Customize the Checkout experience


Last updated: Jan 16th, 10:23am

Extend your Checkout integration with these features. We recommend starting with showing a cancellation page and validating user input.


Feature Description
App Switch Streamline checkout by helping buyers finish transactions in the PayPal app.
Authorize and capture Change your checkout integration from a one-step payment solution to a two-step, authorize and capture later solution so you can complete business tasks, like verifying inventory, before finalizing the transaction.
Contact module Help buyers add or modify contact information during checkout.
Display funding source As a best practice, show your buyer the funding source they used for their purchase.
Display PayPal buttons with other payment methods Provide a clean user interface when you present PayPal and other funding sources on your site.
Handle errors Ensure errors returned are handled in the buyer experience.
Handle funding failures Restart a payment when a buyer's funding source fails.
Messaging with buttons Render a message with your payment buttons.
Overcharge handling Direct the buyer to re-authorize a payment when the amount is more than what they agreed to pay for a product or service.
Pass buyer identifier Streamline authentication by passing your buyer's email address to prefill their login in PayPal.
Pass line-item details Pass item descriptions to help buyers verify purchase details in PayPal.
Pay another account Select a different receiver when you create an order.
Pay now or continue Determine whether a buyer completes checkout in PayPal or returns to your website.
PayPal Checkout with Single-Page Applications This guide is for websites that use a library or framework, such as React, Vue, or Angular.
Recurring payments module Implement frictionless transactions for subscriptions, trials, auto-reloads, and other recurring payments.
Shipping module Offer shipping options to your buyer.
Show cancellation page Give buyers clear confirmation when they cancel during the checkout flow.
Standalone payment buttons Render individual payment buttons for each supported payment method.
Update order details Adjust the order and transaction details during the checkout process.
Validate user input on your page Validate web forms before buyers submit data for checkout.

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