Payflow Gateway Magtek Parameters

Last updated: Aug 15th, 6:04am

MagTek products for both merchants and consumers provide added security to payment transactions. For merchants, MagTek's MagneSafe card readers encrypt payment card data when the card is swiped. For consumers, MagTek has a subscription based service named Qwick Codes. Consumers can use Qwick Codes instead of their payment card details to purchase goods and services.

MagTek MagneSafe Secure Card Readers and Qwick Codes

MagneSafe Secure Card Reader Authenticators

MagTek's MagneSafe ™ secure card readers encrypt payment card track data such as the credit card account number and the expiration date. MagTek's Secure Card Reader Authenticators (SCRAs) capture data with a single swipe and can deliver dynamic card authentication, data encryption, tokenization, and device/host authentication to help protect merchants and their customers from identity theft and card fraud. MagTek's MagneSafe SCRAs can also identify counterfeit cards.

What is MagneSafe? The MagneSafe Security Architecture (MSA) is MagTek's digital identification and authentication architecture that can safeguard consumers and their personal data. MSA leverages strong encryption, secure tokenization, counterfeit detection, tamper recognition, data relevance and integrity, and dynamic digital transaction signatures to validate and protect the entire transaction.

The devices supported by MagTek's MagneSafe security and Magensa Services are:

  • USB MSR: Dynamag.
  • Insert MSR for Kiosks, ATMs, etc.: MagneSafe I-65 for Chip Cards and MagStripe, PSeries MagneSafe for outdoors, Slim Seal MagneSafe.
  • Mobile Readers: iDynamo for iOS, Bullet for Android, uDynamo for phones and tablets with audio jack port.
  • PINPads: IPAD PINPad available as standard model and also with signature capture support.

MagTek Qwick Codes

MagTek offers a subscription based service to consumers named Qwick Codes. Instead of handing over plastic cards to store clerks or inserting them into unattended terminals like ATMs or gas pumps that may have been rigged with skimmers to steal card data, consumers can scan or type a Qwick Code from their smart phone or computer. The Qwick Code token is used instead to initiate a transaction whereby the merchant or ATM's processor can gather the actual card data on the back end of the transaction where it can be better secured and shielded from potential compromise. Qwick Code tokens are also known as Protection Codes or PCodes.

Passing Encrypted Card Swipe Data and Qwick Codes to the Payflow Gateway

The Payflow Gateway can process transactions for merchants who already have MagneSafe card readers or who accept MagTek Qwick Codes. You must have a MagneSafe card reader or the required Qwick Code information to use the MagTek specific parameters described below. Please contact MagTek directly for more information on obtaining the required card readers and codes.

When you pass MagneSafe encrypted card swipe data or a Qwick Code to the Payflow Gateway, Payflow will communicate directly with MagTek's Magensa servers to retrieve the payment card information. Payflow then passes the transaction data onto your merchant bank.

Supported Transaction Types Encrypted card swipe or Qwick Code (PCode) requests can be used with the following Payflow transaction types:

  • Authorization (TRXTYPE=A)
  • Credit (TRXTYPE=C)
  • Delayed Capture (TRXTYPE=D)
  • Sale (TRXTYPE=S)
  • Void (TRXTYPE=V)

Encrypted Card Swipe Payflow Example

The purpose of this example is to show you how to format a request.You cannot use the values in this example for testing. You must have a MagneSafe card reader and test credit cards or live credit cards to send a request to the Payflow Gateway. Please contact MagTek for more information on obtaining card readers.


This request contains regular Payflow parameters along with required MagTek parameters:


    See the Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Request Parameters for more information.


    If successful, the response will contain the standard Payflow response parameters for your transaction type:


      If you do not pass the required MagTek parameters, you will see: RESULT=7 in the response along with a MagTek specific error message, such as:

      MAGTRESPONSE=H178-ENCTRACK2 has incorrect format.

      See the Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Response Parameters for more information.

      Qwick Code - PCode - Payflow Example

      The purpose of this example is to show you how to format a request.You cannot use the values in this example for testing. You must have a MagTek test Qwick Code or live Qwick Codes to send a request to the Payflow Gateway. Please contact MagTek for more Qwick Code information.


      This request contains regular Payflow parameters along with required MagTek parameters:


        See the Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Request Parameters for more information.


        If successful, the response will contain the standard Payflow response parameters for your transaction type:


          If you do not pass the required MagTek parameters, you will see: RESULT=7 in the response along with a MagTek specific error message, such as:

          MAGTRESPONSE=H364-MERCHANTID has incorrect format.

          See the Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Response Parameters for more information.

          Parameters for Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions

          Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Request Parameters

          FieldRequiredDescriptionData typeLength
          ENCMPRequiredEncrypted MagnePrint Information returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.String
          ENCRYPTIONBLOCKTYPERequiredThe code which indicates what type of Encryption Block is used. 1=MagneSafe V4/V5 compatible 2TDEA-CBC Encryption, IV=0 Block contains data only.2=iPad V1 compatible 2TDEA-CBC Encryption Block contains header + data.Integer1
          ENCTRACK2RequiredEncrypted Track 2 information returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.String
          KSNRequired20 character string returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.String20 char
          MAGTEKCARDTYPERequiredThe code which indicates what type of Card Data Format is being submitted. 1=Encoding Format for Financial Transaction Cards (ISO 7811).Integer
          MPSTATUSRequiredMagnePrint Status of Card Swipe. This is an alpha numeric string, returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.
          REGISTEREDBYRequiredAn alpha numeric entry between 1 and 20 characters long.Alphanumeric [a-z][A-Z][0-9]1 to 20 char
          SWIPEDECRHOSTRequiredMAGT is the only value that is accepted in theSWIPEDECRHOST parameter. If you pass a different value you will see RESULT=7 and MAGTRESPONSE with an error message in the response.
          DEVICESNOptionalThe device serial number.String
          ENCTRACK1OptionalEncrypted Track 1 information returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.String
          ENCTRACK3OptionalEncrypted Track 3 information returned by a MagneSafe device when a card is swiped.String

          Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Response Parameters

          FieldRequiredDescriptionData typeNotes
          MAGTRESPONSEThis parameter appears in the response if a data validation error occurs or if the MagTek processor throws an error.StringSee the Magtek error codes for more information.

          Parameters for MagTek Qwick Code - PCode - Transactions

          Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Request Parameters

          FieldRequiredDescriptionData typeLength
          MERCHANTIDRequiredYour Merchant ID or the Merchant ID of the merchant redeeming the Protection Code.String1 to 40 characters
          PAN4RequiredThe last four digits of the PAN / account number encoded in the card.StringFour characters
          PCODERequiredThe generated Protection Code.StringEight character alphanumeric
          SWIPEDECRHOSTRequiredMAGT is the only value currently accepted in the SWIPEDECRHOST parameter.
          AUTHVALUE1OptionalAuthentication Value 1 generated with the PCode.String
          AUTHVALUE2OptionalAuthentication Value 2 generated with the PCode.String
          AUTHVALUE3OptionalAuthentication Value 3 generated with the PCode.String
          BILLTOEMAILOptionalPurchaser's email address.String
          BILLTOLASTNAMEOptionalThe last name of the card holder encoded in the card.String
          BILLT0ZIPOptionalThe billing zip code.String
          MAGTEKUSERNAMEOptionalMagTek username.String
          MAGTEKPWDOptionalMagTek password.String
          SHIPTOZIPOptionalShipping zip code.String

          Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Response Parameters

          FieldDescriptionData TypeNotes
          MAGTRESPONSEThis only appears in the response if a data validation error occurs or if the MagTek processor throws an error.StringSee the Magtek error codes below for more information.

          MagTek Error Codes and Messages

          If an error occurs, one of the following error codes appear in the MAGTRESPONSE response parameter.

          Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Input Validation Error Codes

          Error MessageNotes
          H023 - REGISTEREDBY has incorrect length
          H024 - REGISTEREDBY has incorrect format
          H176 - ENCTRACK1 has incorrect format
          H177 - ENCTRACK1 has incorrect length
          H178 - ENCTRACK2 has incorrect format
          H179 - ENCTRACK2 has incorrect length
          H180 - ENCTRACK3 has incorrect format
          H181 - ENCTRACK3 has incorrect length
          H182 - ENCMP has incorrect format
          H183 - ENCMP has incorrect length
          H186 - KSN has incorrect format
          H187 - KSN has incorrect length
          H188 - MPSTATUS has incorrect format
          H189 - MPSTATUS has incorrect length
          H206 - Invalid CARDTYPEInvalid MAGTEKCARDTYPE
          H211 - Invalid ENCRYPTIONBLOCKTYPE
          H219 - Invalid OUTPUTFORMATCODE
          H251 - Invalid DEVICESN

          Encrypted Card Swipe Transactions - Other Error Codes

          Error MessageNotes
          Y001 - No PAN Found in Track 2 Data
          Y003 - Device is not allowedMagTek maintains a list of registered Devices.
          Y093 - Invalid MagnePrintError obtained while Scoring Transaction MagnePrint against a Reference MagnePrint made up of Zeros.
          Y094 - Invalid MagnePrint"Negative 2 - Invalid Transaction CRC / PAN" Obtained when Scoring Transaction MagnePrint against a Reference MagnePrint Made up of Zeros.
          Y095 - Error Scoring Card
          Y096 - Inactive MagnePrint ReferenceThis occurs whenever the Card has an inactive MagnePrint Reference.
          Y097 - Replay PreventedThis occurs when the DUKPT KSN and Counter is replayed.
          Y098 - Problem with Reader DataThis occurs if there is a problem while decrypting the Data.

          Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Input Validation Error Codes

          Error MessageNotes
          H330 - PCODE has incorrect length
          H331 - PCODE has incorrect format
          H336 - EMAIL has incorrect formatBILLTOEMAIL has incorrect format
          H337 - EMAIL has incorrect lengthBILLTOEMAIL has incorrect length
          H348 - BTZIP has incorrect formatBILLTOZIP has incorrect format
          H349 - BTZIP has incorrect lengthBILLTOZIP has incorrect length
          H360 - STZIP has incorrect formatSHIPTOZIP has incorrect format
          H361 - STZIP has incorrect lengthSHIPTOZIP has incorrect length
          H364 - MERCHANTID has incorrect format
          H365 - MERCHANTID has incorrect length
          H366 - Invalid LASTNAMEInvalid BILLTOLASTNAME
          H375 - PAN4 has incorrect length
          H376 - PAN4 has incorrect format
          H380 - Invalid AUTHVALUE1
          H381 - Invalid AUTHVALUE2
          H382 - Invalid AUTHVALUE3
          H383 - Invalid MERCHANTNAME
          H384 - Invalid USERNAMEInvalid MAGTEKUSERNAME
          H385 - Invalid PASSWORDInvalid MAGTEKPWD

          Qwick Code - PCode - Transaction Other Error Codes

          Error MessageNotes
          P021 - Invalid Protection Code - Not Found.
          P022 - Revoked Protection Code.This Protection Code has already been revoked.
          P028 - Expired Protection Code.
          P031 - Last 4 of PAN mismatch.
          P032 - LASTNAME mismatch.BILLTOLASTNAME mismatch.
          P033 - MERCHANTID is locked.
          P034 - Protection Code can no longer be Redeemed.
          P035 - USERNAME mismatch.MAGTEKUSERNAME given does not match the one stored.
          P036 - PASSWORD mismatch.MAGTEKPWD given does not match the one stored.
          P037 - EMAIL mismatch.BILLTOEMAIL given does not match the one stored.
          P038 - BTZIP mismatch.BILLTOZIP given does not match the one stored.
          P039 - STZIP mismatch.SHIPTOZIP given does not match the one stored.
          P040 - AUTHVALUE1 mismatch.AUTHVALUE1 given does not match the one stored.
          P041 - AUTHVALUE2 mismatch.AUTHVALUE2 given does not match the one stored.
          P042 - AUTHVALUE3 mismatch.AUTHVALUE3 given does not match the one stored.
          P098 - Problem with Reader DataThis occurs if there is a problem while decrypting the Data.

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