Revenue share report specification


Last updated: Sept 24th, 4:22pm

The Revenue Share Report is for use by any approved payment processing partner (business receiver of revenue share from PayPal).

The Revenue Share Report gives processing partners detailed information about their revenue share from merchant activity. The report also summarizes, for each currency held by the accounts, total debits and credits and the beginning and ending balance.

The Revenue Share Report is available through PayPal’s Secure FTP Server, which is defined and described in the Reporting FTP Server Specification.

Report sign-up and activation

Only select business accounts are given the Revenue Share Report. When a PayPal account manager enables a partner for the Revenue Share Report, the partner may also create a user for the Secure FTP Server. To ensure data security, users must generate their own usernames on a page provided on the main PayPal homepage (

Report Format

When a PayPal Account Manager enables a user for the Revenue Share Report, the user must choose the desired format for the report. The Revenue Share Report is available in two formats:

  • Comma-Separated Value (CSV)
  • Tab-delimited

Notification Contact Email Addresses

Partners must provide PayPal Account Management with two different contact points for report notifications:

  • A business contact for all notifications related to data integrity, data delivery and new features

  • A technical contact for all notifications related to data integrity, data delivery, system outages, system updates, and new features.

Schedule, distribution, archiving and versioning

The Revenue Share Report is generated and put on the Secure FTP Server on the 15th of each month by no later than 12:00PM (noon) PST. The report is available on the Secure FTP Server in the /ppreports directory.

Report Filename

The filename of the Revenue Share Report follows this naming convention: RSR-yyyymmdd.sequenceNumber.version.format

Filename section Description
RSR An abbreviation for Revenue Share Report.
yyyymmdd The date on the data in the report. This date stamp represents the latest, or ending date, of the data.
sequenceNumber The sequence number of this file. Two characters, right-justified and zerofilled. The sequence number begins with 01 and continues until all parts are recorded in files. The sequence number is always present in the report file name even if there is only one file.
version The version of the report. Three characters, right-justified and zero-filled. See Report Version Numbering.
format One of the following:
CSV: a comma-separated value file
TAB: a tab-delimited-field file.

Rerunning of Report

Reports that are rerun for any reason, such as by user request, overwrite the previously generated report for the same date.


The Revenue Share Report will be available via the Secure FTP Server for 45 days after the date of its delivery to the Secure FTP Server. After this period of time has elapsed the Revenue Share Report will be archived to a secure archive solution. Merchants and processing partners will be able to access archived reports via special request to PayPal Account Management. PayPal will maintain archives for seven years to comply with industry regulations.


In the future, the Revenue Share Report will be available in multiple versions. PayPal will communicate the creation of any new version and any deprecation of older versions. Users that wish to take advantage of new versions will be able to receive two versions of the same report concurrently for the purposes of testing and integration. Users can also receive nonconsecutive versions of the same report concurrently for the purposes of testing and integration. Users must contact their account manager to enable different versions and request any changes in report distribution.

Revenue share payment

The generation of the Revenue Share Report can trigger a revenue share payment, which cuts a check for the revenue share payment to the partner.

The revenue share will be paid to the partner on the 20th of each month.

Operational notification and monitoring

Around-the-clock every day of the year, PayPal operationally monitors the generation and delivery of the Revenue Share Report. PayPal notifies merchant-specified partners of the following:

Advance notification

  • System update and maintenance
  • New feature releases
  • New version availability


  • Delays in report delivery
  • Errors in processing
  • System outage

See Notification Contact Email Addresses for information about the user’s contacted by PayPal.

Revenue share report format

Character encoding: UTF-8

The report’s character encoding is UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format).

Field characteristics

Fields in lines and records can be separated by one of two delimiters, as specified by the report recipient when signing up for the report:

  • Comma
  • Tab

Money fields

Money amount fields are unsigned, with no currency symbol, decimal separator, or other punctuation. Amounts should be interpreted by the debit or credit column to ensure that the right direction of the amount is recorded.

For example, 10,000 Yen and $100.00 are both represented as 10000.

Internal punctuation in fields

Regardless of the field delimiter of the report, all fields of type varchar are surrounded with double quotation marks. Double quotation marks inside the field are represented as two double quotation marks in succession.

Spaces or Blanks

Some fields can contain spaces. In the descriptions of fields, this is indicated with the words:

Blanks: Yes

File structure

The report can be delivered as either a comma-separated values or tab-delimited file. This section describes the structure of the data file.

A report file can contain a maximum of 100,000 records. If the report contains more than 100,000 records, the report is split across multiple files. The report is also organized by section. The Revenue Share Report contains only a single section representing the revenue share data for one partner.

Each row of the report consists of a two letter row type, followed by the details specific to that row type. Table Report Row Types lists the valid row types, along with the sections that describe the data for that row type.

Chargeback category

Code Description Section
RH Report header Report Header Data
FH File header File Header Data
SH Section header File Footer Data
CH Column header Section Body Data
SH Section header Section Body Data
SB Row data Section Body Data
SF Section footer Section Footer Data
SC Section record count Section Record Count Data
RF Report footer Report Footer Data
RC Report record count Report Record Count Data
FF File footer File Footer Data

A report file with less than 100,000 records (a single file) with only one section is organized as follows:

    1Report Header (RH)
    2File Header (FH)
    3Section Header (SH)
    4Column Header (CH)
    5Row Data (SB)
    7Row Data (SB)
    8Section Footer (SF)
    9Section Record Count (SC)
    10Report Footer (RF)
    11Report Record Count (RC)
    12File Footer (FF)

    For report files that are split over multiple files, only the first file has a report header record and only the last file has a report footer and a report record count record. The Revenue Share Report contains only a single section, so a report over two files will be organized as follows:

    File 1 File 2
    Report Header (RH)
    File Header (FH)
    Section Header (SH)
    Column Header (CH)
    Row Data (SB)
    Row Data (SB)
    File Footer (FF)
    File Header (FH)
    Row Data (SB)
    Row Data (SB)
    Section Footer (SF)
    Section Record Count (SC)
    Report Footer (RF)
    Report Record Count (RC)
    File Footer (FF)

    Report Data

    This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the report header, report footer, and report record count records.

    Report Header Data

    Report header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal "RH"
    2 Report Generation Date Type: date/time The date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format:
    YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset
    YYYY is the four-digit year.
    MM is two-digit month of the year.
    DD is the two-digit day of the month.
    HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
    MM is minutes.
    SS is seconds.
    offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
    3 Reporting Window Type: varchar The window of time when the report was generated, as follows:
    A: America/New York to America/Los Angeles
    H: America/Los Angeles to Asia/Hong Kong
    R: Asia/Hong Kong to Europe/London
    X: Europe/London to America/New York
    4 Account ID Type: varchar Account number receiving the report (Payer ID – encrypted hash of PayPal account)
    5 Report Version Type: varchar The version of the report

    Report footer data exists in one or more rows with each element being separated by the file delimiter. The report contains one report footer record for each currency with transactions in the report. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal "RF"
    2 Currency Type: Three-character currency code
    Maximum Field Length:
    3 characters
    The currency of the Total Eligible TPV See Supported Currencies for possible values. Each currency with transactions in the report has a separate row in the report footer.
    3 Total Eligible TPV Credit or Debit Type: Text
    Maximum Field Length:
    2 characters
    Whether the total revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    4 Total Eligible TPV Type: Money
    Maximum Field Length:
    26 characters
    The sum of all total eligible TPV for revenue share calculations (in the specified currency). The net amount is based on eligible transaction codes. See "Transaction Event Codes"" for a list of transaction codes.
    5 Total Revenue Share Credit or Debit Type: Text
    Maximum Field
    Length: 2 characters
    Whether the total revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    6 Total Revenue Share Amount Type: Money
    Maximum Field Length:
    26 characters
    The total sum of revenue share for the partner (in the specified currency).
    7 Adjustment Amount Credit or Debit Type: Text
    Maximum Field Length:
    2 characters
    Whether the adjustment amount is a debit or credit, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    8 Adjustment Amount Type: Money
    Maximum Field Length:
    26 characters
    The negative revenue share amount from the previous month, if any. If the value for Net Revenue Share Amount in the previous month’s report was positive, this field will be zero.
    9 Net Revenue Share Credit or Debit Type: Text
    Maximum Field Length:
    2 characters
    Whether the net revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    10 Net Revenue Share Amount Type: Money
    Maximum Field Length:
    26 characters
    The net revenue share amount is the total revenue share amount minus the adjustment amount. If this value is negative, the adjustment will be reflected as the adjustment amount on the next month’s report.
    11 Report Record Count Type: Number
    Maximum Field Length:
    no limit
    Total number of section body records in the entire report.

    Report Record Count Data

    Report record count data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal "RC"
    2 Row Count Type: Number The number of body data rows in the report (used for reconciliation). Note that the report may span multiple files.

    File Data

    This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the file header and file footer records.

    File Header Data

    File header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal FH
    2 File Count Type: Number The sequence number of the file in the report (used for reconciliation). Note that the report may span multiple files.

    File footer data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal FH
    2 Row Count Type: Number The number of body data rows in the file (used for reconciliation). Note that the report may span multiple files.

    Section Data

    This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the section header, section footer, and section record count records.

    Section Header Data

    All section header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted. Because the Revenue Share Report contains only one section, the report contains only a single section header record, located in the first file of the report.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal SH
    2 Reporting Period Start Date Type: date/time The date time that represents the beginning time period of the report in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset where:
    YYYY is the four-digit year.
    MM is two-digit month of the year
    DD is the two-digit day of the month.
    HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
    MM is minutes.
    SS is seconds.
    offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT.
    For example, +0800.
    3 Reporting Period End Date Type: date/time The date time that represents the ending time period of the report in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset where:
    YYYY is the four-digit year.
    MM is two-digit month of the year
    DD is the two-digit day of the month.
    HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
    MM is minutes.
    SS is seconds.
    offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
    4 Account ID Type: Text Encrypted account number generated by PayPal

    Section Body Data

    The records in the Section Body are preceded by a single line of literal column headings that identify the fields in the records that follow. The column heading line is identified by the line type identifier CH.

    The Section Body fields are on a single row for each merchant. The data elements are separated by the report recipient’s desired field delimiter.

    Position Field Name Data Characteristics Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal SB
    2 Merchant Name Type: Text
    Unique: Yes
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 26 characters
    Name of the merchant
    3 PayPal Account ID Type: Text
    Unique: Yes
    Blanks: Yes
    Maximum Field Length: 19 characters
    PayPal-encrypted account of number for the merchant.
    4 Country Code Type: Text
    Unique: No
    Blanks: Yes
    Maximum Field Length: 64 characters
    Country in which the merchant has his business or Merchant Business address country
    5 Revenue Share Tier Type: Text
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 3 characters
    A numeric value representing the tier to which revenue share tier percentage belongs.
    6 Revenue Share Percentage Type: Number
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 6 characters
    The revenue share percentage applied to each transaction.
    This field is calculated from the actual percentage by the following formula:
    10000 x (Percentage / 100)
    The following examples show the field calculation for 6.00% and 6.25%:
    10000 x (6.00 / 100) = 600
    10000 x (6.25 / 100) = 625
    7 Eligible TPV Credit or Debit Type: Text Maximum Field Length: 2 characters
    8 Eligible TPV Type: Money
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 26 characters
    Total eligible TPV for revenue share calculation. The net TPV is based on eligible transaction codes. See Transaction Event Codes for a list of eligible transaction codes.
    9 Eligible TPV Currency Type: Three-character currency code
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 3 characters
    The currency of the eligible TPV. See Appendix C for possible values.
    If the merchant has transactions in more than one currency, the report contains one section body entry for each currency.
    10 Transaction Count Type: Number
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 7 characters
    Number of transactions for the merchant during the specified reporting interval.
    Note Not all transactions are used to calculate revenue share. See Transaction Event Codes for a list of transaction codes are eligible for calculating revenue share.
    11 Revenue Share Credit or Debit Type: Text
    Maximum Field Length: 2 characters
    Whether the revenue share is a debit or credit, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    12 Revenue Share Type: Money
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 26 characters
    The amount of the revenue share payment to the partner for this merchant, which is calculated based on the revenue share percentage and net TPV.
    13 Revenue Share Currency Type: Three-character currency code
    Unique: No
    Blanks: No
    Maximum Field Length: 3 characters
    Currency of the revenue share payment. See Appendix C for possible values.

    Section footer data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Because the Revenue Share Report contains only one section, the report contains only one section footer record, which is located in the last file of the report.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal SF
    2 Currency Type: Three-character currency code Maximum Field Length: characters The currency of the Total Eligible TPV See Appendix C for possible values. Each currency with transactions in the report has a separate row in the report footer.
    3 Total Eligible TPV Credit or Debit Type: Text Maximum Field Length: 2 characters Whether the total revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    4 Total Eligible TPV Type: Money Maximum Field Length: 26 characters The sum of all total eligible TPV for revenue share calculations (in the specified currency). The net amount is based on eligible tranaction codes. See Appendix B, Transaction Event Codes, for a list of transaction codes.
    5 Total Revenue Share Credit or Debit Type: Text Maximum Field Length: 2 characters Whether the total revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    6 Total Revenue Share Amount Type: Money Maximum Field Length: 26 characters The total sum of revenue share for the partner (in the specified currency)
    7 Adjustment Amount Credit or Debit Type: Text Maximum Field Length: 2 characters Whether the adjustment amount is a debit or credit, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    8 Adjustment Amount Type: Money Maximum Field Length: 26 characters The negative revenue share amount from the previous month, if any. If the value for Net Revenue Share Amount in the previous month’s report was positive, this field will be zero.
    9 Net Revenue Share Credit or Debit Type: Text Maximum Field Length: 2 characters Whether the net revenue share is positive or negative, as one of two literal strings:
    CR: Credit
    DR: Debit
    10 Net Revenue Share Amount Type: Money Maximum Field Length: 26 characters The net revenue share amount is the total revenue share amount minus the adjustment amount. If this value is negative, the adjustment will be reflected as the adjustment amount on the next month’s report.
    11 Report Record Count Type: Number Maximum Field Length: no limit Total number of section body records in the entire report.

    Section Record Count Data

    Section record count data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column Name Data Type Data Description
    1 Column Type Type: Literal SC
    2 Row Count Type: Number The number of body data rows in the section (used for reconciliation)

    Sample Revenue Share Report

    The following is a sample report for multiple accounts.

    File 1

      1RH,2/5/2008 16:16,A,JSJ5M26UK6PNE,2
      3SH,1/1/2008 0:00,1/31/2008 23:59,JSJ5M26UK6PNE
      4CH,Merchant Name,PayPal Account ID, Country Code, Revenue Share
      5Tier,Revenue Share Percentage,Eligible TPV Credit or Debit,Eligible
      6TPV,Eligible TPV Currency,Transaction Count,Revenue Share Credit or
      7Debit,Revenue Share,Revenue Share Currency
      8SB,Golden Reef Scuba,KDS9456NF843D,US,3,600,CR,947532,USD,38,CR,56851,USD
      9SB,Paris Marriage,U582HD64KS64J,US,1,200,CR,58433,USD,83,CR,1168,USD
      10SB,General Merchant,JU340HD63G621,US,5,1000,CR,302848,USD,153,CR,30284,USD
      11SB,Good Food Catering,JD643C84K6XE6,US,3,600,CR,84758,USD,34,CR,5085,USD
      12SB,Dick Sporting,S95C0537BN932,US,4,800,CR,83454,USD,32,CR,6676,USD
      13SB,Juicy Treats,NK3DYIU9V043D,US,2,400,CR,375774,USD,74,CR,15030,USD
      14SB,Honeymoon Travels,K94MC438MVSG4,US,1,200,CR,486377,USD,38,CR,9727,USD
      17SB,Exciting Gifts For You,JMV94E9FS0578,US,5,1000,CR,7354,USD,24,CR,735,USD
      19SB,Gentleman Dress Shop,840DNG0HNMJ86,US,3,600,CR,45333,USD,25,CR,2719,USD

      File 2

        2SB,Good Food Catering,JD643C84K6XE6,US,3,600,CR,84758,USD,34,CR,5085,USD
        3SB,Dick Sporting,S95C0537BN932,US,4,800,CR,83454,USD,32,CR,6676,USD
        4SB,Juicy Treats,NK3DYIU9V043D,US,2,400,CR,375774,USD,74,CR,15030,USD
        5SB,Honeymoon Travels,K94MC438MVSG4,US,1,200,CR,486377,USD,38,CR,9727,USD
        8SB,Exciting Gifts For You,JMV94E9FS0578,US,5,1000,CR,7354,USD,24,CR,735,USD

        Transaction Event Codes

        Transaction event codes (or T-codes) are five characters long:

        • The capital letter T followed by a two-digit general accounting event group.
        • A two-digit specific event type code.

        The second and third character of the T-code group are sufficient for reconciliation and report parsing.

        The Rev Share column identifies whether events associated with each T-code are used in the calculation of revenue share, and whether that calculation is a credit (CR) or debit (DR). Tcodes that have neither a CR or DR entry are not used for revenue share calculation.

        Note that any event can be either a Credit (CR), or Debit (DR) based on the direction of the payment relative to the subject of the payment. For example, an Express Checkout event (T0006) is recorded as a CR in the case where the subject is a seller (receiving funds for a payment) and as a DR in the case where the subject is a buyer (sending funds for a payment).

        T-Code Group Rev Share Specific T-Code Description Example Transaction or Comment
        T00xx PayPal Account to PayPal Account Payment
        CR T0000 General: received payment of a type not belonging to the other T00xx categories Send Money
        T0001 MassPay Payment
        CR T0002 Subscription Payment, either payment sent or payment received
        CR T0003 Preapproved Payment (BillUser API), either sent or received
        CR T0004 eBay Auction Payment
        CR T0005 Direct Payment API
        CR T0006 Express Checkout APIs
        CR T0007 Website Payments Standard Payment
        T0008 Postage payment to carrier.
        CR T0009 Gift Certificate Payment: purchase of Gift Certificate
        CR T0010 3rd Party Auction Payment
        CR T0011 Mobile Payment (made via a mobile phone)
        CR T0012 Virtual Terminal Payment
        T0013 Donation Payment
        T0014 Rebate Payments
        T0015 Third Party Payout
        T0016 Third Party Recoupment
        T0017 Store to Store Transfers
        T0018 PayPal Here Payment
        T01xx Non-Payment-Related Fees
        T0100 General non-payment fee of a type not belonging to the other T01xx categories
        T0101 Website Payments Pro Account Monthly Fee
        T0102 Foreign Bank Withdrawal Fee
        T0103 WorldLink Check Withdrawal Fee
        T0104 Mass Payment Batch Fee
        T0105 Check Withdrawal
        T0106 Chargeback Processing Fee Chargeback Processing/ Handling Fee charged against account which has received a chargeback for a previous transaction
        T0107 Payment Fee
        T0108 ATM Withdrawal
        T0109 Auto-sweep from account
        T0110 International Credit Card Withdrawal
        T0111 Warranty Fee for Warranty Purchase
        T0112 Gift Certificate Expiration Fee
        T0200 General Currency Conversion Transfer of funds from one currency balance to a different currency balance
        Withdrawal of funds from one currency balance that is covered by funds from a different currency balance
        T0201 User-initiated Currency Conversion
        T0202 Currency Conversion required to cover negative balance PayPal-system generated
        T03xx Bank Deposit into PayPal Account
        T0300 General Funding of PayPal Account Deposit to PayPal balance from a bank account
        T0301 PayPal Balance Manager Funding of PayPal Account PayPal-system generated
        T0302 ACH Funding for Funds Recovery from Account Balance
        T0303 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) (German banking)
        T04xx Bank Withdrawal from PayPal Account
        T0400 General Withdrawal from PayPal Account Settlement Withdrawal or user-initiated
        T0401 AutoSweep
        T05xx Debit Card
        T0500 General PayPal Debit Card Transaction Requires a PayPal debit card associated with the PayPal account
        T0501 Virtual PayPal Debit Card Transaction
        T0502 PayPal Debit Card Withdrawal to ATM
        T0503 Hidden Virtual PayPal Debit Card Transaction
        T0504 PayPal Debit Card Cash Advance
        T0505 PayPal Debit Authorization
        T06xx Credit Card Withdrawal
        T0600 General Credit Card Withdrawal Reversal of purchase with a credit card. Seen only in PayPal account of the credit card owner.
        T07xx Credit Card Deposit
        T0700 General Credit Card Deposit Purchase with a credit card
        T0701 Credit Card Deposit for Negative PayPal Account Balance
        T08xx Bonus
        T0800 General bonus of a type not belonging to the other T08xx categories
        T0801 Debit Card Cash Back Bonus Requires a PayPal debit card associated with the PayPal account
        T0802 Merchant Referral Account Bonus Must have created a Merchant Referral Bonus link
        T0807 Credit Card Security Charge Refund
        T09xx Incentive
        T0900 General Incentive/Certificate Redemption
        T0901 Gift Certificate Redemption
        T0903 Coupon Redemption
        T0904 eBay Loyalty Incentive
        T0905 Offers used as funding source
        T11xx Reversal
        DR T1100 General reversal of a type not belonging to the other T11xx categories
        T1101 Reversal of ACH Withdrawal Transaction Reversal of a withdrawal from PayPal balance to a bank account
        T1102 Reversal of Debit Card Transaction Reversal of a debit card payment. Requires a PayPal debit card
        T1104 Reversal of ACH Deposit
        T1105 Reversal of General Account Hold
        DR T1106 Payment Reversal, initiated by PayPal Completion of a chargeback
        DR T1107 Payment Refund, initiated by merchant
        T1108 Fee Reversal
        T1110 Hold for Dispute Investigation (cf. T15xx) To cover possible chargeback
        T1111 Cancellation of Hold for Dispute Resolution Cancellation of temporary hold to cover possible chargeback
        T1113 Non-Reference Credit Payment
        T1114 MassPay Reversal Transaction
        T1115 MassPay Refund Transaction
        T1116 Instant Payment Review (IPR) Reversal
        T1117 Rebate/Cashback Reversal
        T12xx Adjustment
        DR T1200 General Account Adjustment
        DR T1201 Chargeback
        TT1202 Chargeback Reversal
        TT1203 Charge-off Adjustment
        TT1205 Reimbursement of Chargeback
        T1207 Chargeback Representment Rejection Adjustment to PayPal Account for Reversal of payment based on rejection of the representment for a chargeback in the PayPal system
        T1208 Chargeback Cancellation Adjustment to PayPal Account for Reversal of chargeback reversal based on cancellation of a chargeback in the PayPal system
        T13xx Authorization
        NOTE: Appears only in Transaction Detail Report, not Settlement Report.
        T1300 General Authorization
        T1301 Reauthorization
        T1302 Void of Authorization
        T14xx Dividend
        T1400 General Dividend
        T15xx Hold for Dispute or Other Investigation
        T1500 General temporary hold of a type not belonging to the other T15xx categories
        T1501 Account Hold for Open Authorization
        T1502 Account Hold for ACH Deposit
        T1503 Temp Hold - Hold on available balance
        T16xx Buyer Credit Deposit
        T1600 PayPal Buyer Credit Payment Funding Must have signed up for Buyer Credit
        T1601 BML Credit - Transfer from BML
        T17xx Non-Bank Withdrawal
        T1700 General Withdrawal to Non-Bank Institution
        T1701 WorldLink Withdrawal
        T18xx Buyer Credit Withdrawal
        T1800 General Buyer Credit Payment Must have signed up for Buyer Credit
        T1801 BML Withdrawal - Transfer to BML
        T19xx Account Correction
        T1900 General Adjustment without business-related event
        T20xx Funds Transfer from PayPal Account to Another
        T2001 Settlement Consolidation
        T21xx Reserves and Releases
        T2103 Reserve Hold PayPal is holding x% of funds for y days as a condition for processing for you. This amount is part of your total balance, and will not be available for withdrawal.
        T2104 Reserve Release A reserve, when released, is now available for withdrawal.
        T2105 Payment Review Hold A payment review hold is used to protect you against unauthorized fraud loss and for seller protection. While a transaction is on payment review hold, we recommend that you do not ship the item. We are reviewing this transaction for up to 24 hours.
        T2106 Payment Review Release A payment review hold, when released, is now available for withdrawal.
        T2107 Payment Hold Payment holds are funds that belong to you that we set aside, such as security deposit. This amount is part of your total balance, and will not be available for withdrawal.
        T2108 Payment Hold Release A payment hold, when released, is now available for withdrawal.
        T2109 Gift Certificate Purchase When a gift certificate is purchased by your buyer, then that amount is placed on hold.
        T2110 Gift Certificate Redemption A gift certificate, when redeemed, is available for withdrawal.
        T2111 Funds not yet available While you establish a successful sales history on eBay, funds from eBay sales are usually available in 21 days or less, based on how you ship the order. You may get your funds faster if you print your shipping labels on eBay or PayPal, upload tracking information, or mark the item as Shipped on eBay. If your buyer reports a problem with the sale, it may take longer to get your funds.
        T2112 Funds available These funds are available for use.
        T22xx Transfers
        T2201 Transfer to and from a credit card funded restricted balance.
        T97xx Payables & Receivables
        T9700 Account Receivable for Shipping
        T9701 Funds Payable Funds provided by PayPal that need to be paid back.
        T9702 Funds Receivable Funds provided by PayPal that are being paid back.

        PayPal-supported currencies

        For a list of currencies supported for use with payments and as currency balances, see PayPal-supported currencies.

        See also

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