Network Updates

Visa Networksanchor

What is the Authorization Response Code Update?anchor


Effective Date: 13 April 2024

Merchant Impact

Effective 13 April 2024, Visa will reclassify three existing decline response codes, realign one response code, and introduce one new response code:

  • Response codes 39 (No credit account), 52 (No checking account), and 53 (No savings account) will be reclassified as Category 2 (Issuer Cannot Approve at This Time) from Category 4 (Generic Response Codes)
  • Response code 14 (Invalid account number [no such number]) will now be treated as solely Category 1 (Issuer Will Never Approve) instead of being defined as both Category 1 and Category 3 (Data Quality Decline)
  • Response code Z5 (Valid account number but amount not supported) is a new Visa Category 2 response code

Merchants should review their use cases for response code 14, as it is now a Category 1 decline. Transaction retries are not allowed on Category 1 declines, and merchants are advised to stop retries for Decline Code 14.

What is the Digital Commerce Fee in APAC?anchor

FEE CHANGE | VISA | Australia, Hong Kong, Macau, and the South Pacific.

Effective Date: 1 July 2024

Merchant Impact

From 1 July 2024, Visa is introducing the Digital Commerce Fee of 0.75 basis points (0.0075%) with a new bundle in select markets in the Asia-Pacific region. The new fee will apply to all domestic and cross-border card-not-present (CNP) transactions.

Additionally, Visa will no longer individually bill for the following services:

  • Visa Account Updater (VAU)
  • Visa Digital Credential Updater (VDCU)
  • Visa Credential Enrichment Services (VCES)
  • Visa Secure (3D Secure)
  • Digital Authentication Framework (DAF)
  • Card Verification Value 2 (CVV2) Submission and Verification

Merchants are advised to use the services included in the bundle to maximize the value for the new fee.

What is the Introduction to Small Merchant Interchange Program Mandate?anchor


Effective Dates: 1 October 2024

Merchant Impact

Effective 1 October 2024, Visa will introduce domestic interchange programs for small merchants in Canada to support revisions to its voluntary interchange undertaking with the Canadian government. Merchants who process less than CAD $300k annually with Visa will qualify and will be eligible to receive the reduced interchange rates (see table below).


New Canada Small Merchant Interchange Rate Programs (Effective October 2024)

Rate Program

Classic, Gold, Platinum


Visa Infinite Privilege

Small Merchant Card Present




Small Merchant Card not Present (Tokenized)




Small Merchant Card not Present


