Transaction Detail Report Specification

DocsCurrentLast updated: December 12th 2023, @ 9:31:44 am

The Transaction Detail Report is for use by any merchant or payment processing partner. The Transaction Detail Report gives merchants and processing partners detailed information about each transaction occurring in the account, whether they affect the balance or not.

The report also summarizes total debits and credits for each currency held by the accounts.

The report provides details on individual payments made for any single day within the past 45 days. The Transaction Detail Report is available through PayPal’s website or the Secure Dropbox, which is defined and described in the Secure FTP Server Specification.

Know before you begin

  • You must be an approved merchant to use this report. Contact your PayPal account manager to request access to this report.
  • This report is generated and placed on SFTP on a 24-hour basis. The report format is CSV (comma-separated value).
  • This report includes alternative payment methods (APMs). See the list of supported APMs.
  • Money amount fields are unsigned, with no currency symbol, decimal separator, or other punctuation. Amounts should be interpreted by the debit or credit column to ensure that the right direction of the amount is recorded. For instance, 100,00 yen and $100.00 USD are both represented as 10000.
  • The character encoding of this report is UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format).
  • Regardless of the field delimiter of the report, all fields of type varchar are surrounded with double quotation marks. Double quotation marks inside the field are represented as two double quotation marks in succession.
  • Some fields can contain spaces. In the descriptions of fields, this is indicated with the words: Blanks: Yes.
  • See PayPal Supported Currencies for a list of all ISO-4217 currency codes that PayPal supports for use with payments and balances.

Creating a secure Dropbox user

Account owners must generate their own usernames for the Secure Dropbox at

Schedule, distribution, archiving, and versioning

The Transaction Detail Report is generated and put on PayPal's website and the Secure Dropbox by no later than 12:00PM daily in the leading timezone of the reporting window. The report is available on the Secure FTP Server in the /ppreports/outgoingdirectory. See Access SFTP reports for instructions.

Report file name

The filename naming convention depends on whether or not you are using Multiple Account Management.

Single account report

The filename of the Transaction Detail Report for a single account follows this naming convention: TRR-yyyymmdd.sequenceNumber.version.format

TRRAn abbreviation for Transaction Detail Report.
yyyymmddThe date on the data in the report. This date stamp represents the latest, or ending date, of the data.
sequenceNumberThe sequence number of this file. Two characters, right-justified and zerofilled. The sequence number begins with 01 and continues until all parts are recorded in files. The sequence number is always present in the report file name even if there is only one file.
versionThe version of the report. Three characters, right-justified and zero-filled.
formatOne of the following:
  • CSV: a comma-separated value file
  • TAB: a tab-delimited-field file

Multiple account report

When using Multiple Account Management, the filename of the Transaction Detail Report follows this naming convention: TRR-yyyymmdd.reportingWindow.sequenceNumber.totalFiles.version.format

TRRAn abbreviation for Transaction Detail Report.
yyyymmddThe date on the data in the report. This date stamp represents the latest, or ending date, of the data.
reportingWindowThe window of time when the report was generated, as follows:
  • A–America/New York to America/Los Angeles
  • H–America/Los Angeles to Asia/Hong Kong
  • R–Asia/Hong Kong to Europe/London
  • X–Europe/London to America/New York
sequenceNumberTThe sequence number of this file. Two characters, right-justified and zero-filled. The sequence number begins with 01 and continues until all parts are recorded in files. The sequence number is always present in the report file name even if there is only one file.
totalFilesThe total number of files of the report for this date. The number of files is always two digits and zero-padded. For example, for 2 total files, totalFiles is 02.
versionThe version of the report. Three characters, right-justified and zero-filled.
formatis one of the following:
  • CSV: a comma-separated value file
  • TAB: a tab-delimited-field file


The Transaction Detail Report will be available in the Secure Dropbox for 45 days after its delivery.


The Transaction Detail Report will support multiple versions in the future. PayPal will communicate the creation of any new version as well as any deprecation of older versions. Users who wish to take advantage of new versions will be able to receive two versions of the same report concurrently for the purposes of testing and integration. Users will also be able to receive nonconsecutive versions of the same report concurrently for the purposes of testing and integration. Users will need to contact their account manager to enable different versions and request any changes in report distribution.

Report format

Character encoding: UTF-8

The report’s character encoding is UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format). Note: Any report encoded with UTF-8 files will have the BOM (Byte Order Mark) character in the beginning of the report.

Field characteristics

Fields in lines and records can be separated by one of two delimiters, as specified by the report recipient when signing up for the report:

  • Comma
  • Tab

Money fields

Money amount fields are unsigned, with no currency symbol, decimal separator, or other punctuation. Amounts should be interpreted by the debit or credit column to ensure that the right direction of the amount is recorded. Moreover, the amounts provided for shipping amount, tax amount and insurance amount should always be considered to be the direction of the gross transaction amount.

Internal punctuation in fields

Regardless of the field delimiter of the report, all fields of type varchar are surrounded with double quotation marks. Double quotation marks inside the field are represented astwo double quotation marks in succession.

Spaces or blanks

Some fields can contain spaces. In the descriptions of fields, this is indicated with the words: Blanks: Yes

File structure

The report can be delivered as either a comma-separated values or tab-delimited file. This section describes the structure of the data file. A report file can contain a maximum of 1 million records. If the report contains more than 1 million records, the report is split across multiple files. The report is also organized by section, where each section represents a single PayPal account. If you are not using PayPal Multiple Account Management, the report contains only a single section.

Report row types

Each row of the report consists of a two letter row type, followed by the details specific to that row type.

RHReport headerReport Header Data
FHFile headerFile Header Data
SHSection headerSection Header Data
CHColumn headerSection Body Data
SBRow dataSection Body Data
SFSection footerSection Footer Data
SCSection record countSection Record Count Data
RFReport footerReport Footer Data
RCReport record countReport Record Count Data
FFFile footerFile Footer Data

A report file with fewer than 1 million records (a single file) with only one section is organized as follows:

Report Header (RH)
File Header (FH)
Section Header (SH)
Column Header (CH)
Row Data (SB)
Row Data (SB)
Section Footer (SF)
Section Record Count (SC)
Report Footer (RF)
Report Record Count (RC)
File Footer (FF)

Note: The FH, SC, RC, and RF rows are not available in the Transaction Detail Report, version 001.

For report files that are split over multiple files, only the first file has a report header record and only the last file has a report footer and a report record count record. A report with two sections split over two files might be organized as follows:

File 1File 2
Report Header (RH)
File Header (FH)
Section Header (SH)
Column Header (CH)
Row Data (SB)
Row Data (SB)
Section Footer (SF)
Section Record Count (SC)
Section Header (SH)
Column Header (CH)
Row Data (SB)
File Footer (FF)
File Header (FH)
Row Data (SB)
Row Data (SB)
Section Footer (SF)
Section Record Count (SC)
Report Footer (RF)
Report Record Count (RC)
File Footer (FF)

Report data

This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the report header, report footer, and report record count records.

Note: If the report is split over multiple files, only the last file contains the report footer and report record count records.

Report header data

Report header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

PositionColumn NameData TypeData Description
1Column TypeType: LiteralRH
2Report Generation DateType: date/timeThe date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format:YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset where:
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is two-digit month of the year
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
  • HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
  • MM is minutes.
  • SS is seconds.
  • offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
3Reporting WindowType: VarcharThe window of time when the report was generated, as follows:
  • A: America/New York to America/Los Angeles
  • H: America/Los Angeles to Asia/Hong Kong
  • R: Asia/Hong Kong to Europe/London
  • X: Europe/London to America/New York
4Account IDType: VarcharAccount number receiving the report (Payer ID – encrypted hash of PayPal account)
5Report VersionType: VarcharThe version of the report.

Report footer data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

PositionColumn NameData TypeDescription
1Column TypeType: LiteralRF
2Row CountType: NumberThe number of body data rows in the report (used for reconciliation). Note that the report may span multiple files.

Report record count data

Report record count data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

PositionColumn NameData TypeDescription
1Column TypeType: LiteralRC
2Row CountType: NumberThe number of body data rows in the report (used for reconciliation). Note that the report may span multiple files.

File data

This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the file header, file footer, and file record count records.

Note: Each file in the report has a file header and a file footer, even if the number of files in the report is one.

File header data

File header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

PositionColumn NameData TypeDescription
1Column TypeType: LiteralFH
2File CountType: NumberThe sequence number of the file in the report (used for reconciliation).

File footer data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

PositionColumn NameData TypeDescription
1Column TypeType: LiteralFF
2Row CountType: NumberThe number of body data rows in the file (used for reconciliation).

Section data

This section details the columns and related data that is delivered in the section header, section footer, and section record count records.

Note: If you are not using Multiple Account Management, the report contains only one section.

Section header data

All section header data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

Position Column name Data type Description
1 Column Type Literal "SH"
2 Reporting period start date Date/time The date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS offset, where offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT, such as +0800. YYYY is the four-digit year. MM is the two-digit month of the year. DD is the two-digit day of the month. HH is the hour in 24-hour notation. MM is minutes. SS is seconds.
3 Reporting period end date Date/time The date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS offset, where offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT, such as +0800. YYYY is the four-digit year. MM is the two-digit month of the year. DD is the two-digit day of the month. HH is the hour in 24-hour notation. MM is minutes. SS is seconds.
4 Account ID Varchar Account number generated by PayPal
5 Partner Account ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
The partner’s account ID for the merchant. This is the value passed by the partner in the <PartnerMerchantExternalID> tag of the multiple account management batch input file. See Multiple Account Management for more information.

Section body data

Body data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted. Before any rows of body data in the report, a column header row lists the name of each of the fields in each body data row. The column header column starts with CH, followed by the Column Name for each body data field (except for the column type field).

Note: For transactions with disputes associated with them, claimant information is displayed only in the dispute report. It is not included in the settlement report or the transaction detail report.

Position Field name Data Characteristics Description
1 Column Type Literal "SB"
2 Transaction ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: Yes
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 24 characters
Transaction ID of the money moving event. This ID is generated by PayPal exclusively and cannot be altered by merchant.
3 Invoice ID
  • Type: Text
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Invoice ID set by merchant with transaction. Uniqueness can be enforced by PayPal when the transaction is created. If an invoice ID was sent with the capture request, this value is reported here. However, if no invoice ID was sent with the capture request, the value of the invoice ID (if any) from the authorizing transaction is reported here.
4 PayPal Reference ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: Yes
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 24 characters
A PayPal reference ID is defined as a related, pre-existing transaction or event. See Reference IDs.
5 PayPal Reference ID Type
  • Type: Text
  • Unique: Yes
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 3 characters
One of the following 3-character codes:
  • ODR: Order ID
  • TXN: Transaction ID
  • SUB: Subscription ID
  • PAP: Preapproved Payment ID
Refer to the documentation for each of these types for a description of the length and data type of the PayPal Reference ID field.
6 Transaction Event Code
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 5 characters
Transaction event type or T-Code. See T-Codes.
7 Transaction Initiation Date
  • Type: Date/Time
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
Date and time the transaction was initiated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset. Where:
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is two-digit month of the year.
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
  • HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
  • MM is minutes.
  • SS is seconds.
  • offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
8 Transaction Completion Date
  • Type: Date/Time
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
Date and time the transaction was completed, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset. Where:
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is two-digit month of the year.
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
  • HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
  • MM is minutes.
  • SS is seconds.
  • offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
9 Transaction Debit or Credit
  • Type: Date/Time
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
Direction of money movement of gross amount, as one of two literal strings:
  • CR: Credit
  • DR: Debit
10 Gross Transaction Amount
  • Type: Currency/Money
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 26 characters
The amount of the payment—before fees—between the two parties. This field contains the gross transaction value for all transactions. There are handling fees and other non-transactional fees that will be reported as gross amounts without fees reported in the fee column. See T-Codes.
11 Gross Transaction Currency
  • Type: Three-character currency code
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 3 characters
Currency of transaction. See PayPal Supported Currencies.
12 Fee Debit or Credit
  • Type: Char
  • Unique: Yes
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 2 characters
Direction of money-movement for fee, as one of two literal strings:
  • CR: Credit
  • DR: Debit
13 Fee Amount
  • Type: Number
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 26 characters
The record of fees associated with the settlement. All transactional fees are included in this amount. Fees are never amortized across several transactions. This field contains the fee amount value for all transactions where a transactional fee has been processed. There are handling fees and other non-transactional fees that will bereported as gross amounts without fees reported in the fee column. See T-Codes.
14 Fee Currency
  • Type: Char
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 3 characters
Currency of fees. See PayPal Supported Currencies.
15 Transactional Status
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 1 character
A one-character code indicating the transaction status. Possible values are:
  • S: Transaction Successfully Completed. Returned when the transaction has completed without a denial and after any pending statuses.
  • D: Transaction Denied. Returned when a created transaction is denied based on any PayPal or merchant rules for transaction acceptance or denial.
  • P: Transaction Pending. Returned when a created transaction is waiting on another payment process to complete before changing status to Success (such as an ACH transaction).
  • V: Transaction Reversed. Returned when a transaction that has previously successfully completed is reversed and funds are reverted to the original sender.
  • F: Transaction Partially Refunded. Returned when the transaction has been partially refunded by the original recipient. Status of Reversed (V) will be returned if the transaction is completely refunded.
16 Insurance Amount
  • Type: Currency/Money
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
The insurance amount reported by either PayPal or the merchant for the transaction
17 Sales Tax Amount
  • Type: Currency/Money
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
The salestax amount reported by either PayPal or the merchant for the transaction.
18 Shipping Amount
  • Type: Currency/Money
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 25 characters
The shipping amount reported by either PayPal or the merchant for the transaction.
19 Transaction Subject
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 256 characters
Subject of payment as passed through by the Payer to the Payee. This data is controlled by the payer exclusively in the interfaces through which it is sent.
The transaction subject is a pass-through of data from the buyer to the merchant. Merchants should make sure to understand how they would like to share special requests, comments, or needs from the customers. It is not recommended to use this field for any special purpose.
20 Transaction Note
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 4000 characters
Special note of payment as passed through by the Payer to the Payee. This data is controlled by the payer exclusively in the interfaces through which it is sent.
The transaction note is the memo or note variable, a pass-through of data from the buyer to the merchant. Merchants should make sure to understand how they would like to share special requests, comments, or needs from the customers. This field might contain special customer requests, such as shipping instructions. Merchants are encouraged to direct their customers to the best interface for sharing this data during the purchase process.
21 Payer’s Account ID
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
The email address of the payer in the payment transaction. If there is no payer, this value is blank.
22 Payer Address Status
  • Type: Char
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 1 character
Whether the counterparty’s shipping address is confirmed. One of two possible values: Y or N
23 Item Name
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Specified by buyer in the website Auction/Item Title field. Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields (item_name or item_name_x):
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Item Name
  • Buy Now Item Name
  • Donations Item Name
  • Subscriptions Name
24 Item ID
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Specified by buyer in the website Auction/Item Title field. Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields (item_number or item_number_x):
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Item Name
  • Buy Now Item Name
  • Donations Item Name
  • Subscriptions Name
25 Option 1 Name
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 64 characters
Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields (on0 or on0_x):
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Option 1 Name
  • Buy Now Option 1 Name
  • Subscription Option 1 Name
26 Option 1 Value
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 200 characters
Entered by buyer in any of the following website fields:
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Option 1 Value
  • Buy Now Option 1 Value
  • Subscription Option 1 Value

Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields:
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Value 1 Choices
  • Buy Now Value 1 Choices
  • Subscription Value 1 Choices
27 Option 2 Name
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 64 characters
Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields:
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Option 2 Name
  • Buy Now Option 2 Name
  • Subscription Option 2 Name
28 Option 2 Value
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 200 characters
Entered by buyer in any of the following website fields:
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Option 2 Value
  • Buy Now Option 2 Value
  • Subscription Option 2 Value

Specified by seller in any of the following button creation fields:
  • PayPal Shopping Cart Value 2 Choices
  • Buy Now Value 2 Choices
  • Subscription Value 2 Choices
29 Auction Site
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 255 characters
Name of Auction Site:
  • eBay
  • Yahoo! Auctions
  • Amazon.comAuctions
  • MSN Auctions
  • BidVille
  • Other
30 Auction Buyer ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 255 characters
The ID of the buyer making the purchase in the auction. This ID can be different from the payer ID provided for the payment.
31 Auction Closing Date
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 100 characters
Closing date of eBay Auction Item. Reported only for eBay Auction Items.
32 Shipping Address Line 1
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street address information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-street information in this field.
33 Shipping Address Line 2
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street address information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-street information in this field.
34 Shipping Address City
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
City information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-city information in this field.
35 Shipping Address State
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
State, province, or territory of shipping address as specified by the payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the purchaser. Merchants should be aware that international addresses may contain non-state information in this field. For example, the purchase might provide a prefecture name or leave the field blank if there is no state equivalent.
36 Shipping Address Zip
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 60 characters
Postal code of shipping address as specified by the payer.
37 Shipping Address Country
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 64 characters
Country of shipping address as specified by the payer.
38 Shipping Method
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 10 characters
Shipping method associated with this order.
39 Custom Field
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 256 characters
Custom text set by the merchant with the transaction. Reserved exclusively for merchant use. The custom field differs from the Invoice ID in that the custom field does not have any uniqueness restrictions, but by this same token is not searchable with PayPal search tools.
In the Transaction Detail Report, this field can include the unique ID of payments made with Mass Payment.
40 Billing Address Line 1
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street Address information of billing address of the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomerrequest. Otherwise, this field is blank.
41 Billing Address Line 2
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street Address information of billing address of the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomer request. Otherwise, this field is blank.
42 Billing Address City
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
City information of billing address of the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomer request. Otherwise, this field is blank.
43 Billing Address State
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
State, province, or territory of billing address of the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomer request. Otherwise, this field is blank.
44 Billing Address Zip
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 60 characters
Postal code of billing address of the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomer request. Otherwise, this field is blank.
45 Billing Address Country
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 64 characters
State, province, or territory of billing address as specified by the payer. This information is provided only if the merchant is authorized to receive the merchant address and has set the REQBILLINGADDRESS field in the either SetExpressCheckout or SetBillingAddressCustomer request. Otherwise, this field is blank.
46 Consumer ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 127 characters
The consumer’s account number generated by PayPal (encrypted hash of the PayPal account number).
47 Consumer Given Name
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Consumer’s given name (first name) as recorded in their PayPal account.
48 Consumer Family Name
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Consumer’s given name (last name) as recorded in their PayPal account.
49 Consumer Business Name
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Consumer’s business name as recorded in their PayPal account. Business name is included in the TDR as applicable.
50 Card Type
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 30 characters
Card used in the transaction. Possible values:
  • VISA
  • AMEX
  • SOLO
  • GE
  • JCB
51 Payment Source
  • Type: Number
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 50 characters
Payer's payment source. Possible values:
  • PayPal
  • Others
  • Direct Credit Card
  • Express Checkout
  • Virtual Terminal
  • PayPal Funds
  • Instant Transfer
  • Instant
  • Non-Instant
  • eCheck
  • Credit Card
  • Electronic Funds Transfer
  • Direct Debit
  • Buyer Credit
  • PayPal Pay Later
  • Plus Card
  • eBay Mastercard
  • PayPal Credit
  • Virtual Terminal Transaction
  • Payment with giropay
  • PayPal Credit
  • Debit Card
  • Venmo
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Network Token
  • Pay Upon Invoice
  • Supported APMs
52 Shipping Name
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 130 characters
The name of the person to whom the item was shipped.
53 Authorization Review Status
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 2 characters
Indicates the current status of the transaction and whether it is under review. If the transaction is not considered for review, then the value is blank. If it is under review, then the status is either Green or Yellow.
  • 01 - Green
  • 02 - Yellow
  • Blank
54 Protection Eligibility
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 2 characters
Indicates whether the transaction is eligible for protection.
  • 01 - Eligible
  • 02 - Not eligible
  • 03 - Partially eligible
55 Payment Tracking ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 127 characters
Unique ID specified by partners to obtain information about a payment or to request a refund.
56 Store ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 50 characters
ID of the store where the transaction occurred. This is applicable to Point of Sale transactions only.
57 Terminal ID
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 50 characters
ID of the terminal where the transaction occurred. This is applicable to Point of Sale transactions only.
58 Coupons
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 2048 characters
Information about all the coupons associated with the transaction. It contains delimited information about one or more store credits and coupons. Each individual item contains four pipe-delimited parts of information:
  • Incentive code (offers or coupon)
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Campaign ID (associated with store offer or coupon)
For example, for a USD $20 store offer with offer code 1234 and Campaign ID ABCD, the delimited information will be: 1234|2000|USD|ABCD This is applicable for Point of Sale transactions only.
59 Special Offers
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: No
  • Max Length: 2048 characters
Information about all the store credits associated with the transaction. It contains delimited information about one or more store credits and coupons. Each individual item contains four pipe-delimited parts of information:
  • Incentive code (offers or coupon)
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Campaign ID (associated with store offer or coupon)
For example, for a USD $20 store offer with offer code 1234 and Campaign ID ABCD, the delimited information will be: 1234|2000|USD|ABCD This is applicable for Point of Sale transactions only.
60 Loyalty Card Number
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 100 characters
Customer’s loyalty card provided to merchant. This is applicable for Point of Sale transactions only.
61 Checkout Type
  • Type: String
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 1 character
Type of transactions.
  • F = Forced Post transactions
  • S = Single Call Checkout transactions
62 Secondary Shipping Address Line1
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street address information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-street information in this field.
63 Secondary Shipping Address Line2
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 300 characters
Street address information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-street information in this field.
64 Secondary Shipping Address City
  • Type: Alphanumeric
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
City information of shipping address as specified by payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the payer. Merchants should be aware that international addresses might contain non-city information in this field.
65 Secondary Shipping Address State
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 120 characters
State, province, or territory ofshipping address as specified by the payer. This information is a pass-through of what was provided by the purchaser. Merchants should be aware that international addresses may contain non-state information in this field. For example, the purchase might provide a prefecture name or leave the field blank if there is no state equivalent.
66 Secondary Shipping Address Country
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 64 characters
Country of shipping address as specified by the payer.
67 Secondary Shipping Address Zip
  • Type: Varchar
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 32 characters
Postal code of shipping address as specified by the payer.
68 3PL Reference ID
  • Type: String
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • Max Length: 32 characters
Reference ID of the 3rd party logistics partner.
69 Gift Card ID
  • Type: String
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
This field is deprecated. Represents the Gift Card used by consumer as funding instrument of the transactions:
70 Payment Source Subtype
  • Type: String
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
Payer’s payment source subtype. Possible values:
  • VISA
  • AMEX
  • SOLO
  • GE
  • JCB
  • Pay Later Offer Types
  • Installment
For Wallets and Network token, Payment Source Subtype would show details of card type and card brand used to fund the transaction.
For example:
  • Credit Card-VISA
  • Debit Card-MASTERCARD
71 Decline Code
  • Type: String
  • Unique: No
  • Blanks: Yes
  • UDD SEPA Decline Codes
  • 72 Fastlane Checkout Transaction
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: No
    Indicates whether the transaction was checked out using fastlane accelerated checkout.

    Additional Fields

    These are additional fields user can get as part of report customisations & can work with Customer Service agent to get these if needed.

    Position Field name Data Characteristics Description
    1 Column Type Literal "SB"
    2 Original Invoice ID
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 200 characters
    The invoice ID of the original payment record. This ID helps users link and track all related transactions to the original parent transaction.
    3 Buyer Wallet
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 10 characters
    The text that identifies the company (PayPal or one of its subsidiaries) that processes the payment. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    4 Item Details
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 1024 characters
    The item details. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    5 Comment 1
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 1000 characters
    A note that accompanies a gateway transaction. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    6 Comment 2
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 10 characters
    The text that identifies the company (PayPal or one of its subsidiaries) that processes the payment. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    7 Invoice Number
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 200 characters
    The identifier of the invoice issued by the merchant. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    8 PO Number
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 200 characters
    The identifier of the manifest of goods bought from the merchant. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    9 Customer Reference Number
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 80 characters
    The identifier of the customer for a merchant. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    10 Payflow Transaction ID (PNREF)
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 80 characters
    The unique idenitifier for the gateway transaction. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    11 Transaction Buyer Country Code
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 45 characters
    The buyer country code. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    12 Receipt ID
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 19 characters
    The receipt identification number. 16-digit number in xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx format. It is not unique and can contain blanks.
    13 Tax ID
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 80 characters
    The buyer's taxpayer registry number. Avaiable for Brazil only. It is not unique and can have blanks.
    14 Contact Phone Number
    • Type: Numeric
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 22 characters
    The contact phone number. It is not unique and can contain blanks.
    15 Country Code
    • Type: Varchar
    • Unique: No
    • Blanks: Yes
    • Max Length: 64 characters
    The two letter country code of the shipping address. It is not unique and can have blanks.

    Section footer data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column name Data type Description
    1 Column Type Literal "SF"
    2 Row count NumberTotal number of section body records in this section. Max length: no limit.

    Section record count

    Section record count data exists in one row with each element being separated by the file delimiter. All report fields are non-blank unless otherwise noted.

    Position Column name Data type Description
    1 Column Type Literal "SC"
    2 Row count NumberTotal number of section body data rows in this section (used for reconciliation).

    Reference IDs

    Certain transaction types have a pre-existing or originating transaction or event from which they derive or to which they are related. These PayPal reference transactions or events have a unique PayPal reference ID.

    • 1:n relationship: A reference transaction or event always has a one-to-one relationship to a single referred transaction or event. Although one reference transaction can have multiple referred transactions, a referred transaction has only reference transaction.
    • Event: Reference transactions are only transactions that move money or are related to a future money movement, such as an order, an authorization, a subscription, or a preapproved payment
    Transaction TypeReference ID
    Settlement on AuthorizationOriginal Authorization
    Full RefundOriginating Settlement
    Partial RefundOriginating Settlement
    Settlement on ReauthorizationOriginating Settlement
    Completed Chargeback (Merchant Loss)Disputed Sale or Settlement
    Completed Buyer Complaint (Merchant Loss)Disputed Sale or Settlement
    Settlement AdjustmentSettlement or Sale Transaction
    ReimbursementSettlement or Sale Transaction
    ReversalOriginal Settlement
    Account CorrectionOriginal transaction against which correction was made

    Version history

    Publication dateVersionChanges
    October 202012Convertd this report specification from PDF to HTML.
    December 201911.1.1Added new T-Code designation – T0020: Tax Collected by Partner
    April 201911.1Updated file record limit from 150,000 to 1 million.
    July 201811.0GST Amount was converted to Sales Tax Amount.
    Called out deprecation of Gift Card ID field.
    June 201610.0.5Updated missing T-Codes and added UTF BOM note.
    September 201510.0.4Various content edits
    November 201210.0.3Added new T-code - T0018 (PayPal Here Payment)
    October 201210.0.2Added new column - 3PL Reference ID
    Updated sample report
    September 201210.0.1Changed file format to -TRR-yyyymmdd.sequenceNumber.version.format
    August 201210.0Added following T-codes:
    • T0017: store to store transfers
    • T0905: Offers as funding source

    Added the following fields:
    • Checkout Type
    • Coupons
    • Loyalty Card Number
    • Secondary Shipping Address City
    • Secondary Shipping Address Country
    • Secondary Shipping Address Line 1
    • Secondary Shipping Address Line 2
    • Secondary Shipping Address State
    • Secondary Shipping Address Zip
    • Special Offers
    • Store ID
    • Terminal ID

    Updated definition of T-code T0008.
    Updated doc version number to 10.
    Updated sample report to version 10.
    August 20128.0Updated field definitions for the following:
    • Auction Buyer ID
    • Auction Site
    • Billing Address Line1
    • Billing Address Line2
    • Billing Address Country
    • Billing Address Zip
    • Fee Amount
    • Fee Currency
    • Fee Debit or Credit
    • Payer's Account Id
    • Payer's Address Status
    • Payment Source
    • PayPal Reference ID
    • Protection Eligibility
    • Shipping Address Line1
    • Shipping Address Line2
    • Shipping Address Country
    • Shipping Address Zip
    • Shipping Method
    • Transaction ID
    • Transaction Note
    April 20128.0Updated maximum length of the following columns:
    • Shipping/Billing Address Line 1 - Max length 300 characters
    • Shipping/Billing Address Line 2 - Max length 300 characters
    • Shipping/Billing Address City - Max length 120 characters
    • Shipping/Billing Address State - Max length 120 characters
    • Shipping/Billing Address Zip - Max length 60 characters
    • Shipping/Billing Address Country - Max length 64 characters
    May 20118.0Added following T-codes:
    • T2111 - Funds not yet available
    • T2112 - Funds available
    November 20108.0Updated document version to 8.0.
    Changed character encoding form UTF -16 to UTF - 8.
    October 20107.0.6Added following T-codes:
    • T0015 - Third Party Payout
    • T0016 - Third Party Recoupment
    • T2201 - Transfer to and from a credit card funded restricted balance
    July 20107.0.5Added T1503 T-code.
    May 20107.0.4Added following T-codes:
    • T9701- Funds Payable
    • T9702- Funds Receivable
    January 20107.0.3Corrected information in the description of T2106
    Removed https from
    September 20097.0.2Added following T-codes:
    • T2103 - Reserve Hold
    • T2104 - Reserve Release
    • T2105 - Payment Review Hold
    • T2106 - Payment Review Release
    • T2107 - Payment Hold
    • T2108 - Payment Hold Release
    • T2109 - Gift Hold Release
    • T2110 - Gift Certificate Purchase
    • .
    August 20097.0.1Added following T-codes:
    • T1601- BML Credit
    • T1801- BML Withdrawal
    September 20087.0Added the following fields:
    • Authorization Review Status
    • Protection Eligibility

    Updated sample report.
    Added information about account correction transactions.
    Changed versioning convention in this document. Now the document version will reflect the version of the report.
    May 20086.0Added following columns:
    • Card Type
    • Payment Source
    • Shipping Name
    February 20085.0Added following columns:
    • Consumer ID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Consumer Business Name
    September 20074.0Added column for Shipping Method.
    July 20073.0Added following columns:
    • Billing Address Line 1
    • Billing Address Line 2
    • Billing Address City
    • Billing Address State
    • Billing Address Zip
    • Billing Address Country
    January 20072.0Added Column for PayPal Reference ID Type.
    August 20061.0Release of Transaction Detail Report

    See also