORT: Billing Agreement was canceled.
LONG: Billing Agreement was canceled. Note: Billing agreement has been canceled. |
10202 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Exceed max
LONG: Transaction would exceed user's monthly maximum Note: The customer would exceed the monthly maximum allowed on the billing agreement. Offer the customer the chance to sign up for a new billing agreement through Express Checkout. |
10203 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Action required.
LONG: Transaction failed, action required by user. |
10204 | BAUpdate DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: User's account is closed or restricted.
LONG: User's account is closed or restricted. |
10205 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Risk.
LONG: Transaction refused due to risk model. |
10206 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Duplicate.
LONG: Transaction was already processed. |
10207 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Retry.
LONG: Transaction failed but user has alternate funding source. Note: Retry the transaction with an alternate funding source. |
10209 | BAUpdate DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Disabled.
LONG: Preapproved Payments not enabled. Note: Merchant is not enabled for pre-approved payments (PAP). Applies only to deprecated PAP billing agreements. |
10210 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: No Funding.
LONG: Transaction failed because has no funding sources. Note: Payee has no funding sources. |
10211 | BAUpdate |
SHORT: Invalid billing agreement Id.
LONG: Invalid transaction or billing agreement ID; could not find Billing Agreement in database. |
10211 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid MP Id.
LONG: Invalid MP ID. |
10212 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Profile preference setting.
LONG: A profile preference is set to automatically deny certain transactions. Note: A profile preference is set that automatically denies this kind of transaction. |
10213 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Soft Descriptor.
LONG: The soft descriptor passed in contains invalid characters. |
10214 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Soft descriptor format error. |
10215 (Warning) |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Soft Descriptor truncated.
LONG: The soft descriptor passed in was truncated. |
10216 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Confirmed address required.
LONG: Transaction refused because a confirmed address is not available. |
10217 Warning. |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Soft Descriptor City truncated.
LONG: The SoftDescriptorCity field was truncated.
10218 (Warning) |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Soft Descriptor modified.
LONG: Illegal characters were removed from the SoftDescriptor field.
10219 Warning. |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Soft Descriptor City modified.
LONG: Illegal characters were removed from the SoftDescriptorCity field.
10220 (Warning) |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Soft Descriptors ignored.
LONG: The Merchant is not enabled to pass SoftDescriptor or SoftDescriptorCity
10300 to 10399
Code | Component | Messages |
10301 | MassPay |
SHORT: User not allowed.
LONG: The user is not allowed to send money through Mass Pay. |
10303 | MassPay |
SHORT: Restricted account.
LONG: Account is restricted. |
10304 | MassPay |
SHORT: Unconfirmed email.
LONG: The user account has unconfirmed email. |
10305 | MassPay |
SHORT: Limit Exceeded.
LONG: The user account needs to have its sending limit removed in order to make a mass payment. |
10306 | MassPay |
SHORT: Limit Exceeded.
LONG: The user's international account needs to have its sending limit removed in order to make a mass payment. |
10307 | MassPay |
SHORT: Receive only account.
LONG: The user account is receive only and therefore cannot send payments out. |
10308 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay server configuration error.
LONG: There is some configuration error. |
10309 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay server unavailable.
LONG: The mass pay server is unavailable. |
10310 | MassPay |
SHORT: Unable to create payment.
LONG: Unable to create payments for MassPay
10311 | MassPay |
SHORT: Unable to submit payment.
LONG: Unable to submit payments for MassPay
10312 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay server error.
LONG: The MassPay server has reported errors.
10313 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay Invalid Data
LONG: The MassPay input file includes invalid data
10314 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay input parse error.
LONG: The input to the MassPay server is incorrect. Please make sure that you are using a correctly formatted input.
10317 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay Invalid Email.
LONG: The MassPay input file includes invalid Email.
10320 | MassPay |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: Internal error. |
10321 | MassPay |
SHORT: Insufficient funds.
LONG: The account does not have sufficient funds to do this MassPay
10326 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay Invalid Receiver type.
LONG: Verify the receiver type and ensure that no non-ascii characters are used. |
10327 | MassPay |
SHORT: MassPay Invalid UserId.
LONG: The MassPay input file includes invalid UserId.
10400 to 10499
Code | Component | Messages |
10400 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Order total is missing. Note: TotalOrder amount is missing. |
10400 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: OrderTotal is missing.
10401 | DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Order total is invalid. Note: TotalOrder amount is invalid. |
10401 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Order total is missing. |
10402 | DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Authorization only is not allowed for merchant.
LONG: This merchant account is not permitted to set PaymentAction to Authorization . Please contact Customer Service.Note: Merchant is not eligible for auth settlement. |
10404 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: ReturnURL is missing.Note: ReturnURL tag has no content. |
10405 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: CancelURL is missing.Note: CancelURL tag has no content. |
10406 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The PayerID value is invalid.Note: Merchant account number is invalid. |
10407 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid buyer email address ( BuyerEmail ).Note: The BuyerEmail tag is formatted incorrectly or violates SMTP protocol-defined email address format or is empty. |
10408 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Express Checkout token is missing.
LONG: Express Checkout token is missing. |
10408 | CreateBillingAgreement GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails |
SHORT: Missing token
LONG: Token is missing. |
10409 |
CreateBillingAgreement DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout
SHORT: You're not authorized to access this info.
LONG: Express Checkout token was issued for a merchant account other than yours. Note: Token belongs to a different merchant. |
10410 |
CreateBillingAgreement DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout
SHORT: Invalid token.
LONG: Invalid token. Note: Token is invalid. |
10411 | CreateBillingAgreement DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: This Express Checkout session has expired.
LONG: This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid. Note:
To inform the customer that the Express Checkout transaction has expired and must be restarted, display an error message and provide a button that enables the customer to restart the Express Checkout flow and redirect him or her back to PayPal to approve the use of PayPal again. Because you are restarting the entire checkout process, do not reuse the expired token value in the |
10412 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Duplicate invoice.
LONG: Payment has already been made for this InvoiceID .Note:
PayPal checks that This error can also occur if you make a second |
10413 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts. Note: Be sure that the total of the payment detail item parameters, such as ItemTotal , HandlingTotal , TaxTotal , and so on, add up to the order total. |
10414 |
DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails RefundTransaction
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount exceeds the maximum amount for a single transaction. |
10415 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: A successful transaction has already been completed for this token. Note: PayPal enables the use of an Express Checkout token only once for a successful transaction. If you determine that your buyers are clicking your Place Order button twice, PayPal recommends
that you disable the button after your buyer clicks it. To learn more about possible causes and corrective actions, see What is API error code 10415?. |
10416 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: You have exceeded the maximum number of payment attempts for this token. Note: The transaction failed and subsequent retries have expired the token. In the event of a failed transaction, do not retry the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call. |
10417 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction cannot complete.
LONG: Instruct the customer to retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customer's PayPal wallet. The transaction did not complete with the customer's selected payment method. Note: The account is not associated with a usable funding source. A credit card or billing agreement is required to complete payment. Inform the buyer that PayPal is unable to process the payment, and redisplay
alternative payment methods with which the buyer can pay. You can also ask the buyer to contact PayPal Customer Service. For automatic payments, this information can be sent by email to
the customer. You can also inform the buyer to contact the customer service department of the card issuing bank. |
10418 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The currencies of the shopping cart amounts must be the same. Note: Currencies in the shopping cart must be the same. |
10419 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Express Checkout PayerID is missing.
LONG: Express Checkout PayerID is missing. |
10420 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Express Checkout PaymentAction is missing.
10420 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: PaymentAction tag is missing.Note: PaymentAction tag is missing. |
10421 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: This Express Checkout session belongs to a different customer.
LONG: This Express Checkout session belongs to a different customer. Token value mismatch. Note: Verify that your programs properly associate the Token and PayerID values. |
10422 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Customer must choose new funding sources.
LONG: The customer must return to PayPal to select new funding sources. |
10423 | DoExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: This transaction cannot be completed with PaymentAction of Authorization. |
10424 | DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Shipping address is invalid. Note: PayPal recommends that you return your buyer to PayPal to review and approve new valid funding sources. Although this error is rare, you should consider trapping the error to display a message to the buyer
describing what happened, along with a button or hyperlink that enables the buyer to return to PayPal. |
10425 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Express Checkout has been disabled for this merchant.
LONG: Express Checkout has been disabled for this merchant. Please contact Customer Service. |
10426 | DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Item total is invalid. Note: ItemTotal amount is invalid. |
10427 | DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Shipping total is invalid. Note: ShippingTotal amount is invalid. |
10428 | DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Handling total is invalid. Note: HandlingTotal amount is invalid. |
10429 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Item sales tax is invalid. Note: PaymentDetailsItem.Tax field is invalid. Warning only. API executes. |
10429 | DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Tax total is invalid. Note: TaxTotal amount is invalid. |
10430 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Item amount is missing. Note: PaymentDetailsItem.Amount field is missing. Warning only. API executes. |
10431 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Item amount is invalid.
LONG: Item amount is invalid. |
10432 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid argument.
LONG: Invoice ID value exceeds maximum allowable length. |
10432 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invoice ID value exceeds maximum allowable length. Note: InvoiceID field is too long. Maximum length is 256 alphanumeric characters. |
10433 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Value of OrderDescription element has been truncated.Note: OrderDescription field is too long. Maximum length is 127 alphanumeric characters. Warning only. API executes. |
10434 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Value of Custom element has been truncated.Note: Custom field is too long. Maximum length is 256 alphanumeric characters. Warning only. API executes. |
10435 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The customer has not yet confirmed payment for this Express Checkout session. |
10436 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: PageStyle value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: PageStyle tag is too long. |
10437 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-image value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: cpp_header_image tag is too long. Maximum length is 127 alphanumeric characters. |
10438 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-border-color value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: cpp_header_border_color tag is too long. Valid value is a six-character HTML hexadecimal ASCII color code. |
10438 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-image value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: Maximum length is 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters. |
10439 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-back-color value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: cpp_header_back_color tag is too long. Valid value is a six-character HTML hexadecimal ASCII color code. |
10439 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-image value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: Maximum length is 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters. |
10440 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-header-image value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: Maximum length is 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters. |
10440 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: cpp-payflow-color value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: cpp_payflow_color tag is too long. Valid value is a six-character HTML hexadecimal ASCII color code. |
10441 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The NotifyURL element value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: NotifyURL field is too long. Character length and limitations: 2048 single-byte alphanumeric characters. |
10442 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: ButtonSource value truncated.
LONG: The ButtonSource element value exceeds maximum allowable length.Note: ButtonSource field is too long. Character length and limitations: 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters. Warning only. API executes. |
10443 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: This transaction cannot be completed with PaymentAction of Order .
10444 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The transaction currency specified must be the same as previously specified. |
10445 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. Note: Inform the customer that an error occurred and to retry the transaction. Offer the customer a quick link to restart the Express Checkout flow and redirect the customer back to PayPal. If the issue continues,
instruct the customer to contact Merchant Technical Support. |
10446 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Sale is only allowed PaymentAction .
10448 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Unconfirmed email.
LONG: A confirmed email is required to make this API call. |
10449 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Order not found. |
10452 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: This transaction cannot be completed with Auction Items. |
10457 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay API creation error. |
10458 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay API unknown failure. |
10459 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay API error. |
10460 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Parsing error. |
10461 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Item number invalid, removed, or unavailable. |
10462 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Order not found. |
10463 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay user password incorrect. |
10464 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay user invalid. |
10464 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Item ID and Transaction ID mismatch. |
10465 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: eBay user invalid. |
10465 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Item ID and Transaction ID mismatch. |
10467 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Duplicate Item ID. |
10468 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Duplicate Order ID. |
10468 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Duplicate Order Id. |
10469 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: PaymentAction of Order Temporarily Unavailable.
LONG: Express Auctions is unavailable. |
10470 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Wowo flag is off for ExpressO feature.
LONG: Solution Type passed as Sole while ExpressO feature is turned off |
10471 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: ReturnURL is invalid.Note: ReturnURL tag contains invalid URL. |
10472 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: CancelURL is invalid.Note: The CancelURL tag contains an invalid URL. |
10472 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: CancelURL is missing.
10473 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Error occurred in communicating to eBay.
LONG: Multiple Order IDs are not supported. |
10474 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The country code in the shipping address must match the buyer's country of residence. |
10474 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The shipping country is not allowed by the buyer's country of residence. Note: The buyer selects the country of residence when they sign up for their PayPal account. The country of residence displays after the dash in the title on the Account Overview page. |
10475 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: This transaction cannot be completed with PaymentAction of Sale .
10476 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Maximum number of billing agreements exceeded. |
10476 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. |
10477 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: More than one billing agreement specified for reference transaction |
10477 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Shipping address is invalid. |
10478 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus SetExpressCheckout UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Recurring payments profile description must be provided if the billing agreement type is recurring payments. |
10479 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Billing agreement types cannot be mixed in the same request. |
10480 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Invalid billing agreement type. |
10481 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: PaymentAction of Authorization is not allowed with Unilateral and Non-Credentialed authentication.
10482 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: PaymentAction of Order is not allowed with Unilateral and Non-Credentialed authentication.
10485 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Payment not authorized.
LONG: Payment has not been authorized by the user. |
10486 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: This transaction couldn't be completed.
LONG: This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal. Note: Use the existing token to redirect the customer back to PayPal to select a different funding source or add a funding source. For more information, see How To Recover from Funding Failure Error Code 10486 in Express Checkout. |
10500 to 10599
Code | Component | Messages |
10500 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration. Note: Occurs when you have not agreed to the billing agreement. |
10501 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration. Note: Occurs when the billing agreement is disabled or inactive. |
10502 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid credit card. Note: The credit card is expired. |
10504 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: The CVV2 is invalid.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification Number. Note: The credit card verification code (CVC) provided is invalid. The CVC is between three and four digits long. |
10505 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was refused because the AVS response returned the value of N , and the merchant account cannot accept such transactions. |
10507 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service. Note: Your PayPal account is restricted. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10508 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card expiration date. Note: The expiration date must be a two-digit month and four-digit year. |
10509 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: You must submit an IP address of the buyer with each API call. |
10510 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The credit card type is not supported. Try another card type. Note: The credit card type entered is not currently supported by PayPal. |
10511 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The merchant selected an value for the PaymentAction field that is not supported. |
10512 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a first name. Note: The first name of the buyer is required for this merchant. |
10513 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a last name. Note: The last name of the buyer is required for this merchant. |
10519 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Please enter a credit card. Note: The credit card field was blank. |
10520 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The total amount and item amounts do not match. |
10521 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card. Note: The credit card entered is invalid. |
10523 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
10525 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero. Note: The merchant entered an amount of zero. |
10526 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The currency is not supported at this time. Note: The currency code entered is not supported. |
10527 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: CreditCardNumber and/or CreditCardType is invalid. |
10534 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: The credit card entered is currently restricted by PayPal. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10535 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: This error can also be returned if you pass an industry standard test credit card number in the Live environment. |
10536 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The transaction was refused as a result of a duplicate invoice ID supplied. Attempt with a new invoice ID. Note: The merchant entered an invoice ID that is already associated with a transaction by the same merchant. By default, the invoice ID must be unique for all transactions. To change this setting, log into PayPal
or contact customer service. |
10537 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Filter Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined by the country filter managed by the merchant. To accept this transaction, change your risk settings on PayPal. |
10537 |
DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Risk Control Country Filter Failure.
LONG: The transaction was refused because the country was prohibited as a result of your Country Monitor Risk Control Settings. Note: Transaction refused due to country monitor risk control. |
10538 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Filter Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined by the maximum amount filter managed by the merchant. To accept this transaction, change your risk settings on PayPal. |
10538 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Risk Control Max Amount Failure.
LONG: The transaction was refused because the maximum amount was exceeded as a result of your Maximum Amount Risk Control Settings. Note: Transaction refused due to max amount risk control. |
10539 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Filter Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: PayPal declined the transaction. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10539 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Payment declined by your Risk Controls settings: PayPal Risk Model.
LONG: Payment declined by your Risk Controls settings: PayPal Risk Model. |
10540 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid address. Note: The transaction was declined by PayPal because of an invalid address. |
10541 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: The credit card entered is currently restricted by PayPal. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10541 | DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: Please use a different payment card. |
10542 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid email address. Note: The email address provided by the buyer is in an invalid format. |
10542 | DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Email Address.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid email address. |
10544 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: PayPal declined the transaction. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10544 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: Please use a different payment card. |
10545 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined by PayPal because of possible fraudulent activity. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10546 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: IP fraud models failed. The transaction was declined by PayPal because of possible fraudulent activity on the IP address. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10547 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Internal error.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: None. This is a PayPal internal error. |
10548 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions. Note: The merchant account attempting the transaction is not a business account at PayPal. Check your account settings. |
10549 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions. Note: The merchant account attempting the transaction cannot process direct payment transactions. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10550 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: Access to Direct Payment was disabled for your account. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10552 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The merchant account attempting the transaction does not have a confirmed email address with PayPal. Check your account settings. |
10553 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The merchant attempted a transaction where the amount exceeded the upper limit for that merchant. |
10554 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
10554 | DoCapture DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: The transaction was refused. Note: The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant set the filter to decline a transaction when the AVS returns a no match ( AVS = N ). |
10555 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
10555 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: The transaction was refused. Note: The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant set the filter to decline a transaction when the AVS returns a partial match. |
10556 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
10556 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Payment declined by your AVS Risk Controls Setting.
LONG: The transaction was refused. Note: The transaction was declined because of a merchant risk filter for AVS. Specifically, the merchant set the filter to decline transactions when the AVS is unsupported. |
10557 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Profile preference setting.
LONG: A profile preference is set to automatically deny certain transactions. |
10558 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Currency Not Supported for Card Type.
LONG: Your processor is unable to process the Card Type in the currency requested. Try another card type. |
10560 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The issue number of the credit card is invalid. Note: IssueNumber is invalid. |
10561 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter complete billing address. |
10562 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card expiration year. |
10563 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card expiration month. |
10564 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: There was a problem processing this transaction. |
10565 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Merchant country unsupported.
LONG: The merchant country is not supported. |
10566 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Credit card type unsupported.
LONG: The credit card type is not supported. Note: To enable this support feature, Canadian merchants that receive this error for a Canadian-issued Visa debit card can contact PayPal support or opt-in by logging into paypal.com. |
10567 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: A Start Date or Issue Number is required. Note: None of Start date or issue number is specified (only applies to Switch credit cards). |
10567 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: A Start Date or Issue Number is required. |
10570 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Authorization is not supported for this funding source.
LONG: Authorization is not supported for this funding source. |
10571 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Transaction approved, but with invalid Card Security Code (CSC) format.
LONG: This transaction was approved, although the Card Security Code (CSC) had too few, too many, or invalid characters. Based on your account profile settings, the invalid CSC was not given to the card issuer for its approval process. Note: If you want to require valid CVV values, change the risk control settings in your account profile. |
10574 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Credit card verified.
LONG: This card authorization verification is not a payment transaction. Note: DCC zero amount authorization error. This is not an error message. This message is a verification message returned with the acknowledgment status: Ack=SuccessWithWarning . |
10575 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: The API Operation is not allowed.
LONG: The API Operation is not allowed for the transaction being referenced. Note: DCC zero amount authorizations cannot be captured, reauthorized, or voided. However, you can create a reference transaction based on a successful card verification. |
10576 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid configuration.
LONG: A customer service phone number is required to process transactions. Please add a customer service phone number to your PayPal account or contact PayPal for more info. |
10577 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant must not attempt payment on this card again for this buyer. |
10578 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Unable to make this transaction.
LONG: Unable to make this transaction. It is possible that the amount would exceed the spending limit of the payer. |
10600 to 10699
Code | Component | Messages |
10600 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Authorization voided.
LONG: Authorization is voided. Note: Close the order or authorization. |
10601 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Authorization expired.
LONG: Authorization has expired. Note: Close the order or authorization. |
10602 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Authorization completed.
LONG: Authorization has already been completed. Note: Close the order or authorization. |
10603 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: The buyer is restricted.
LONG: The buyer account is restricted. Note: Contact the buyer. |
10604 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Authorization must include both buyer and seller.
LONG: Authorization transaction cannot be unilateral. It must include both buyer and seller to make an auth. Note: Review the order to ensure customer and seller are both PayPal members. |
10605 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid |
SHORT: Unsupported currency.
LONG: Currency is not supported. |
10605 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Currency is not supported. |
10606 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Buyer cannot pay.
LONG: Transaction rejected, please contact the buyer. Note: Inform the buyer that PayPal is unable to process the payment and redisplay alternative payment methods with which the buyer can pay or ask the buyer to contact PayPal Customer Service. |
10606 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: Transaction cannot be processed. |
10607 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoVoid |
SHORT: Auth & Capture unavailable.
LONG: Authorization & Capture feature unavailable. |
10608 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Funding source missing.
LONG: The funding source is missing. Note: Contact the buyer. |
10609 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Invalid transactionID .
LONG: Transaction id is invalid. Note: Check the validity of the authorization ID and reattempt the request. |
10610 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Amount limit exceeded.
LONG: Amount specified exceeds allowable limit. Note: Try the request again with a lower amount. |
10610 | DoCapture |
SHORT: Capture amount is less than min threshold or exceeds max allowed.
LONG: Capture amount is either less than the minimum threshold amount or exceeds the maximum allowed. Note: Reattempt the request with a higher or lower amount. |
10611 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Not enabled.
LONG: Authorization & Capture feature is not enabled for the merchant. Contact customer service. |
10612 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: No more settlement.
LONG: Maximum number of allowable settlements has been reached. No more settlement for the authorization. Note: Close the order. |
10613 | DoCapture DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Currency mismatch.
LONG: Currency of capture must be the same as currency of authorization. Note: Ensure that the currencies are the same, and retry the request. |
10613 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Unsupported Currency.
LONG: Currency is not supported. |
10614 | DoVoid |
SHORT: Cannot void reauth.
LONG: You can void only the original authorization, not a reauthorization. Note: Void the authorization. |
10614 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Cannot void reauth.
LONG: You can void only the original authorization, not a reauthorization. |
10615 | DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Cannot reauth reauth.
LONG: You can reauthorize only the original authorization, not a reauthorization. Note: Capture the reauthorization. |
10616 | DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Maximum number of reauthorization allowed for the auth is reached.
LONG: Maximum number of reauthorization allowed for the auth is reached. Note: Capture or close the authorization. |
10617 | DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Reauthorization not allowed.
LONG: Reauthorization is not allowed inside honor period. Note: Capture the authorization or reauthorize outside of honor period. |
10618 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction already voided or expired.
LONG: Transaction has already been voided or expired. Note: Close the order or authorization. |
10618 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: Refund is pending or completed for this transaction. |
10618 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction already voided or expired.
LONG: Transaction has already been voided or expired. |
10619 | DoCapture |
SHORT: Invoice ID value exceeds maximum allowable length.
LONG: Invoice ID value exceeds maximum allowable length. Note: Check the length of the invoice ID and reattempt the request. |
10620 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid |
SHORT: Order has already been voided, expired, or completed.
LONG: Order has already been voided, expired, or completed. Note: Close this order. |
10621 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid |
SHORT: Order has expired.
LONG: Order has expired. Note: Close this order. |
10622 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Order is voided.
LONG: Order is voided. Note: Close this order. |
10623 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid |
SHORT: Maximum number of authorization allowed for the order is reached.
LONG: Maximum number of authorization allowed for the order is reached. Note: Capture this order. |
10624 | DoAuthorization DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Duplicate invoice.
LONG: Payment has already been made for this Invoice ID. Note: Review the invoice ID and reattempt the request. |
10625 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The amount exceeds the maximum amount for a single transaction. Note: Try the request again with a lower amount. |
10626 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Risk.
LONG: Transaction refused due to risk model. Note: Contact the buyer. |
10627 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The invoice ID field is not supported for basic authorizations. Note: You can use the Invoice ID field only with DoCapture . |
10628 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. Note: Try the request again later. |
10629 | DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Reauthorization not allowed.
LONG: Reauthorization is not allowed for this type of authorization. Note: Use DoAuthorization to authorize the order. |
10630 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Item amount is invalid.
LONG: Item amount is invalid. Note: Check the item amount to ensure that it is not zero or negative. |
10631 |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Processor Warning.
LONG: The authorization is being processed. |
10632 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Currency mismatch.
LONG: Currency of authorization must be the same as currency of order. |
10633 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Currency mismatch.
LONG: Currency of re-authorization must be the same as currency of authorization. |
10634 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid RefundTransaction UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. |
10635 | UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Cannot update a reauthorized authorization.
LONG: This authorization was already reauthorized. Use the reauthorized transaction id to do an update. |
10700 to 10799
Code | Component | Messages |
10701 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10702 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address1 in the billing address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10703 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address2 in the billing address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10704 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10705 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10706 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid postal code in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10707 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid country in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10708 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10709 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the billing address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10710 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10711 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your state in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10712 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10713 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10714 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10715 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10716 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10717 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid postal code in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10718 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city and state in the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10719 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10720 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address1 in the shipping address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10721 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid address2 in the shipping address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10722 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10723 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10724 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10725 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid country in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10725 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address Country Error.
LONG: There was an error in the Shipping Address Country field. Note: Shipping address error in country field. |
10726 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10727 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the shipping address.Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10727 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping address1 Empty.
LONG: The field Shipping address1 is required.Note: Shipping address error in the address1 field. |
10728 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10728 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address City Empty.
LONG: The field Shipping Address City is required.Note: Shipping address error in City field. |
10729 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your state in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10729 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address State Empty.
LONG: The field Shipping Address State is required.Note: Shipping address error in state field. |
10730 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10730 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address Postal Code Empty.
LONG: The field Shipping Address Postal Code is required. Note: Shipping address error in postal code. |
10731 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10731 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address Country Empty.
LONG: The field Shipping Address Country is required. Note: Country code is empty in shipping address. |
10732 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10733 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10734 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10735 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter your five digit postal code in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10736 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid city and state in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. Redirect the buyer to the shipping information to enable him or her to update the shipping address.
10736 | DoAuthorization DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout UpdateAuthorization
SHORT: Shipping Address Invalid City State Postal Code.
LONG: A match of the Shipping Address City, State, and Postal Code failed. Note: Match of shipping address, city, state, and postal code failed. Redirect the buyer to the provided shipping information and enable him or her to update the shipping address. |
10744 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid country code in the billing address. Note: There was a problem with a particular field in the address. The long error message will tells you which field is invalid. |
10745 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid country code in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10746 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid country on the billing address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10747 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed without a valid IP address. Note: The merchant entered an IP address in an invalid format. The IP address must be in a format such as 123.456.123.456 . |
10747 | DoAuthorization UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Invalid IP.
LONG: The IP Address provided is invalid. |
10748 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed without a Credit Card Verification Number. Note: The merchant's configuration requires a CVV but this transaction did not include a CVV. To change this setting, contact PayPal. |
10750 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the shipping address. Note: A problem occurred with an address field. The long error message indicates which field is incorrect. |
10751 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a valid state in the billing address. Note: The merchant entered an address in the United States or Canada but the state is not valid in either country. |
10752 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card. |
10752 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: Credit card provided cannot be used. |
10752 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: Please use a different payment card. Note: The issuing bank and not PayPal declined the transaction. The merchant should attempt another card. One possible cause for this error is, American Express does not allow your business category. |
10754 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: PayPal declined the transaction. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10755 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed due to an unsupported currency. Note: The merchant entered a currency code that is not supported. |
10755 | RefundTransaction DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Unsupported currency.
LONG: Currency is not supported. |
10755 | DoNonReferencedCredit DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Unsupported currency.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed due to an unsupported currency. |
10756 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: The transaction cannot be processed. The country and billing address associated with this credit card do not match. Note: None. This is a PayPal internal error. |
10758 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: There's been an error due to invalid API Username and/or password.Note: The API Username or password is incorrect for this merchant. |
10759 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: PayPal declined the transaction. For more information, contact PayPal. |
10760 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. The country listed for your business address is not currently supported. Note: The country of residence listed in the merchant's PayPal account does not support direct payment transactions. |
10761 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please check the status of your first transaction before placing another order. Note: The transaction was declined because PayPal is currently processing a transaction by the same buyer for the same amount. This error can occur when a buyer submits multiple, identical transactions in quick
succession. |
10762 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The CVV is not valid. The CVV must be between three to four digits long. |
10763 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: None. This is a PayPal internal error. |
10764 | DoDirectPayment DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Try again later.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Try again later. Note: Try again later. Make sure that you entered the correct CVV and address information for the buyer. For a recurring profile, try again with an init amount of 0 . |
10800 to 10899
Code | Component | Messages |
10800 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Your request is too long. Check URLs and other long strings. |
11000 to 11099
Code | Component | Messages | |
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: NoteToBuyer text element exceeds maximum length and is truncated.Note: Type: Warning. |
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodIcon exceeds maximum length.
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodID exceeds maximum length.
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodLabel exceeds maximum length.
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodLongDescription exceeds maximum length.
11001 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: OtherPaymentMethodLongDescriptionTitle exceeds maximum length.
11001 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: Value of NoteText element is truncated.
11002 | TransactionSearch |
SHORT: Search warning.
LONG: The number of results were truncated. Please change your search parameters if you wish to see all your results. |
11068 | DoDirectPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Seller restriction.
LONG: All sellers restricted. |
11084 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoNonReferencedCredit DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: User does not have a good funding source with which to pay.
LONG: User does not have a good funding source with which to pay. Note: The credit card associated with the account could not be used. No other funding source is available. Inform the customer that PayPal declined the transaction and to contact PayPal Customer Service. |
11089 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Transaction Refused.
LONG: Account is locked or inactive. |
11091 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: The transaction was blocked as it would exceed the sending limit for this buyer.
LONG: The transaction was blocked as it would exceed the sending limit for this buyer. Note: Inform the customer that PayPal declined the transaction and to contact PayPal Customer Service. |
11094 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: This authorization cannot be voided, reauthorized, or captured against.
LONG: This authorization can only be handled through the marketplace which created it. It cannot directly be voided, reauthorized, updated or captured against. |
11300 to 11399
Code | Component | Messages |
11302 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Cannot pay self.
LONG: The transaction was refused because you cannot send money to yourself. Note: Cannot pay self. Merchant is referencing own transaction. |
11400 to 11499
Code | Component | Messages |
11401 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Internal Error.
LONG: The transaction cannot complete successfully due to a failure in UATP number generation. |
11403 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: UATP Card Expired.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. UATP Card expired. |
11404 | DoUATPAuthorization |
SHORT: Invalid UATP Card.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. No UATP card exist in the system for given card number and expiration. |
11406 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Ineligible Merchant Account.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Merchant is not designated as UATP airline. |
11407 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid Payment Action for UATP Airlines. |
11450 (Warning) |
DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Billing Agreement creation failed.
LONG: Failed to create Billing Agreement; reference transaction feature may be unavailable or not enabled for the merchant, or a system error may have occurred. |
11451 | BAUpdate DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Billing Agreement Id or transaction Id is not valid.
LONG: Billing Agreement Id or transaction Id is not valid. Note: Reference ID field is empty, contains an invalid transaction, is not associated with a billing agreement, or could not be decrypted. Check that the billing agreement ID is correct. If it is, instruct the
customer that a new billing agreement is needed. Offer the customer the chance to signup for a new billing agreement through Express Checkout. |
11452 | BAUpdate DoReferenceTransaction SetCustomerBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Merchant not enabled for reference transactions.
LONG: Merchant not enabled for reference transactions. Note: This merchant is not enabled for Mark reference transaction. Warning only. |
11453 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Reference transactions temporarily unavailable.
LONG: Reference transaction feature not currently available; try again later. Note: Feature not enabled because system is running in stand in mode. Warning only. |
11454 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Warning: Could not send email to the buyer.
LONG: Warning: Could not send email to the buyer. Note: Failed to send email to buyer. This error is not fatal and generates a warning. |
11455 | CreateBillingAgreement |
SHORT: Buyer did not accept billing agreement.
LONG: Buyer did not accept billing agreement. Note: Buyer has not agreed to the billing agreement. |
11456 | CreateBillingAgreement |
SHORT: A successful Billing Agreement has already been created for this token.
LONG: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. Note: Token has already been used to create a billing agreement. |
11457 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Referenced transaction or order is too old.
LONG: The Reference ID refers to a transaction or order that is more than 730 days old. |
11458 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Credit card details section must be empty; you cannot specify credit card information in a non-direct payment (DCC) reference transaction. |
11459 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The shipping address must match the user's address in the PayPal account. Note: The shipping address on file does not match the requested shipping address. |
11500 to 11599
Code | Component | Messages |
11501 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid merchant country.
LONG: The merchant's country is currently not supported. Note: Missing token. |
11502 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: The token is missing or is invalid.
LONG: The token is missing or is invalid. Note: One or more subscription detail fields are missing from the request. |
11503 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Missing subscription details.
LONG: Missing subscription details. Note: One or more schedule detail fields are missing from the request. |
11504 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Missing schedule details.
LONG: Missing schedule details. |
11505 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Start date should be greater than current date.
LONG: Subscription start date should be greater than current date. |
11506 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid max failed payments.
LONG: Max failed payments, if supplied, must be >= 0. |
11507 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid trial amount.
LONG: Trial amount must be >= 0. |
11508 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid trial total billing cycles.
LONG: Trial total billing cycles must be > 0. |
11509 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid trial billing period.
LONG: Trial billing period must be one of Day, Week, Month, SemiMonth, or Year. |
11510 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid trial amount.
LONG: Trial amount must be >= 0 |
11511 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for trial amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for trial amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11512 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid trial shipping amount.
LONG: Trial shipping amount must be >= 0. Note: If a trial shipping amount is supplied, it must be >= 0. |
11513 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for trial shipping amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for trial shipping amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11514 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile status.
LONG: The profile status is invalid. |
11515 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for trial tax amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for trial tax amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11516 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid billing frequency.
LONG: Billing Frequency must be > 0 and be less than or equal to one year. Note: The combination of billing frequency and billing period cannot exceed one year. |
11517 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid total billing cycles.
LONG: Total billing cycles must be >= 0 (0 means continuous). |
11518 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid billing period.
LONG: Billing period must be one of Day, Week, Month, SemiMonth, or Year. |
11519 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid amount.
LONG: Bill amount must be greater than 0 |
11520 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11521 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid shipping amount.
LONG: Shipping amount must be >= 0. |
11522 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for shipping amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for shipping amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11523 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid tax amount.
LONG: Tax amount must be >= 0. |
11524 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for tax amount.
LONG: This currency is currently not supported for tax amount. Note: Currency must be USD. |
11531 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile status.
LONG: The profile status must be one of (A)ctive, (C)ancelled, or e(X)pired. |
11543 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid payer country.
LONG: The payer's country is currently not supported. |
11544 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid period status.
LONG: The trial period status must be one of (A)ctive or (C)ancelled. |
11545 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Denied.
LONG: Payer's account is denied. |
11546 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Denied.
LONG: Merchant account is denied. |
11547 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: This feature is not available at this time.
LONG: Recurring payments feature is not currently available; try again later. |
11547 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Permission denied.
LONG: Permission Denied. You are not authorized to do this kind of transaction. |
11547 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Recurring payments temporarily unavailable; try again later.
LONG: Recurring payments temporarily unavailable. |
11548 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency code.
LONG: Invalid currency code, all currency codes much match. |
11549 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Start Date is required.
LONG: Subscription start date is required. |
11550 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Start Date should be valid.
LONG: Subscription start date should be valid. |
11551 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Profile ID is missing from the request.
LONG: Profile ID is missing from the request. |
11552 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile Id.
LONG: The profile ID is invalid. |
11553 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid action value provided.
LONG: Invalid action value provided. |
11554 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Note is missing from the request.
LONG: Note is missing from the request. |
11555 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Note length is too long.
LONG: Note length is too long. |
11556 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile status for cancel action; profile should be active or suspended.
LONG: Invalid profile status for suspend action; profile should be active. |
11557 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile status for suspend action; profile should be active.
LONG: Invalid profile status for reactivate action; profile should be suspended. |
11558 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid profile status for reactivate action; profile should be suspended.
LONG: The activation type is invalid. |
11560 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid activation type.
LONG: The activation type is invalid. |
11561 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid initial amount.
LONG: The initial amount is invalid. |
11562 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid auto bill type.
LONG: The auto bill type is invalid. |
11564 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: The number of failed payments should be greater than the current number of failed payments.
LONG: The number of failed payments should be greater than the current number of failed payments. |
11567 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: The time of the update is too close to the billing date.
LONG: The time of the update is too close to the billing date. |
11568 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid currency for delinquent amount.
LONG: Invalid currency for delinquent amount. |
11569 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Cannot increase delinquent amount.
LONG: Cannot increase delinquent amount. |
11570 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: The maximum number of failed payments should be greater than the current number of failed payments.
LONG: The maximum number of failed payments should be greater than the current number of failed payments. |
11571 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: The total amount cannot exceed 120% increment per 180 days.
LONG: The total amount cannot exceed 120% increment per 180 days. |
11576 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Bill amount is greater than outstanding balance.
LONG: Bill amount is greater than outstanding balance. |
11577 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Another outstanding payment is scheduled.
LONG: Another outstanding payment is scheduled. |
11578 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Bill outstanding amount not processed because of scheduled payment.
LONG: Recurring payment scheduled within 24 hours, so we are not processing the bill outstanding amount. |
11579 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Payment is failing.
LONG: Payment is failing. |
11581 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Profile description is invalid. |
11582 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: No payment in queue.
LONG: No scheduled payment has been found. |
11583 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: DPRP feature is unavailable.
LONG: DPRP feature is unavailable. |
11584 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Inactive profile.
LONG: Profile is not active. |
11585 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Missing Token or buyer credit card.
LONG: Missing token or payment source. |
11586 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: DPRP is disabled.
LONG: DPRP is disabled for this merchant. |
11587 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Billing Address is Partial.
LONG: Billing Address is Partial. |
11590 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Profile update is not required.
LONG: Based on your input request, profile already up to date. |
11592 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Subscription profiles are not supported for recurring payments.
LONG: Subscription profiles are not supported for recurring payments. |
11600 to 11699
Code | Component | Messages |
11601 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Request for billing address failed.
LONG: Billing address request is not enabled for merchant. |
11602 | SetCustomerBillingAgreement SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Request for billing address failed.
LONG: Feature not yet available. |
11603 | DoUATPAuthorization RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Conflict with prior request with same Message Submission ID.
LONG: One or more critical fields in the request conflict with prior message with the same Message Submission ID (specified in MSGSUBID parameter).
11604 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Request for Message Submission ID already in progress.
LONG: Request for the specified Message Submission ID (specified in MSGSUBID parameter) cannot be started until the previous request finishes.Note: Try the request again later. |
11607 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Duplicate Request.
LONG: A successful transaction has already been completed for this token. |
11607 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateBillingAgreement CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus RefundTransaction UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Duplicate request for specified Message Submission ID.
LONG: The specified Message Submission ID (specified in MSGSUBID parameter) is a duplicate; result parameters of the original request are attached.
11610 (Warning) |
DoAuthorization DoCapture DoDirectPayment DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Payment Pending your review in Fraud Management Filters. |
11610 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Payment Pending your review in Fraud Management Filters.
LONG: Payment Pending your review in Fraud Management Filters. |
11611 | DoDirectPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction blocked by your settings in FMF. |
11611 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Transaction blocked by your settings in FMF.
LONG: Transaction blocked by your settings in FMF. |
11611 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction cannot complete. |
11612 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Could not process your request to accept/deny the transaction.
LONG: Could not process your request to accept/deny the transaction. |
11612 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoUATPAuthorization UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction must be accepted in Fraud Management Filters before capture. |
11614 | ManagePendingTransactionStatus |
SHORT: Could not process your request to accept/deny the transaction
LONG: Could not process your request to accept/deny the transaction |
11614 | ManagePendingTransactionStatus |
SHORT: The transaction has already been Accepted/Denied and the status cannot be changed.
LONG: The transaction has already been Accepted/Denied and the status cannot be changed. |
11615 | DoExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: One of the data in airline itinerary is not valid. |
11616 | DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Ineligible Merchant Account.
LONG: Merchant is not designated as airline merchant and can not pass airline itinerary data. |
11800 to 11899
Code | Component | Messages |
11800 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Exceeds maximum length.
LONG: FulfillmentReferenceNumber exceeds maximum length.Note: Provide a FulfillmentReferenceNumber that is less than 32 characters long. |
11800 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Your request is too long. Check URLs and other long strings. |
11801 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both new and deprecated parameter address fields. |
11802 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated Custom parameter.
11803 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated Invoice ID parameter. |
11804 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated order description. |
11805 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated order total or amount parameters. |
11806 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated ProfileAddressChangeDate parameter.
11807 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated ShippingMethod parameter.
11810 | DoAuthorization SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid Insurance Amount. |
11811 | DoAuthorization SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid Shipping Discount. |
11812 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: The value of Description parameter has been truncated.
11812 | DoAuthorization |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The value of Description parameter has been truncated.
11813 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Callback URL is wrong type.
LONG: Callback URL is wrong type; you must use the HTTPS. Note: Ensure that your callback URL starts with https:// . |
11813 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid callback URL. |
11814 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid data.
LONG: Invalid value for AllowNote .
11815 | DoAuthorization SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Item sales tax is invalid. |
11820 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid Order URL. |
11821 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid shipping options.
LONG: Invalid shipping options; you must specify a name and amount for each shipping option type. |
11821 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: This transaction cannot be processed.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed because it has already been denied by a Fraud Management Filter. Note: You cannot capture a payment after it has been denied by a Fraud Management Filter. You can control whether a Fraud Management Filter denies a transaction by changing the filter's settings in the profile.
11822 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Multiple default shipping options specified.
LONG: More than one shipping option type is marked as the default; you can only specify one default shipping option at a time. |
11823 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: No default shipping option specified.
LONG: You must specify one shipping option type as the default. |
11824 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid callback timeout.
LONG: The callback timeout is zero; you must specify a longer timeout value. |
11825 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Flat-rate shipping options are missing.
LONG: Flat-rate shipping options are missing; you must specify flat-rate shipping options when you specify a callback URl. |
11826 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid shipping total.
LONG: Invalid shipping total; it should equal the shipping amount of the selected shipping option. |
11827 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Line items missing.
LONG: Line items missing; line items are required when you specify a callback URL for flat-rate shipping options. |
11828 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Maximum amount of order not specified.
LONG: Maximum amount of order not specified; you must specify the estimated value of the order when using a flat-rate shipping option. |
11829 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Shipping total is missing.
LONG: Shipping total is missing; you must specify a shipping total when using a flat-rate shipping option. |
11830 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Insurance amount is missing.
LONG: Insurance amount is missing; you have offered insurance but have not specified an amount. |
11831 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Callback URL is too long.
LONG: Callback URL is too long; it must not exceed 1,024 characters. |
11832 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Maximum amount of order is less than itemized amounts.
LONG: Maximum amount of order is less than itemized amounts; the value of all items, including handling, shipping, tax, and insurance cannot be greater than the maximum amount of the order. |
11900 to 11999
Code | Component | Messages |
11900 | DoAuthorization DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: Failed Payment Review.
LONG: The transaction was rejected by PayPal because it failed Payment Review. |
11996 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Use Adaptive Payment Refund API
LONG: To do a refund on an Adaptive Payment transaction, please use the Adaptive Payment Refund API. |
12100 to 12199
Code | Component | Messages |
12109 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Seller blocks payments via eBay checkout for all eBay items. |
12124 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Option not supported.
LONG: Express Checkout not supported for you. |
12125 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: PP incentive no longer available.
LONG: There's a problem with the redemption code(s) you entered and can't be used at this time. Your payment has not been processed. Please go back to PayPal so that the code(s) can be removed, your order total can be updated and then you'll be able to complete checkout. |
12126 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Payment could not be processed at this time. Incentive temporarily unavailable.
LONG: We're having problems processing redemption codes at this time. Your payment has not been processed. You can try to check out again at a later time or complete your payment without the discount applied. |
12200 to 12299
Code | Component | Messages |
12200 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Buyer ID is not present.
LONG: Buyer ID must be specified to process an Immediate Payment item. |
12201 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Immediate Payment item was not found.
LONG: The item specified is either not valid or is not currently available for purchase as an Immediate Payment item. Note: Check that the item is a valid immediate payment item. |
12202 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: More than one eBay item is present.
LONG: Only one Immediate Payment item can be paid for in a single PayPal payment transaction. |
12203 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Instant payment required for 3PXO.
LONG: Instant Payment in 3PXO cannot be pending. The transaction has been rolled back. Note: 3PXO = Third party checkout. |
12204 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Transaction reversed.
LONG: Error occurred causing transaction reversal. |
12205 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: eBay Transaction ID and eBay Order ID must be null.
LONG: Requests for eBay Immediate Payment items should not contain either eBay transaction ID or eBay order ID. If the fields are present, they should contain null values. |
12206 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: The value of PaymentAction must be Sale for Immediate Payment item.
LONG: Order and Authorization are not acceptable values for PaymentAction when the item is an Immediate Payment.
12207 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Cart ID is required for Immediate Payment item.
LONG: Cart ID is required for Immediate Payment item. |
12208 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: eBay item amount does not match Express Checkout API item amount.
LONG: eBay item amount does not match Express Checkout API item amount. |
12300 to 12399
Code | Component | Messages |
12302 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Dispute Refund Not Allowed.
LONG: This transaction already has a PayPal dispute filed. |
13100 to 13199
Code | Component | Messages |
13100 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Parallel payments functionality is not available.
LONG: Parallel payments functionality is not available. |
13101 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Payment action of Order is only supported for parallel payments. |
13102 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Payment Request ID is missing.
LONG: Payment Request ID is mandatory for parallel payments. |
13103 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Duplicate Payment Request ID passed.
LONG: Payment Request ID must be unique for parallel payments. |
13104 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See Additional error messages for details.
LONG: Number of payment requests exceeds maximum number of supported requests. |
13105 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Billing Agreement is not supported for parallel payments. |
13106 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: You cannot pass both the new and deprecated PaymentAction parameter.
13107 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Parallel payments partially successful.
LONG: One or more payment requests failed. Check individual payment responses for more information. |
13108 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Merchant is not eligible.
LONG: Merchant is not eligible for parallel payments. |
13109 | DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction cannot complete due to Amex Restriction.
LONG: The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use a non AMEX card. |
13110 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Multi Payments Sale is Not allowed.
LONG: Due to some technical difficulties the Multi Payments for Sale is not available now please try again later. |
13111 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Mixed Payment action not supported.
LONG: The Payment Action passed should be unique, mixed Payment Action not supported. |
13112 | DoDirectPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Cannot Pay Seller.
LONG: The Buyer will not be able to Pay the seller for this Transaction. |
13113 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails |
SHORT: Buyer Cannot Pay.
LONG: The Buyer cannot pay with PayPal for this transaction. |
13114 | SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Buyer Didn't Complete.
LONG: The Buyer returned without completing the payment. |
13115 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Seller ID Missing.
LONG: Seller ID is mandatory for parallel payments. |
13116 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment GetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: The transaction is in progress for this token. Note: Responses are slightly delayed. An API response will be returned for the original API request. |
13122 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment DoCapture DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoReauthorization DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateAuthorization UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Transaction refused.
LONG: This transaction cannot be completed because it violates the PayPal User Agreement. |
13122 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Transaction violates PayPal Use Agreement. |
13200 to 13299
Code | Component | Messages |
13200 | BAUpdate |
SHORT: Channel not enabled for channel initiated billing.
LONG: Channel not enabled for channel initiated billing. |
13500 to 13599
Code | Component | Messages |
13513 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Duplicate request for specified Invoice ID.
LONG: The specified Invoice ID is a duplicate. |
13531 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Funding source provided for this operation is not supported.
LONG: The funding source provided for this operation is not supported. Please provide a valid value. |
13600 to 13699
Code | Component | Messages |
13601 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Refund cannot exceed the transaction amount.
LONG: Refunds to users without PayPal accounts cannot exceed the transaction amount. |
13602 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Insufficient funds.
LONG: Refund failed due to insufficient funds in your PayPal account. |
13606 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Feature Not Enabled.
LONG: You are not enabled for this feature. |
13607 | RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Funding source provided is not usable.
LONG: The Funding source provided is not usable. Please provide different funding source. |
13700 to 13799
Code | Component | Messages |
13701 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoReferenceTransaction GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: Item Category value is invalid. Only Digital or Physical are allowed. Scenario: The merchant passed an item category value other than Digital or Physical. |
13751 | DoDirectPayment DoExpressCheckoutPayment RefundTransaction |
SHORT: Could not provide identical response to original transaction.
LONG: Original transaction completed successfully; however, this response differs from the original response. |
Code | Component | Messages |
14001 | DoUATPAuthorization DoUATPExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Amount mismatch. |
14001 | DoCapture |
SHORT: Capture amount less than threshold. |
14001 | DoCapture |
SHORT: Capture not allowed. |
15001 to 15099
Code | Component | Messages |
15001 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was rejected by PayPal because of excessive failures over a short period of time for this credit card. For more information, contact PayPal. |
15002 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: PayPal declined the transaction. For more information, contact PayPal. |
15003 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Configuration.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined because the merchant does not have a valid commercial entity agreement on file with PayPal. For more information, contact PayPal. |
15004 |
BillOutstandingAmount CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification Number. Note: The transaction was declined because the CVV entered does not match the credit card. |
15005 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Processor Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Note: The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card. |
15006 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Processor Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type. Note: The transaction was declined by the issuing bank, not PayPal. The merchant should attempt another card. |
15007 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Processor Decline.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. Please use a valid credit card. Note: The transaction was declined by the issuing bank because of an expired credit card. The merchant should attempt another card. |
15008 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction has been completed, but the total of items in the cart did not match the total of all items. |
15009 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data.
LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. All shopping cart items must be in the same currency. |
15010 | DoAuthorization DoCapture DoReauthorization DoUATPAuthorization DoVoid UpdateAuthorization |
SHORT: This authorization must be captured, voided, updated or reauthorized through the gateway.
LONG: This authorization can only be handled through the gateway which created it. This authorization must be captured, voided, updated or reauthorized through the gateway. |
15011 | DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Gateway Decline.
LONG: This credit card was issued from an unsupported country. |
15011 | DoNonReferencedCredit |
SHORT: Processor Decline.
LONG: This credit card was issued from an unsupported country. |
15012 | DoDirectPayment DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: CE agreement is not accepted.
LONG: The CE agreement for processing Mastercard is not accepted. |
17000 to 17099
Code | Component | Messages |
17004 | Authorization and capture. | SHORT: Invalid Location Type.
LONG: Your request was refused because of an invalid `LocationType`. Set `LocationType` to `Store` for a BOPIS transaction or `PICKUP_DROP_OFF` for a PUDO transaction. |
17005 | Authorization and capture. | SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Refund transaction is already canceled. |
17006 | Authorization and capture. | SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Refund transaction which is in completed state cannot be canceled. |
17200 to 17299
Code | Component | Messages |
17200 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Insufficient funds.
LONG: Funding Instrument is invalid. |
17203 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Invalid funding instrument.
LONG: Funding Instrument is invalid. |
17204 | DoExpressCheckoutPayment |
SHORT: Funding instrument expired.
LONG: Expired funding instrument. |
19000 to 19099
Code | Component | Messages |
19065 | Authorization and capture. | SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
LONG: Invalid Request Parameter: RedeemedOfferAmount
81000 to 81099
Code | Component | Messages |
81000 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Required Parameter Missing: Unable to identify parameter. |
81001 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: A Parameter is Invalid: Unable to identify parameter. |
81002 | Validation | SHORT: Unspecified Method. LONG: Method Specified is not Supported. |
81003 | Validation | SHORT: Unspecified Method. LONG: No Method Specified. |
81004 | Validation | SHORT: Unspecified Method. LONG: No Request Received. |
81100 to 81199
Code | Component | Messages |
81100 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: OrderTotal (Amt): Required parameter missing. |
81101 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: MaxAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81102 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ReturnURL : Required parameter missing. |
81103 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: NotifyURL : Required parameter missing. |
81104 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: CancelURL : Required parameter missing. |
81105 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToStreet : Required parameter missing. |
81106 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToStreet2 : Required parameter missing. |
81107 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToCity : Required parameter missing. |
81108 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToState : Required parameter missing. |
81109 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToZip : Required parameter missing. |
81110 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Country : Required parameter missing. |
81111 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ReqConfirmShipping : Required parameter missing. |
81112 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Noshipping : Required parameter missing. |
81113 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: AddrOverride : Required parameter missing. |
81114 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: LocaleCode : Required parameter missing. |
81115 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: PaymentAction : Required parameter missing. |
81116 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Email : Required parameter missing. |
81117 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Token : Required parameter missing. |
81118 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: PayerID : Required parameter missing. |
81119 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ItemAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81120 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShippingAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81121 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: HandlingAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81122 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: TaxAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81123 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: IPAddress : Required parameter missing. |
81124 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ShipToName : Required parameter missing. |
81125 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: L_Amt : Required parameter missing. |
81126 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Amt : Required parameter missing. |
81127 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: L_TaxAmt : Required parameter missing. |
81128 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: AuthorizationID : : Required parameter missing. |
81129 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: CompleteType : Required parameter missing. |
81130 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: CurrencyCode : Required parameter missing. |
81131 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: transactionID : Required parameter missing. |
81132 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: TransactionEntity : Required parameter missing. |
81133 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Acct : Required parameter missing. |
81134 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: ExpDate : Required parameter missing. |
81135 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: FirstName : Required parameter missing. |
81136 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: LastName : Required parameter missing. |
81137 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Street : Required parameter missing. |
81138 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Street2 : Required parameter missing. |
81139 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: City : Required parameter missing. |
81140 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: State : Required parameter missing. |
81141 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Zip : Required parameter missing. |
81142 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: CountryCode : Required parameter missing. |
81143 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: RefundType : Required parameter missing. |
81144 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: StartDate : Required parameter missing. |
81145 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: EndDate : Required parameter missing. |
81146 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: MPID : Required parameter missing. |
81147 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: CreditCardType : Required parameter missing. |
81148 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: User : Required parameter missing. |
81149 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Pwd : Required parameter missing. |
81150 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Version : Required parameter missing. |
81200 to 81299
Code | Component | Messages |
81200 | Validation | SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Amt : Invalid parameter. |
81201 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: MaxAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81203 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: NotifyURL : Invalid parameter. |
81205 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToStreet : Invalid parameter. |
81206 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToStreet2 : Invalid parameter. |
81207 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToCity : Invalid parameter. |
81208 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToState : Invalid parameter. |
81209 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToZip : Invalid parameter. |
81210 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Country : Invalid parameter. |
81211 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ReqConfirmShipping : Invalid parameter. |
81212 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Noshipping : Invalid parameter. |
81213 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: AddrOverride : Invalid parameter. |
81214 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: LocaleCode : Invalid parameter. |
81215 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: PaymentAction : Invalid parameter. |
81219 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ItemAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81220 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShippingAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81221 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: HandlingTotalAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81222 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: TaxAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81223 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: IPAddress : Invalid parameter. |
81224 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ShipToName : Invalid parameter. |
81225 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: L_Amt : Invalid parameter. |
81226 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Amt : Invalid parameter. |
81227 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: L_TaxAmt : Invalid parameter. |
81229 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: CompleteType : Invalid parameter. |
81230 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: CurrencyCode : Invalid parameter. |
81232 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: TransactionEntity : Invalid parameter. |
81234 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: ExpDate : Invalid parameter. |
81235 | BillingAgreementUpdate DoReferenceTransaction |
SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: FirstName : Invalid parameter. |
81236 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: LastName : Invalid parameter. |
81237 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Street : Invalid parameter. |
81238 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Street2 : Invalid parameter. |
81239 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: City : Invalid parameter. |
81243 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: RefundType : Invalid parameter. |
81244 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: StartDate : Invalid parameter. |
81245 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: EndDate : Invalid parameter. |
81247 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: CreditCardType : Invalid parameter. |
81248 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Username : Invalid parameter. |
81249 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Password : Invalid parameter. |
81250 | Validation | SHORT: Invalid parameter. LONG: Version : Invalid parameter. |
81251 | Validation | SHORT: Internal error. LONG: Internal Service Error. |
81253 | DoExpressCheckout |
SHORT: Missing Parameter. LONG: Mandatory parameter missing. |
99900 to 99999
Code | Component | Messages |
99998 | DoAuthorization DoDirectPayment |
SHORT: Invalid Data. LONG: This transaction cannot be processed. |
99998 | Validation | SHORT: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. LONG: Currency is not supported. |
DoDirectPayment processor response codes
If the payment processor returns an error while processing your payment,
is returned in the <code>DoDirectPayment</code>
parameter ID.
For Name-Value Pair (NVP) integrations, the processor error information is returned as follows:
For SOAP integrations, the processor error information is returned as follows:
<ErrorParameterType> <ParamID>ProcessorResp</ParamID> <Value>Processor-Error-Number</Value> </ErrorParameterType>
This table describes the non-PayPal payment processor errors returned for the
API operation.
Response code | Description | User action |
0000 |
0100 |
0800 |
1000 |
1300 |
1310 |
1312 |
1317 |
1320 |
1330 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
1335 |
1340 |
1350 |
1360 |
1370 |
1380 |
1382 |
1384 |
1390 |
1393 |
0500 |
5100 |
5110 |
5120 |
5130 |
5140 |
5150 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
5160 |
5170 |
5180 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
5190 |
5200 |
5210 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
5400 |
Try using another card or confirm the information on original card. |
5500 |
5700 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
5800 |
5900 |
5910 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
5920 |
6300 |
7600 |
7700 |
7710 |
7800 |
7900 |
8000 |
8010 |
8020 |
8030 |
8100 |
8110 |
8220 |
9100 |
Retry. |
9500 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
9510 |
9520 |
Try using another card. Do not retry the same card. |
9530 |
Merchant must call the number at the back of the card (POS scenario). |
9540 |
9600 |
5930 |
PPH1 |
PPS0 |
PPS1 |
PPS2 |
PPS3 |
PPS4 |
PPS5 |
PPS6 |
PPD3 |
PPC2 |
MassPay failed transactions IPN reason codes
These codes are returned to the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) listener you set up for your MassPay
requests. For information about MassPay
IPN variables, see Mass pay variables.
The IPN MassPay
variable is set if status = Failed
Reason code | Description |
Receiver's account is invalid |
Sender has insufficient funds |
User's country is not allowed |
User funding source is ineligible |
PENDING_RECIPIENT_NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY_PAYMENT_PREFERENCE(1005, "PENDING_RECIPIENT_NON_HOLDING_CURRENCY_PAYMENT_PREFERENCE", "This payout is pending because the recipient has set their account preferences to review credits in this currency. The recipient has been notified. Check back later for the status of this payout.") |
Cannot pay self |
Sender's account is locked or inactive |
Receiver's account is locked or inactive |
Either the sender or receiver exceeded the transaction limit |
Spending limit exceeded |
User is restricted |
Negative balance |
Receiver's address is in a non-receivable country or a PayPal zero country |
Email address invalid; try again with a valid email ID |
Invalid currency |
Sender's address is located in a restricted State (e.g., California) |
Receiver's address is located in a restricted State (e.g., California) |
Market closed and transaction is between 2 different countries |
Internal error |
Internal error |
Zero amount |
Receiving limit exceeded |
Duplicate mass payment |
Transaction was declined |
Per-transaction sending limit exceeded |
Transaction currency cannot be received by the recipient |
Currency compliance |
The mass payment was declined because the secondary user sending the mass payment has not been verified |
Regulatory review - Pending |
Regulatory review - Blocked |
Receiver is unregistered |
Receiver is unconfirmed |
Receiver is a youth account |
POS cumulative sending limit exceeded |
Additional information
(NVP | SOAP)BillOutstandingAmount
(NVP | SOAP)CreateBillingAgreement
(NVP | SOAP)CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
(NVP | SOAP)DoAuthorization
(NVP | SOAP)DoCapture
(NVP | SOAP)DoDirectPayment
(NVP | SOAP)DoExpressCheckoutPayment
(NVP | SOAP)DoNonReferencedCredit
(NVP | SOAP)DoReauthorization
(NVP | SOAP)DoReferenceTransaction
(NVP | SOAP)DoVoid
(NVP | SOAP)GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails
(NVP | SOAP)GetExpressCheckoutDetails
(NVP | SOAP)GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails
(NVP | SOAP)ManagePendingTransactionStatus
(NVP | SOAP)ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus
(NVP | SOAP)- Mass Payments API
- Refund payments for individual transactions
(NVP | SOAP)SetCustomerBillingAgreement
(NVP | SOAP)SetExpressCheckout
(NVP | SOAP)TransactionSearch
(NVP | SOAP)UpdateAuthorization
(NVP | SOAP)UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile
(NVP | SOAP)- Permissions Service Integration Guide