3D Secure: JavaScript SDK

SDKCurrentLast updated: September 19th 2024, @ 11:07:28 am

Important: This JavaScript SDK documentation uses the CardFields component. If you integrated with the HostedFields component, see 3D Secure: Javascript SDK with Hosted Fields.

Know before you code

  • If you're based in Europe, you may be subjected to PSD2. PayPal recommends including 3D Secure as part of your integration.
  • If you have a standard checkout integration, you don't need to integrate 3D Secure. PayPal handles 3D secure authentication for standard checkout integrations.

Update the advanced card fields code

To trigger the authentication, pass the required contingency with the verification method in the create orders payload. The verification method can be a contingencies parameter with SCA_ALWAYS or SCA_WHEN_REQUIRED.

SCA_ALWAYS triggers an authentication for every transaction, while SCA_WHEN_REQUIRED triggers an authentication only when a regional compliance mandate such as PSD2 is required. 3D Secure is supported only in countries with a PSD2 compliance mandate.

1// Create the CardFields component and define callbacks and contingencies
2 const cardField = paypal.CardFields({
3 createOrder: function (data) {
4 return fetch("myserver.com/api/paypal/order/create/", {
5 method: "post",
6 body: JSON.stringify({
7 ...
8 card: {
9 attributes: {
10 verification: {
11 method: "SCA_ALWAYS"
12 },
13 },
14 experience_context: {
15 shipping_preference: "NO_SHIPPING",
16 return_url: "https://example.com/returnUrl",
17 cancel_url: "https://example.com/cancelUrl",
18 },
19 },
20 })
21 .then((res) => {
22 return res.json();
23 })
24 .then((orderData) => {
25 return orderData.id;
26 });
27 },
28 )},
29 onApprove: function (data) {
30 const { liabilityShift, orderID } = data;
31 if(liabilityShift) {
32 /* Handle liability shift. More information in 3D Secure response parameters */
33 }
34 return fetch('myserver.com/api/paypal/orders/${orderID}/capture/', {
35 method: "post",
36 })
37 .then((res) => {
38 return res.json();
39 })
40 .then((orderData) => {
41 // Redirect to a success page
42 });
43 },
44 onError: function (error) {
45 // Do something with the error from the SDK
46 }
47 });
48 // Render each field after checking for eligibility
49 if (cardField.isEligible()) {
50 const nameField = cardField.NameField();
51 nameField.render('#card-name-field-container');
52 const numberField = cardField.NumberField();
53 numberField.render('#card-number-field-container');
54 const cvvField = cardField.CVVField();
55 cvvField.render('#card-cvv-field-container');
56 const expiryField = cardField.ExpiryField();
57 expiryField.render('#card-expiry-field-container');
58 // Add a click listener to submit button and call the submit function on the CardField component
59 document.getElementById("multi-card-field-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
60 cardField
61 .submit()
62 .then(() => {
63 // Submit is successful
64 });
65 });
66 }