Pay another account

DocsCurrentDirect merchant

Last updated: Apr 10th, 8:03pm

By default, money is paid to the application owner in their own account. The account receiving funds is known as the payee.

To specify a different payee when you create an order:

  1. Add the payee object to the transaction payload.
  2. Include the email_address or merchant_id of the account to receive the payment.

Sample request

1async function createOrder() {
2 // Create accessToken using your clientID and clientSecret
3 // For the full stack example, please see the Standard Integration guide at
4 //
5 const accessToken = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
6 return fetch("", {
7 method: "POST",
8 headers: {
9 "Content-Type": "application/json",
10 Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
11 },
12 body: JSON.stringify({
13 intent: "CAPTURE",
14 purchase_units: [{
15 amount: {
16 value: "15.00",
17 currency_code: "USD",
18 },
19 payee: {
20 email_address: "",
21 },
22 }, ],
23 }),
24 })
25 .then((response) => response.json())
26 .then((data) => console.log(data));