Payflow Gateway - Submit Purchasing Card Level 2 and 3 Transactions


Last updated: Sept 18th, 7:48pm

The Payflow Gateway supports passing Purchasing Card Level 2 information (such as purchase order number, tax amount, and charge description) in the settlement file.

If additional required invoice information and line-item details are included in the transaction, Payflow formats Purchasing Card Level 3 information in an appropriate format, for example, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 810 format as required by American Express during settlement processing.

Payflow does not calculate or verify totals before sending Level 2 and Level 3 data to other processors. Payflow only sends line-item information as-is. If the totals you send to the processor do not add up, the processor may reject your Level 3 data.

Please contact your merchant bank to determine which parameters are required to obtain the best rate for Level 2 or Level 3 type transactions. If in doubt, we recommend you send all Level 2 and Level 3 fields specified below for your processor.

About Purchasing Cards

The procurement process uses purchasing cards for a number of reasons. Purchasing cards:

  • Eliminate paper-based order systems and associated costs
  • Improve control and accountability through itemized statements
  • Foster better risk controls through spending limits and buying from approved vendors
  • Reduce administrative overhead by empowering employees to make small purchases
  • Enable enterprises to negotiate better contract pricing and discounts with suppliers by using vendor detail reports

To promote acceptance and usage of purchasing card programs, card issuers have established incentive rates for merchants. The incentive rates are available to merchants who comply at transaction processing Level 2 or Level 3. Transactions that comply at transaction processing Level 1 qualify as normal credit card transactions.

About Program Levels

The term Level does not apply to the card, but to the transaction data submitted for that card. Generally, a higher level means more detailed data for reporting.

The following table describes the recognized transaction levels.

Level Description
1 Function as normal credit cards and are authorized and associated with normal transaction data in authorization and settlement. Any merchant who accepts credit cards supports this level.
2 Additional data regarding sales tax, customer code, purchase order number, invoice number are captured at the point of sale. In most cases, this information is combined with the merchant's tax ID number, state, and postal code data and is then passed through during settlement. For some processors and banks, however, a Level 2 authorization may include some of this data.
3 Significant additional information such as line items, product codes, item descriptions, unit price, unit quantities, and ship-to postal data are added to the Level 2 data to provide optimal reporting to buyers and sellers. Settlement transactions typically carry Level 3 data.

Level 2 and Level 3 data is generally considered non-financial data. Lack of adequate data may cause a transaction to be downgraded.

PayPal generally requires up to Level 2 information in an authorization transaction followed by additional Level 3 data in the associated delayed capture transaction. A sale transaction should include all Level 3 data since it is authorized and later settled.

Accepted BIN Ranges

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express publish specific Bank Identification Number (BIN) ranges for purchasing cards. Sometimes the processor determines whether a card is a purchasing card, for example, TSYS Acquiring Solutions. In other cases, the Gateway makes the determination based on the BIN range (for example, American Express).

Purchase Card Level 2 and 3 Required Data by Processor

American Express Purchasing Card Transactions

The information in this section applies to transactions processed by American Express not necessarily to all American Express cards. Level 2 and Level 3 purchasing card rules may differ for American Express card transactions processed by other processors such as Paymentech or FISERV Nashville.

Supported Transaction Types

You can submit Level 3 parameters with delayed capture, sale, credit, or force transactions. Level 3 data in authorization transactions is ignored. The Gateway decides whether a transaction meets Level 3 requirements during authorization.

Level 3 data is passed to the American Express processor only during settlement.

Avoiding Downgrade

If a transaction uses the purchasing card BIN range (see Accepted BIN Ranges and contains a line item but does not include all mandatory level 3 parameters, the transaction succeeds but is processed as level 2 or level 1 during settlement depending on which data was passed).

For downgraded transactions, with the VERBOSITY parameter set to HIGH, the ADDLMSGS field returns a message like the following:

Features not processed: PCARD L3 (missing or invalid: InvoiceNumber RequestorName)

-- or --

Features not processed: PCARD L3 (line item 3 missing: Description)

For details on VERBOSITY, see VERBOSITY - Processor-Specific Transaction Results

Submit Successful Level 3 Transactions

If a transaction uses the purchasing card BIN range, contains all mandatory Level 3 fields, and has at least 1 line item (with all mandatory line item fields), the Gateway flags it as Level 3.

Edit Check

The Gateway performs an edit check on the transaction's amount fields to ensure that all line item and tax amounts balance.

If the edit check fails, the transaction fails with Result 4: Invalid Amount.

To pass the edit check, the following relationship must be true:

    1Transaction Amount =
    2Total Tax Amount + Total Freight Amount + Total Handling Amount + Total Line Item Amount.
    Field Value
    Transaction Amount Total amount for the transaction, AMT
    Total Tax Amount TAXAMT
    Total Freight Amount FREIGHTAMT, or, if not present, the summation of L_FREIGHTAMTn for all line items
    Total Handling Amount HANDLINGAMT, or, if not present, the summation of L_HANDLINGAMTn for all line items
    Total Line Item Amount Summation of L_QTYn L_COSTn for all line items (n as the line item number). For example, if there are 2 line items, then the Total Line Item Amount would be (LQTY1 LCOST1) + (LQTY2 * LCOST2)

    American Express Accepted BIN Ranges

    The following BIN ranges are accepted for American Express Level 2 and Level 3 transactions:







    American Express Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

    The American Express supports Level 2 transaction data.

    American Express Level 2 Parameters for American Express

    The parameters that meet American Express reporting and statement requirements are described in the following tables.

    CPC Level 2 Transaction Advice Addendum Parameters

    Field Description
    PONUM (Required) Purchase order number.
    Character length and limitations: 17 alphanumeric characters
    SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Ship-to postal code (called zip code in the USA). This field must contain one of the following values:
    - Zip code of the destination where the merchandise is to be shipped
    - (If the above is not available) Zip code of the location where the merchant executed the transaction
    Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
    TAXAMT (Optional) Total tax amount. Must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
    L_DESC1 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC1 (if present) is used.
    Character length and limitations: 140 alphanumeric characters
    L_AMT1 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
    L_QTY1 (Optional) Quantity of this line item.
    Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
    L_DESC2 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC2 (if present) is used.
    Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters
    L_AMT2 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
    L_QTY2 (Optional) Quantity of this line item.
    Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
    L_DESC3 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC3 (if present) is used.
    Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters
    L_AMT3 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
    L_QTY3 (Optional) Quantity of this line item.
    Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
    L_DESC4 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC4 (if present) is used.
    Character length and limitations: 30 alphanumeric characters
    L_AMT4 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
    L_QTY4 (Optional) Quantity of this line item.
    Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters

    Location Transaction Advice Addendum Parameters

    Field Description
    MERCHANTNAME (Optional) Name of merchant.
    Character length and limitations: 38 alphanumeric characters
    MERCHANTSTREET (Optional) Merchant's street address (number and street name).
    Character length and limitations: 38 alphanumeric characters. If more than 38 characters, use proper and meaningful abbreviation. Do not truncate.
    MERCHANTCITY (Optional) The name of the city were the transaction took place.
    - If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the name of the city in which the seller is located.
    - If you are a mail order, phone order, or internet industry, you may substitute the name of the city in which the merchant's order processing facility is located.
    Character length and limitations: 21 alphanumeric characters. If more than 21 characters, use proper and meaningful abbreviation. Do not truncate.
    MERCHANTSTATE (Optional) The region code that corresponds to the state, province, or country subdivision of the merchant location where the transaction took place.
    Region code examples:
    - CA = California, USA
    - NS = Nova Scotia, Canada
    - COS = Colima Mexico
    If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the region code that corresponds to the state, province, or country subdivision in which the seller is located.
    Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
    MERCHANTZIP (Optional) The 5- to 9-digit zip (postal) code excluding spaces, dashes, and non-numeric characters where the transaction took place.
    If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the postal code that corresponds to the seller's location.
    Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
    MERCHANTCOUNTRYCODE (Optional) Country code of the location where the transaction took place. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
    Character length and limitations: 3-character country code.
    MERCHANTLOCATIONID (Optional) Merchant-assigned store or location number (or name) that uniquely identifies where the transaction took place.
    Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
    MERCHANTID (Required) American Express-assigned service establishment number used to identify and facilitate payments to merchants.
    Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters.
    MERCHANTCONTACTINFO (Optional) Merchant's telephone number or web address. (URLs and e-mail addresses may be lowercase, as appropriate.) This entry may appear on the descriptive bill on the card-member's statement, or may be used to resolve billing inquiries and disputes.
    Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters

    Transaction Advice Detail Parameters

    Field Description
    ADDLAMTn (Optional) Detail of a charge where n is a value from 1 - 5. Use for additional breakdown of the amount.
    Character length and limitations: Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). Examples are a tip (ADDLAMT1=3.00) and a convenience charge (ADDLAMT2=2.00). 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
    ADDLAMTTYPEn (Optional) A 3-digit code indicating the type of the corresponding charge detail, where n is a value from 1 - 5.
    Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters

    Example American Express Level 2 Transaction Parameter String

      1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=372449635311003&AMT=20.06&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View&DESC1=desc1
      2&DESC2=desc2&DESC3=desc3&DESC4=FRT10.00&EXPDATE=1215&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder first name
      3&BILLTOLASTNAME=Card holder last name&PARTNER=PayPal&PONUM=12345&PWD=pwd&SHIPTOZIP=94045

      American Express Level 3 Parameters

      American Express supports Level 3 transaction data. PayPal provides the Merchant Registration data values: Supplier Name, Supplier City, Supplier State, Supplier Postal code, Merchant No, and Federal Tax ID. The merchant provides the values listed in the following table.

      American Express Level 3 Parameters

      Field Description
      INVNUM (Optional) Purchase order number.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 9 alphanumeric characters
      AUTHCODE (Required) Authorization code. It is passed transparently for delayed capture. Use only with voice authorized force capture transactions.
      REQNAME (Required) Requester name.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters
      PONUM (Required) Card member reference number.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 17 alphanumeric characters
      SHIPTOZIP (Required) Ship-to postal code (called zip code in the USA). This field must contain one of the following values:
      - Zip code of the destination where the merchandise is to be shipped
      - (If the above is not available) Zip code of the location where the merchant executed the transaction
      Character length and limitations: 5 to 6 alphanumeric characters
      INVOICEDATE (Optional) Invoice date. Defaults to transaction date if not present.
      Character length and limitations: 8 alphanumeric characters, in the YYYYMMDD format
      AMT (Required) Total transaction amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
      TAXAMT (Required) Total tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 6 numeric characters
      DESC (Optional) Charge description. Defaults to "NO."
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters
      FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Total freight amount.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters
      HANDLINGAMT (Optional) Total handling amount.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters
      L_QTYn Payflow SDK:
      XMLPay: Item.Quantity
      (Required) Quantity invoiced.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 10 numeric characters
      L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
      Character length and limitations: 2 alphanumeric characters
      L_COSTn (Required) Unit price.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 15 numeric characters
      L_DESCn (Required) Description of the item.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 80 alphanumeric characters
      L_CATALOGNUMn (Required) Supplier's catalog number.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters
      L_COSTCENTERNUMn (Required) Cost center number
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
      L_PRODCODEn (Optional) The item's supplier stock keeping unit (SKU) number.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
      L_UPCn (Optional) The item's universal product code (UPC).
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
      L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Item tax amount.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 6 numeric characters
      L_FREIGHTAMTn (Optional) Freight amount.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 15 numeric characters
      L_HANDLINGAMTn (Optional) Handling amount.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 15 numeric characters
      L_TRACKINGNUMn (Optional) Tracking number.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
      L_PICKUPSTREETn (Optional) Drop-off address1.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters
      L_PICKUPCITYn (Optional) Drop-off city.
      Character length and limitations: 2 to 30 alphanumeric characters
      L_PICKUPSTATEn (Optional) Drop-off state.
      Character length and limitations: 2 alphanumeric characters
      L_PICKUPZIPn (Optional) Drop-off postal or zip code.
      Character length and limitations: 3 to 15 alphanumeric characters
      L_PICKUPCOUNTRYn (Optional) Drop-off country. The payflow API accepts 3-digit country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
      Character length and limitations: 3-character country code
      L_UNSPSCCODEn (Optional) UNSPSC code.
      Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters

      Example American Express Level 3 Transaction Parameter String

        2&EXPDATE=1213&AMT=5.00&COMMENT1=PCARD Test&COMMENT2=Testing&BILLTOZIP=940151234

        Elavon Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

        Elavon supports Level 2 for Visa and Mastercard sale, credit, and delayed capture transactions.

        Elavon Level 2 Parameters

        To get the discount rate, include both Level 2 parameters listed in the following table. Pass these parameters in authorization and sale transactions.

        Level 2 Parameters Description
        CUSTCODE (Required) Customer code.
        Character length and limitations: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters
        TAXAMT (Required) Sales tax.
        The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
        Character length and limitations: numeric

        Elavon Additional Parameters

        The following parameters are recommended to obtain the best rates for purchasing card transactions with Elavon:

        Field Description
        PONUM (Optional) Purchase order number.
        Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters, when used provides best rate
        TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
        Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters, when used provides best rate

        Example Elavon Level 2 Transaction Parameter String

          1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=5105105105105100&AMT=20.10&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View
          2&COMMENT1=L2 Testing&EXPDATE=1215&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder First Name
          3&BILLTOLASTNAME=Card holder Last Name&PARTNER=PayPal&PWD=pwd&BILLTOSTATE=CA
          4&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.&TENDER=C&USER=user&BILLTOZIP=94043

          FISERV Nashville Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

          The following parameters are recommended to obtain the best rates for purchasing card transactions with FISERV Nashville.

          FISERV Nashville Commercial Card Parameters

          Field Description
          COMMCARD (Optional) Type of purchasing card account number sent. Is one of the following values:
          - P = Purchase Card
          - C = Corporate Card
          - B = Business Card
          - U = Unknown (default)
          - N = None
          Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric character, defaults to U
          DUTYAMT (Optional) Sometimes called import tax. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          PONUM (Optional) Purchase order number.
          Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters, provides best rate when used
          SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Ship to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
          Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters, provides best rate when used
          TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters, provides best rate when used
          TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Is the customer tax exempt?
          Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric character, Y or N

          FISERV North Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

          The following parameters are recommended to obtain the best rates for Level 2 and Level 3 purchasing card transactions with FISERV North.

          FISERV North Purchasing Parameters

          Field Description
          SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
          Character length and limitations: 3 alpha characters
          DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount on total sale
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          DUTYAMT (Optional) Sometimes called import tax. If the currency uses a decimal, then the value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          FREIGHTAMT Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          PONUM (Optional) Purchase order number / merchant-related data.
          Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters, provides best rate when used
          SHIPFROMZIP (Optional) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
          Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters, provides best rate when used
          SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Ship to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
          Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters, provides best rate when used
          TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters

          FISERV North Purchasing Card Line Item Parameters

          Line item data (Level 3) describes the details of the item purchased and can be passed for each transaction. The convention for passing line item data in name-value pairs is that each name-value starts with L_ and ends with n where n is the line item number. For example L_QTY0=1 is the quantity for line item 0 and is equal to 1, with n starting at 0. You can pass up to 100 line items, where n starts at 0 and ends at 99. In addition, the SHIPFROMZIP parameter is required for Level 3 transactions.

          FISERV North Line Item Parameters

          Field Description
          L_QTYn (Required) Quantity (whole units only).
          Character length and limitations: 10 numeric characters
          L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
          Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
          L_DESCn (Optional) Item description.
          Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
          L_UOMn (Optional) Item unit of measurement. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
          Character length and limitations: 3 alpha characters
          L_COSTn (Optional) Cost per item, excluding tax.
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          L_UPCn (Optional) Supplier specific product code.
          Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
          L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          L_AMTn (Optional) Total line item amount including tax and discount. + for debit, - for credits.
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
          L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Line item tax amount.
          Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters

          Global Payments Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

          Global Payments supports Level 2 parameters for American Express, Mastercard, and Visa.

          Global Payments Level 2 Parameters

          Pass the following Level 2 parameters in authorization and sale transactions to get the discount rate.

          Level 2 Parameters Description
          CUSTCODE (Required) Customer code.
          Character length and limitations: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters
          TAXAMT (Required) Sales tax.
          The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
          Character length and limitations: numeric

          Example Global Payments Level 2 Visa or Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

            1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=5105105105105100&AMT=20.10&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View&COMMENT1=L2 Testing
            2&EXPDATE=1215&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder FirstName&BILLTOLASTNAME=Card holder LastName

            Heartland Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

            Heartland Level 2 Parameters

            Heartland supports Mastercard and Visa for Level 2 processing.

            Heartland indicates in the authorization response whether the credit card in the transaction is a commercial card. Based on the commercial card indicator, Payflow will format the Level 2 information in the settlement request.

            Heartland Level 2 Transaction Data

            To get the discount rate, pass the Level 2 values marked Required in the following table.

            Parameter Description
            PONUM (Required) Customer reference ID.
            Character length and limitations: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters
            TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
            Character length and limitations: numeric
            TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Tax amount identifier.
            Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character, Y or N

            Example Heartland Level 2 Visa Transaction Parameter String

              1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=4111111111111111&AMT=20.02&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View
              2&COMMENT1=L2 Testing&EXPDATE=1215&INVNUM=661254585&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder Name
              3&PARTNER=PayPal&PWD=pwd&BILLTOSTATE=CA&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.&TAXAMT=1.01

              Heartland Level 3 Mastercard Parameters

              To qualify for Level 3, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

              Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

              Heartland Level 2 Mastercard Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions

              Parameter Description
              PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier.
              Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
              TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount.
              The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
              Character length and limitations: numeric
              LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
              TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
              Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
              NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount. You may omit this parameter if there is no such tax.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
              INVNUM (Required) Purchase Order number or customer reference ID. The PNREF value is sent if no value is provided.
              Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

              Heartland Level 3 Mastercard Extended Data

              The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Mastercard transactions as extended data.

              Parameter Description
              FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
              Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
              SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
              Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
              SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
              Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
              ALTTAXAMT (Optional) Alternate tax amount.
              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.

              Heartland Level 3 Mastercard Line Item Detail Records

              Parameter Description
              L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
              Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
              L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
              Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
              L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
              Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
              L_QTYn (Required) Quantity.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
              Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
              L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              L_TAXAMTn (Optional) VAT/tax amount.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              L_TAXRATEn (Optional) VAT/tax rate.
              Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
              L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
              L_AMTn (Optional) Line-item total.
              Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

              Example Heartland Level 3 Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

                5&SHIPTOCOUNTRY=840&ORDERDATE=020725&L_COMMCODE1=123456789ABC&L_DESC1=Line item 1 description

                Heartland Level 3 Visa Parameters

                To qualify for Level 3 transactions, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

                Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

                Heartland Level 2 Visa Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions

                Parameter Description
                PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier. TheTransaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount.
                The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                Character length and limitations: numeric
                LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
                Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
                NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                INVNUM (Required) Purchase order number/customer reference ID. The Transaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

                Heartland Level 3 Visa Extended Data

                The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Mastercard transactions as extended data.

                Parameter Description
                COMMCODE (Optional) Summary commodity code identifier for the business.
                Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                ORDERDATE (Required) Order date. Format is mmddyy with no slashes or dashes. For example, July 28, 2003 is 072803.
                Character length and limitations: 6 numeric characters
                SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
                Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                VATREGNUM (Required) VAT registration number. Can be part of the registration data or passed with each transaction.
                Character length and limitations: 20 alphanumeric characters
                CUSTVATREGNUM (Required) Customer VAT registration number.
                Character length and limitations: 13 alphanumeric characters
                VATAXAMT (Optional) VAT/tax amount (freight/shipping).
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                VATAXPERCENT (Optional) VAT/tax rate (freight/shipping).
                Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters.

                Heartland Level 3 Visa Line Item Detail Records

                Parameter Description
                L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
                Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
                Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                L_QTYn (Required) Quantity.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                L_TAXAMTn (Optional) VAT/tax amount.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                L_TAXRATEn (Optional) VAT/tax rate.
                Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
                L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                L_AMTn (Optional) Line-item total.
                Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

                Example Heartland Level 3 Visa Transaction Parameter String

                  2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=1.00&BILLTOSTREET=5199 JOHNSON&TAXAMT=1.06&BILLTOZIP=94588
                  6&ORDERDATE=020725&L_COMMCODE1=123456789ABC&L_DESC1=Line item 1 description

                  Litle Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                  Litle Level 2 Parameters

                  The Litle platform supports Level 2 transaction data.

                  Litle Level 2 Parameters

                  Field Description
                  CUSTREF (Optional) Reference, such as a purchase order number, used by the customer for the purchase.
                  Character length and limitations: 17 alphanumeric characters
                  DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount on the total purchased for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Shipping amount for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount included in the amount of the transaction.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_AMTn (Optional) Amount of this line-item including tax, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. L_AMTn - L_TAXAMTn = line-item total.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Identifier assigned by the card acceptor that categorizes the purchased item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                  L_COSTn (Required if L_QTYn is supplied) Price of one unit of the item purchased, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_DESCn (Required) Description of this line-item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 26 alphanumeric characters
                  L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_PRODCODEn (Optional) Supplier-specific product code of the purchased item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_QTYn (Optional) Number of items purchased, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Line item tax amount, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. L_AMTn - L_TAXAMTn = line-item total.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_UOMn (Optional) Unit of measurement of the purchased item (such as kit, pair, gallon or month), where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters

                  Litle Level 3 Parameters

                  The Litle platform supports Level 3 transaction data.

                  Litle Level 3 Parameters

                  Field Description
                  CUSTREF (Optional) Reference, such as a purchase order number, used by the customer for the purchase.
                  Character length and limitations: 17 alphanumeric characters
                  DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount on the total purchased for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Shipping amount for the order.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount included in the amount of the transaction.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_AMTn (Optional) Amount of this line-item including tax, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. L_AMTn - L_TAXAMTn = line-item total.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Identifier assigned by the card acceptor that categorizes the purchased item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                  L_COSTn (Required if L_QTYn is supplied) Price of one unit of the item purchased, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_DESCn (Required) Description of this line-item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 26 alphanumeric characters
                  L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_PRODCODEn (Optional) Supplier-specific product code of the purchased item, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_QTYn (Optional) Number of items purchased, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                  L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Line item tax amount, where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. L_AMTn - L_TAXAMTn = line-item total.
                  Character length and limitations: The decimal is implied. If, for example, you specify 500, this value is equivalent to $5.00. 8 numeric characters
                  L_UOMn (Optional) Unit of measurement of the purchased item (such as kit, pair, gallon or month), where n is a line-item number from 1 to 99. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters

                  Merchant e-Solutions Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                  Merchant e-Solutions Level 2 Parameters

                  Merchant e-Solutions supports Mastercard and Visa for Level 2 processing.

                  Merchant e-Solutions indicates in the authorization response whether the credit card in the transaction is a commercial card. Based on the commercial card indicator, Payflow will format the Level 2 information in the settlement request.

                  Merchant e-Solutions Level 2 Transaction Data

                  To get the discount rate, Level 2 values marked as Required in the following table must be present.

                  Parameter Description
                  PONUM (Required) Customer reference ID.
                  Character length and limitations: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters
                  TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
                  Character length and limitations: numeric
                  TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Tax amount identifier.
                  Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character, Y or N

                  Example Merchant e-Solutions Level 2 Visa Transaction Parameter String

                    1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=4111111111111111&AMT=20.02&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View&COMMENT1=L2 Testing
                    2&EXPDATE=1215&INVNUM=661254585&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder Name&PARTNER=PayPal&PWD=pwd

                    Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Parameters

                    For Merchant e-Solutions, to qualify for Level 3, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

                    Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

                    Merchant e-Solutions Level 2 Mastercard Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions

                    Parameter Description
                    PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier.
                    Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                    TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount.
                    The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
                    Character length and limitations: numeric
                    LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                    TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
                    Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
                    NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount. You may omit this parameter if there is no such tax.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                    INVNUM (Required) Purchase Order number or customer reference ID. The PNREF value is sent if no value is provided.
                    Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

                    Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Extended Data

                    The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Mastercard transactions as extended data.

                    Parameter Description
                    FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
                    Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                    SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                    Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                    SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                    Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                    ALTTAXAMT (Optional) Alternate tax amount.
                    Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.

                    Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Line Item Detail Records

                    Parameter Description
                    L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                    L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
                    Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                    L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                    L_QTYn (Required) Quantity.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                    L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    L_TAXAMTn (Optional) VAT/tax amount.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    L_TAXRATEn (Optional) VAT/tax rate.
                    Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
                    L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                    L_AMTn (Optional) Line-item total.
                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

                    Example Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

                      2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=1.00&BILLTOSTREET=5199 JOHNSON&BILLTOZIP=94588&ALTTAXAMT=1.00
                      6&L_DESC1=Line item 1 description&L_UPC1=CBA987654321&L_QTY1=1&L_UOM1=123456789012

                      Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Visa Parameters

                      For Merchant e-Solutions, to qualify for Level 3 transactions, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

                      Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

                      Merchant e-Solutions Level 2 Visa Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions

                      Parameter Description
                      PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier. The Transaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                      Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                      TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount.
                      The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                      Character length and limitations: numeric
                      LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                      TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
                      Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
                      NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                      INVNUM (Required) Purchase order number/customer reference ID. The Transaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                      Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

                      Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Visa Extended Data

                      The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Mastercard transactions as extended data.

                      Parameter Description
                      COMMCODE (Optional) Summary commodity code identifier for the business.
                      Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                      DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      ORDERDATE (Required) Order date. Format is mmddyy with no slashes or dashes. For example, July 28, 2003 is 072803.
                      Character length and limitations: 6 numeric characters
                      SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
                      Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                      SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                      Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                      SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                      Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                      VATREGNUM (Required) VAT registration number. Can be part of the registration data or passed with each transaction.
                      Character length and limitations: 20 alphanumeric characters
                      CUSTVATREGNUM (Required) Customer VAT registration number.
                      Character length and limitations: 13 alphanumeric characters
                      VATAXAMT (Optional) VAT/tax amount (freight/shipping).
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                      VATAXPERCENT (Optional) VAT/tax rate (freight/shipping).
                      Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters.

                      Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Visa Line Item Detail Records

                      Parameter Description
                      L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                      L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
                      Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                      L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                      L_QTYn (Required) Quantity.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                      L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      L_TAXAMTn (Optional) VAT/tax amount.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      L_TAXRATEn (Optional) VAT/tax rate.
                      Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
                      L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                      L_AMTn (Optional) Line-item total.
                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

                      Example Merchant e-Solutions Level 3 Visa Transaction Parameter String

                        2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=1.00&BILLTOSTREET=5199 JOHNSON&TAXAMT=1.06&BILLTOZIP=94588
                        6&ORDERDATE=020725&L_COMMCODE1=123456789ABC&L_DESC1=Line item 1 description

                        Paymentech Salem Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                        Paymentech Salem Level 2 Parameters for American Express

                        The Paymentech Salem platform supports Level 2 parameters for American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and Switch/Solo Maestro. The parameters in the following tables meet card acceptance and American Express reporting and statement requirements.

                        Paymentech Salem CPC Level 2 Transaction Advice Addendum Parameters

                        Field Description
                        PONUM (Required) Purchase order number.
                        Character length and limitations: 17 alphanumeric characters
                        SHIPTOZIP (Required) Ship-to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
                        Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
                        TAXAMT (Optional) Total tax amount. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                        Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                        L_DESC1 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC1 (if present) is used.
                        Character length and limitations: 140 alphanumeric characters
                        L_AMT1 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                        Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                        L_QTY1 (Optional) Quantity of this line item.
                        Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
                        L_DESC2 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC2 (if present) is used.
                        Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters
                        L_AMT2 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                        Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                        L_QTY2 (Optional) Quantity of this line item
                        Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
                        L_DESC3 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC3 (if present) is used
                        Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters
                        L_AMT3 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                        Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                        L_QTY3 (Optional) Quantity of this line item
                        Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters
                        L_DESC4 (Optional) Description of this line item; if not provided, DESC4 (if present) is used
                        Character length and limitations: 30 alphanumeric characters
                        L_AMT4 (Optional) Charge for this line item. Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                        Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                        L_QTY4 (Optional) Quantity of this line item
                        Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters

                        Paymentech Salem Location Transaction Advice Addendum Parameters

                        Field Description
                        MERCHANTNAME (Optional) Name of merchant.
                        Character length and limitations: 38 alphanumeric characters
                        MERCHANTSTREET (Optional) Merchant's street address (number and street name).
                        Character length and limitations: 38 alphanumeric characters. If more than 38 characters, use proper and meaningful abbreviation. Do not truncate.
                        MERCHANTCITY (Optional) The name of the city were the transaction took place.
                        - If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the name of the city in which the seller is located.
                        - If you are a mail order, phone order, or internet industry, you may substitute the name of the city in which the merchant's order processing facility is located.
                        Character length and limitations: 21 alphanumeric characters. If more than 21 characters, use proper and meaningful abbreviation. Do not truncate.
                        MERCHANTSTATE (Optional) The region code that corresponds to the state, province, or country subdivision of the merchant location where the transaction took place.
                        Region code examples:
                        - CA = California, USA
                        - NS = Nova Scotia, Canada
                        - COS = Colima Mexico
                        If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the region code that corresponds to the state, province, or country subdivision in which the seller is located.
                        Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                        MERCHANTZIP (Optional) The 5- to 9-digit zip (postal) code excluding spaces, dashes, and non-numeric characters where the transaction took place.
                        If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the postal code that corresponds to the seller's location.
                        Character length and limitations; 15 alphanumeric characters
                        MERCHANTCOUNTRYCODE (Optional) Country code of the location where the transaction took place. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                        Character length and limitations: 3-character country code.
                        MERCHANTLOCATIONID (Optional) Merchant-assigned store or location number (or name) that uniquely identifies where the transaction took place.
                        Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
                        MERCHANTID (Required) American Express-assigned service establishment number used to identify and facilitate payments to merchants.
                        Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
                        MERCHANTCONTACTINFO (Optional) Merchant's telephone number or web address. (URLs and e-mail addresses may be lowercase, as appropriate.) This entry may appear on the descriptive bill on the card-member's statement, or may be used to resolve billing inquiries and disputes.
                        Character length and limitations: 40 alphanumeric characters

                        Paymentech Salem Transaction Advice Detail Parameters

                        Field Description
                        ADDLAMTn (Optional) Detail of a charge where n is a value from 1 - 5. Use for additional breakdown of the amount.
                        Character length and limitations: Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). Examples are a tip (ADDLAMT1=3.00) and a convenience charge (ADDLAMT2=2.00). 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                        ADDLAMTTYPEn (Optional) A 3-digit code indicating the type of the corresponding charge detail, where n is a value from 1 - 5.
                        Character length and limitations: 3 numeric characters

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Purchasing Card Parameters

                        Paymentech Salem supports Level 3 parameters for Mastercard and Visa.

                        Both of the level 2 transaction parameters in the following table are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include them are rejected.

                        Paymentech Salem Level 2 Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions

                        To get the discount rate, pass both Level 2 parameters in the following table.

                        Paymentech Salem Level 2 Parameters Required for Level 3 Transactions
                        Parameter Description
                        PONUM (Required) Customer reference number.
                        Character length and limitations: 1 to 17 alphanumeric characters
                        TAXAMT (Required) Sales tax.
                        The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Mastercard Parameters

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Mastercard Order Parameters
                        Parameter Description
                        FREIGHTAMT (Required) Freight amount.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        DUTYAMT (Required) Duty amount.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Destination zip code.
                        SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                        SHIPFROMZIP (Optional) Ship from zip code.
                        ALTERNATETAXID (Conditional) For North American merchants, this field is required if the ALTERNATETAXAMT is included. Alternate tax ID.
                        ALTERNATETAXAMT (Optional) Alternate tax amount. For North American merchants, if provided, the ALTERNATETAXID must also be included in the request.
                        Character length and limitations: The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Mastercard Line Item Record 1 Parameters
                        Parameter Description
                        L_DESCn (Required) Description, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        L_UPCn (Required) Product code, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        L_QTYn (Required) Quantity, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric characters
                        L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                        L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Tax amount, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_TAXRATEn (Optional) Tax rate, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Mastercard Line Item Record 2 Parameters
                        Parameter Description
                        L_AMTn (Required) Line-item total, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount amount, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_TAXTYPEn (Optional) Tax type applied, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Visa Parameters

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Visa Order Parameters

                        Parameter Description
                        FREIGHTAMT (Required) Freight amount.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        DUTYAMT (Required) Duty amount.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Destination zip code.
                        SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                        SHIPFROMZIP (Optional) Ship from zip code.
                        DISCOUNT (Required) Discount amount.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        TAXAMT (Optional) VAT/Tax ID.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        TAXPERCENTAGE (Optional) VAT/Tax amount.

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Visa Line Item Record 1 Parameters

                        Parameter Description
                        L_DESCn (Required) Description, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        L_UPCn (Required) Product code, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        L_QTYn (Required) Quantity, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric characters
                        L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                        L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Tax amount, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_TAXRATEn (Optional) Tax rate, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters

                        Paymentech Salem Level 3 Visa Line Item Record 2 Parameters

                        Parameter Description
                        L_AMTn (Required) Line-item total, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_DISCOUNTn (Required) Discount amount, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric
                        L_COMMCODE (Required) Item commodity code, an identifier assigned by the card acceptor that categorizes the purchased item. n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                        L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost, where n in the field name is a number from 0 to 99.
                        Character length and limitations: numeric

                        Example Paymentech Salem Level 3 Mastercard Transaction Parameter String
                          2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=1.00&COMMENT1=0508&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Robert&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.
                          5&L_DESC1=MC Pcard&L_UPC1=1&L_QTY1=2&L_UOM1=3&L_TAXAMT1=4&L_TAXRATE1=5&L_AMT1=6

                          Example Paymentech Salem Level 3 Visa Transaction Parameter String
                            2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=1.00&COMMENT1=0508&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Robert&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.
                            5&VATAXPERCENT=10&L_DESC1=TSYS Acquiring Solutions Pcard&L_UPC1=1&L_UOM1=2&L_QTY1=3

                            Paymentech Tampa - Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                            Paymentech Tampa supports Level 2 and 3 purchasing card processing for Mastercard and Visa.

                            Paymentech Tampa Level 2 Parameters

                            Paymentech Tampa supports Level 2 purchasing card processing for Mastercard and Visa.

                            Paymentech Tampa Level 2 Parameters Description
                            PONUM (Required) Customer reference number.
                            Character length and limitations: 1 to 17 alphanumeric characters
                            TAXAMT (Required) Sales tax.
                            The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
                            Character length and limitations: numeric
                            TAXEXEMPT (Required) Tax exempt.
                            Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric character, Y or N
                            SHIPTOZIP (Required) Ship-to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
                            Character length and limitations: 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters

                            Example Paymentech Tampa Level 2 Visa and Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

                              2&EXPDATE=1215&AMT=12.59&VERBOSITY=HIGH&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.&BILLTOZIP=49801

                              Paymentech Tampa Level 3 Parameters

                              Paymentech Tampa Level 3 Parameters Description
                              TAXAMT (Required) Total tax amount.
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              FREIGHTAMT (Required) Total shipping costs for this order.
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              DUTYAMT (Required) Sometimes called import tax.
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              SHIPTOZIP (Required) Ship-to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 9 alphanumeric characters
                              SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Required) Ship-to country. The Payflow API accepts a 3-digit numeric country code. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                              Character length and limitations: 3 character country code
                              SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 9 alphanumeric characters
                              DISCOUNT (Required) Shipping discount for this order.
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              ALTERNATETAXID (Required) Alternate Tax ID.
                              TAXEXEMPT (Required) Indicates whether the customer is tax exempt. Value is:
                              Y - The customer is tax exempt.
                              N - The customer is not tax exempt (default).
                              Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric characters
                              CUSTCODE (Required) Customer reference number.
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 17 alphanumeric characters
                              L_COMMCODE1 (Required) Item commodity code. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters
                              L_DESCn (Required) Description of this line-item. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 19 alphanumeric characters
                              L_PRODCODE1 (Required) The item's supplier stock keeping unit (SKU) number. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
                              L_QTYn (Required) Quantity invoiced. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 10 numeric characters
                              L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.) See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                              L_COSTn (Required) Unit price. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              L_DISCOUNTn (Required) Discount per line item. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              L_AMTn (Required) Total line item amount including tax and discount. The amount should be a positive number for debits and a negative number for credits. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters plus a decimal point. No currency symbol. Specify the exact amount to the cent using a decimal point; use 34.00, not 34. Do not include comma separators; use 1199.95 not 1,199.95.
                              L_UPCn (Required) The item's universal product code (UPC). (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)
                              Character length and limitations: 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters
                              L_NGIn (Required) Item net / gross indicator. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6). Value is:
                              N - Item extended amount does not include tax.
                              Y - Item extended amount includes tax.
                              L_TAXAMTn (Required) Line-item tax amount. (n is a line item number from 1 to 6.)

                              Example Paymentech Tampa Level 3 Visa and Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

                                2&AMT=26.41&VERBOSITY=HIGH&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.&BILLTOZIP=49801&CVV2=248&TAXAMT=1.26
                                5&L_DESC1=LABEL 100X100 FLAM SOLID SINGLES&L_PRODCODE1=HML5S&L_QTY1=50&L_UOM1=KSH&L_COST1=0.16

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions supports Mastercard and Visa for performing Level 2 and Level 3 purchasing card transactions.

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 2 Parameters

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions supports Mastercard and Visa for Level 2 purchasing card transactions.

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions indicates in the authorization response whether the credit card in the transaction is a commercial card. Based in the commercial card indicator, Payflow will format the Level 2 information in the settlement request.

                                To get the discount rate, Level 2 parameters marked as required in the following table must be present .

                                TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 2 Parameters

                                Parameter Description
                                PONUM (Required) Customer reference ID.
                                Character length and limitations: 1 to 17 alphanumeric characters
                                TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount.
                                The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                                Character length and limitations: numeric
                                TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Tax amount identifier.
                                Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character, Y or N

                                Example TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 2 Visa Transaction Parameter String

                                  1TRXTYPE=S&ACCT=4111111111111111&AMT=20.02&BILLTOCITY=Mountain View&COMMENT1=L2 Testing
                                  2&EXPDATE=1215&INVNUM=661254585&BILLTOFIRSTNAME=Card holder First Name&BILLTOLASTNAME=Card holder Last Name
                                  3&PARTNER=PayPal&PWD=pwd&BILLTOSTATE=CA&BILLTOSTREET=123 Main St.&TAXAMT=1.01&TAXEXEMPT=N&TENDER=C&USER=user

                                  TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Parameters

                                  To qualify for Level 3 purchasing card transaction processing, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

                                  Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

                                  TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 2 Mastercard Parameters Required for Level 3 Line Item Transactions

                                  Parameter Description
                                  PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier. The transaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                                  Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                                  TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                                  Character length and limitations: numeric
                                  LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                  TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
                                  Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
                                  NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                  INVNUM (Required) Purchase order number/customer reference ID. The value of PNREF is sent if the INVNUM parameter is not provided.
                                  Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

                                  TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Required Parameters

                                  The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 transactions as extended data.

                                  Parameter Description
                                  COMMCODE (Required) Commodity code identifier for the business.
                                  Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                                  SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
                                  Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                                  SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                                  Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                                  VATREGNUM (Required) VAT registration number. Can be part of the registration data or passed with each transaction.
                                  Character length and limitations: 20 alphanumeric characters

                                  TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Extended Data

                                  The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Mastercard transactions as extended data.

                                  Parameter Description
                                  FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                  DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                  SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                                  Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                                  ALTTAXAMT (Optional) Alternate tax amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.

                                  TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Line Item Detail Records

                                  Parameter Description
                                  L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
                                  Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                                  L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                  L_QTYn (Required) Quantity.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                  L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                  L_TAXRATEn (Optional) Tax rate applied.
                                  Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
                                  L_TAXTYPEn (Optional) Tax type applied.
                                  Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                                  L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Tax amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                  L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount amount.
                                  Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

                                  Example TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Mastercard Transaction Parameter String

                                    2&BILLTOSTREET=5199 JOHNSON&BILLTOZIP=94588&ALTTAXAMT=1.00&CUSTVATREGNUM=11111&LOCALTAXAMT=1.00
                                    5&L_DESC1=<Line item 1 description>&L_UPC1=CBA987654321&L_QTY1=1&L_UOM1=123456789012&L_COST1=1.00&L_TAXAMT1=1.00

                                    TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Visa Parameters

                                    To qualify for Level 3 purchasing card transaction processing, the authorization response for the transaction must have the commercial card indicator set and one or more line items should be present in the delayed capture or sale request.

                                    Level 2 transaction parameters marked as Required are required for Level 3 transactions. Level 3 transactions that do not include the required Level 2 values are rejected.

                                    TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 2 Visa Parameters for Level 3 Line Item Transactions

                                    Parameter Description
                                    PONUM (Required) Purchase identifier. The transaction ID is sent if no value is provided.
                                    Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                                    TAXAMT (Required) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                                    Character length and limitations: numeric
                                    LOCALTAXAMT (Optional) Local tax.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                    TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Local tax incl flag.
                                    Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric, Y or N
                                    NATIONALTAXAMT (Optional) National tax amount.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                    INVNUM (Required) Purchase order number/customer reference ID. The value of PNREF is sent if the INVNUM parameter is not provided.
                                    Character length and limitations: 9 alphanumeric characters

                                    TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Required Parameters

                                    The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 transactions as extended data.

                                    Parameter Description
                                    COMMCODE (Required) Commodity code identifier for the business.
                                    Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                                    SHIPTOZIP (Required) The zip code of the address to which the goods are shipped.
                                    Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                                    SHIPFROMZIP (Required) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                                    Character length and limitations: 10 alphanumeric characters
                                    VATREGNUM (Required) VAT registration number. Can be part of the registration data or passed with each transaction.
                                    Character length and limitations: 20 alphanumeric characters

                                    TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Visa Extended Data

                                    The parameters listed in the table below apply to Level 3 Visa transactions as extended data.

                                    Parameter Description
                                    DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Freight amount.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    DUTYAMT (Optional) Duty amount.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    ORDERDATE (Required) Order date. The format is yymmdd with no slashes or dashes. For example, January 28, 2013 is 130128.
                                    Character length and limitations: 6 numeric characters
                                    SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                                    Character length and limitations: 3 alphanumeric characters
                                    CUSTVATREGNUM (Required) Customer VAT Registration Number.
                                    Character length and limitations: 13 alphanumeric characters
                                    VATAXAMT (Optional) VAT/tax amount (freight/shipping).
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                    VATAXPERCENT (Optional) VAT/tax rate (freight/shipping).
                                    Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters.

                                    TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Visa Line Item Detail Records

                                    Parameter Description
                                    L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                    L_DESCn (Required) Item descriptor.
                                    Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                                    L_UPCn (Optional) Product code.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                    L_QTYn (Required) Item quantity.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    L_UOMn (Required) Unit of measurement code. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                    L_COSTn (Required) Unit cost.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    L_TAXAMTn (Optional) VAT/tax amount.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    L_TAXRATEn (Optional) VAT/tax rate.
                                    Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters
                                    L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters
                                    L_AMTn (Optional) Line-item total.
                                    Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters

                                    Example TSYS Acquiring Solutions Level 3 Visa Transaction Parameter String

                                      2&BILLTOSTREET=5199 JOHNSON&TAXAMT=1.06&BILLTOZIP=94588&ALTTAXAMT=1.00&CUSTVATREGNUM=11111&LOCALTAXAMT=1.01
                                      5&L_DESC1=Line item 1 description&L_UPC1=CBA987654321&L_QTY1=1&L_UOM1=123456789012&L_COST1=1.50&L_TAXAMT1=1.05

                                      Vantiv Purchasing Card Transaction Processing

                                      The following parameters are recommended to obtain the best rates for Level 2 and Level 3 purchasing card transactions with Vantiv.

                                      Vantiv Purchasing Parameters

                                      Field Description
                                      SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Destination country code. The Payflow API accepts 3-digit numeric country codes. Refer to ISO 3166-1 numeric.
                                      Character length and limitations: 3 alpha characters
                                      DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount on total sale
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      DUTYAMT (Optional) Sometimes called import tax. If the currency uses a decimal, then the value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      FREIGHTAMT Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      PONUM (Optional) Purchase order number / merchant-related data.
                                      Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters, provides best rate when used
                                      SHIPFROMZIP (Optional) The postal code (called zip code in the USA) from which shipping occurs.
                                      Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters, provides best rate when used
                                      SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Ship to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
                                      Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters, provides best rate when used
                                      TAXAMT (Optional) Tax amount. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56).
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters

                                      Vantiv Purchasing Card Line Item Parameters

                                      Line item data (Level 3) describes the details of the item purchased and can be passed for each transaction. The convention for passing line item data in name-value pairs is that each name-value starts with L_ and ends with n where n is the line item number. For example L_QTY0=1 is the quantity for line item 0 and is equal to 1, with n starting at 0. In addition, the SHIPFROMZIP parameter is required for Level 3 transactions.

                                      Vantiv Line Item Parameters

                                      Field Description
                                      L_QTYn (Required) Quantity (whole units only).
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 numeric characters
                                      L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_DESCn (Optional) Item description.
                                      Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_UOMn (Optional) Item's unit of measurement. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                                      Character length and limitations: 3 alpha characters
                                      L_COSTn (Optional) Cost per item, excluding tax.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      L_UPCn (Optional) Supplier specific product code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 12 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_DISCOUNTn (Optional) Discount per line item.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      L_AMTn (Optional) Total line item amount including tax and discount. + for debit, - for credits.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Line item tax amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters

                                      WorldPay Purchasing Cards Transaction Processing

                                      The following parameters are recommended to obtain the best rates for Level 2 and Level 3 purchasing card transactions with WorldPay.

                                      WorldPay Level 2 Parameters

                                      Pass the following WorldPay Level 2 parameters to get the discount rate.

                                      WorldPay Level 2 Parameters

                                      Level 2 Parameters Description
                                      ALTTAXAMT (Optional) Alternate tax amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: 8 alphanumeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                      COMMCODE (Optional) Summary commodity code identifier for the business.
                                      Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                                      SHIPTOCOUNTRY (Optional) Country code. Either a 2-character alpha country code or a 3-character numeric country code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 2 or 3 alphanumeric characters
                                      CUSTDATA (Optional) Generic data the merchant can pass to the WorldPay processor.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      CUSTOMERID (Optional) Purchase order number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      CUSTOMERNUMBER (Optional) Customer number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      DISCOUNT (Optional) Discount amount on total sale.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      DLNAME (Optional) Account holder's driver license name.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 characters
                                      DLNUM (Optional) Account holder's driver license number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      DOB (Optional) Account holder's date of birth in the format MMDDYYYY. For example, July 28, 2011 is represented as: 07282011
                                      Character length and limitations: 8 characters
                                      DUTYAMT (Optional) Sometimes called import tax.
                                      Character length and limitations: The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). 10 currency characters
                                      FREIGHTAMT (Optional) Total freight amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). 10 currency characters
                                      INVNUM (Optional) Merchant invoice number for the transaction.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      MERCHANTDESCR (Optional) Description of product.
                                      Character length and limitations: 50 alphanumeric characters
                                      MERCHANTINVNUM (Optional) Merchant invoice number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                                      MERCHANTVATNUM (Optional) Merchant value added tax number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      MERCHANTZIP (Optional) 5- to 9-digit zip (postal) code excluding spaces, dashes, and non-numeric characters where the transaction took place. If you are a third-party biller (bill for services or goods rendered by another entity), you must enter the postal code that corresponds to the seller's location.
                                      Character length and limitations: 15 alphanumeric characters
                                      MISCDATA (Optional) Miscellaneous data.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      ORDERDATE (Required) Order date. The format is YYMMDD with no slashes or dashes. For example, July 28, 2015 is 150728.
                                      Character length and limitations: 6 numeric characters
                                      PONUM (Optional) Purchase order number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 25 alphanumeric characters
                                      SHIPTOZIP (Optional) Ship to postal code (called zip code in the USA).
                                      Character length and limitations: 9 numeric characters
                                      TAXAMT (Optional) Sales tax. The value must include a decimal and the exact amount to the cent (42.00, not 42). Do not include comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). To qualify for Level 2 discounts, this value must not be all zeros or blank spaces.
                                      Character length and limitations: numeric
                                      TAXEXEMPT (Optional) Indicates whether the customer is tax exempt. Value is:
                                      -Y - The customer is tax exempt.
                                      -N - The customer is not tax exempt (default).
                                      Character length and limitations: 1 alpha character
                                      VATINVNUM (Optional) Value added tax invoice number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      VATNUM (Optional) Customer valued added tax number.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      VATAXAMT (Optional) VAT/tax amount (freight/shipping).
                                      Character length and limitations: 12 numeric characters. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                      VATAXRATE (Optional) VAT/tax rate (freight/shipping).
                                      Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters. Must include a period as a decimal point and two decimal places.

                                      WorldPay Level 3 Parameters

                                      Pass the following WorldPay Level 3 parameters to get the discount rate.

                                      WorldPay Level 3 parameters

                                      Level 3 Parameters Description
                                      L_ALTTAXAMTn (Optional) Alternate tax amount for this item.
                                      Character length and limitations: 8 numeric characters plus decimal: XXXX.XX. The amount passed must not contain more than two decimal places.
                                      L_ALTTAXRATEn (Optional) Alternate tax rate for this item.
                                      Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters plus decimal: XX.XX
                                      L_ALTTAXIDn (Optional) Alternate tax identifier for this item.
                                      Character length and limitations: 95 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_EXTAMTn (Optional) Extended item amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: 8 numeric characters
                                      L_TAXTYPEn (Optional) Tax type applied.
                                      Character length and limitations: 4 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_COMMCODEn (Optional) Item commodity code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 35 alphanumeric characters
                                      L_DESCn (Optional) Item description.
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 currency characters
                                      L_AMTn (Optional) Total line item amount including tax. + for debit, - for credits
                                      Character length and limitations: Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). 12 numeric characters
                                      L_SKUn (Optional) Item's supplier stock keeping unit (SKU) number or product code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 8 numeric characters
                                      L_QTYn (Required) Quantity (whole units only).
                                      Character length and limitations: 10 numeric characters
                                      L_CARRIERSERVICELEVELCODEn (Optional) Service code.
                                      Character length and limitations: 1 alphanumeric character
                                      L_COSTn (Optional) Item freight amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). 10 currency characters
                                      L_UOMn (Optional) Item's unit of measurement. See the units of measurement codes reference table.
                                      Character length and limitations: 3 alpha characters
                                      L_TAXAMTn (Optional) Item tax amount.
                                      Character length and limitations: Must include a decimal and be exact to the cent (42.00, not 42) and exclude comma separators (1234.56 not 1,234.56). 12 numeric characters
                                      L_TAXRATEn (Optional) Tax rate for this item.
                                      Character length and limitations: 4 numeric characters plus decimal:XXXX

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