Monthly and Custom Statements


Last updated: Sept 24th, 4:13pm


Monthly and custom statements are bank-like summaries designed to meet merchant reconciliation needs, such as verifying PayPal debits and credits, consistent with company internal accounting records of transactions for that month.

The reports summarize, for each currency the account holds, total debits and credits and the beginning and ending balance for the specified period. The reports also detail various transaction activities by category, enabling you to reconcile the starting and ending balances.

The statements only report balance-affecting transactions that debit or credit to your PayPal account. They don't include pending transactions such as authorizations not captured, pending e-checks, or unresolved disputes.

Any merchant with access to the reporting portal can use monthly and custom statements.

Know before you begin

  • The report character encoding is UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format).
  • The reports are available in these formats:
    • Portable Document Format (PDF)
    • Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

Report availability and retention

Monthly statements are available any time after the 2nd of the month. In some countries, monthly statements are automatically generated in PDF by the 10th of each month.

Custom statements are available for any period within the last 3 years.

Each statement summarizes data from the specified date range, from 00:00:00 AM on the starting day of the date range to 23:59:59 PM on the last day. If the requested date range of a custom statement includes the current day, transaction and summary information is included as of the time stated on the webpage. To configure your time zone, select your account name at the top, then select Account Settings > Account preferences > Time zone. Updating the time zone affects statements generated after the change.

You can access up to 2 years of historical monthly statements and 12 custom statements from your reporting portal. For custom statements, reports in the table are in order of request.

Status of generation

Monthly statements have these generation statuses:

  • Request
  • In progress
  • Download
  • Failed
  • Retry

Custom statements have these generation statuses:

  • Request
  • In progress
  • Download

In some countries, monthly statements are automatically generated in PDF by the 10th of each month. Statements in these scenarios only have the Download status.

After requesting a statement, the row in the table automatically shows In progress. The statement status automatically changes to Download when the report is ready to download. For custom statements, select Refresh after 2 minutes to check if the report is available to download.

Section 1: Report file name

The file name for a monthly statement follows this naming convention:

Field Information
MSR An abbreviation for Monthly Statement Report.
yyyymmdd The date for the data in the report. It represents the latest, or ending date, of the data.
format One of the following:
  • CSV (comma-separated values)
  • PDF (portable document file)

The file name for a custom statement follows this naming convention:

Field Information
CustomSTMT An abbreviation for Custom Statement.
FromDate The starting date.
ToDate The ending date.
format One of the following:
  • CSV (comma-separated values)
  • PDF (portable document file)

Section 2: PDF report format

Balance Summary section

The Balance Summary section states the changes in balance for the specified period. The total balance in your account is equal to the sum of Available Balance and Withheld Balance. The following displays for each currency held by your account:

Column name Description
Available beginning This number states the amount of money in your account available to use at 00:00:00 AM in your time zone on the first day of the statement date range.
Available ending This number states the amount of money in your account available to use at 23:59:59 PM in your time zone on the last day of the statement date range.
Withheld beginning This amount reflects the total sum of money withheld from your account at 00:00:00 AM in your time zone on the first day of the statement month. The withheld amount is determined by the sum of amounts in the Releases and Withheld categories.
Withheld ending This amount reflects the total sum of money withheld from your account at 23:59:59 PM in your time zone on the last day of the statement date range. Withheld amount is determined by the sum of amounts in the Releases and Withheld categories.

Activity Summary section

The Activity Summary section expands on the Balance Summary by displaying the debits and credits to the account by category. For each category with transactions during a date range, amounts are totaled and displayed.

Each of the categories in the Activity Summary section has multiple SubCategories.

Beneath the Activity Summary section of the statement, totals display for each Category and SubCategories for which there were transactions.

Activity summary category Description
Payments received All credit payments received by the merchant.
Payments sent All debit payments sent by the merchant.
Withdrawals and Debits Debits from funding instruments other than users, such as a bank.
Deposits and Credits Credits to funding instruments other than users, such as a bank.
Fees Includes any amount charged as a fee.
Chargeback Chargebacks are received directly by PayPal and represent cases where the consumer feels that PayPal will better resolve the complaint than their funding source, or the PayPal payment was funded directly from the payer's PayPal balance. The chargeback amount is often held in an unavailable balance until the chargeback is resolved. After the chargeback is resolved, the amount being held is released. A separate debit adjustment occurs if the merchant was found to be at fault for the chargeback.
Releases Releases contain all debit-restricted balances.
Withheld Releases contain all credit-restricted balances.
Authorizations Includes general, void, and reauthorizations.
Other Debit and credit transactions that aren't classified into a T-Code.
Other – Non-Balance Impacting Transactions that aren't classified as a T-Code and don't impact the balance.
Payables Funds provided by PayPal that are paid back (credit).
Receivables Funds provided by PayPal that are paid back (debit).
Reserve Release Reserve holds and releases that are credited to the merchant’s account.
Reserve Withheld Reserve holds and releases that are debited to the merchant’s account.
Transfers Currency conversions, both user and system-generated.

Transaction History section

A chart of transaction history displays in the PDF if there are 10,000 or fewer transactions within the date range. If there are more than 10,000 total transactions, the PDF doesn't display any transactions. For monthly statements, all transactions display regardless of the number of transactions for merchants in these countries: Australia (AU), Germany (DE), Spain (ES), France (FR), United Kingdom (GB), and Italy (IT).

For each currency you interacted with in the specified date range, a table displays the following details for each transaction:

Column name Description
Date Date in which the transaction occurred.
Description Description and unique transaction ID.
Name / Email The name and email address of the person with whom the merchant is transacting, if applicable.
Gross Total amount of the transaction, including fees.
Fee Amount of fees associated with the transaction.
Net The difference between Gross and Fee.

MIF Details section

Some countries require monthly statements to detail Multilateral Interchange Fees (MIF). This section only applies if you interact with currencies in the following countries: Spain (ES), France (FR), United Kingdom (GB), and Italy (IT).

In this section, the report displays the fees the card-issuing bank charges to the acquiring bank. This fee facilitates credit and debit card transactions and forms a large part of the fee that's charged to you by their acquirer. Business rules require us to report the interchange cost of each transaction.

Information in this section includes:

  • Date
  • Transaction ID
  • Merchant Service Charge
  • Interchange Fee

In some countries, monthly statements are automatically generated in PDF by the 10th of each month. The MIF section doesn't include statements downloaded before the auto-generation. In this case, the Download link refreshes to provide a new PDF that includes MIF details by the 10th of the month.

Section 3: CSV report format

A statement CSV file can contain a maximum of 150,000 records. If the report contains more than 150,000 records, the report splits across multiple files and compiles them into a ZIP file. Only the file with the first 150,000 records has column names.

Section body data

Position Column name Data type Max length Description
1 Date Date 10 characters The completion date of the transaction, in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
2 Time Time 8 characters The completion time of the transaction, in the HH:MM:SS format.
3 Time Zone Varchar 32 characters The time zone in which the transaction took place.
4 Description Varchar 1024 characters Description of the type of transaction.
5 Currency Varchar 3 characters Currency of the transaction.
6 Gross Money 26 characters Total amount of the transaction, including fees.
7 Fee Money 26 characters Amount of fees associated with the transaction.
8 Net Money 26 characters The difference between Gross and Fee.
9 Balance Money 26 characters A running balance that reflects the amount in the merchant’s bank account (Available Balance) after the transaction. Balance = previous Balance + Net.
10 Transaction ID Varchar 24 characters ID of the transaction against which the case was filed, if applicable. PayPal generates this unique 17 character ID. The ID cannot be altered.
11 From Email Address Varchar 200 characters The email address of the person with which the merchant transacted, if applicable.
12 Name Varchar 200 characters The name of the person with which the merchant transacted, if applicable.
13 Bank Name Varchar 200 characters Name of the bank with which the merchant transacted, if applicable.
14 Bank Account Number 4 characters Name of the bank account with which the merchant transacted, if applicable.
15 Shipping and Handling Amount Money 26 characters Amount paid for shipping and handling as a part of the transaction.
16 Sales Tax Money 26 characters Amount of sales tax paid as a part of the transaction.
17 Invoice ID Varchar 127 characters Invoice ID, if applicable.
18 Reference Txn ID Varchar 64 characters Reference Transaction ID, if applicable.

See also

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