Send payments in a different currency

DocsLegacyLast updated: June 20th 2023, @ 6:44:12 pm

Send payments in certain currencies even if you don’t maintain a balance in that currency. It’s easy to view funding balances, see currency exchange rates, and monitor your payments.

Use the Payouts API or Payouts Web to send payments in a different currency.

This feature is available in North America, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Australia.

Use the Payouts API

Note: Before using the Payouts API to send payments in another currency, make sure you complete the prerequisites and Payouts API integration.

To send a payment in a different currency with the Payouts API, set the currency parameter to the payment's currency code.

Sample currency conversion request

This request calls for a 10 Euro payout.

"recipient_type": "EMAIL", "amount": {
  "value": 10.00,
  "currency": "EUR"
  "receiver": "",
  "note": "Thanks from Acme Inc ",
  "sender_item_id": "item1"

Sample currency conversion response

PayPal automatically converts the payment in your PayPal balance to the currency specified.

"funding_source": "BALANCE", "amount": {
  "currency": "EUR",
  "value": "10.00"
}, "fees": {
  "currency": "EUR",
  "value": "0.20"
}, "currency_conversion": {
  "from_amount": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "value": "11.43"
  "to_amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "value": "10.20"

Use Payouts Web

Note: Before using Payouts Web to send payments in another currency, make sure you complete the prerequisites and enable Payouts Web.

Prepare and upload a recipient data file as you would normally. A payout can be sent in a single currency, so if you need to make payments in multiple currencies, set up a separate payout for each currency. Payouts will automatically convert your funding currency to the supported currency.

If you need to make payments in multiple currencies, set up a separate payout for each currency. Payouts will automatically convert your funding currency to the supported currency.

Before sending, you'll see a preview of the payout, including fees and currency exchange calculation. You can view details for any individual payment, too. See how currency exchange rates are calculated.

When you’re ready, send the payout.

Track the payout status

Log in to your PayPal account and go to Activities to see the status of your payout and each payment. Click on the payout to see details of individual payments. The downloadable CSV and TXT files include the exchange rate, fee, and total amount in both currencies.

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