
Subscription: Search

Returns a collection of Subscription response objects.

You can search for subscriptions using a variety of criteria. For operators available on search fields, see the search fields page.

  1. Python
collection =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.plan_id == "the_plan_id"

for subscription in collection.items:
    print subscription.billing_day_of_month

If you want to look up a single subscription using its ID, use Subscription: Find instead.

The number of billing cycles remaining in the subscription.
The date/time the subscription was created.
The number of days past due the subscription is.
The ID of the subscription.
A list of subscription IDs to search for.

Whether the subscription is in a trial period. Can be True or False. This parameter must be used in conjunction with status.

A list of merchant account IDs to search for.

A fragment of the merchant account ID to search for.

A part of the merchant account ID to search for.
A postfix for the merchant account ID to search for.
An exact merchant account ID to search for.
A merchant account ID to be excluded from the search.
A prefix for the merchant account ID to search for.
The date the subscription will next be billed.
A list of plan IDs to search for.
The price of the subscription.

The status of the subscription. Possible values:

  • Active
  • Canceled
  • PastDue
  • Pending
  • Expired
The transaction ID associated with the subscription.


Searching by priceanchor

Searching on price uses a range field.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.price >= Decimal("950")

Searching by plan IDanchor

Searching on plan ID uses a multiple value field.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.plan_id.in_list("silver_plan", "gold_plan")

Searching by statusanchor

Searching on status uses a multiple value field.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.status == braintree.Subscription.Status.Active

search_results =

When searching for subscriptions that are active, you have the ability to search for all active subscriptions (with or without a trial period), subscriptions with a trial period, or subscriptions without a trial period.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.status == braintree.Subscription.Status.Active
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.status == braintree.Subscription.Status.Active,
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.in_trial_period == True
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.status == braintree.Subscription.Status.Active,
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.in_trial_period == False

Searching by days past dueanchor

Searching on days past due uses a range field.

  1. Python
search_results =
  braintree.SubscriptionSearch.days_past_due.between(2, 10)

In versions prior to 2.5.0, you can only search on days past due as a specific number, rather than using a range search. For these versions, if you want subscriptions that have been past due between 1 and 5 days, you will need to run 5 searches.

Searching by merchant account IDanchor

Searching on merchant account ID acts like a multiple value field.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.merchant_account_id == "usd_merchant_account"

Searching by billing cycles remaininganchor

Searching on billing cycles remaining will find subscriptions which have a set limit to the number of times they will recur. It uses a range field.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.billing_cycles_remaining >= 7

Searching by next billing dateanchor

Searching on next billing date will return subscriptions that will bill again during the date range you have given it. The example below will return any subscriptions that will be billed in the next five days.

  1. Python
next_billing_date_cutoff = + timedelta(days=5)

search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.next_billing_date <= next_billing_date_cutoff

Searching by created-at date/timeanchor

Searching on created-at date/time will return subscriptions that were created during the range you have given.

  1. Python
search_results =
  braintree.SubscriptionSearch.created_at.between( - datetime.timedelta(days=1),

Searching a combinationanchor

You can combine any of the search fields into a single search.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.plan_id == "gold_plan",
    braintree.SubscriptionSearch.status == braintree.Subscription.Status.Active

Searching prior to version 2.5.0anchor

Prior to version 2.5.0, literal lists must be passed as arguments to all search methods.

  1. Python
search_results =[

See also