PayPal balance report


Last updated: Nov 7th, 11:27pm

Using the balance report, you can view:

  • Transactions that affect the settlement of funds in your accounts.
  • Cryptocurrency transactions that affect the crypto balance in your accounts.
  • A summary of beginning and ending balances for your accounts.
  • Daily balance changes.
  • Expected settlements in the next 24 hours.

The balance report is available through PayPal's website and the Secure FTP Server. For more information about using SFTP to access reports, see SFTP Reports.

How to use the PayPal balance report

Review the following table for information about how to use PayPal balance reports.

Use Cases Report Type Delivery Method Recon Guide
  • Reconciling payments received using PayPal with your order management system data.
  • Reconciling the specified period's payment activity, including sales, cryptocurrency transactions, refunds, disputes, fees, and withdrawals with the end-of-day PayPal balances.
  • Reconcile beginning and ending balances.
  • Understand payouts to your bank accounts.
  • Reconcile net billed fees.
Download a sample report
  • PayPal merchant portal web download
  • SFTP
Reports Reconciliation Guide
  • View a summary of the total payment activity for the specified period.
  • View a summary of balances categorized by transaction categories and payment type.
  • Reconcile net billed fees.
Download a sample report
  • PayPal merchant portal web download
Reports Reconciliation Guide

How to get the report

  • Subscribe to the report to have it delivered to your SFTP folder. Reach out to your account team to subscribe to SFTP delivery.
  • Generate and download the report from the PayPal portal.

Know before you begin

  • The report is only available in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
  • The report uses UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) character encoding.
  • Amounts in this report are expressed in major units of currency. For example: dollars for USD and yen for JPY. See PayPal Supported Currencies for a list of all ISO-4217 currency codes that PayPal supports for use with payments and balances.
  • Digital Currency Amounts in this report are expressed in cryptocurrency. See PayPal Supported Cryptocurrencies for a list of all cryptocurrency codes that PayPal supports.
  • Money refunded from your account is shown with a minus sign. For example, -1000 USD is shown as the refunded amount.
  • A single report file can contain a maximum of a million records. If the report contains more than a million records, the report is split across multiple files.
  • For reports that are split over multiple files, only the first file has a report header record. Only the last file has a report footer and a report record count.
  • The balance report is generated daily by 12:00 PM in the leading time zone of the reporting window. The report is available on the Secure FTP Server in the /ppreports/outgoingdirectory. For help with SFTP reports, see Access SFTP reports.

Report file name

The naming convention of the report filename is as follows: ABC1-6ABKUHNC34696-BTR_BALANCE_TRANSACTIONAL-REPORT-20220601-1-1-20220602000000.CSV. For more details about file naming convention, see the glossary.

Report Specifications

All merchant reports include the following sections:

  • Report Header
  • Report Summary
  • Report Details
  • Report Footer

Your report contains the following sections:

CSV Code Section Description Configurable
RH Report Header This section includes following information:
  • Report name: Name of the report. The default name is BALANCE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT for a transactional report and BALANCE_SUMMARY_REPORT for a summary report. If the name is customized, the report shows the custom name or the standard default name.
  • Report status: Success or Error.
  • Report generated: The date the report was generated.
  • Hierarchy: Encrypted account number for an account holding individual account in PayPal.
  • Time zone: Timezone of the report
RS Report Summary This section includes following information:
  • Merchant account ID: The encrypted account number of a merchant account for which the summary is being shared
  • Balance: Shows the beginning and ending balances of the user for the time period the report was generated.
  • Currency: The holding currencies and cryptocurrencies in the account.
  • Available: The available balance in the account which will be settled to your bank and the available crypto balance.
  • Withheld: Amount held by PayPal because of risk and compliance rules. After risk checks are cleared, the balance is available for you to withdraw. For cryptocurrency, withheld balances include both hold-on-sale and hold-on-transfer.
  • Total: Total amount in your account, including the available and withheld balances.
RD Report Details For balance transactional reports:
This section includes all transactions that impacted the balances shown in the summary section.

For balance summary reports:
This section includes an aggregated view of all transactions that contribute to the balances in the summary section.
RF Report Footer This section includes the following information:
  • File number: The current file number, which is part of the file naming convention.
  • Total records: The number of transactions included in the detail section in a specific file. This field is shown in the report only if there are transactional details.
  • Total files: Number of files generated for the report.

RH: Report Header

This applies for both the balance transactional report and the balance summary report:

Position Column name Optional/Required Data type Description
1 RH Required Static, 2 characters Indicates that this row of data contains report body data.
2 Report name Required Character varying (256) Name of the report. The default name is BALANCE_TRANSACTIONAL_REPORT for a transactional report and BALANCE_SUMMARY_REPORT for a summary report. If the name is customized, the report shows the custom name.
3 Report status Required Success/Error Report generation status.
4 Report generated Required YYYY-MM-DD The date and time when the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD where:
  • YYYY is the year.
  • MM is the month.
  • DD is the day.
5 Hierarchy Required Character varying (256) Encrypted PayPal account number for an account holding individual account in PayPal.
6 Time zone Required Character varying (256) Time zone of the report.

RS: Report Summary Section

Position Column name Optional/Required Data type Description
1 Account ID Required Character varying (256) Encrypted account number of the merchant.
2 Balance Required Numeric (23, 2) The beginning and ending balances for the day or the date range for which the report is generated.
The beginning balance for the next day is usually the ending balance for the previous day.
The ending balance is usually the opening balance and the sum of net amounts from transactions that happened during the day or a selected date range.
3 Currency Required Currency code
Max length: 5 characters
Currency of fee. See PayPal Supported Currencies and PayPal Supported Cryptocurrencies for possible values.
4 Available Required Numeric (23, 8) Amount held by PayPal because of risk and compliance rules. After risk checks are cleared, the balance is available for you to withdraw.
5 Withheld Required Numeric (23, 8) Amount held by PayPal because of risk and compliance rules. After risk checks are cleared, the balance is available for you to withdraw. For cryptocurrency, the withheld balances include both hold-on-sale and hold-on-transfer.
6 Total Required Numeric (23, 8) The sum of your available and withheld balances.

RD: Report Details

Balance Transaction Report

Report details for the balance transaction report:

Position Column name Optional/Required Data type Description
1 Record ID Required Character varying (256) Unique identifier for the transaction.
2 Related record ID Optional Character varying (256) Unique ID of a previous transaction referenced by this transaction. For example, refund transactions also contain the ID of the original sale transaction. Use the Original Record ID to track the history of transactions associated with the original sale.
3 Original record ID Optional Character varying (256) Unique ID of a previous transaction referenced by this transaction. For example, refund transactions also contain the ID of the original sale transaction.
4 Record type Required Character varying (256) Type of the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
5 Record subtype Optional Character varying (256) Subtype of the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
6 Merchant account ID Required Character varying (256) Encrypted account number of the merchant.
7 Partner identifier Optional Character varying (256) Partner Identifier
8 Invoice ID Optional Character varying (256) The invoice ID passed at the time of transaction.
9 Original invoice ID Optional Character varying (256) The invoice ID of the original sale transaction. Uses to link all transactions associated with the original invoice ID.
10 Custom Field Optional Character varying (256) Custom field.
11 Payment instrument type Optional Character varying (256) The method of payment used to process the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
12 Payment instrument subtype Optional Character varying (256) The specific tender used to process the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
13 Created at Required YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Date and time the transaction was initiated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset. Where:
  • YYYY is the four-digit year.
  • MM is the two-digit month of the year.
  • DD is the two-digit day of the month.
  • HH is the hour in 24-hour notation.
  • MM is minutes.
  • SS is seconds.
  • offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
14 Record currency Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

3-character currency code
Max length: 3 characters
Currency of the transaction. See PayPal-supported currencies for possible values.
15 Gross amount Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

Numeric (23, 2) Total amount of the transaction before deducting fees.
16 Total fees net billed Optional Numeric (23, 2) The record of fees associated with the settlement. All transactional fees are included in this amount.
This field contains the fee amount value for all transactions where a transactional fee has been processed.
17 Net amount Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

Numeric (23, 2) The net disbursed amount, which is the gross amount minus total fees billed.
18 Transfer ID Optional Character varying (256) Unique ID passed at the time funds are withdrawn. Passed to the bank, Hyperwallet, or any external instrument that appears against the merchant's bank or Hyperwallet statement.
19 External payout instrument Optional Character varying (256) Indicates where the withdrawal was paid out. For example, bank or HW (Hyperwallet).
20 Counterparty account ID Optional Character varying (256) Encrypted account number of the counterparty.
21 Counterparty name Optional Character varying (256) Name of the counterparty.
22 Case ID Optional Character varying (256) The ID of the dispute if the transaction is tied to a dispute.
23 Store ID Optional Character varying (256) ID of the store where the transaction was initiated.
24 Reader ID Optional Character varying (256) Terminal ID in the store where the transaction was initiated.
25 Payment channel Optional Character varying (256) Indicates if the transaction is online or offline.
26 Reason code Optional Character varying (256) The reason for declining the transaction, when available. For credit card transactions, the code is a processor decline code. For bank transactions, the code is a bank decline code. For more information, see processor decline codes. For more information on UDD Sepa declines, refer here.
27 Payment tracking ID Optional Character varying (256) The tracking ID specified by partners to obtain information about a payment or to request a refund. This value is not unique and can be blank.
28 Credit transaction fees Optional Numeric (23, 2) The credit-related transaction fee amount for a merchant-selected credit offering.
29 Credit term Optional Character varying (256) The time span covered by the merchant-selected credit offer. The length of the term is captured in months.
30 Annual percentage rate Optional Numeric (23, 4) The interest rate for the year.
31 Campaign fees currency Optional 3-character currency code
Max length: 3 characters
Currency of fee. See PayPal-supported currencies for possible values.
32 Campaign fees Optional Numeric (23, 2) The fee charged to the merchant for each sale with the discount applied during the campaign.
33 Campaign Discount currency Optional 3-character currency code
Max length: 3 characters
Currency of fee. See PayPal-supported currencies for possible values.
34 Campaign discount Optional Numeric (23, 2) The discount amount applied in the transaction. Merchants can offer discounts as either a dollar amount or percentage to customers for marketing campaigns.
35 Campaign name Optional Character varying (256) Name given to the campaign that merchants can track on the campaign dashboard.
36 Digital Currency Optional Cryptocurrency code
Max length: 5 characters
Currency of the transaction. See PayPal Supported Cryptocurrencies for possible values.
37 Digital Currency Gross Amount Optional Numeric (23, 8) Total amount of cryptocurrency before deducting fees.
38 Digital Currency Fees Net Billed Optional Numeric (23, 8) Fees for the cryptocurrency transfer transaction.
39 Digital Currency Net Amount Optional Numeric (23, 8) The net amount of cryptocurrency, which is the digital currency gross amount minus digital currency fees net billed.

Report details for the balance summary report:

Position Column name Optional/Required Data type Description
1 Record type Required Character varying (256) Type of the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
2 Record subtype Optional Character varying (256) Subtype of the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
3 Merchant account ID Required Character varying (256) Encrypted account number of the merchant account.
4 Payment instrument type Optional Character varying (256) The method of payment used to process the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
5 Payment instrument subtype Optional Character varying (256) The specific tender used to process the transaction.
See the glossary for more information.
6 Transaction count Required Numeric (23, 2) Total number of transactions.
7 Record currency Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

3-character currency code
Max length: 3 characters
Currency of the transaction. See PayPal-supported currencies for possible values.
8 Gross amount Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

Numeric (23, 2) Total amount of the transaction before deducting fees.

Handling fees and other non-transactional fees appear as gross amounts in the fee column. See Transaction Event Codes for more information about non-transactional fees.

9 Total fees net billed Optional Numeric (23, 2) The record of fees associated with the settlement. All transactional fees are included in this amount.
This field contains the fee amount value for all transactions where a transactional fee has been processed.
10 Net amount Optional.

Optional for cryptocurrency transactions, but required for other transactions.

Numeric (23, 2) The net disbursed amount, which is the gross amount minus total fees billed.
11 Digital Currency Optional Cryptocurrency code
Max length: 5 characters
Currency of the transaction. See PayPal Supported Cryptocurrencies for possible values.
12 Digital Currency Gross Amount Optional Numeric (23, 8) Total amount of cryptocurrency before deducting fees.
13 Digital Currency Fees Net Billed Optional Numeric (23, 8) Fees for the cryptocurrency transfer transaction.
14 Digital Currency Net Amount Optional Numeric (23, 8) The net cryptocurrency amount, which is the digital currency gross amount minus digital currency fees net billed.

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