Build button

Customize your integration by manually building the JavaScript button

docscurrentLast updated: October 12th 2021, @ 8:58:00 pm

Follow these steps to manually build the Log in with PayPal button:

1. Select button type

Choose if you want to use the branded Log in with PayPal button or to create your own.

  • To create your own Log in with PayPal button, reference our Button design guide.

  • To use the branded Log in with PayPal button, use for the button image location.

    Note: To ensure the button image stays in sync with PayPal branding, don't download the button image and host it on your own server.

2. Construct authorization endpoint

The authorization URL is called each time your users select the Log in with PayPal button. Construct the authorization endpoint according to the following template:
client IDReplace CLIENT-ID with your app’s sandbox or live client ID.


list of scopesReplace LIST-OF-SCOPES with a space-separated list of scopes. You'll need to to include openid. See Scope attributes for details on how attributes map to scopes.


openid profile email address
return URLReplace RETURN-URL with the URL to return to after successful login. This URL must be encoded and match the Return URL set in Apps & Credentials in the Developer Dashboard.


Sample URL ARfDleH_j-C17kxbdUzYivR70xP5Uy5N_DvNGBaPB_QNbwWkgF7lMsemGJycLRFVwaM&response_type=code&scope=openid profile email address&

3. Customize functionality

You can optionally use the following advanced parameters to customize your button:

response_typecode – to receive authentication code in the response.
id_token – used only by direct instruction of your integration team.
fullPageTo open the flow in a mini browser, do not pass this parameter.

To open the Log in with PayPal flow as a full page in the same tab, pass true.

4. Get authorization code

When your users successfully log in to PayPal and consent to sharing their basic information, PayPal passes an authorization code to the return URL you specify.

authorization codeThe authorization code is appended as a parameter to the return URL after the user logs in and consents to share information with your website.

Sample URL{authorization_code}&scope=address%20openid%20profile%20email

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