Transaction Responses

Last updated: Sept 18th, 8:17pm

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When a transaction finishes, the Payflow server returns a response string made up of name-value pairs.

The following is an example response string:


    Credit card transaction responses

    The table below describes values that can be returned in response strings.

    Field Description
    PPREF PayPal transaction ID of the payment; returned by the PayPal processor.
    Character length and limitations: 17-character string
    RESULT The outcome of the attempted transaction. RESULT=0 means the transaction was approved.
    Note: The PayPal processor may also return a warning message in the RESPMSG string when RESULT=0. For more information about corrective actions, see API error codes.
    Any other value for RESULT indicates a decline or error.
    Character length and limitations: variable length, numeric
    CVV2MATCH Result of the card security code (CVV2) check. The issuing bank may decline the transaction if there is a mismatch. In other cases, the transaction may be approved despite a mismatch.
    Y= Match
    N= No Match
    X= One of the following: (Not processed, Service not supported, Unavailable, No response, or Invalid data was p passed).
    Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    RESPMSG The response message returned with the transaction result. Exact wording varies. Sometimes a colon appears after the initial RESPMSG followed by more detailed information.
    Note: The PayPal processor may also return a warning message in the RESPMSG string when RESULT=0. For more information on corrective actions, see API error codes.
    Character length and limitations: variable, alphanumeric characters
    AUTHCODE Returned for sale, authorization, and voice authorization credit card transactions. AUTHCODE is the approval code obtained over the telephone from the processing network. AUTHCODE is required when you submit a force (F) transaction.
    Character length and limitations: 6 alphanumeric characters
    AVSADDR Address verification service address response returned if you are using address verification service. Address verification service address responses are for advice only. This process does not affect the outcome of the authorization.
    Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    AVSZIP Address verification service address response returned if you are using address verification service. Address verification service address responses are for advice only. This process does not affect the outcome of the authorization.
    Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    IAVS International address verification service address responses may be returned if you are using Address verification service. IAVS responses are for advice only. This value does not affect the outcome of the transaction. Indicates whether address verification service response is international (Y), US (N), or cannot be determined (X). Client version 3.06 or later is required.<br/ >Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    PROCAVS The raw address verification service response returned by the processor. This field is not normalized and is returned when VERBOSITY is set to HIGH.
    Character length and limitations: 1 character
    PROCCVV2 The raw CVV2 response returned by the processor. This field is not normalized and is returned when VERBOSITY is set to HIGH.
    Character length and limitations: 1 character
    HOSTCODE The raw response code returned by the processor. This field is not normalized and is returned when VERBOSITY is set to HIGH. Use RESPTEXT to obtain the response message from the processor. For PayPal processor response code information, refer to the API error codes. For all other processors, please contact your merchant bank or processor directly.
    Character length and limitations: 6 characters
    RESPTEXT The raw text returned by the processor which corresponds to the returned HOSTCODE. This field is not normalized and is returned when VERBOSITY is set to HIGH.
    Character length and limitations: 32 characters
    PROCCARDSECURE The raw Buyer Authentication response returned by the processor. This field is not normalized and is returned when VERBOSITY is set to HIGH.
    Character length and limitations: 1 character
    ADDLMSGS Additional error message that indicates the use of a features that has been disabled.
    Character length and limitations: Up to 1048 characters. Typically 50 characters.
    PAYMENTTYPE (PayPal only.) Returns instant if the payment is instant or echeck if the payment is delayed (DP) on the PayPal processor.
    Character length and limitations: 7-character string
    CORRELATIONID (PayPal only.) Value used for tracking this Direct Payment transaction.
    Character length and limitations: 13 alphanumeric characters
    AMEXID Unique transaction ID returned when VERBOSITY=HIGH for tracking American Express CAPN transactions on non-PayPal processors.
    Character length and limitations: 15 numeric characters
    AMEXPOSDATA Value returned for American Express CAPN transactions when VERBOSITY=HIGH on non-PayPal processors.
    Character length and limitations: 16 alphanumeric characters
    CCTRANSID Unique transaction ID returned from some processors for all credit card transactions.
    Character length and limitations: 15 numeric characters
    CCTRANS_POSDATA Value returned from some processors for all credit card transactions.
    Character length and limitations: 16 alphanumeric characters
    AMT This field returns the transaction amount, or if performing a partial authorization, the amount approved for the partial authorization.
    ORIGAMT Partial authorizations: Original amount submitted for authorization.
    CARDTYPE The credit card type. Returned as an inquiry response when you send a VERBOSITY request parameter value of HIGH.
    Is one of the following values for currently used cards:
    - 0 = Visa
    - 1 = Mastercard
    - 2 = Discover
    - 3 = American Express
    - 4 = Diner's Club
    - 5 = JCB
    - 9 = Maestro (Switch)
    EMAILMATCH Verifies whether the BILLTOEMAIL value sent is what is on file with the processor. (American Express processor only)
    Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    PHONEMATCH Verifies whether the BILLTOPHONENUM value sent is what is on file with the processor. (American Express processor only)
    Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character (Y, N, X, or no response)
    EXTRSPMSG Additional processor-related messages.
    TRANSTIME Time of the transaction. The following is an example response in the format returned:
    TRANSTIME=2010-08-11 22:53:18
    Character length and limitations: See example
    DUPLICATE Is returned with one of the following values:
    - DUPLICATE=2 — ORDERID has already been submitted in a previous request with the same ORDERID.
    - DUPLICATE=1 — The request ID has already been submitted for a previous request.
    - DUPLICATE=-1 — The Gateway database is not available. PayPal cannot determine whether this is a duplicate order or request.
    DATE_TO_SETTLE The date a transaction will settle. This parameter is returned in the response for inquiry transactions only (TRXTYPE=I).
    PAYMENTADVICECODE A processor response code typically returned on declined recurring transactions. Its purpose is to provide merchants with information and specific instructions on how to handle the decline. It is the merchant's responsibility to follow the instructions provided to avoid chargebacks.
    For details on the meanings of these codes, see: PAYMENTADVICECODE. A value of 03 or 21 indicates it is the merchant's responsibility to stop this recurring transaction. These two codes indicate that either the account was closed, fraud was involved, or the card holder has asked the bank to stop this payment for another reason. Even if a re-attempted transaction is successful, it will likely result in a chargeback.
    TRANSSTATE State of the transaction sent in an Inquiry response or with errors associated with Fraud Protection Service (FPS) transactions. The values are:
    - 0 = Account Verification (no settlement involved)
    - 1 = General error state
    - 3 = Authorization approved
    - 4 = Partial capture
    - 6 = Settlement pending (transaction is scheduled to be settled)
    - 7 = Settlement in progress (transaction involved in a currently ongoing settlement)
    - 8 = Settled successfully
    - 9 = Authorization captured (once an authorization type transaction is captured, its TRANSSSTATE becomes 9)
    - 10 = Capture failed (an error occurred while trying to capture an authorization because the transaction was already captured)
    - 11 = Failed to settle (transactions fail settlement usually because of problems with the merchant's processor or because the card type is not set up with the merchant's processor)
    - 12 = Unsettled transaction because of incorrect account information
    - 14 = For various reasons, the batch containing this transaction failed settlement
    - 15 = Settlement incomplete due to a chargeback
    - 16 = Merchant ACH settlement failed; (need to manually collect it)
    - 106 = Unknown Status Transaction - Transactions not settled
    - 206 = Transactions on hold pending customer intervention

    Any TRANSSTATE over 1000; example 1003, is a void transaction. Example, an authorization has a TRANSSTATE of 3 prior to be captured. But if the authorization is voided, the TRANSSTATE will become 1003.

    In the case of Fraud Protection Service (FPS) filters, the following error codes and TRANSSTATE values are returned in the response:
    - For error code 125 — declined by FPS filters, TRANSSTATE=1 or remains unchanged from its original value
    - For error code 126 — flagged for review by FPS filters, TRANSSTATE=1
      If the merchant accepts the transaction flagged by the FPS filter, the value of TRANSSTATE will change depending on the original transaction type:
       TRANSSTATE=3 for an approved Authorization (TRXTYPE=A)
       TRANSSTATE=6 for an approved Sale (TRXTYPE=S), Delayed Capture (TRXTYPE=D), Refund (TRXTYPE=C) or Force (TRXTYPE=F)
       TRANSSTATE=0 for an approved Void (TRXTYPE=V)
    - For error code 128 — the merchant declines the transaction flagged by the FPS filter, TRANSSTATE=1 or remains unchanged from its original value.
    Character length and limitations: 10 integer characters

    Address verification service responses from PayPal

    The following table compares the detailed response the PayPal processor returns for address verification to the normalized response value (Y, N, or X) that AVSADDR and AVSZIP return. To obtain the PayPal processor value, set the VERBOSITY parameter to HIGH. The processor value is returned in the PROCAVS response parameter.

    PayPal processor AVS code Meaning AVSADDR AVSZIP
    A Address Y N
    B International "A" Y N
    C International "N" N N
    D International "X" Y Y
    E Not allowed for MOTO (Internet/Phone) transactions X X
    F UK-specific "X" Y Y
    G Global Unavailable X X
    I International Unavailable X X
    N No N N
    P Postal (International "Z") N Y
    R Retry X X
    S Service not Supported X X
    U Unavailable X X
    W Whole Zip N Y
    X Exact Match Y Y
    Y Yes Y Y
    Z Zip N Y
    All other X X

    The following is an example Authorization request string that sets VERBOSITY to HIGH. Payflow returns the PROCAVS value in the response.


      The PROCAVS value is returned in the response.

        2&HOSTCODE=A&PROCAVS=Y&VISACARDLEVEL=12&TRANSTIME=2011-01-12 13:54:35&AMT=1.00

        Normalized card security code results

        The CVV2MATCH parameter returns Y, N, or X.

        The following table shows the detailed results that the PayPal processor returns for card security codes. To obtain the PayPal processor value, set the VERBOSITY parameter to HIGH. The processor value is returned in the PROCCVV2 response parameter.

        PayPal Processor CVV2 Code PayPal Processor Code Description Payflow CVV2MATCH
        M Match Y
        N No Match N
        P Not Processed X
        S Service Not Supported X
        U Unavailable X
        X No Response X
        All other X

        BALAMT response and stored value cards

        Transactions meeting American Express reporting and statement requirements may return BALAMT when the transaction involves a stored value card. Stored value cards typically are offered as gift cards, allowing the customer to spend any amount up to the balance remaining on the card. A card must be active and not compromised for BALAMT to return the card balance. If the card is used to purchase merchandise exceeding the card balance, American Express declines the transaction and returns the card balance in BALAMT.

        American Express stored value card example

        The following authorization request is for a purchase of 123.00.


          Because the response returns a BALAMT of 99.00, the authorization is declined.



            The PNREF is a unique transaction identification number issued by PayPal that identifies the transaction for billing, reporting, and transaction data purposes. The PNREF is returned in a transaction response indicating that your transaction was received by PayPal. The PNREF value also appears in the Transaction ID column in PayPal Manager reports.

            Storing the PNREF in your records is helpful, especially if you plan to perform the following Payflow transaction types:

            The PNREF value is a 12-character string of printable characters. Printable characters also include symbols other than letters and numbers, such as, the question mark (?). However, a PNREF value typically contains letters and numbers only, for example:

            • VADE0B248932
            • ACRAF23DB3C4

            RESULT values and RESPMSG text

            The RESULT parameter is the first response parameter returned in the response string. The value of RESULT indicates the overall status of the transaction attempt:

            • A value of 0 (zero) indicates that no errors occurred and the transaction was approved.
            • A value less than 0 indicates that a communication error occurred. In this case, no transaction is attempted.
            • A value greater than 0 indicates a decline or error (except in the case of RESULT 104. See the following table).

            The response message (RESPMSG) provides a brief description for decline or error results.

            To obtain the raw response code and message returned by the processor set VERBOSITY to HIGH in your request and capture the response values of the HOSTCODE and RESPTEXT parameters.

            For PayPal Processor Only: When interpreting RESULT values for the PayPal processor, note the following:

            • When RESULT=0, warning information may be returned that is useful to the request application. See the API error codes for detailed information on corrective actions.
            • When RESULT=104, log in to the PayPal website to determine whether the transaction actually went through. If the transaction does not appear in the History section, retry it.
            RESULT RESPMSG and Explanation
            0 Approved
            1 User authentication failed. Error is caused by one or more of the following:
            - Login information is incorrect. Verify that USER, VENDOR, PARTNER, and PASSWORD have been entered correctly. VENDOR is your merchant ID and USER is the same as VENDOR unless you created a Payflow Pro user. All fields are case sensitive.

            Other reason why you'd recieve this error are:
            - Invalid Processor information entered. Contact merchant bank to verify.
            - " Allowed IP Address " security feature implemented. The transaction is coming from an unknown IP address. See PayPal Manager online help for details on how to update the allowed IP addresses.
            - You are using a test (not active) account to submit a transaction to the live PayPal servers. Change the host address from the test server URL to the live server URL
            2 Invalid tender type. Your merchant bank account does not support the following credit card type that was submitted.
            3 Invalid transaction type. Transaction type is not appropriate for this transaction. For example, you cannot credit an authorization-only transaction
            4 Invalid amount. Error is caused by one or more of the following:

            -Wrong format for the currency in use; example for USD, use the format: "#####.##" Do not include currency symbols or commas.
            -Your merchant account has a limit on the amount that can be charged and the amount exceeds that.
            5 Invalid merchant information. Processor does not recognize your merchant account information. Contact your bank account acquirer to resolve this problem.
            6 Invalid or unsupported currency code
            7 Field format error. Invalid information entered. See RESPMSG.
            8 Not a transaction server
            9 Too many parameters or invalid stream
            10 Too many line items
            11 Client time-out waiting for response
            12 Declined. The transaction was declined by the card-issuing bank or by PayPal Risk. Some of the reasons why you might receive a decline are:
            - Possible incorrect AVS (street-zip) or CSC (CVV2) information.
            - Card does not have enough funds on it.
            - Card no longer valid; account closed, reported lost or stolen.
            - Flagged by Risk for various reasons. Remember, since refunds (credits) are now online it is possible that a refund will fail with a RESULT=12 for the same reasons above. If all the items above do not pertain, then the customer should call their card issuing bank to resolve.
            13 Referral. This is a referral transaction that requires approval via voice authorization by contacting your merchant bank and submitting a voice (TRXTYPE=F) transaction.

            Some of the reasons you might receive a referral are:
            - Possible that the card-issuing bank wants to validate the card holder; i.e. fraud prevention.
            - Possible the card was reported lost or stolen and card-issuing bank wants the card obtained.

            Regardless, you would either need to decline the card or call your merchant bank for approval.
            19 Original transaction ID not found. The transaction ID you entered for this transaction is not valid. See the value in RESPMSG for more information.
            20 Cannot find the customer reference number
            22 Invalid ABA number
            23 Invalid account number. Check credit card number and bank account number, and make sure the ACCT value contains no spaces, non-numeric characters, or dashes.
            24 Invalid expiration date. Check card expiration date and re-submit.
            25 Invalid Host Mapping. Error is caused by one or more of the following:
            • You are trying to process a tender type, such as Discover Card, but you are not set up with your merchant bank to accept this card type.
            • You are trying to process an Express Checkout transaction when your account is not set up to do so. Contact Payflow Support to have Express Checkout added to your account.
            26 Invalid vendor account. Login information is incorrect. Verify that USER, VENDOR, PARTNER, and PASSWORD have been entered correctly. VENDOR is your merchant ID and USER is the same as VENDOR unless you created a Payflow Pro user. All fields are case sensitive.
            27 Insufficient partner permissions
            28 Insufficient user permissions
            29 Invalid XML document. This could be caused by an unrecognized XML tag or a bad XML format that cannot be parsed by the system.
            30 Duplicate transaction
            31 Error in adding the recurring profile Profile creation in the pilot (test) environment is limited to 100 active profiles. You will receive this error and a RESPMSG of "Error in adding the recurring profile. Maximum number of active profiles in pilot environment reached." when you exceed the limit.
            32 Error in modifying the recurring profile
            33 Error in canceling the recurring profile
            34 Error in forcing the recurring profile
            35 Error in reactivating the recurring profile
            36 OLTP Transaction failed
            37 Invalid recurring profile ID
            38 Recurring profile deactivated This could be due to declined credit card or a returned ACH payment.
            50 Insufficient funds available in account
            51 Exceeds per transaction limit
            52 Permission issue. Attempting to perform a transaction type, such as Sale or Authorization, via API call on a Payflow Link account. Payflow Link accounts must use the hosted checkout page for sale or authorizations. An API call can be used for all other transaction types.
            99 General error. See the value in RESPMSG for more information.
            100 Transaction type not supported by host.
            101 Time-out value too small. PayPal Australia: Invalid transaction returned from host (can be treated as an invalid transaction or a decline)
            102 Processor not available. The financial host was unable to communicate with the external processor. These transactions do not make it out of the Payflow network and will not settle or appear on processor reports.
            103 Error reading response from host. The financial host could not interpret the response from the processor. This error can result in an uncaptured authorization if the transaction is an authorization or a sale, except on the following processors:
            - PayPal Australia: Time-out reversal logic should reverse the transaction. According to PayPal Australia, this is a best effort and is not guaranteed.
            - PayPal: The transaction might settle. There is no time-out reversal process on PayPal.
            104 Timeout waiting for processor response. Try your transaction again. The Payflow gateway sent the transaction to the processor, but the processor did not respond in the allotted time. This error can result in an uncaptured authorization if the transaction is an authorization or a sale, except on the following processors:
            - PayPal Australia: Time-out reversal logic should reverse the transaction. According to PayPal Australia, this is a best effort and is not guaranteed.
            - PayPal: The transaction might settle. There is no time-out reversal process on PayPal.
            105 Credit error. Make sure you have not already credited this transaction, or that this transaction ID is for a creditable transaction. (For example, you cannot credit an authorization.)
            106 Host not available. The Payflow transaction server was unable to communicate with the financial host. This error is an internal failure, and the transaction will not make it to the processor.
            107 Duplicate suppression time-out.
            108 Void Transaction Error. See RESPMSG for more information and ,ake sure the transaction ID entered has not already been voided. If not, then look at the Transaction Detail screen for this transaction to see if it has settled. (The Batch field is set to a number greater than zero if the transaction has been settled). If the transaction has already settled, your only recourse is a reversal (credit a payment or submit a payment for a credit)
            109 Time-out waiting for host response. The Payflow transaction server times out waiting for the transaction to complete either internally or externally. This error can result in duplicate authorizations or uncaptured authorizations on all platforms, or settled sales on PayPal Australia, PayPal and Braintree. It is suggested that a client time-out X-VPS-CLIENT-TIMEOUT value be at least 60 or more seconds.
            110 Referenced auth (against order) Error
            111 Capture error. The attempt to capture failed. This may be that the transaction is not an authorization, the attempt to capture an authorization transaction has already been completed, or the amount of the capture is above the allowable limit of the authorization transaction.
            112 Failed AVS check. Address and zip code do not match. An authorization may still exist on the card holder's account.
            113 Merchant sale total will exceed the daily sales cap with current transaction. ACH transactions only. Merchants that process ACH have a limit to the amount of ACH transactions they can process per consumer batch. Example: if the account is setup to only process $30K per consumer batch, and this transaction puts them over the $30K limit, this error is produced. Consumer batches are sent Sunday through Thursday night at 7:00 PM Pacific, but transactions processed after 7:00 PM Pacific on Thursday night and until 7:00 PM Pacific Sunday night are all combined in one consumer batch.
            114 Card Security Code (CSC) Mismatch. An authorization may still exist on the card holder's account.
            115 System busy, try again later. Due to either internal or external circumstances the transaction failed to complete and needs to be retried.
            116 Failed to lock terminal number. Please try again later. For Moneris Solutions, another transaction or settlement is in process. Rerun the transaction later. However, if you continue to see future 116 errors, please contact Moneris and request to have additional ECR's (Terminal IDs) added to your account and then contact support and request to have them added to your account.
            117 Failed merchant rule check. One or more of the following three failures occurred:

            -An attempt was made to submit a transaction that failed to meet the security settings specified on the PayPal Manager Security Settings page.
            -AVS validation failed. The AVS return value should appear in the RESPMSG.
            -CSC validation failed. The CSC return value should appear in the RESPMSG.
            118 Invalid keywords found in string fields
            120 Attempt to reference a failed transaction
            121 Not enabled for feature
            122 Merchant sale total will exceed the credit cap with current transaction. ACH transactions only.
            125 Fraud Protection Services Filter — Declined by filters
            126 Fraud Protection Services Filter — Flagged for review by filters
            RESULT value 126 is intended to give you an idea of the kind of transaction that is considered suspicious to enable you to evaluate whether you can benefit from using the Fraud Protection Services.
            To eliminate RESULT 126, turn the filters off.
            127 Fraud Protection Services Filter — Not processed by filters Transactions will need to be re-run through the Fraud Protection Service
            128 Fraud Protection Services Filter — Declined by merchant after being flagged for review by filters
            132 Card has not been submitted for update
            133 Data mismatch in HTTP retry request
            150 Issuing bank timed out. PayPal Australia reported a timeout between their system and the bank. This error will be reversed by time-out reversal. According to PayPal Australia, this is a best effort and is not guaranteed.
            151 Issuing bank unavailable. The acquirer or card issuer is not available so the transaction cannot be processed. Customer will need to provide a different credit card or try at a later time.
            160 Secure Token already been used. Indicates that the secure token has expired due to either a successful transaction or the token has been used three times while trying to successfully process a transaction. You must generate a new secure token.
            161 Transaction using secure token is already in progress. This could occur if a customer hits the submit button two or more times before the transaction completed.
            162 Secure Token Expired. The time limit of 20 minutes has expired and the token can no longer be used.
            170 Fraudulent activity detected. Carding or fraudulent activity, such as excessive card use, was found on the account and the account or credit card maybe be temporarily suspended until the issue is resolved. The RESPMSG will contain more information describing the type of activity.
            200 Reauth error
            201 Order error
            1000 Generic host error. This is a generic message returned by your credit card processor. The RESPMSG will contain more information describing the error.
            1001 Buyer Authentication Service unavailable
            1002 Buyer Authentication Service — Transaction timeout
            1003 Buyer Authentication Service — Invalid client version
            1004 Buyer Authentication Service — Invalid timeout value
            1011 Buyer Authentication Service unavailable
            1012 Buyer Authentication Service unavailable
            1013 Buyer Authentication Service unavailable
            1014 Buyer Authentication Service — Merchant is not enrolled for Buyer Authentication Service (3-D Secure)
            1016 Buyer Authentication Service — 3-D Secure error response received. Instead of receiving a PARes response to a Validate Authentication transaction, an error response was received.
            1017 Buyer Authentication Service — 3-D Secure error response is invalid. An error response is received and the response is not well formed for a Validate Authentication transaction.
            1021 Buyer Authentication Service — Invalid card type
            1022 Buyer Authentication Service — Invalid or missing currency code
            1023 Buyer Authentication Service — merchant status for 3D secure is invalid
            1041 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: missing or invalid PARES
            1042 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: PARES format is invalid
            1043 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Cannot find successful Verify Enrollment
            1044 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Signature validation failed for PARES
            1045 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid amount in PARES
            1046 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid acquirer in PARES
            1047 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid Merchant ID in PARES
            1048 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid card number in PARES
            1049 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid currency code in PARES
            1050 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid XID in PARES
            1051 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: Mismatched or invalid order date in PARES
            1052 Buyer Authentication Service — Validate Authentication failed: This PARES was already validated for a previous Validate Authentication transaction

            RESULT values for communications errors

            A RESULT value less than zero indicates that a communication error occurred. In this case, no transaction is attempted.

            A value of -1 or -2 usually indicates a configuration error caused by an incorrect URL or by configuration issues with your firewall. For information on firewall configuration, see Prepare the Payflow Gateway Client Application. A value of -1 or -2 can also be possible if the Gateway servers are unavailable, or you specified an incorrect server or socket pair. A value of -1 can also result when there are internet connectivity errors. Contact Customer Service regarding any other errors.

            Details of the response message may vary slightly from the message shown in the table, depending on your SDK integration.

            RESULT Description
            - 1 Failed to connect to host
            - 2 Failed to resolve host name
            - 5 Failed to initialize SSL context
            - 6 Parameter list format error: & in name
            - 7 Parameter list format error: invalid [ ] name length clause
            - 8 SSL failed to connect to host
            - 9 SSL read failed
            - 10 SSL write failed
            - 11 Proxy authorization failed
            - 12 Timeout waiting for response
            - 13 Select failure
            - 14 Too many connections
            - 15 Failed to set socket options
            - 20 Proxy read failed
            - 21 Proxy write failed
            - 22 Failed to initialize SSL certificate
            - 23 Host address not specified
            - 24 Invalid transaction type
            - 25 Failed to create a socket
            - 26 Failed to initialize socket layer
            - 27 Parameter list format error: invalid [ ] name length clause
            - 28 Parameter list format error: name
            - 29 Failed to initialize SSL connection
            - 30 Invalid timeout value
            - 31 The certificate chain did not validate, no local certificate found
            - 32 The certificate chain did not validate, common name did not match URL
            - 40 Unexpected Request ID found in request
            - 41 Required Request ID not found in request
            - 99 Out of memory
            - 100 Parameter list cannot be empty
            - 103 Context initialization failed
            - 104 Unexpected transaction state
            - 105 Invalid name value pair request
            - 106 Invalid response format
            - 107 This XMLPay version is not supported
            - 108 The server certificate chain did not validate
            - 109 Unable to do logging
            - 111 The following error occurred while initializing from message file: < Details of the error message >
            - 113 Unable to round and truncate the currency value simultaneously

            Processor-specific response parameters

            Some of the response parameters returned in a Payflow transaction are processor-specific and are returned only to merchants who use a certain processing platform. For a list of processing platforms supported by Payflow, see Processing Platforms Supporting Card-Present Transactions.

            See the following response parameters specific to a particular processing platform:

            FISERV North response parameters

            Merchants who use FISERV North receive the following response parameters:

            Parameter Description
            PAYMENTADVICECODE Also known as Merchant Advice Code(Mastercard) and Recurring Payment Cancellation (Visa); this is used by card issuing banks to clearly communicate to merchants the reason for declining a Mastercard and Visa recurring payment transaction, and the actions merchants can take to continue to serve their recurring payment customers; to receive this response, VERBOSITY must be HIGH and the Recurring flag, RECURRING, must be set.
            Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters.
            ASSOCIATIONRESPCODE The Association Response Code returns the raw error code by the card associations. The first character is the card type and last three are the error code returned.
            Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters.

            The card types are A for American Express, D for Discover, V for Visa, M for Mastercard, O for Other

            Litle response parameters

            Merchants who use the Litle processing platform might see the following transaction response parameters.

            Parameter Description
            TYPE Defines the type of account used in the transaction in terms of card association, card company, PayPal Credit, PayPal, or eCheck.
            AFFLUENT Has two possible values:
            - MASS AFFLUENT Returned for certain Visa and Mastercard cards indicating high income customers ( > 100K annual income).
            - AFFLUENT Returned for certain Visa and Mastercard cards indicating high income customers with high spending patterns ( > 100K annual income and > 40K in card usage).

            Litle automatic account updater

            The Litle Automatic Account Updater feature identifies outdated payment card information, "repairs" it, and substitutes new card information before submitting the transaction to the network. To use this feature, you must sign up directly with Litle.

            After signing-up for this feature, Payflow merchants will receive a few extra transaction response parameters only for transactions in which the customer's account information has been updated.

            If the customer's card number and/or expiration date are currently different from the information passed in the Payflow transaction request, merchants will receive some or all of the following transaction response parameters.

            Parameter Description
            CCUPDATED=Y This response parameter is returned if either or both the account number and expiration date have changed.
            ACCT If the card number has changed, the last 4-digits of the new card number will also be returned in the ACCT response parameter. Should you require the full credit card number you will need to contact Litle to obtain the complete card number.
            EXPDATE If the card expiration date has changed, the updated expiration date will also be returned in the EXPDATE response parameter.

            As a result, merchants utilizing this feature should check for the presence of the CCUPDATED=Y response parameter, and if it is returned should also check for the presence of the ACCT and EXPDATE response parameters to determine what information has been updated.

            If you would like to test your integration for this feature, see Testing the Litle Automatic Account Updater Feature.

            PayPal Australia response parameters

            Merchant who use PayPal Australia receive the following response parameters:

            Parameter Description
            RRN Retrieve reference transaction.
            Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters.
            STAN Systems trace audit number.
            Character length and limitations: 6 numeric characters.

            TSYS response parameters

            Merchants who use the TSYS processing platform for authorization transactions must pass VERBOSITY=HIGH in the request to obtain these response parameters:

            Parameter Description
            ACI Authorization Characteristics Indicator (ACI). This indicator provides information on the conditions or characteristics of the authorization code.
            Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric character.
            VALIDATIONCODE Contains a Transaction Identifier associated with the transaction being settled.
            Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters.

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