With Braintree, you can seamlessly accept both PayPal and credit cards with a single integration. Your customers will never need to leave your website's checkout page to make purchases using PayPal! Instead, they will click a PayPal button—designed exclusively for Braintree merchants—and enter their PayPal credentials in a new window or lightbox.
Depending on your use case, you can implement One-Time Payments for most purchases, Vaulted Payments to securely store PayPal as a payment method for fast, frictionless, low-value future transactions, or Recurring Payments for subscriptions and automated billing.
You need to use Braintree Direct to accept PayPal payments. If you only use the Braintree gateway, your account is not eligible to accept PayPal. Contact us for more information.
You can integrate PayPal payments using the latest versions of our client SDKs in all countries where Braintree is available. Learn more in our developer docs.
Customer availability
Eligible Braintree merchants can accept PayPal transactions from customers in any country. Customers pay in the currency associated with the merchant account you specify when creating the transaction. We'll use your default merchant account if you don't specify a merchant account. See PayPal Server-Side Implementation for more details.
Braintree does not charge additional processing fees for PayPal transactions. You are only subject to the pricing and fee rates established by PayPal for your PayPal merchant account. If you're unsure of these rates, check with PayPal directly. PayPal is not currently compatible with service fees.
You can manage PayPal disputes in your Braintree Control Panel and your PayPal Resolution Center. To manage your PayPal disputes in the Braintree Control Panel, set up a full PayPal integration and select this feature. See our PayPal disputes support article for details.
Testing in the sandbox
You can test your PayPal integration in the Braintree sandbox in 2 ways: use the default PayPal testing mock setup or link your PayPal sandbox to your Braintree sandbox for end-to-end testing. See our developer docs for details on testing PayPal transactions.
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