Card field properties for direct merchants


Last updated: Feb 27th, 7:39am


The following card field properties are used to capture a payment. Use the render() method to render these instances to the DOM.

Property Type Field created Required
CVVField Function Card CVV or CID, a 3 or 4-digit code Yes
ExpiryField Function Card expiration date Yes
NameField Function Name for the card No
NumberField Function Card number Yes

Card field options

Customize event callbacks or the style of each field with the following options:

Property Type Description Required
inputEvents Object inputEvents An object containing callbacks for when a specified input event occurs for a field. No
style Object style guide Style a field with supported CSS properties. No
placeholder String Each card field has a default placeholder text. Pass a placeholder object to customize this text. No


    1const cardNameContainer = document.getElementById("card-name-field-container");
    2const nameField = cardField.NameField({
    3 placeholder: "Enter your full name as it appears on your card",
    4inputEvents: {
    5 onChange: (event)=> {
    6 console.log("returns a stateObject", event);
    7 }
    9style: {
    10 ".invalid": {
    11 "color": "purple",
    12 }
    15 });
    17const cardNumberContainer = document.getElementById("card-number-field-container");
    18const numberField = cardField.NumberField(/*options*/);
    20const cardExpiryContainer = document.getElementById("card-expiry-field-container");
    21const expiryField = cardField.ExpiryField(/*options*/);
    23const cardCvvContainer = document.getElementById("card-cvv-field-container");
    24const cvvField = cardField.CVVField(/*options*/);

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