PayPal Payflow Pro API Credentials and Endpoints

Last updated: March 10th 2022, @ 5:39:25 pm

What can be done within the PayPal Manager or API depends on the role assigned to the user. You, as the administrator, create users with roles appropriate to the tasks they need to accomplish.

API credentials

PARTNERPayPal or the ID provided to you by the authorized PayPal reseller who registered you for the Gateway.Case sensitive
VENDORYour merchant login ID created when you registered for the account.
USERIf you set up one or more additional users on the account, this value is the ID of the user authorized to process transactions. If, however, you have not set up additional users, USER has the same value as VENDORCase sensitive.
PWDThe password you defined while registering for the account.Case sensitive

Important: When logging into PayPal Manager, you may leave USER blank. If you are running API calls, you must specify USER.

USER values

When an account is created, an admin user with the same name as the merchant login gets created. Use this default user or create new users and grant permissions as appropriate. For example, you can create a user and password for your developer and grant them API_FULL_TRANSACTIONS permission.

Create new user in PayPal Manager

  1. Login to PayPal Manager.
  2. Click Account Administration.
  3. Under Manage Users, click Add User.
  4. Enter your manager login password, create a new user and password, fill in the required details, and click Update.
  5. For Select a Predefined Role, choose a privilege level:
Privilege LevelDescription of Capabilities
  • Edit/View merchant account information (company details, contact information, and so on)
  • Run all transaction types
  • Run Payflow transactions
  • Change Recurring Billing and Fraud Protection Filters settings
  • Manage other user account settings
  • Assign a privilege level to each user
  • All ADMIN privileges except user management, such as adding or removing users on the account, managing user account settings, or assigning privilege levels to users
  • Cannot login to PayPal Manager
  • Run all transactions through APIs
  • Run all transaction types
  • Run Payflow transactions
  • Password will never expire automatically
  • Note: PayPal recommends that you use API_FULL_TRANSACTIONS roles for API integrations that need to run all transaction types.
  • Cannot login to PayPal Manager
  • Run transactions through APIs
  • Run only non-credit transaction types
  • Run only non-credit Payflow transactions
  • Password will never expire automatically
  • Note: For API integrations that need to run non-credit transactions only, PayPal recommends using the API_LIMITED_TRANSACTIONS role.
  • View merchant account information
  • Run all transaction types
  • Run Payflow transactions
  • Note: Users can do much of what an administrative user can with the following exceptions:
    • Cannot maintain user information or update company contact information,
    • Cannot change the fraud filters or fraud status,
    • Cannot change the status of a transaction in review (meaning if the status is in review, they cannot accept or reject the transaction).
  • View merchant account information
  • Run only non-credit transaction types
  • Run only non-credit Payflow transactions
  • Modify only own user contact information/password
  • Cannot run Payflow transactions


  • Live:
  • Test-sandbox:

Note Since Payflow is operating out of multiple data centers we highly suggest that all API calls are done using the host URLs above. Should you hard code the IP addresses to send transactions via the Payflow API, PayPal cannot be responsible should your transactions fail should a data center be offline due to any issues or any scheduled maintenances.


Choose your integration path.

Additional information