Display funding source used


Last updated: Mar 2nd, 1:37am

Display the funding source used to your buyers to provide a unique experience.

If you have a confirmation page or notification in your checkout workflow, display the payment source the payer selected.

For example, if the payer paid with Venmo, show Venmo as the payment source on the confirmation page or notification.

Show funding source

Your Checkout experience might have a confirmation page or a notification to the user that they're paying with PayPal. Ensure the funding source the user chose, such as Venmo, shows as expected or it might lead to confusion and reduced Checkout conversion.

Use an onClick handler to get the funding source and display it on a confirmation page.

1let fundingSource;
4 onClick: (data) => {
5 // fundingSource = "venmo"
6 fundingSource = data.fundingSource;
8 // Use this value to determine the funding source used to pay
9 // Update your confirmation pages and notifications from "PayPal" to "Venmo"
10 }

The following table shows supported fundingSource values:

Funding source


paypal.FUNDING.CARDCredit or debit cards
paypal.FUNDING.PAYLATERPay Later (US, UK), Pay in 4 (AU), 4X PayPal (France), Paga en 3 plazos (Spain), Paga in 3 rate (Italy), Später Bezahlen (Germany)
paypal.FUNDING.CREDITPayPal Credit

Know before you code

You need a developer account to get sandbox credentials

PayPal uses the following REST API credentials, which you can get from the developer dashboard:

Client ID: Authenticates your account with PayPal and identifies an app in your sandbox.

Client secret: Authorizes an app in your sandbox. Keep this secret safe and don't share it.

Get your credentials

PayPal Checkout

This feature modifies an existing PayPal Checkout integration and uses the following:

JavaScript SDK:: Adds PayPal-supported payment methods.

Orders REST API: Create, update, retrieve, authorize, and capture orders.

PayPal Checkout

Explore PayPal APIs with Postman


You can use Postman to explore and test PayPal APIs. Learn more in our Postman guide.

Run in Postman

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