Get Started


Last updated: Mar 14th, 6:13pm

Create an onboarding and payments solution for your marketplace or payments platform. Follow these steps for integrating PayPal Complete Payments Platform from onboarding your platform to going live.


Onboard your platform

Fill out this form to tell us about your platform and business, including what services and products your platform provides. We use this information to determine the most suitable integration for you. A PayPal representative will evaluate your business needs and contact you about your approval.


Configure your sandbox and live accounts

Log in to your sandbox API caller account to create a Platform REST app and get your API credentials. Then, set up your live account. For instructions, see Configure your sandbox account, live account, and API credentials.


Choose your payment solution

Determine how you want to accept payments and select a solution that works best for your use case. Things to consider include:

  • How you want to onboard your sellers
  • What payment methods you want your sellers to use
  • How to manage disputes and refunds
  • How to generate reports

Build and test your integration

Explore what you can do with the platform solution in the sandbox. Test the seller onboarding integration, display specific payment methods, and configure the backend management. For demos of our integrations, see PayPal Demo and the Interactive Buttons Demo.

Onboard sellers

Your sellers complete onboarding so they can accept PayPal payments on your platform.

There are 3 ways to onboard sellers:

  • Onboard sellers before payment
  • Onboard sellers after payment
  • Build onboarding into software

We recommend onboarding your sellers before payment because it allows you to integrate both PayPal Checkout and Expanded Checkout solutions. It has a few limitations and is the most common way to onboard your sellers.

For more information, see Onboard sellers overview.

Process checkout

There are two packaged solutions for checkout: PayPal Checkout and Expanded Checkout.

PayPal Checkout

This solution includes PayPal Checkout to your platform and allows you to,

Expanded Checkout

This solution includes the PayPal Checkout solution and customizable credit and debit card fields.

Manage back-end operations, dispute, and reporting

You can include the following in your back-end management:


Complete the integration checklist

Review and complete the integration checklist. The checklist provides best practice recommendations.


Go live

Make sure you have filled out this form to be an approved partner. Contact your PayPal representative to go live after you’ve tested your integration. Share the email addresses and client IDs for your sandbox and live accounts with your PayPal representative. When you have completed the integration checklist, a PayPal representative can copy your sandbox configuration to your live account.

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