Onboard sellers before payment


Last updated: Apr 2nd, 11:40pm

How it works

You can connect your sellers with PayPal before they accept PayPal payments from payers on your platform.

How it works

Know before you code

To use this integration, you must:

  • You must be an approved partner to use this integration.
  • You must have an access token.
  • This integration uses the Partner Referrals API
  • Inform your sellers of PayPal's Seller Protection policy, so they are aware of use cases that invalidate that protection, such as shipping to an address other than the one in the transaction confirmation.

Set up webhooks

Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that receive notification messages for events. You can subscribe to webhooks from the developer portal or by making an API call.

You’ll need to subscribe to the following webhooks for onboarding:

  • MERCHANT.ONBOARDING.COMPLETED: This webhook is triggered when the seller has fulfilled all onboarding required and has given you permissions.
  • MERCHANT.PARTNER-CONSENT.REVOKED: This webhook is triggered when the seller has removed your permissions.

To subscribe to webhooks from your developer portal:

  1. Select Apps & Credentials.
  2. Select the name of your REST app.
  3. Go to Sandbox Webhooks > Add Webhook.
  4. Enter the URL for your listener.
  5. Add the event name by clicking the associated check boxes and select Save.

To subscribe to webhooks by making an API call, see Webhooks for the sample requests and responses.


Redirect seller to a return URL

After your seller signs up, they are redirected to the return URL you specified in the partner_config_override/return_url field of the Partner Referrals API. If you don’t specify a return URL, then the seller is redirected to the PayPal dashboard for their account.

The following code sample redirects the seller back to your site in the Partner Referrals API.

Sample request

    Parameter Description
    merchantId The unique ID of the seller in your system that you specified in the Partner Referrals API call in the tracking_id field.
    merchantIdInPayPal The merchant ID of your seller's PayPal account.
    permissionsGranted A Boolean indicating whether the seller granted you the permissions you specified in the Partner Referrals API call.
    accountStatus PayPal sends BUSINESS_ACCOUNT if a business account was created. Otherwise, nothing is sent.
    consentStatus A Boolean indicating whether the seller consented to share their credentials with you.
    productIntentId Set to addipmt.
    isEmailConfirmed A Boolean indicating whether the seller has confirmed their email with PayPal.
    returnMessage A hardcoded message containing next steps for the seller to take with PayPal. PayPal only sends this message for business accounts where the email address is not confirmed. PayPal does not send this message for any account where product name is PPCP.

    The product provisioning status. PayPal only sends this for accounts where product name is PPCP. Possible values:

    • SUBSCRIBED: Product provisioning is complete and no additional details  are required.
    • SUBSCRIBED_WITH_LIMIT: Product provisioning is complete with a feature limitation, such as a transaction limit.
    • IN_REVIEW: Review is in progress for product provisioning.
    • NEED_MORE_DATA: The merchant needs to provide supplementary data for product provisioning.
    • DENIED: Not approved. The merchant needs to try again.

    Track seller onboarding status

    Onboarding is complete when the seller has done the following:

    • Created a PayPal account.
    • Granted you permission for the features you set.
    • Confirmed the email address of the account.

    Make a show seller status call to track your seller’s onboarding status.

    You can receive a notification when your seller completes onboarding by subscribing to the MERCHANT.ONBOARDING.COMPLETED webhook. This webhook is triggered when the seller has fulfilled all onboarding requirements.

    Modify the code

    Copy the sample request and modify it as follows:

    • Replace ACCESS-TOKEN with your access token.
    • Replace PARTNER-MERCHANT-ID with your merchant ID.
      • To get your merchant ID, log in to your PayPal account at paypal.com. Hover over your name or profile icon on the top right and select Account Settings > Business information > PayPal Merchant ID.
      • To find the merchant ID of your sandbox account, follow the same instructions on sandbox.paypal.com.
    • Replace SELLER-MERCHANT-ID with the merchant ID of the seller’s PayPal account.
      • To get your seller’s merchant ID, look at the merchantIdInPayPal query parameter attached to the return URL when the seller is redirected back to your site. You can also query it directly by the tracking ID you specified in the Partner Referrals call by calling GET /v1/customer/partners/partner_id/merchant-integrations?tracking_id={tracking_id}. For more information, see List seller tracking information.

    Sample request and response

    In the response, products is set to PPCP_CUSTOM.

      1curl -v -X GET https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/customer/partners/{partner_merchant_id}/merchant-integrations/{seller_merchant_id} \
      2 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      3 -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN"

      Step result

      A successful request results in the following:

      • A return status code of HTTP 200 OK.
      • A JSON response body that shows referral data. This response body does not return user data but returns information on whether the merchant is onboarded and is eligible to process transactions.
      • The payments_receivable is true.
      • The primary_email_confirmed is true.
      • The oauth_third_party contains permissions granted.

      Sample Response

      In this response, products is set to Express_Checkout.

        2 "merchant_id": "5VT3RDX64P5Z6",
        3 "tracking_id": "{{tracking_id}}",
        4 "products": [{
        5 "name": "EXPRESS_CHECKOUT",
        6 "status": "ACTIVE"
        7 },
        8 {
        9 "name": "PPCP_STANDARD",
        10 "vetting_status": "SUBSCRIBED",
        11 "capabilities": [
        12 "INSTALLMENTS",
        13 "SUBSCRIPTIONS",
        14 "ACCEPT_DONATIONS",
        15 "PAYPAL_CHECKOUT",
        16 "GUEST_CHECKOUT",
        18 "SEND_INVOICE",
        19 "QR_CODE",
        22 ]
        23 }
        24 ],
        25 "capabilities": [{
        26 "name": "INSTALLMENTS",
        27 "status": "ACTIVE"
        28 },
        29 {
        30 "name": "PAYPAL_CHECKOUT",
        31 "status": "ACTIVE"
        32 },
        33 {
        34 "name": "SEND_INVOICE",
        35 "status": "ACTIVE"
        36 },
        37 {
        38 "name": "ACCEPT_DONATIONS",
        39 "status": "ACTIVE"
        40 },
        41 {
        42 "name": "SUBSCRIPTIONS",
        43 "status": "ACTIVE"
        44 },
        45 {
        47 "status": "ACTIVE"
        48 },
        49 {
        50 "name": "GUEST_CHECKOUT",
        51 "status": "ACTIVE"
        52 },
        53 {
        54 "name": "QR_CODE",
        55 "status": "ACTIVE"
        56 },
        57 {
        59 "status": "ACTIVE"
        60 }
        61 ],
        62 "payments_receivable": true,
        63 "legal_name": "Firstname Lastname",
        64 "primary_email": "test@example.com",
        65 "primary_email_confirmed": false,
        66 "oauth_integrations": [{
        67 "integration_type": "OAUTH_THIRD_PARTY",
        68 "integration_method": "PAYPAL",
        69 "oauth_third_party": [{
        70 "partner_client_id": "B_AhEDQSJmQb9fK4lIyGOQZEwPVBrrk44Fz2vjfXmv2Tpuc1pt16Mb9h6Ua9pnq1SYvjSy1fOuKXFA2NLw",
        71 "merchant_client_id": "B_AGDGPKGC1P28B65QYRvOmmNe-7JKnEMqIt_H_CMFsXAR_ZuaSLaQBtIKiatmJsv5_ZtxLvp_qPkptoHg",
        72 "scopes": [
        73 "https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/realtimepayment",
        74 "https://uri.paypal.com/services/reporting/search/read",
        75 "https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/refund",
        76 "https://uri.paypal.com/services/customer/merchant-integrations/read",
        77 "https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/payment/authcapture"
        78 ]
        79 }]
        80 }],
        81 "primary_currency": "USD",
        82 "country": "US"

        Sample Response

        In this response, products is set to PPCP_CUSTOM.

          2 "merchant_id": "CG5RZJV4NR5P4",
          3 "tracking_id": "1537989077589",
          4 "products": [
          5 {
          6 "name": "PPCP_CUSTOM"
          7 }
          8 ],
          9 "payments_receivable": true,
          10 "primary_email_confirmed": true,
          11 "products.vetting status": "SUBSCRIBED",
          12 "capabilities[name==CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING].status": "ACTIVE",
          13 "capabilities[name==CUSTOM_CARD_PROCESSING].limits": "undefined",
          14 "oauth_integrations": [{
          15 "integration_type": "OAUTH_THIRD_PARTY",
          16 "integration_method": "PAYPAL",
          17 "oauth_third_party": [
          18 {
          19 "partner_client_id": "Af1bGDNgFBtbJvzEkG25zt4SoNQQ3ustiLm84GWXxe8nq_HE_0wCQ9SH8M1ScmSBURBIzPiCjr5gu-Dq",
          20 "merchant_client_id": "AQ7u3fJkUH4cdCEBidsh5U_F1RQCGjglJQdNEEsXCzvQsGsS5MmC8Dk7_ug_IlkUASJezaGqQxQQfVhQ",
          21 "scopes": ["https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/realtimepayment", "https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/refund", "https://uri.paypal.com/services/payments/payment/authcapture"]
          22 }
          23 ]
          24 }]

          URL onboarding

          Use URL onboarding only if you have already onboarded with URL onboarding or if you have a specific use case for URL onboarding. With URL onboarding, sellers are required to complete all signup fields. Sellers must also have a PayPal business account. Casual sellers are not supported.

          Note: For new integrations, use the Partner Referrals API to onboard your sellers.

          Example URL



            Parameter Description
            channelId Set to partner.
            partnerId The merchant ID of your PayPal account. To find the merchant ID of your PayPal account, log in to your PayPal account at paypal.com. Hover over your name or profile icon on the top right and select Account Settings&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;Business information&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;PayPal Merchant ID. To find the merchant ID of your sandbox account, follow the same instructions on&nbsp;sandbox.paypal.com.
            partnerClientId Your client ID.
            returnToPartnerUrl The URL you want to redirect your seller to after completing signup. Not specifying a return URL in this signup link follows the same behavior as not specifying a return URL when calling the Partner Referrals API.
            partnerLogoUrl The URL for the logo to be displayed during the onboarding process. This applies only if you're not loading the signup flow in a mini-browser. If you do not specify a logo URL in this signup link, the logo URL set on your account will be used. You can work with your account manager to set the logo URL on your account.
            merchantId The unique ID of the seller in your system.
            productIntentId Set to addipmt.
            features The permissions a seller grants you to operate on their PayPal account. If you do not specify features in this signup link, the features enabled for your account are used. Work with your account manager to enable features.
            showPermissions A Boolean that if set to true shows permissions in the onboarding flow.
            integrationType The type of integration between you and your sellers. To specify OAUTH_THIRD_PARTY, set to TO.

            Next steps

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