Validation Errors


All Validation Errorsanchor


These validations apply when creating or updating addresses in the Vault directly, and also when providing billing and shipping details in requests like Transaction: Sale or Payment Method: Create.

Code Text Explanation
81801 Addresses must have at least one field filled in.

At least one of the address attributes must be present, but it doesn't matter which one. This doesn't apply when creating transactions—billing and shipping address can be blank unless AVS processing rules are configured to require billing street and postal.

81802 Company is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81804 Extended address is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81805 First name is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81806 Last name is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81807 Locality is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81813 Postal code can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.

Postal code must begin with a letter or number, and can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.

81808 Postal code is required.

Applies when AVS rules are configured to require postal code.

81809 Postal code may contain no more than 9 letter or number characters.

The length only applies to letters or numbers; it ignores spaces, hyphens, and all other special characters.

81810 Region is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81811 Street address is required.

Applies when creating a transaction or performing card verification when AVS rules are configured to require street address.

81812 Street address is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81827 US state codes must be two characters to meet PayPal Seller Protection requirements.

US state codes must be two characters to meet PayPal Seller Protection requirements.

81828 Postal code is required for the card type and processor.

The processor you are using requires a postal code to be included for transactions on this card brand.

91803 Country name is not an accepted country.

We only accept specific country names.

91815 Provided country information is inconsistent.

You can only specify one of country name, country code alpha2, country code alpha3 and country code numeric.

91816 Country code (alpha3) is not an accepted country.

We only accept specific alpha-3 values.

91817 Country code (numeric) is not an accepted country.

We only accept specific numeric values.

91814 Country code (alpha2) is not an accepted country.

We only accept specific alpha-2 values.

91818 Customer has already reached the maximum of 50 addresses.

You will get this validation error when trying to add an address to a customer which has already reached the maximum of 50 addresses.

91819 First name must be a string.

First name must be a string.

91820 Last name must be a string.

Last name must be a string.

91821 Company must be a string.

Company must be a string.

91822 Street address must be a string.

Street address must be a string.

91823 Extended address must be a string.

Extended address must be a string.

91824 Locality must be a string.

Locality must be a string.

91825 Region must be a string.

Region must be a string.

91826 Postal code must be a string.

Postal code must be a string.

91828 Address is invalid.

Address must provided in a valid format.

918996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

918997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

918998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

918999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Braintree Marketplaceanchor

Merchant Accountanchor

Code Text Explanation
82602 Applicant merchant id is too long.

The merchant account ID cannot be longer than 32 characters.

82603 Applicant merchant id format is invalid.

You can only use letters, numbers, _ and - for the merchant account ID.

82604 Applicant merchant id is in use.

Each merchant account ID needs to be unique.

82605 Applicant merchant id is not allowed.

A merchant account ID may not be named 'all' or 'new.'

82606 Master merchant account ID is required.

You must provide a master merchant account ID when creating a merchant account.

82607 Master merchant account ID is invalid.

You'll get this error if we cannot find a master merchant account with the id specified.

82608 Master merchant account must be active.

You'll get this error if the supplied master merchant account ID is not active.

82610 Terms Of Service needs to be accepted. Applicant tos_accepted required.

You must indicate that the terms of service are accepted.

82675 Merchant account id can not be updated.

You'll get this error if the ID cannot be updated.

82676 Master merchant account id can not be updated.

You'll get this error if the merchant account ID cannot be updated.

82674 Merchant accounts with a status of pending or suspended cannot be updated.

The merchant account cannot be updated.

82609 Applicant first name is required.

You must provide the first name of the applicant.

82637 Individual first name is required.

Applicant first name is required.

82611 Applicant last name is required.

You must provide the last name of the applicant.

82638 Individual last name is required.

Applicant last name is required.

82612 Applicant date of birth is required.

You must provide the applicant's date of birth.

82639 Individual date of birth is required.

Individual date of birth is required.

82613 Applicant routing number is required.

You must provide the applicant's bank routing number.

82640 Funding routing number is required.

Funding routing number is required.

82614 Applicant account number is required.

You must provide the applicant's bank account number.

82641 Funding account number is required.

Funding account number is required.

82615 Applicant SSN must be blank, last 4 digits, or full 9 digits.

The applicant's social security number must be valid (full 9 digits, with or without dashes, or last 4 digits).

82642 Individual SSN must be full 9 digits if present.

Individual SSN must be full 9 digits if present.

82616 Applicant email is invalid.

The applicant's email must be valid.

82643 Individual email is invalid.

Individual email is invalid.

82627 Applicant first name is invalid.

The applicant's first name must not contain '/', '', '&', '<', '>' or any control characters.

82644 Individual first name is invalid.

Individual first name is invalid.

82628 Applicant last name is invalid.

The applicant's last name must not contain '/', '', '&', '<', '>' or any control characters.

82645 Individual last name is invalid.

Applicant last name is invalid.

82631 Applicant company name is invalid.

The applicant's company name must contain only letters, numbers, and these characters: &-!@#$()'./+,". The maximum length is 40 characters.

82632 Applicant tax ID is invalid.

The applicant's tax id must be 9 digits long.

82688 Business params provided in an invalid format.

You must provide the attributes for Business in the correct format.

82647 Business tax ID is invalid.

Business tax ID is invalid.

82633 Applicant company name is required with tax ID.

If the applicant's tax id is provided then the company name must be provided as well.

82634 Applicant tax ID is required with company name.

If the applicant's company name is provided then the tax id must be provided as well.

82635 Applicant routing number is invalid.

The applicant's bank routing number must be valid.

82649 Funding routing number is invalid.

Funding routing number is invalid.

82650 An unexpected error occurred trying to save the merchant account; support has been notified and is looking into the issue. You may safely retry this request

An unexpected error occurred trying to save the merchant account; Support has been notified and is looking into the issue. You may safely retry this request.

82652 Business tax ID or Individual SSN is required.

Business tax ID or Individual SSN is required.

82621 Applicant declined due to OFAC.

The applicant has failed an OFAC check. The OFAC search confirms whether a sub-merchant is on the criminal and terrorists watch lists collected from databases around the world.

82622 Applicant declined due to MasterCard MATCH.

The applicant has failed a Mastercard MATCH check. The Mastercard MATCH File is a database file used by payment processing banks to identify specific merchants and principals who may been terminated for reasons like fraud or violation(s) of Visa and/or Mastercard rules.

82623 Applicant declined due to failed KYC.

The applicant has failed a Know Your Customer check.

82624 Applicant declined due to invalid SSN.

The applicant's social security number is invalid. If you provide a social security number, you must provide either the entire number or the last four digits.

82625 Applicant declined due to SSN matching that of a deceased person.

The applicant has been declined because the social security number provided appears in a database of social security numbers belonging to deceased persons.

82626 Applicant declined after review.

After review, the applicant has been declined.

82617 Applicant street address is required.

You must provide the applicant's street address.

82657 Individual street address is required.

Individual street address is required.

82618 Applicant locality is required.

You must provide the applicant's city, town, or municipality.

82658 Individual locality is required.

Individual locality is required.

82619 Applicant postal code is required.

You must provide the applicant's postal code.

82659 Individual postal code is required.

Individual postal code is required.

82620 Applicant region is required.

You must provide the applicant's region.

82660 Individual region is required.

Individual region is required.

82629 Applicant street address is invalid.

You must provide a valid street address for the applicant that includes at least one digit.

82661 Individual street address is invalid.

Individual street address is invalid.

82664 Applicant region is invalid.

You must provide a valid region for the applicant. Only two-letter abbreviations are accepted, e.g. 'CA' but not 'California.'

82668 Individual region is invalid.

Individual region is invalid.

82630 Applicant postal code is invalid.

You must provide a valid postal code for the applicant.

82662 Individual postal code is invalid.

Individual postal code is invalid.

82636 Applicant phone is invalid.

The provided phone is not valid.

82656 Individual phone is invalid.

Individual phone is invalid.

82663 Applicant date of birth is invalid

You must provide a valid date of birth.

82666 Individual date of birth is invalid.

Individual date of birth is invalid.

82670 Applicant account number is invalid.

The provided bank account number is not valid.

82671 Funding account number is invalid.

Funding account number is invalid.

82665 Applicant email is required.

You must provide an email address.

82667 Individual email is required.

Individual email is required.

82672 Business tax ID must be blank unless business legal name is present.

The tax id must be blank if no company name/legal name is provided.

82673 Applicant tax ID must be blank unless company name present.

Applicant tax ID must be blank unless company name present.

82646 Business DBA name is invalid.

The provided DBA name is not valid. The applicant's company name must contain only letters, numbers, and these characters: &-!@#$()'./+,". The maximum length is 40 characters.

82677 Business legal name is invalid.

The provided legal name is not valid. The applicant's company name must contain only letters, numbers, and these characters: &-!@#$()'./+,". The maximum length is 40 characters.

82669 Business legal name is required with tax ID.

You must provide a legal name if a tax id has been provided.

82648 Business tax ID is required with business legal name.

You must provide a tax id if a legal name has been provided.

82685 Business street address is invalid.

The provided business street address is not valid. It must contain at least one digit.

82686 Business postal code is invalid.

The provided business zip code is not valid. It must be 5 digits followed by an optional hyphen, space, and an additional 4 digits.

82684 Business region is invalid.

The provided business region is not valid. Only two-letter abbreviations are accepted, e.g. 'CA' but not 'California.'

82679 Funding destination is invalid.

You must provide a valid funding destination. Deprecated funding destinations are treated as invalid.

82678 Funding destination is required.

You must provide a funding destination.

82681 Funding email is invalid.

The provided funding email address is not valid.

82680 Funding email is required when destination is email.

You must provide a funding email address when your funding destination is email.

82683 Funding mobile phone is invalid.

The provided funding mobile phone is not valid. Phone must be 10 - 14 characters and can only contain numbers, parentheses, and periods.

82682 Funding mobile phone is required when destination is mobile phone.

You must provide a funding mobile phone when your funding destination is mobile phone.

82687 Individual params provided in an invalid format.

You must provide the attributes for Individual in the correct format.

82689 Business locality is invalid.

The provided business address is not valid.

82690 Individual locality is invalid.

The provided individual address is not valid.

82691 Applicant locality is invalid.

The provided applicant address is not valid.

82692 Birthdate invalid; applicant must be 13 or older

Applicant must be 13 or older.

926996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

926997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

926998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

926999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Client Tokenanchor

Code Text Explanation
92801 Cannot specify make_default without a customer_id

Cannot specify make_default without a customer_id

92802 Cannot specify verify_card without a customer_id

Cannot specify verify_card without a customer_id

92803 Cannot specify fail_on_duplicate_payment_method without a customer_id

Cannot specify fail_on_duplicate_payment_method without a customer_id

92804 Customer specified by customer_id does not exist

Customer specified by customer_id does not exist

92806 Unsupported client token version

Unsupported client token version

928996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

928997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

928998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

928999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
91602 Custom field is invalid:

Custom field keys must match the API name of a custom field configured in the Control Panel. The error message for this validation error will contain a list of the invalid keys.

91609 Customer ID has already been taken.

Customer IDs have to be unique.

91610 Customer ID is invalid (use only letters, numbers, '-', and '_').

Valid characters are letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

91611 Customer ID is not an allowed ID.

We reserve a few words that can't be used as IDs. 'all' and 'new' currently cannot be used.

91612 Customer ID is too long.

Maximum 36 characters.

91613 Customer ID is required.

Customer ID is required when performing updates.

91617 Nonce references a vaulted payment instrument - cannot be transferred between customers

Nonce references a vaulted payment instrument - cannot be transferred between customers.

91618 Customer attribute must be a map of keys and values representing a customer.

Customer must be a well-formed object, not a string or integer.

91619 Ambiguous usage of default payment method token.

Cannot set default_payment_method_token and credit_card.options.make_default in the same customer update request.

91620 PayPal custom field must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

91621 PayPal description must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

91622 Order ID must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

91623 Amount format is invalid.

Amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'.

81601 Company is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81603 Custom field is too long:

Custom field values must be less than or equal to 255 characters. The error message for this validation error will contain a list of the custom fields that were too long.

81604 Email is an invalid format.

Email must be a well-formed email address. If you are migrating from a system that does not have this constraint and want to record the email address in the Vault, you can use custom_fields

81605 Email is too long.

Maximum 254 characters.

81606 Email is required if sending a receipt.

This only applies when creating a transaction. If you specify that you want to send a receipt then the customer email will be required.

81607 Fax is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81608 First name is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81613 Last name is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81614 Phone is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81615 Website is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

81616 Website is an invalid format.

Website must be well-formed. The http:// at the beginning is optional. If you want to provide websites that may be not well-formed you can use custom_fields

91624 Invalid Tax Identifier.

Country code and Identfier should be valid and not null.

916996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

916997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

916998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

916999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
95701 Evidence can only be attached to disputes that are in an Open state

Evidence can only be attached to disputes that are in an Open state.

95702 Evidence can only be removed from disputes that are in an Open state

Evidence can only be removed from disputes that are in an Open state.

95703 A document with kind other than Braintree::DocumentUpload::Kind::EvidenceDocument cannot be added to the dispute

A document with kind other than Braintree::DocumentUpload::Kind::EvidenceDocument cannot be added to the dispute.

95704 Disputes can only be accepted when they are in an Open state

Disputes can only be accepted when they are in an Open state.

95705 Disputes can only be finalized when they are in an Open state

Disputes can only be finalized when they are in an Open state.

95706 The category you supplied on the evidence record is not valid

Invalid category provided.

95707 Categorized evidence for date time categories must be in the ISO 8601 format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).

Invalid categorized evidence date provided.

95708 Categorized text evidence must be 50 characters or less

Maximum 50 characters.

95709 ARN text evidence must be 30 characters or less

Acquirer reference numbers/trace IDs must be a maximum of 30 characters.

95710 Prior transaction phone number must be 20 characters or less

Maximum 20 characters.

95711 Only text evidence can be provided for this category

Only text evidence can be provided for this category.

95712 Only document evidence can be provided for this category

Only document evidence can be provided for this category.

95713 Category cannot be provided for this dispute's reason code

Category cannot be provided for this dispute's reason code; see Evidence Requirements in the Disputes guide for more details.

95714 Only one evidence record with this category may exist on the dispute

Only one evidence record with this category may exist on the dispute.

95715 The email provided is not valid

The email provided is not valid.

95716 This file already has been used on the dispute

This file has already been used as evidence on this dispute.

95717 Submitting proof of delivery requires a valid AVS match

Submitting proof of delivery requires that the disputed transaction has a valid AVS postal code match (M); see AVS and CVV Response Codes for more details.

95720 Digital goods responses require two types of additional proof

At least two types of evidence categories groups are required when responding with a DOWNLOAD_DATE_TIME; see Evidence Requirements in the Disputes guide for more details.

95721 Digital goods responses require a download date

DOWNLOAD_DATE_TIME required when responding with any digital goods validation categories.

95722 ARN required for prior transaction responses

When providing any prior transaction category responses you must provide the PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_ID or PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_ARN.

95723 Date time required for prior transaction responses

When providing any prior transaction category responses you must provide the PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_DATE_TIME.

95724 Date time required for recurring transaction responses


95725 ARN required for recurring transaction responses


95726 Valid evidence must be added before finalizing the dispute

You must provide valid evidence for this dispute; see Evidence Requirements in the Disputes guide for more details.

95727 Prior undisputed transaction responses require one or more optional evidence categories

You must provide at least one optional type of evidence when responding with a PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_ID (or PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_ARN) and PRIOR_NON_DISPUTED_TRANSACTION_DATE_TIME; see Evidence Requirements in the Disputes guide for more details.

95735 Both carrier name and tracking number are required

You must provide the shipping tracking info as type of evidence when responding with a CARRIER_NAME and (TRACKING_NUMBER or TRACKING_URL); see Evidence Requirements in the Disputes guide for more details.

95736 ARN text evidence must only include numbers

Acquirer reference numbers/trace IDs can only contain numbers. See the Transaction Response Object reference for more details.

95737 ARN for prior transaction responses should not be the same as the disputed transaction’s ARN

Acquirer reference numbers/trace IDs provided as supporting evidence for proof of either prior non-disputed transactions, recurring transactions, or refunds/credits cannot be the same as the disputed transaction’s ARN.

957996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

957997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

957998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

957999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Industry Dataanchor

Code Text Explanation
93401 Industry type is invalid.

Industry type is invalid.

93402 Lodging data is empty.

Lodging data is empty.

93403 Folio number is invalid.

Folio number is invalid.

93404 Check in date is invalid.

Check in date is invalid.

93405 Check out date is invalid.

Check out date is invalid.

93406 Check out date must occur after the check in date.

Check out date must occur after the check in date.

93407 Data fields are unknown.

Data fields are unknown.

93408 Travel and Cruise data is empty.

Travel and Cruise data is empty.

93409 Data fields are unknown.

Data fields are unknown.

93410 Travel Package is invalid.

Travel Package is invalid.

93411 Departure date is invalid.

Departure date is invalid.

93412 Lodging check in date is invalid.

Lodging check in date is invalid.

93413 Lodging check out date is invalid.

Lodging check out date is invalid.

93414 Travel and Flight data is empty.

Travel and Flight data is empty.

93415 Data fields are unknown.

Data fields are unknown.

93416 Customer code is too long.

Customer code can't be longer than 17 characters.

93417 Fare amount cannot be negative.

Fare amount can't be less than zero.

93418 Fare amount is an invalid format.

Fare amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the fare amount can't include decimal places.

93419 Fare amount is too large.

Fare amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

93420 Fee amount cannot be negative.

Fare amount can't be less than zero.

93421 Fee amount is an invalid format.

Fee amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the fee amount can't include decimal places.

93422 Fee amount is too large.

Fee amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

93423 Issued date is an invalid format.

Issued date is an invalid format.

93424 Issuing carrier code is too long.

Issuing carrier code can't be longer than 4 characters.

93425 Passenger middle initial is too long.

Passenger middle initial can't be longer than 1 character.

93426 Restricted ticket is required.

You must specify if the ticket is restricted.

93427 Tax amount cannot be negative.

Tax amount can't be less than zero.

93428 Tax amount is an invalid format.

Tax amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the tax amount can't include decimal places.

93429 Tax amount is too large.

Tax amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

93430 Ticket number is too long.

Ticket number can't be longer than 15 characters.

93431 Expected a collection of legs but none provided.

Expected a collection of legs but unrecognized data provided.

93432 Too many legs.

A maximum of 4 legs can be provided.

934996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

934997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

934998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

934999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
93801 Invalid grant:

The provided authorization code or refresh token is invalid due to one of the reasons described in the error message:

  • code not found
  • code has been used
  • code has expired
  • refresh token not found
  • refresh token is expired
  • refresh token is revoked

A revoked refresh token might also mean that it was already used.

93802 Invalid credentials:

Client authentication failed (e.g. unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method).

93803 Invalid scope:

The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner.

93804 Invalid request:

The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed.

93805 Unsupported grant type:

The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.

938996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

938997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

938998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

938999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Payment methodanchor

Code Text Explanation
93101 Payment method params are required.

A top level payment method parameter is missing.

93102 Nonce is invalid.

The nonce that was received is not a valid nonce.

93103 Nonce is required.

A nonce was not provided.

93104 Customer ID is required.

A customer id was not provided.

93105 Customer ID is invalid.

The customer id does not reference a customer.

93106 Cannot forward a payment method of this type.

Only credit cards may be forwarded.

93107 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

A payment method nonce may only be consumed once.

93108 Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.

The payment method nonce has either expired or never existed. Nonces are deleted upon expiration (3 hours after generation).

93109 Nonce is not vaultable.

Nonce is not vaultable.

93113 PayPal custom field must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

93114 PayPal description must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

93115 Order ID must be less than 256 characters in length.

Maximum 255 characters.

93116 Amount format is invalid.

Amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'.

93117 This payment method is no longer supported.

This payment method is no longer supported.

93118 PayPal refresh token is invalid.

PayPal has reported this refresh token is invalid.

93119 Nonce is not a valid parameter when PayPal refresh token is provided.

Nonce is not a valid parameter when PayPal refresh token is provided.

93120 PayPal merchant account required to vault refresh token.

A PayPal merchant account required to vault a refresh token. Enable PayPal in a new or existing merchant account and retry.

93121 US bank account verification method is invalid.

Valid US bank account verification methods include independent_check, network_check, or micro_transfers.

93122 US bank account is not accepted by merchant account.

A merchant account must support US bank accounts before a US bank account payment method can be created.

93125 Cannot update Custom Action name of a saved payment method.

The Custom Action name cannot be modified.

93127 Bank account has pending micro-transfers verification.

Bank account has pending micro-transfers verification.

93128 Bank account token is taken.

Bank account tokens have to be unique.

93129 Bank account is blocked. Please contact Braintree support for more information.

Bank account is blocked. Please contact Braintree support for more information.

93130 Bank account ACH mandate text is required.

Bank account ACH mandate text is missing or is not a string.

93131 Bank account ACH mandate accepted_at needs to be a string timestamp in the ISO 8601 format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ). Timestamp string will be interpreted as a UTC time.

Bank account ACH mandate text is missing or is not a string.

93132 Bank account account_number is invalid.

Bank account account number is missing or does not contain 1-17 digits.

93133 Bank account routing_number is invalid.

Bank account routing number is missing or does not contain 8 or 9 digits.

93134 Bank account account_type is invalid.

Bank account account type is missing or is not one of "checking" or "savings".

93135 Billing Address format is invalid.

Billing Address format is invalid.

93136 Bank account first and last name must be present.

Bank account first and last name must be present.

93137 Bank account full name (first and last name) or business name must be present.

Bank account full name (first and last name) or business name must be present.

931996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

931997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

931998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

931999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Apple Payanchor

Code Text Explanation
83501 Apple Pay cards are not accepted by this merchant account.

Apple Pay cards are not accepted by this merchant account.

83502 A customer ID is required to vault an Apple Pay Card.

When storing an Apple Pay card in the vault, you must provide the customer ID of a customer already stored in the vault to whom the card will belong.

93503 Apple Pay token is taken.

Payment method tokens must be unique across all payment method types.

93504 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

The payment method nonce has already been used.

93505 Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.

The payment method nonce has either expired or never existed. Nonces are deleted upon expiration (3 hours after generation).

93506 Payment method nonce locked.

The payment method nonce must be unlocked before it is used.

83518 Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

The specified merchant account is not configured to accept cards from this payment network. Please specify the correct payment networks when initializing a PKPaymentRequest.

93507 Payment method nonces cannot be used to update an existing Apple Pay Card.

A vaulted payment method cannot be updated with an Apple Pay nonce. Create a new payment method instead.

93508 Number is required for Apple Pay Card

The Apple Pay PKPaymentToken payment data was malformed (did not contain a card number).

93509 Expiration Month is required for Apple Pay Card

The Apple Pay PKPaymentToken payment data was malformed (did not contain an expiration month).

93510 Expiration Year is required for Apple Pay Card

The Apple Pay PKPaymentToken payment data was malformed (did not contain an expiration year).

93511 Cryptogram is required for Apple Pay Card

The Apple Pay PKPaymentToken payment data was malformed (did not contain a cryptogram). This is sometimes caused by misconfigured merchantCapabilities in the PKPaymentRequest. See our recommendations in the Apple Pay guide.

83512 Apple Pay payment data decryption failed

The Apple Pay PKPaymentToken payment data could not be decrypted. This occurs when (a) the Apple Pay merchant id used in your iOS App entitlements does not match the values provided to Braintree; (b) the provisioning profile you used to sign your iOS App does not correspond to the iOS Developer Account with which the Apple Pay certificate was generated; (c) the payment data was not valid as it was received by the Gateway. Contact us if you cannot resolve this error.

93513 Apple Pay is disabled for this merchant

Your merchant account is not configured for Apple Pay support. Contact us to configure and enable Apple Pay.

93514 Apple Pay certificate, private key or merchant ID not configured

Your merchant account is not configured for Apple Pay support. Contact us to configure and enable Apple Pay.

93517 Certificate provided is not valid

Certificate provided is not valid.

93519 Public key used to sign payment data does not match stored certificate

Public key used to sign payment data does not match stored certificate.

83520 Payment data is malformed

Payment data is malformed.

93521 Private key stored does not match private key used to encrypt payment data

Private key stored does not match private key used to encrypt payment data.

93522 Certificate does not match stored key pair

The Apple Pay certificate you uploaded does not match the key pair we have stored for your account. Please download a new CSR from the Control Panel and create a new certificate for your Apple Pay merchant ID using this CSR.

93523 Domain name is required.

You must specify a domain name.

93524 An error occurred when validating your domain with Apple.

An error occurred when validating your domain with Apple. Please try again.

93525 Domain verification with Apple failed. Please verify the file is available at the verification path and try again.

Domain verification with Apple failed. Please verify the file is available at the verification path and try again.

93526 There was an issue contacting Apple, please try again later.

There was an issue contacting Apple, please try again later.

83527 International issued Apple Pay cards not supported.

International issued Apple Pay cards not supported.

93528 Customer ID is invalid.

Customer ID is invalid.

93529 Billing Address format is invalid.

Billing Address format is invalid.

935996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

935997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

935998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

935999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Google Payanchor

Code Text Explanation
83701 Expiration month is required.

Expiration month is required.

83702 Expiration year is required

Expiration year is required

83703 Virtual card number is required.

Virtual card number is required.

83704 Virtual card number failed Luhn validation.

Virtual card number failed Luhn validation.

83705 Google transaction ID is required.

Google transaction ID is required.

83706 Source card type is required.

Source card type is required.

83707 Source card last four is required.

Source card last four is required.

83708 Android Pay cards are not accepted by this merchant account.

Android Pay cards are not accepted by this merchant account.

83709 Customer ID is required.

Customer ID is required.

93710 Token is taken.

Token is taken.

93711 Unknown payment_method_nonce.

Unknown payment_method_nonce.

93712 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

83713 Customer ID is invalid.

Customer ID is invalid.

83714 Virtual card type not accepted by this merchant account.

Virtual card type not accepted by this merchant account.

83715 Billing address fields not supported for Android Pay cards.

Billing address fields not supported for Android Pay cards.

83716 Number must be 12-19 digits.

Number must be 12-19 digits.

83717 Number is not an accepted test number.

Number is not an accepted test number.

83718 International issued Android Pay cards not supported.

International issued Android Pay cards not supported.

93719 Billing Address format is invalid.

Billing Address format is invalid.

937996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

937997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

937998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

937999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Android Payanchor

Code Text Explanation
83901 Expiration month is required.

Expiration month is required.

83902 Expiration year is required.

Expiration year is required.

83903 Number is required.

Number is required.

83904 Number failed Luhn validation.

Number failed Luhn validation.

83905 Google transaction ID is required.

Google transaction ID is required.

83906 Source card type is required.

Source card type is required.

83907 Source card last four is required.

Source card last four is required.

83908 Android Pay network tokens are not accepted by this merchant account.

Android Pay network tokens are not accepted by this merchant account.

83909 Customer ID is required.

Customer ID is required.

93910 Token is taken.

Token is taken.

93911 Unknown payment_method_nonce.

Unknown payment_method_nonce.

93912 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

83913 Customer ID is invalid.

Customer ID is invalid.

83914 Virtual card type not accepted by this merchant account.

Virtual card type not accepted by this merchant account.

83915 Billing address fields not supported for Android Pay network tokens.

Billing address fields not supported for Android Pay network tokens.

83916 Cryptogram is required.

Cryptogram is required.

83917 Number must be 12-19 digits.

Number must be 12-19 digits.

83918 Number is not an accepted test number.

Number is not an accepted test number.

83919 Card brand is not supported for Android Pay Network Token payments.

The card brand provided does not support Android Pay Network Token payments.

83920 International issued Android Pay network tokens not supported.

International issued Android Pay network tokens not supported.

93921 Billing Address format is invalid.

Billing Address format is invalid.

939996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

939997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

939998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

939999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Credit Cardanchor

Code Text Explanation
91701 Cannot provide both a billing address and a billing address ID.

When you create or update a credit card you can set the billing address using full billing address details, or you can set it to a billing address ID of an address already associated to the customer, but not both.

91702 Billing address ID is invalid.

If setting the billing address on a credit card using an ID, the ID must be an ID of an address associated to the customer.

91704 Customer ID is required.

When adding a credit card to an existing customer, the customer ID is required.

91705 Customer ID is invalid.

When specifying the customer ID to add a credit card to an existing customer, the ID must be the ID a customer stored in the Vault.

91708 Cannot provide expiration_date if you are also providing expiration_month and expiration_year.

You can provide the credit card expiration date as a single field, or as month and year separately, but not all 3.

91718 Token is invalid (use only letters, numbers, '-', and '').

If you're specifying the credit card token, you can use letters, numbers, '-', and ''.

91719 Credit card token is taken.

Credit card tokens have to be unique.

91720 Credit card token is too long.

Maximum 36 characters.

91721 Token is not an allowed token.

We reserve a few tokens: 'new' and 'all'.

91722 Payment Method token is required.

When updating a credit card you can omit the token if you don't want to change it, but you can't set it to an empty string. If set to an empty string on creation, the gateway will generate a random token.

91744 Billing address format is invalid.

Billing address format is invalid.

81723 Cardholder name is too long.

Maximum 175 characters.

81703 Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

Applies when specifying a credit card in a sale or verification request. Not applicable when only storing in the Vault, since Vault records are not associated to specific merchant accounts.

81718 Credit card number cannot be updated to an unsupported card type when it is associated to subscriptions.

Only applies when using recurring billing. If a credit card is being used for recurring billing subscriptions, the card can only be updated to a card type that is accepted by the merchant account that is being used for the subscriptions.

81706 CVV is required.

CVV will only be required if CVV processing rules are configured to require it. If the rules are configured to require it, then CVV is required when storing a card in the Vault and performing card verification or when creating transactions.

81707 CVV must be 4 digits for American Express and 3 digits for other card types.

CVV must be 4 digits for American Express and 3 digits for other card types.

81709 Expiration date is required.

You must provide the expiration date either as a single field or as month and year separately.

81710 Expiration date is invalid.

Valid formats are M/YY, M/YYYY, MM/YY, and MM/YYYY. The month must be 1-12 or 01-12.

81711 Expiration year is invalid. It must be between 1975 and 2201.

The expiration year must be greater than 1975 and less than 2201.

81712 Expiration month is invalid.

It must be 1-12 or 01-12.

81713 Expiration year is invalid.

It must be between 1975 and 2201.

81714 Credit card number is required.

You'll get this error if number is omitted or if it is an empty string.

81715 Credit card number is invalid.

The credit card number must pass a Luhn-10 check.

81716 Credit card number must be 12-19 digits.


81717 Credit card number is not an accepted test number.

Only test numbers can be used in the sandbox.

91723 Update Existing Token is invalid.

Applies when updating a customer and credit card at the same time and specifying the token of the credit card to update. You'll get this error if the token specified is for a credit card that does not exist, or references a credit card that does not belong to the customer that is being updated.

81724 Duplicate card exists in the vault.

Duplicate card exists in the vault.

81725 Credit card must include number, payment_method_nonce, or venmo_sdk_payment_method_code.

Credit card must include number, payment_method_nonce, or venmo_sdk_payment_method_code.

91726 Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

91727 Invalid VenmoSDK payment method code

Invalid VenmoSDK payment method code.

91728 Verification Merchant Account ID is invalid.

There must be a merchant account with this ID.

91729 Update Existing Token is not allowed when creating a customer.

Update Existing Token is not allowed when creating a customer.

91730 Verifications are not supported on this merchant account

This error occurs when a merchant account does not support credit card verification. This can also occur if your API user does not have access to the merchant account used for the verification.

91731 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

The payment method nonce has already been used once.

91732 Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.

The payment method nonce has either expired or never existed. Nonces are deleted upon expiration (3 hours after generation).

91733 Payment method nonce locked.

The payment method nonce must be unlocked before it is used.

91734 Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

Applies when specifying a credit card when creating a transaction, but not when only storing in the Vault since Vault records are not associated to specific merchant accounts.

91735 Payment method nonces cannot be used to update an existing card.

A payment method nonce cannot be used to update an existing credit card.

91738 Payment method is not a credit card payment method.

This operation requires a credit card, and the payment method you specified is not a credit card.

91742 Verification Merchant Account is suspended.

Verification Merchant Account is suspended.

91743 The current user does not have access to the specified verification_merchant_account_id

The current user does not have access to the specified verification_merchant_account_id.

81736 CVV verification failed.

CVV was incorrect or not supplied.

81737 Postal code verification failed.

Postal code was incorrect or not supplied.

91739 Verification amount cannot be negative.

The amount you specified for verification was less than zero.

91740 Verification amount is invalid.

The amount you specified for verification had an invalid format.

91741 Verification amount not supported by processor.

The processor you are using for verification does not allow the verification amount you specified.

91745 Payment method params supplied are not valid for updating a credit card.

The payment method params you supplied are not valid for updating a credit card.

81750 Credit card number is prohibited.

Cannot transact with an issuer on OFAC's prohibited list.

91752 Verification amount is too large.

Verification amount is too large.

91755 Verification Merchant Account ID cannot be a sub-merchant account.

Verifications cannot be created using sub-merchant accounts.

91756 Customer ID cannot be updated.

Customer ID cannot be updated.

91759 Magstripe details for a credit card must contain at least one of track 1 or track 2 data.

Magstripe details for a credit card must contain at least one of track 1 or track 2 data.

91761 EMV data is invalid.

EMV data is invalid.

81762 Credit card network tokenization attributes cryptogram is required.

You get this error if the network tokenization attributes are present and the cryptogram is missing.

917996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

917997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

917998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

917999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
82901 Incomplete PayPal account information.

You must specify an access token or a consent code for this operation.

82902 Pre-Approved Payment enabled PayPal account required for vaulting.

When you vault a PayPal account, you must provide a payment method nonce that was retrieved via the Vault flow.

82903 Invalid PayPal account information.

You cannot specify both an access token and a consent code for this operation.

82904 PayPal Accounts are not accepted by this merchant account.

Your account has not been enabled to accept PayPal.

82905 A customer ID is required to vault a PayPal Account.

When adding a PayPal account to an existing customer, the customer ID is required.

92906 PayPal Account token is taken.

PayPal account tokens have to be unique.

92907 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

A payment method nonce may only be consumed once.

92908 Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.

The payment method nonce has either expired or never existed. Nonces are deleted upon expiration (3 hours after generation).

92909 Payment method nonce locked.

The payment method nonce must be unlocked before it is used.

92910 Error communicating with PayPal.

There was an error communicating with PayPal.

92911 PayPal authentication expired.

The authentication you received from your user has expired.

92912 Funding source selection was given without an access token.

You cannot specify a funding source without also specifying an access token.

92913 Funding source object is invalid or missing required fields.

You sent an invalid or incomplete funding source specification.

92914 Payment method nonces cannot be used to update an existing PayPal account.

A payment method nonce cannot be used to update an existing PayPal account.

92915 Payment method params supplied are not valid for updating a PayPal account.

The payment method params you supplied are not valid for updating a PayPal account.

92916 Error executing PayPal order.

There was an error while executing the PayPal order.

92917 Error executing PayPal billing agreement.

There was an error while executing the PayPal billing agreement.

92918 Merchant setup must be completed before vaulting PayPal payment methods.

The merchant account used is not fully set up; PayPal payment methods cannot be vaulted until setup is completed.

92919 This merchant account does not allow PayPal payments using the old Vault flow.

Your account does not have the old Vault flow enabled for PayPal payments. Contact us to enable the old Vault flow.

92920 Using a payment method nonce for PayPal intent=order is not permitted.

Create a payment method from the nonce and then use the payment method token in the transaction sale request.

92921 Unable to retrieve billing agreement details from PayPal.

There was an error while attempting to retrieve the details of the billing agreement.

92922 A PayPal Billing Agreement ID is required.

Your request must include a Billing Agreement ID.

92923 The merchant account ID is not valid.

When included in the request, the merchant account ID must identify an existing merchant account.

92924 An indirect merchant PayPal payer ID is required if and only if the specified merchant account is configured as an indirect merchant conduit.

You would already have a merchant account configured as an indirect merchant conduit to require the use of this field.

92925 Payment method token is required.

A payment method token is required for a financing option request.

92926 Amount is required.

An amount is required for a financing option request.

92927 Currency code is required.

A currency code is required for a financing option request.

92928 A two-letter country code is required.

A two-letter country code is required for a financing option request.

92929 The vaulted payment method is missing a PayPal Billing Agreement ID.

A PayPal Billing Agreement ID is required for the financing option Billing Agreement flow.

92930 Unable to retrieve financing options from PayPal.

There was an issue retrieving the financing options from PayPal.

929996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

929997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

929998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

929999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Venmo Accountanchor

Code Text Explanation
84101 Common ID is required.

Common ID is required.

84102 Username is required.

Username is required.

84103 Venmo user ID is required.

Venmo user ID is required.

84104 Customer ID is required.

Customer ID is required.

84105 Venmo accounts are not accepted by this merchant account.

Venmo accounts are not accepted by this merchant account.

84106 Customer ID is invalid.

Customer ID is invalid.

915246 Venmo requires that refunds are issued within 180 days of the sale. This refund can't be successfully processed.

Venmo requires that refunds are issued within 180 days of the sale. This refund can't be successfully processed.

941996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

941997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

941998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

941999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Recurring Billinganchor


Code Text Explanation
92001 Quantity is invalid.

Quantity must be a number.

92002 Amount is invalid.

Amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'.

92003 Amount cannot be blank.

Blanks are not allowed.

92004 Quantity cannot be blank.

Blanks are not allowed.

92005 Number of billing cycles is invalid.

Number of billing cycles must be numeric.

92006 Amount is invalid for currency.

Amount must be in a valid format for the currency.

92010 Quantity must be greater than zero.

Quantity must be greater than 0.

92011 Existing ID is invalid.

Modification ID must be associated with the subscription.

92012 Existing ID is required.

Modification ID is required to update a modification.

92013 Inherited From ID is invalid.

Modification with that inherited from ID is not available.

92014 Inherited From ID is required.

Must provide an inherited from ID.

92015 Cannot update a removed add-on or discount.

Cannot update and remove a modification at the same time.

92016 Cannot remove add-on or discount if not already associated with subscription.

Cannot remove add-on or discount if not already associated with subscription.

92017 Number of billing cycles cannot be blank.

Number Of Billing Cycles cannot be blank if the subscription expires.

92018 Cannot specify both number of billing cycles and never expires as true.

Number of billing cycles is blank and never expires is not set to true.

92019 Number of billing cycles must be greater than zero.

Number of billing cycles must be greater than 0.

92020 Existing ID is not of the correct kind.

Existing ID must be of the type of modification that is being edited.

92021 ID to remove is incorrect kind.

Existing ID must be of the type of modification that is being removed.

92022 Cannot edit add-on or discount on a past due subscription.

Unable to edit modifications on subscriptions that are past due.

92023 Amount is too large.

The amount cannot be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor. Contact us for your specific limit.

92024 Cannot pass null modification.

Modification is missing from the API call.

92025 ID to remove is invalid.

ID to remove is invalid.

920996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

920997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

920998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

920999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
81901 Cannot edit a canceled subscription.

After a subscription has been canceled it cannot be updated.

81902 ID has already been taken.

Subscription IDs need to be unique.

81903 Price cannot be blank.

If you provide a price, it can't be an empty string. If you omit the price, then the subscription will inherit the price from the plan.

81904 Price is an invalid format.

Price must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'.

81905 Subscription has already been canceled.

You can't cancel subscriptions that have already been canceled.

81906 ID is invalid (use only letters, numbers, '-', and '_').

If specifying the ID for the subscription, you can only use letters, numbers, _ and -.

81907 Trial Duration is an invalid format.

It must be 1-3 digits.

81908 Trial Duration is required.

It's required if trial period is set to true.

81909 Trial Duration Unit is invalid.

Valid values are "day" and "month".

81910 Cannot edit an expired subscription.

You cannot edit a subscription with Expired status.

81923 Price is too large.

The subscription price cannot be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor. Contact us for your specific limit.

91901 Merchant Account ID is invalid.

If specifying the merchant account to use to process transactions for this subscription it needs to be the ID for one of your merchant accounts.

91902 Payment method token payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

When providing a payment method token, your merchant account must be configured to accept the payment method type represented by the token.

91903 Payment method token is invalid.

You'll get this error if we can't find a payment method with the token specified.

91904 Plan ID is invalid.

You'll get this error if we can't find a plan with the given ID.

91905 Payment method token does not belong to the subscription's customer.

When updating a subscription and changing the payment method token, you can only use tokens associated to the same customer that the subscription is currently associated to.

91906 Number Of Billing Cycles must be numeric.

It must be a number.

91907 Number Of Billing Cycles must be greater than zero.

It must be greater than 0.

91908 Cannot specify both number of billing cycles and never expires as true.

You cannot specify both number of billing cycles and never expires as true.

91909 Number Of Billing Cycles is less than the current billing cycle.

You cannot edit a subscription and change the number of billing cycles to be below the current count of billing cycles.

91911 Cannot add duplicate add-on or discount.

Add-Ons and Discounts must be unique, but you can change the quantity.

91912 Number Of Billing Cycles cannot be blank if the subscription expires.

Blanks are not allowed.

91913 Billing Day of Month must be numeric.

The billing date must be a number.

91914 Billing Day of Month must be between 1 and 28, or 31.

The billing date must be 1-28 or 31 (for the last day of every month).

91915 First Billing Date is invalid.

The first billing date is an incorrect format.

91916 First Billing Date cannot be in the past.

The first billing date cannot be in the past.

91917 Cannot specify more than one type of start date.

The type of start date can be only one of the following: start immediately, after a trial period, or on a specific day of the month.

91918 Billing Day of Month cannot be updated.

The billing date cannot be updated.

91919 First Billing Date cannot be updated.

First billing date cannot be updated.

91920 Can only edit id, merchant account id, payment method token, and descriptor on a past due subscription.

You cannot edit any fields which could change the price on a past due subscription.

91921 Invalid request format.

The add-ons and discounts are in an invalid format.

91922 Cannot update subscription to a plan with a different billing frequency.

You will get this validation if you try to update the plan on a subscription and the billing cycle for the new plan is not the same as the billing cycle of the old plan.

91923 Subscription Plan currency must be the same as the merchant account's currency.

Subscription Plan currency must be the same as the merchant account's currency.

91924 Payment method nonce payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

The supplied payment method nonce represents a payment method of a type that is not accepted by this merchant account.

91925 Payment method nonce is invalid.

The supplied payment method nonce was not in a valid format or is unknown.

91926 Payment method nonce does not belong to the subscription's customer.

The payment method nonce used to create a subscription must be vaulted and must belong to the customer owning the subscription.

91927 Payment method nonce represents an un-vaulted payment instrument.

You cannot create a subscription with a nonce representing an unvaulted payment instrument. Use the payment method nonce to create a vaulted payment method first.

91928 Payment instrument type is not valid for subscriptions.

Payment instrument type is not valid for subscriptions.

91929 Payment instrument type is not valid for subscriptions.

Payment instrument type is not valid for subscriptions.

91930 Merchant Account does not support the given payment instrument type.

Merchant Account does not support the given payment instrument type.

91931 Too many concurrent attempts to update this subscription. Try again later.

Too many concurrent attempts to update this subscription. Try again later.

91932 3D Secure enriched payment method nonce did not authenticate successfully.

The operation against the subscription failed because the 3D Secure enriched payment method nonce has a failed status.

919996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

919997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

919998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

919999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Code Text Explanation
82301 Settlement Date is required

You must provide a settlement date as the first argument.

82302 Settlement Date is invalid

The settlement date provided must be a valid date.

82303 Group By Custom Field is not a valid custom field

The custom field provided must be valid.

923996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

923997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

923998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

923999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Three D Secureanchor

Code Text Explanation
94501 Payment method nonce not found

We cannot find the original nonce you are attempting to upgrade for 3D Secure.

94502 Nonce is already consumed

This nonce was previously consumed and cannot be used to upgrade 3D Secure.

94503 Cannot 3D Secure a non-credit card payment instrument

3D Secure is not applicable because the transaction was created with an alternative payment method.

94504 Unsupported card type

3D Secure was attempted using a card brand that is not supported by your merchant account.

94505 Amount can be any number of digits optionally followed by a decimal point . and up to two decimal places following the decimal point. Commas , are not allowed.

The amount you specified must be a number greater than 0.

94506 Amount too large

The amount exceeds the processor's transaction limit.

94507 Nonce is already 3D Secure

Nonce is already 3D Secure.

94508 An unexpected error occurred

Unexpected failure during Cardinal API operation.

94509 Could not locate 3D Secure verification

Cannot find a 3D Secure verification matching the ID passed to the server.

94510 Could not locate payment method nonce

An invalid payment method nonce was sent.

94511 Payment method nonce has not been upgraded to a 3D Secure nonce

Payment method nonce has not been upgraded to a 3D Secure nonce.

94512 Cardinal response missing required field: cavv

Cardinal response missing required field: cavv

94513 Cardinal response missing required field: xid

Cardinal response missing required field: xid

94514 Cardinal response missing required field: eci_flag

Cardinal response missing required field: eci_flag

94515 Merchant account not 3D Secure enabled

Merchant account is not 3D Secure enabled.

94516 Billing address first name is too long.

Maximum 50 characters.

94517 Billing address last name is too long.

Maximum 50 characters.

94518 Billing address line one is too long.

Maximum 50 characters.

94519 Billing address line two is too long.

Maximum 50 characters.

94520 Billing address city is too long.

Maximum 50 characters.

94521 Customer email format is invalid.

Customer email format is invalid.

94522 Customer email is too long.

Maximum 254 characters.

94523 Customer mobile phone number format is invalid.

Phone must be 2 - 20 characters and can only contain numbers.

94524 Billing phone number format is invalid.

Phone must be 2 - 20 characters and can only contain numbers.

94525 Customer shipping method code is invalid.

Valid customer shipping method codes include '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', and '06'.

94526 Billing Alpha2 country code is not accepted.

Must be valid two-letter country code and formatted as 'xx'.

94527 Billing postal code format is invalid.

Billing postal code format is invalid.

94528 Billing state code is invalid.

Billing code must be two alphabetical characters.

94529 Billing given name format is invalid.

Must be a string. ASCII printable characters only. Maximum 50 characters.

94530 Billing surname format is invalid.

Must be a string. ASCII printable characters only. Maximum 50 characters.

94531 Billing line1 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94532 Billing line2 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94533 The authenticate result JWT signature did not verify.

There was an error when decoding the JSON Web Token (JWT). Either the signature did not verify, or an invalid JWT was passed.

94534 Billing line3 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94535 Billing city format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94536 Billing state format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94537 Billing postal code format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 10 characters.

94538 Billing country code format is invalid.

Must be a valid two-letter country code.

94539 Billing phone number format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 20 characters.

94540 Work phone number format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 25 characters.

94541 Mobile phone number format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 25 characters.

94542 Email format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 255 characters.

94543 Shipping method format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06.

94544 Shipping line1 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94545 Shipping line2 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94546 Shipping line3 format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94547 Shipping state format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94548 Shipping city format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94549 Shipping country code format is invalid.

Must be a valid two-letter country code.

94550 Shipping postal code format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 10 characters.

94551 Shipping method indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07.

94552 Authentication indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06.

94553 Product code format is invalid.

Possible values: AIR, GEN, DIG, SVC, RES, TRA, DSP, REN, GAS, LUX, ACC, TBD.

94554 Delivery timeframe format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04.

94555 Delivery email format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 254 characters.

94556 Reorder indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02.

94557 Preorder indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02.

94558 Preorder date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94559 Gift card amount format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 15 characters.

94560 Gift card currency code format is invalid.

Must be a valid currency code.

94561 Gift card count format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 2 characters.

94562 Account age indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.

94563 Account create date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94564 Account change indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04.

94565 Account change date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94566 Account pwd change indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.

94567 Account pwd change date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94568 Shipping address usage indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04.

94569 Shipping address usage date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94570 Transaction count day format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 3 characters.

94571 Transaction count year format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 3 characters.

94572 Account purchases format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 4 characters.

94573 Fraud activity format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02.

94574 Shipping name indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02.

94575 Payment account indicator format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.

94576 Payment account age format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

94578 ACS window size format is invalid.

Possible values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.

94579 SDK max timeout format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 2 characters.

94581 Address match format is invalid.

Possible values: Y, N.

94582 Account ID format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 64 characters.

94584 IP address format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94586 Order description format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 256 characters.

94587 Shipping given name format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94588 Shipping surname format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 50 characters.

94589 Shipping phone format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 20 characters.

94590 Tax amount format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 20 characters.

94591 Override payment method format is invalid.

Possible values: NA, CR, DB, VSAVR, VSAVA.

94592 User agent format is invalid.

Must be a string. Maximum 500 characters.

94598 Installment format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 3 characters.

94599 Purchase date format is invalid.

Must be a date in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

945100 Recurring end format is invalid.

Must be a date in format 20190131.

945101 Recurring frequency format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 3 characters.

945102 Add card attempts format is invalid.

Must be a number. Maximum 3 characters.

945103 One of the additional info fields sent is invalid. Check the field-level docs in the latest client SDK references for correct field names.

For field-level requirements, see the latest Android, iOS, or JavaScript reference docs for the SDK version you're using.

945104 The additional info sent is invalid. Check the field-level docs in the latest client SDK references for format requirements.

For field-level requirements, see the latest Android, iOS, or JavaScript reference docs for the SDK version you're using.

945105 The customer information sent is invalid. Check the field-level docs in the latest client SDK references for format requirements.

For field-level requirements, see the latest Android, iOS, or JavaScript reference docs for the SDK version you're using.

945106 The region cannot be provided without a corresponding country code.

A country code is necessary to disambiguate the provided region name.

945107 Requesting a challenge and requesting an exemption are mutually exclusive options.

You cannot request a challenge and an exemption on the same request.

945108 3D Secure is invalid

3D Secure is invalid

945112 Amount is invalid. Negative values are not permitted.

Amount is invalid. Negative values are not permitted.

945113 Requested exemption type is invalid.

Requested exemption type is invalid.

945114 Cannot provide requested_exemption_type and challenge_requested in the same request.

Cannot provide requested_exemption_type and challenge_requested in the same request.

945996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

945997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

945998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

945999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
81501 Amount cannot be negative.

Even if creating a credit transaction, the amount should be given as x.xx, not -x.xx.

81502 Amount is required.

You'll get this error if amount is not given or is blank.

81503 Amount is an invalid format.

Amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount cannot include decimal places.

815245 Payment method nonce is not vaultable. Valid number and/or expiration date must be provided.

The payment_method_nonce is not vaultable. Valid number and/or expiration date must be provided.

81528 Amount is too large.

The amount cannot be greater than the maximum allowed by the processor. Contact us for your specific limit.

81509 Credit card type is not accepted by this merchant account.

The credit card card type must be accepted by your merchant account. Note that there is a different error code when you get this error when creating transactions using tokens (91517).

81527 Custom field is too long:

Custom field values must be less than 255 characters. The error message for this validation error will contain a list of the custom fields that were too long.

91501 Order ID is too long.

Order ID must be less than 255 characters.

91504 Transaction can only be voided if status is authorized, submitted_for_settlement, or - for PayPal - settlement_pending.

Transaction can only be voided if status is authorized, submitted_for_settlement, or - for PayPal - settlement_pending.

91505 Credit transactions cannot be refunded.

Only sale transactions can be refunded.

91506 Cannot refund transaction unless it is settled.

Transaction status must be settled to refund it.

91507 Cannot submit for settlement unless status is authorized.

Transaction status must be authorized to submit the transaction for settlement.

91508 Cannot determine payment method.

You must specify the payment method to charge, either directly (by payment_method_nonce, payment_method_token, credit_card, paypal_account, etc.) or indirectly (by customer_id, subscription_id, etc.).

91526 Custom field is invalid:

Custom field keys must match the API name of a custom field configured in the Control Panel. The error message for this validation error will contain a list of the invalid keys.

91510 Customer ID is invalid.

You'll get this error if you create a transaction using a customer ID and the customer ID isn't in your Vault.

91511 Customer does not have any credit cards.

When creating a transaction using a customer ID, we'll use the customer's default credit card. If the customer does not have any credit cards associated to it, you'll get this error.

91512 Transaction has already been fully refunded.

You'll get this error if you create a refund on a transaction that has been fully refunded.

91513 Merchant account ID is invalid.

If you specify the merchant account ID to use to process a transaction and it does not match any of your merchant accounts, you'll get this error.

91514 Merchant account is suspended.

You'll get this error if you try to create a transaction using a suspended merchant account.

91515 Cannot provide both payment_method_token and credit_card attributes.

If you specify both a Vault token and a full credit card number you'll get this error.

91516 Cannot provide both payment_method_token and customer_id unless the payment_method belongs to the customer.

If you specify both a customer ID and a payment method token when creating a transaction, the payment_method_token must belong to the customer ID.

91527 Cannot provide both payment_method_token and subscription_id unless the payment_method belongs to the subscription.

If you specify both a payment method token and a subscription ID the subscription ID must be associated to the token given.

91517 Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

When providing a payment method token, your merchant account must be configured to accept the payment method type represented by the token.

91518 Payment method token is invalid.

You'll get this error if the payment method token isn't in the Vault.

915248 Surcharge amount is an invalid format.

Surcharge amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount can't include decimal places.

915249 Surcharge amount cannot be negative.

Surcharge amount can't be less than zero.

915250 Surcharge amount is too large.

Surcharge amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

91519 Processor authorization code cannot be set unless for a voice authorization.

You can only set the processor authorization code for voice authorization transactions.

91521 Refund amount is too large.

You cannot refund more than the amount submitted for settlement.

91533 Non-instant local payments refunds are not supported.

You cannot refund a non-instant local payment transaction.

91538 Cannot refund a transaction with a suspended merchant account.

You cannot refund a transaction associated with a suspended merchant account.

91522 Settlement amount is too large.

You can't settle more than the authorized amount unless your industry and processor support settlement adjustment (settling a certain percentage over the authorized amount); contact us for details.

91529 Cannot provide both subscription_id and customer_id unless the subscription belongs to the customer.

If you give both a customer ID and a subscription ID the subscription must be associated to the customer.

91528 Subscription ID is invalid.

You'll get this error if the subscription ID given isn't one of your subscriptions.

91523 Transaction type is invalid.

Valid transaction types are "sale" and "credit".

91524 Transaction type is required.

We need to know if you want to create a sale or a credit.

91525 Vault is disabled.

If you set the option to store in Vault, your Vault needs to be enabled.

91531 Subscription status must be Past Due in order to retry.

A subscription must be in past due status in order to manually retry the charge.

91547 Merchant account does not support refunds.

The merchant account account does not support refunds.

81531 Amount must be greater than zero.

The amount of a transaction cannot be zero.

81534 Tax amount cannot be negative.

The tax amount cannot be less than zero.

81535 Tax amount is an invalid format.

Tax amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount cannot include decimal places.

81536 Tax amount is too large.

The tax amount cannot be longer than 9 digits.

81571 Failed to authenticate, please try a different form of payment.

Failed to authenticate, please try a different form of payment.

91537 Purchase order number is too long.

The purchase order number cannot be larger than 12 characters for AIB and 17 characters for other all other processors.

91539 Voice Authorization is not allowed for this card type

The specified card type does not support voice authorization codes.

91540 Transaction cannot be cloned if payment method is stored in vault.

Instead, create a new transaction using the payment method's token.

91541 Cannot clone voice authorization transactions.

Cloning voice authorizations is currently unsupported.

91542 Unsuccessful transaction cannot be cloned.

Only transactions that were authorized or settled are cloneable.

91543 Credits cannot be cloned.

You may only clone sale transactions.

91544 Cannot clone transaction without submit_for_settlement flag.

You must specify whether or not to submit the cloned transaction for settlement upon creation.

91545 Voice Authorizations are not supported for this processor.

Your processor does not support voice authorizations.

91546 Credits are not supported by this processor.

Your processor does not support credits.

91548 Purchase order number is invalid.

The purchase order number must be printable ASCII characters.

81520 Processor authorization code must be 6 characters.

Processor authorization code must be 6 characters.

91549 Cannot provide more than one of payment_method_token, payment_method_nonce, credit_card, and venmo_sdk_payment_method_code attributes.

Cannot provide more than one of payment_method_token, payment_method_nonce, credit_card, and venmo_sdk_payment_method_code attributes.

91550 Channel is too long.

Channel is too long. This field is for use by partners and shopping cart providers only.

91551 Settlement amount cannot be less than the service fee amount.

The settlement amount must be greater than or equal to the service fee amount.

91552 Credits not allowed with service fee.

Service fees are allowed on sale transactions only.

91553 Sub-merchant account requires a service fee.

Transactions for sub-merchant accounts need a service fee amount.

91554 Amount cannot be negative.

Service fee amount must be greater than or equal to zero.

91555 Amount is an invalid format.

Service fee amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount cannot include decimal places.

91556 Service fee amount is larger than transaction amount.

Service fee amount must be less than the transaction amount.

91557 Service fee not supported on master merchant account.

Transactions for a master merchant account cannot have a service fee amount.

91558 Merchant account does not support MOTO transactions unless configured by processor.

This merchant account cannot be used for Mail Order/Telephone Order.

91559 Cannot refund a transaction with a pending merchant account.

A Merchant Account must be Active in order to refund a transaction.

91560 Transaction could not be held in escrow.

The Transaction cannot be held in escrow.

91561 Cannot release a transaction that is not escrowed.

Cannot release a transaction that is not escrowed.

91562 Release can only be cancelled if the transaction is submitted for release.

Release can only be canceled if the transaction is submitted for release.

91563 Escrowed transactions cannot be partially refunded.

The Transaction must be fully refunded after being held in escrow.

91564 Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once.

The payment method nonce has already been consumed.

91565 Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.

The payment method nonce has either expired or never existed. Nonces are deleted upon expiration (3 hours after generation).

91567 Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

91568 Three D Secure Token is invalid.

3D Secure token is invalid.

91569 payment_method_nonce does not contain a valid payment instrument type.

payment_method_nonce does not contain a valid payment instrument type.

91572 Current payment method does not support use_billing_for_shipping flag.

Current payment method does not support use_billing_for_shipping flag.

91575 Cannot transition transaction to settled, settlement_confirmed, or settlement_declined

Cannot transition transaction to settled or settlement_declined.

91576 PayPal is not enabled for your merchant account.

PayPal is not enabled for your merchant account.

91577 Merchant account does not support payment instrument.

Merchant account does not support payment instrument.

91570 Transaction data does not match data from Three D Secure verify call.

The credit card number and expiration date used for 3D Secure verification must match the values used to create the transaction.

91573 Transaction cannot be cloned if payment method is a PayPal account.

Transaction cannot be cloned if payment method is a PayPal account.

91574 Cannot refund a transaction transaction in settling status on this merchant account. Try again after the transaction has settled.

Cannot refund a transaction transaction in settling status on this merchant account. Try again after the transaction has settled.

91578 Service fee can not be applied on PayPal transactions.

Service fee can not be applied on PayPal transactions.

91580 PayPal custom field must be less than 256 characters in length.

PayPal custom field must be less than 256 characters in length.

91581 Shipping address customer does not match customer in request.

Shipping address customer does not match customer in request.

91582 PayPal unilateral transactions must also be submitted for settlement.

A unilateral payment is a payment that is made to a receiver who does not have a PayPal account.

91583 This PayPal account was not vaulted with the required data

This PayPal account was not vaulted with the required data.

91584 Merchant account must match the 3D Secure authorization merchant account.

The merchant account specified when creating the transaction must match the merchant account specified when generating the client token. If you do not specify a merchant account ID, your default merchant account will be used.

91585 Amount must match the 3D Secure authorization amount.

The amount used for 3D Secure verification must match the amount used to create the transaction.

91586 Shared billing address ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard billing address ID

Shared billing address ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard billing address ID.

91587 Shared customer ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard customer ID

Shared customer ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard customer ID.

91588 Shared payment method token cannot be used in the same call as a standard payment method token

Shared payment method token cannot be used in the same call as a standard payment method token.

91589 Shared payment method token cannot be used in the same call as a non-shared identifier param

Shared payment method token cannot be used in the same call as a non-shared identifier param.

91590 Shared identifier param cannot be used with non-shared payment method token

Shared identifier param cannot be used with non-shared payment method token.

91591 Shared shipping address ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard shipping address ID

Shared shipping address ID cannot be used in the same call as a standard shipping address ID.

91592 Shared payment methods cannot be vaulted

Shared payment methods cannot be vaulted.

91593 Shared payment methods cannot be vaulted

Shared payment methods cannot be vaulted.

91594 Shared shipping addresses cannot be vaulted

Shared shipping addresses cannot be vaulted.

91595 Shared payment methods cannot be updated

Shared payment methods cannot be updated.

91597 Cannot provide both shared_payment_method_token and shared_customer_id unless the payment_method belongs to the customer.

Cannot provide both shared_payment_method_token and shared_customer_id unless the payment_method belongs to the customer.

91598 Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant account.

91599 Shared Shipping address customer does not match customer in request.

Shared Shipping address customer does not match customer in request.

91596 Shared payment method token is invalid.

Shared payment method token is invalid.

915100 Shared Customer ID is invalid.

Shared Customer ID is invalid.

915103 Cannot submit for partial settlement.

Cannot submit for partial settlement.

915101 Payment instrument type is not accepted.

Payment instrument type is not accepted.

915102 Partial settlements are not supported by this processor.

Partial settlements are not supported by this processor.

915104 Delayed settlements are not supported for this processor. The submit for settlement option is required.

Delayed settlements are not supported for this processor. The submit for settlement option is required.

915105 Merchant account does not support Amex rewards.

Merchant account does not support Amex rewards.

915106 Points amount is too large.

Amex Pay with Points amount is too large.

915152 request_id is required in a rewards payment request.

request_id is required in a rewards payment request.

915153 points is required in a rewards payments required.

points is required in a rewards payments required.

915154 currency_amount is required in a rewards payments required.

currency_amount is required in a rewards payments required.

915155 currency_iso_code is required in a rewards payments required.

currency_iso_code is required in a rewards payments required.

915107 Updating order_id on submit_for_settlement is not supported by this processor.

Updating order_id on submit_for_settlement is not supported by this processor.

915108 Updating descriptor on submit_for_settlement is not supported by this processor.

Updating descriptor on submit_for_settlement is not supported by this processor.

915109 PayPal supplementary data fields must be less than 4001 characters in length:

PayPal supplementary data fields must be less than 4001 characters in length.

915110 Cannot clone facilitated transactions.

Cannot clone facilitated transactions.

915111 PayPal supplementary data field count must be less than 101.

PayPal supplementary data field count must be less than 101.

915112 Shared payment method token originated from another merchant and is not allowed to be shared

Shared payment method token originated from another merchant and is not allowed to be shared.

915113 EciFlag is required.

ECI flag is required for 3D Secure Pass Thru transactions.

915114 EciFlag is invalid.

The provided ECI flag is invalid. Valid ECI Flags are:

  • 00
  • 01
  • 02
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 07

915116 Cavv is required for specified EciFlag.

CAVV is required for the specified ECI flag.

915119 The version of 3D Secure authentication must be composed only of digits and separated by periods (e.g. 1.0.2).

The version of 3D Secure authentication must be composed only of digits and separated by periods (e.g. 1.0.2).

915131 Merchant account does not support 3D Secure transactions for card type.

Merchant account has no active processor settings that support 3D Secure for this card type.

915156 Third party vault status must be either vaulted or will_vault.

The vault status indicator passed with the transaction must be vaulted or will_vault.

915133 Transaction source must be either moto, recurring_first, recurring, installment_first, installment, or unscheduled.

The source passed with the transaction must be moto, recurring_first, recurring, installment_first, installment, or unscheduled.

915134 submit_for_settlement is required and must be true.

The payment method for this transaction does not support authorization with delayed settlement. Funds must be submitted for settlement upon creation.

915135 shared_payment_method_nonce does not contain valid payment instrument type.

shared_payment_method_nonce does not contain valid payment instrument type.

915136 Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant.

Payment instrument type is not accepted by this merchant.

915137 Cannot clone Braintree Marketplace transactions via the API.

Braintree Marketplace transactions cannot be cloned via the API. If you wish to clone a Braintree Marketplace transaction, you must use the Braintree Control Panel.

815141 iDEAL payment is not complete

An iDEAL payment needs to enter a 'COMPLETE' state before creating a transaction. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

815142 iDEAL payment is already consumed

Deprecated in favor of 91564 – Cannot use a payment_method_nonce more than once. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

915143 Merchant account must match the iDEAL payment merchant account.

A transaction for an iDEAL payment must have a merchant account matching the iDEAL payment. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

915144 Amount must match the iDEAL payment amount.

A transaction for an iDEAL payment must have an amount matching the iDEAL payment. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

915157 Too many line items.

A maximum of 249 line items can be provided.

915158 Expected a collection of line items but none provided.

Expected a collection of line items but unrecognized data provided.

915145 Line items not allowed for this transaction.

The target transaction does not support line items.

915159 Discount amount is an invalid format.

Discount amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount can't include decimal places.

915160 Discount amount cannot be negative.

Discount amount can't be less than zero.

915161 Discount amount is too large.

Discount amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

915162 Shipping amount is an invalid format.

Shipping amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount can't include decimal places.

915163 Shipping amount cannot be negative.

Shipping amount can't be less than zero.

915164 Shipping amount is too large.

Shipping amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

915165 Ships from postal code is too long.

Ships from postal code must not contain more than 9 letters and numbers.

915166 Ships from postal code must be a string.

Ships from postal code must be a string.

915167 Ships from Postal code can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.

Ships from Postal code can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.

91502 Order ID is required when the payment_method_nonce is an iDEAL payment.

A transaction for an iDEAL payment must have an order ID. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

915147 Vaulted cards from this payment method can only be used for recurring transactions.

This payment method only allows recurring transactions from vaulted cards. All other transactions are not allowed with vaulted cards.

915148 Transaction can not be voided if status of a PayPal partial settlement child transaction is settlement_pending.

Transaction can not be voided if status of a PayPal partial settlement child transaction is settlement_pending.

915149 Too many concurrent attempts to refund this transaction. Try again later.

Too many concurrent attempts to refund this transaction. Try again later.

915150 iDEAL payments cannot be vaulted.

iDEAL payments cannot be vaulted. This error still exists in the gateway but is no longer returned. It will be removed from the docs once the error has been removed from gateway.

915151 Too many concurrent attempts to void this transaction. Try again later.

Too many concurrent attempts to void this transaction. Try again later.

915168 Device session id must be less than 256 characters.

The device session id provided is too long. It must be less than 256 characters.

915169 Merchant account does not support 3D Secure.

The transacting merchant account must be configured to support 3D Secure. Either specify a merchant account that has 3D Secure enabled, or contact us.

915170 Venmo Profile ID does not exist.

The Venmo Profile associated with the profile_id does not exist.

915171 US bank account payment_method_nonce must originate from Plaid or be vaulted prior to transaction.

US bank accounts must be verified before they can be charged. This can be done by either tokenizing with Plaid or vaulting the nonce and providing verification options.

915172 US bank account payment method must be verified prior to transaction.

US bank accounts must be verified before they can be charged. This can be done by updating the payment method and providing verification options.

915173 PayPal payee ID is not permitted for an un-vaulted PayPal nonce.

Use payee email for un-vaulted PayPal nonces.

915174 PayPal payee ID is not permitted for a PayPal Order payment method.

Use payee email for PayPal Order payment methods.

915175 Status must be either vaulted or will_vault.

See external_vault.status description for more information on the status.

915176 External vault may only be used with credit card transactions.

An external vault may only be used with credit card transactions. The external vault is used to communicate how a credit card is being stored externally from Braintree.

915177 Status must be vaulted when used with previous network transaction ID.

The network transaction ID is only needed when conducting a transaction using a stored credit card.

915179 Previous network transaction ID must be a 15 digit number.

Previous network transaction ID must be a 15 digit number.

915180 Merchant account id must match the subscription's merchant account.

Merchant account ID must match the subscription's merchant account.

915181 Shared payment method nonce originated from another merchant and is not allowed to be shared

Shared payment method nonce originated from another merchant and is not allowed to be shared.

915183 Cannot void a transaction that has already been captured.

PayPal has already captured funds for this transaction, so it can't be voided in the Braintree gateway.

915195 Processor does not support MOTO transactions for this card type.

Processor does not support MOTO transactions for this card type.

915189 Merchant account must match the merchant account used to create the payment.

Merchant account provided in the Transaction: Sale call must match the merchant account used to create the payment by the client.

915190 Fake payment method nonce cannot be used in production.

Test nonces can only be used in the sandbox.

915191 Settlement failed with a soft processor decline.

The processor failed to capture funds for this transaction, but the authorization is still open. You may safely retry this request.

915192 Local payment transaction has already been processed.

Local payment transaction has already been processed for the parameters provided in the Transaction: Sale call.

815193 Transaction amount not supported by processor.

The amount cannot be less than the minimum allowed by the processor. Contact us for your specific limit.

915200 Failed to refund transaction.

The authorization for the refund was hard declined by the issuer.

915201 Failed to refund transaction. Please try again at a later time.

The authorization for the refund was soft declined by the issuer.

915205 The three_d_secure_authentication_id was already used and cannot be processed more than once.

The three_d_secure_authentication_id was already used and cannot be processed more than once.

915207 Refund limit exceeded. Please try using an alternate payment method.

The refund could not be completed successfully and the number of refund attempts has exceeded the limit. Please try using an alternate payment method.

915208 The installment amounts are invalid.

The amount charged per installment is not supported in this region.

915209 The specified number of installments are not supported in this region.

This transaction cannot be processed with the specified number of installments.

915210 Installments are not supported in this region.

Installment data is currently not accepted in this region.

915211 Installments may not be processed on debit cards in this region.

Installments are only supported on cards with a credit account in this region.

915212 EMV data is invalid.

The EMV data is in an invalid format.

915215 Cannot create offline decline without EMV payment method.

Transaction can only be created as an offline decline if it has an EMV payment method.

915216 Cannot update EMV data unless the transaction is an EMV transaction and status is authorized.

EMV data can only be updated for an EMV transaction with an authorized status.

915217 Cannot submit EMV contact transaction for settlement without a transaction certificate.

For an EMV contact transaction the application cryptogram must be the transaction certificate.

915218 Transaction can only be adjusted when status is authorized.

Transaction can only be adjusted when status is authorized.

915219 Transaction is not eligible for adjustment.

Transaction is not eligible for adjustment.

915220 Incremental auth on transaction is not supported for this processor.

Incremental auth on transaction is not supported for this processor.

915221 Partial auth reversal on transaction is not supported for this processor.

Partial auth reversal on transaction is not supported for this processor.

915222 Processor does not support multi incremental auth adjustment.

Processor does not support multi incremental auth adjustment.

915223 Offline decline transactions not supported by merchant account.

Offline decline transactions not supported by merchant account.

915224 Payment initiated at is an invalid format.

Payment initiated at must be in the ISO 8601 format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)."

815224 Tax amount is required for domestic transactions in Sweden.

Tax amount is required for domestic transactions in Sweden.

915225 Cashback amount cannot be negative.

Cashback amount cannot be negative.

915226 Cashback amount is an invalid format.

Cashback amount is an invalid format.

915227 Cashback amount is not allowed for this payment instrument.

Cashback amount is not allowed for this payment instrument.

915228 Cashback amount is too large.

Cashback amount is too large.

915229 Exchange Rate Quote ID is too long.

Exchange Rate Quote ID cannot be longer than 4000 characters.

915238 Third party card-on-file network token cannot be vaulted.

Third party card-on-file network token cannot be vaulted.

915239 Your account has not been enabled to accept Third Party Card-On-File network tokens.

Your account has not been enabled to accept Third Party Card-On-File network tokens.

915240 Your account has not been configured with a processor that supports Third Party Card-On-File network tokens.

Your account has not been configured with a processor that supports Third Party Card-On-File network tokens.

915996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

915997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

915998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

915999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Authorization Adjustmentanchor

Code Text Explanation
95601 Transaction must be submitted for settlement for the authorized amount.

Transaction cannot be adjusted and must be submitted for settlement for the authorized amount.

95602 Failed to submit for settlement for an amount different than the authorized amount. Please submit for the authorized amount.

By submitting an amount other than the authorized amount, an adjustment needed to be performed on the transaction. This adjustment resulted in a hard decline and should not be retried.

95603 Failed to submit for settlement for an amount different than the authorized amount. Please try again at a later time.

By submitting an amount other than the authorized amount, an adjustment needed to be performed on the transaction. This adjustment resulted in a soft decline and can be retried.

95604 Failed to submit for settlement for an amount different than the authorized amount too many times. Please submit for the authorized amount.

By submitting an amount other than the authorized amount, an adjustment needed to be performed on the transaction. This adjustment has resulted in too many failures. Please try again later or submit for the authorized amount.

95605 Amount submitted for adjust authorization must be greater than zero.

Amount submitted for adjust authorization must be greater than zero.

95606 Adjustment amount should not be same as adjusted amount authorized.

Adjustment amount should not be same as adjusted amount authorized

95607 Failed to adjust authorization for amount submitted.

The authorization adjustment failed. The adjustment resulted in a hard decline and should not be retried.

95608 Failed to adjust authorization for amount submitted. Please try again at a later time.

The authorization adjustment failed. The adjustment resulted in a soft decline and can be retried.

956996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

956997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

956998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

956999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
92201 Company name/DBA section is invalid.

The company/DBA name passed in your descriptor does not meet the requirements set by your processor.

92202 Phone number is invalid.

Typically, phone must be 10 - 14 characters and can only contain numbers, dashes, parentheses and periods. Some example phone numbers are:

  • 3125556666
  • 312-555-6666
  • (312)555-6666

However, your processor may impact the number of characters or format accepted. Contact us for more information on your processor's specific requirements.

92203 Dynamic descriptors have not been enabled for this account. Please contact support at

Dynamic descriptors have not been enabled for this account. Contact us.

92204 Descriptor format is invalid.

Descriptor name must be less than or equal to 15 characters and can only contain letters and numbers. This will be prefixed by the preset company name for this account.

92205 International phone number is invalid.

Phone can only contain numbers, dashes and periods and must be less than or equal to 13 characters.

92206 URL must be 13 characters or shorter.

The url/web address to a customer's statement must be less than or equal to 13 characters.

922996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

922997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

922998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

922999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Risk Dataanchor

Code Text Explanation
94701 Customer Browser is too long.

Maximum 255 characters.

947996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

947997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

947998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

947999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

Transaction Line Itemsanchor

Code Text Explanation
95801 Commodity code is too long.

Commodity code can't be longer than 12 characters.

95803 Description is too long.

Description can't be longer than 127 characters.

95804 Discount amount is an invalid format.

Discount amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount can't include decimal places.

95805 Discount amount is too large.

Discount amount is too large.

95806 Discount amount cannot be negative.

Discount amount can't be less than zero.

95807 Kind must be 'debit' or 'credit'.

Kind must be 'debit' or 'credit'.

95808 Kind is required.

Kind is required, and must be 'debit' or 'credit'.

95809 Product code is too long.

Product code can't be longer than 12 characters, or 127 characters for PayPal transactions.

95810 Quantity is in an invalid format.

Quantity must be formatted like '10' or '10.0000'.

95811 Quantity is required.

Quantity is required.

95812 Quantity is too large.

Quantity can't be longer than 12 digits.

95813 Total amount is an invalid format.

Total amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the amount can't include decimal places.

95814 Total amount is required.

Total amount is required.

95815 Total amount is too large.

Total amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

95816 Total amount must be greater than zero. Zero is allowed for PayPal transactions.

Total amount can't be less than zero.

95817 Unit amount is an invalid format.

Unit amount must be formatted like '10', '10.00', or '10.0000'.

95818 Unit amount is required.

Unit amount is required.

95819 Unit amount is too large.

Unit amount can't be longer than 12 digits.

95820 Unit amount must be greater than zero. Zero is allowed for PayPal transactions.

Unit amount must be greater than zero. Zero is allowed for PayPal transactions.

95821 Unit of measure is too long.

Unit of measure cannot be longer than 12 characters.

95822 Name is required.

Name is required.

95823 Name is too long.

Maximum 35 characters or 127 characters for PayPal transactions.

95824 Unit tax amount is an invalid format.

Unit tax amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the unit tax amount can't include decimal places.

95825 Unit tax amount is too large.

Unit tax amount is too large.

95826 Unit tax amount cannot be negative.

Unit tax amount can't be less than or equal to zero.

95827 Tax amount is an invalid format.

Tax amount must be formatted like '10' or '10.00'. If the currency does not use decimal places, the unit tax amount can't include decimal places.

95828 Tax amount is too large.

Tax amount can't be longer than 9 digits.

95829 Tax amount cannot be negative.

Tax amount can't be less than zero.

958996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

958997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

958998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

958999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.


Code Text Explanation
94201 Verification amount cannot be negative.

Verification amount cannot be negative.

94202 Verification amount is invalid.

Verification amount is invalid.

94203 Verification amount not supported by processor.

Verification amount not supported by processor.

94204 Verification Merchant Account ID is invalid.

Verification merchant account ID is invalid.

94205 Verification Merchant Account is suspended.

Verification Merchant Account is suspended.

94206 The current user does not have access to the specified merchant_account_id

The current user does not have access to the specified merchant_account_id.

94207 Verification amount is too large.

Verification amount is too large.

94208 Verification Merchant Account ID cannot be a sub-merchant account.

Verifications cannot be created using sub-merchant accounts.

942196 3D Secure authentication ID is invalid.

3D Secure authentication ID is invalid.

942197 verification payment method does not match payment method used when the 3D Secure authentication was performed.

verification payment method does not match payment method used when the 3D Secure authentication was performed.

942198 The 3D Secure data in the payment_method_nonce does not match the three_d_secure_authentication_id.

The 3D Secure data in the payment_method_nonce does not match the three_d_secure_authentication_id.

942199 Cannot send both three_d_secure_pass_thru and three_d_secure_authentication_id.

Cannot send both three_d_secure_pass_thru and three_d_secure_authentication_id.

942200 The three_d_secure_authentication_id was already used and cannot be processed more than once.

The three_d_secure_authentication_id was already used and cannot be processed more than once.

942201 Verification for international issued payment method with 3D Secure and debit account type for amount greater than zero not supported.

Verification for international issued payment method with 3D Secure and debit account type for amount greater than zero not supported.

942202 No active processor connection accepts us_bank_accounts.

No active processor connection accepts us_bank_accounts.

942203 Transaction source is invalid. Refer to request documentation for correct values.

Transaction source is invalid. Refer to request documentation for correct values.

942113 EciFlag is required.

EciFlag is required.

942114 EciFlag is invalid.

EciFlag is invalid.

942116 Cavv is required for specified EciFlag.

Cavv is required for specified EciFlag

942117 ThreeDSecureVersion is required.

ThreeDSecureVersion is required.

942119 The version of 3D Secure authentication must be composed only of digits and separated by periods (e.g. 1.0.2).

The version of 3D Secure authentication must be composed only of digits and separated by periods (e.g. 1.0.2).

942120 AuthenticationResponse is invalid.

AuthenticationResponse is invalid.

942121 DirectoryResponse is invalid.

DirectoryResponse is invalid.

942122 CavvAlgorithm is invalid.

CavvAlgorithm is invalid.

942131 Merchant account does not support 3D Secure verifications for card type.

Merchant account does not support 3D Secure verifications for card type.

84271 Failed to authenticate, please try a different form of payment.

Failed to authenticate, please try a different form of payment.

94268 Three D Secure Token is invalid.

Three D Secure Token is invalid.

94270 verification data does not match data from Three D Secure verify call.

verification data does not match data from Three D Secure verify call.

94285 Amount must match the 3D Secure authorization amount.

Amount must match the 3D Secure authorization amount.

942169 Merchant account does not support 3D Secure.

Merchant account does not support 3D Secure.

94284 Merchant account must match the 3D Secure authorization merchant account.

Merchant account must match the 3D Secure authorization merchant account.

942996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

942997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

942998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

942999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.

US Bank Account Verificationanchor

Code Text Explanation
96101 US bank account verification can not be confirmed.

US bank account verification can not be confirmed.

96102 US bank account verification is not a micro-transfer verification.

US bank account verification is not a micro-transfer verification.

96103 Deposit amounts do not match.

Deposit amounts do not match.

96104 Too many confirmation attempts.

Too many confirmation attempts. The maximum number of failed attempts is 5. This verification can no longer be confirmed and a new verification must be initiated.

96105 Unable to confirm deposit amounts.

Unable to confirm deposit amounts at this time.

96106 Invalid deposit amounts.

There should be exactly 2 deposit amounts supplied as integers.

961996 Required attribute is missing

The missing attribute is provided in the error message.

961997 Attribute is not in the required format

The attribute and the expected format are provided in the error message.

961998 Attribute is not in the list of expected values

The attribute and the expected values are provided in the error message.

961999 Attribute is the wrong type

The attribute and the expected types are provided in the error message.