Financial detail report


Last updated: Sept 19th, 5:26am

This report provides a detailed view of the activity on your financial account. This report helps with all transactions that occurred on your account and associates a transaction in the report to its original transaction.

Download a sample report

To review what's available in this report, download a sample in CSV format. This sample may vary from your actual report, depending on your settings.

Know before you begin

  • Ensure you are an approved partner to use this report.
  • This report is generated and placed on the SFTP server by 12:00 PM daily in the leading time zone of the reporting window.
  • The actual amounts in this report are multiplied by 100 to represent the amounts as cents. For instance, a $10 entry shows up as 1000 on the report.
  • Read the report data by column header name instead of column index to maintain backward compatibility.

Report file name

The file name of the Financial Detail Report for a single account follows this naming convention:

    Field Information
    FINANCIAL_DETAIL An abbreviation for Financial Daily or Daily Report.
    yyyymmdd The date for the data in the report. It represents the latest, or ending date, of the data.
    ReportFileName Report file name as entered by the partner in preference system.
    ReportingWindow The window of time in which the report was generated.
    SequenceNumber The sequence number of the report file. It is two characters, right-justified, and zero-filled. The sequence number begins with 0 and continues until all parts of the report are recorded in files. The sequence number is always present in the report filename even if there is only one file.
    MajorVersion The major version of the report.
    MinorVersion The minor version of the report.
    Format The report format is CSV (comma-separated values).

    Report format

    Each row of the report consists of a two-letter row type, followed by the details specific to that row type. The following table lists the valid row types, along with the sections that describe the data for that row type.

    Code Description
    FH File header
    SH Section header
    CH Column header
    SB Section body
    SF Section footer
    FF File footer
    Position Column name Data type Description

    File header data

    1 Column Type Literal The column type (FH).
    2 Report Generation Date Date-time The date and time at which the report file was generated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS offset, where offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
    3 Reporting Window Varchar, single character, one of: A, H, R, X. The window of time in which the report was generated, as follows:
    • A: America/New York to America/Los Angeles.
    • H: America/Los Angeles to Asia/Hong Kong.
    • R: Asia/Hong Kong to Europe/London.
    • X: Europe/London to America/New York.
    4 Report Period Start Date Date-time The beginning date and time for which to include transactions in the report, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS offset, where offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
    5 Report Period End Date Date-time The final date and time for which to include transactions in the report, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DDHH:MM:SS offset, where offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT. For example, +0800.
    6 Financial Account Number Varchar The partner's financial encrypted account number.

    Section header data

    1 Column Type Literal SH

    Section body data

    1 Column Type Literal The column type (CH).
    2 TRANSACTION_TYPE Varchar The type of transaction. One of:
    • PAYMENT. Forward money movement between buyer and seller for a given order.
    • CORRECTION. Correction type transactions.
    • CURRENCY_CONVERSION. Currency conversion type transactions.
    • DEPOSIT. Deposit type transactions.
    • DISBURSEMENT. Disbursement type transactions.
    • FEES. Fees type transactions for partner fee, payment fee, or fee reversal.
    • HOLD. Hold type transactions.
    • HOLD_RELEASE. Hold release type transactions.
    • OTHER. Other type transactions.
    • PAYMENT. Payment type transactions.
    • RECOUP. Recoup type transactions done either from bank or loss Accounts
    • REFUND. Refund type transactions.
    • REVERSAL. Reversal type transactions.
    • WITHDRAWAL. Withdrawal type transactions.
    • PAYABLE. Funds payable are funds provided by PayPal that need to be paid back.
    • RECEIVABLE. Funds receivable are funds provided by PayPal that are being paid back.
    • TRANSFER. Transfers are funds transferred either from or to a PayPal account and another payable account.
    • BONUS. Bonus type transactions.
    • PAYOUT_REFUNDRefund against a past payout transaction.
    • PAYOUT_REVERSALReversal of a Payout transaction
    3 TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE Varchar The Subtype of Transaction. One of:
    • FEE. Fee subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Chargeback.
    • REVERSAL. Reversal subtype transactions, applicable for transaction types chargeback, fees, and withdrawals.
    • PARTNER_FEE. Partner fee subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Fees.
    • PAYMENT_FEE. Payment fee subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Fees.
    • MASS_PAY. Masspay subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Payment.
    • BANK. Bank subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Withdrawal.
    • LOSS_ACCOUNT. Loss account subtype transactions, applicable for transaction type Recoup.
    • DEPOSIT When the transaction type is CORRECTION, the value DEPOSIT or WITHDRAWAL will be populated for the transaction subtype depending on whether the amount is deposited or withdrawn from the partner's financial account.
    • WITHDRAWAL When the transaction type is CORRECTION, the value DEPOSIT or WITHDRAWAL will be populated for the transaction subtype depending on whether the amount is deposited or withdrawn from the partner's financial account.
    • FROM. Currency Conversion from currency.
    • TO. Currency Conversion to currency
    • FOREIGN_WITHDRAWAL. Indicates foreign withdrawal fees, applicable for transaction type FEES.
    • BONUS. This subtype applies to bonus transactions.
    4 COUNTERPARTY_ACCOUNT_ID Varchar Encrypted PayPal account number of the counter party involved in a transaction.
    5 COUNTERPARTY_TRANSACTION_TYPE Varchar The transaction that contributed to the actual transaction. The transaction type can be one of the types defined in TRANSACTION_TYPE field. For example, if the TRANSACTION_TYPE is FEES and the TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE is PARTNER_FEE then the COUNTERPARTY_TRANSACTION_TYPE can be PAYMENT or REFUND.
    6 COUNTERPARTY_TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE Varchar The subtype of transaction that contributed to the actual transaction. This field can be one of the subtypes defined in the TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE field.
    7 PAYPAL_REFERENCE_ID String Original PayPal transaction ID to which this event is related.
    8 PAYPAL_TRANSACTION_ID Varchar PayPal transaction ID of the transaction.
    9 INVOICE_ID Varchar Invoice ID of the transaction.
    10 CUSTOM_FIELD Varchar A field for custom data.
    11 TRANSACTION_DATE Date-time The date and time the transaction was initiated, in the following format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS offset. YYYY is the four-digit year. MM is the two-digit month of the year. DD is the two-digit day of the month. HH is the hour in 24-hour notation. MM is minutes. SS is seconds. offset is the five-character signed offset from GMT, such as +0800.
    12 INTEGRATION_IDENTIFIER Varchar For multi-tenancy partners, this identifier is the organization name. For partners who onboard before payment, this identifier is the button source code.
    12 PP_FEES Money PayPal fees associated with the transaction. Funds moving out of the PayPal fee account have a dash (-) prefix.
    13 PP_FEES_PERCENTAGE Varchar Percentage of transaction amount charged as fee. Total PP fees include this component and PP_FEES_FIXED_AMOUNT.
    14 PP_FEES_FIXED_AMOUNT Money Fixed PayPal fee amount component of PayPal fees.
    15 PP_FEES_CURRENCY Three character currency code The currency of the PayPal fee.
    16 BASE_FX_RATE Varchar Base Rate is setup by Company to be within the buy and sale wholesale currency market rates published by reputable, independent publisher on the conversion day.
    17 MARKUP_FX_RATE Varchar Markup fee percentage for the currency exchange.
    18 NET_FX_RATE Varchar Base exchange rate for the relevant currency exchange("Company Base Rate") +/- a percentage fee (Markup FX Rate) currency conversion spread.
    19 TRANSACTION_CURRENCY Three-character currency code The currency of the transaction.
    20 TRANSACTION_AMOUNT Money The transaction amount.
    21 DECLINE_CODE Varchar This code indicates the reason of decline, when available. For credit card transactions, the code is a processor decline code. For bank transactions, the code is a bank decline code. For more information, see processor decline codes.
    22 SETTLEMENT_REFERENCE_ID Varchar The bank reference ID for the bank transfer transaction.
    1 Column Type Literal The column type (FF).
    1 Column Type Literal The column type (FF).

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