Test Transactions

Last updated: Sept 18th, 8:14pm

Before you activate your website or application for use by buyers, test your integration. A simulated payment network handles transactions, enabling you to verify the configuration and operation of your website or application. No money changes hands.

For detailed steps on how to integrate and test hosted checkout pages, see Set up and test hosted pages with Payflow Gateway.

Set Up the Payflow Gateway Testing Environment

Before testing transactions be sure you are linked to the test servers.

Direct all transactions to the host URL for testing. See Host URL Addresses. PayPal's simulated network processes transactions directed to the URL.

Testing Data and Guidelines

Processors Other than PayPal

Follow these guidelines for testing.

  • While testing, use only the credit card numbers for testing. Other numbers produce an error.
  • Expiration date must be a valid date in the future. Use the format mmyy.
  • To view the credit card processor that you have selected for testing, see PayPal Manager.

Credit Card Numbers for Testing

The following credit card numbers are used for Payflow testing.

Standard Test Cards
American Express 378282246310005
American Express 371449635398431
American Express Corporate 378734493671000
Diners Club 30569309025904
Discover 6011111111111117
Discover 6011000990139424
JCB 3530111333300000
JCB 3566002020360505
Mastercard 2221000000000009
Mastercard 2223000048400011
Mastercard 2223016768739313
Mastercard 5555555555554444
Mastercard 5105105105105100
Visa 4111111111111111
Visa 4012888888881881
Visa 4222222222222
Visa 4999991111111113 or 4999992222222229
Mastercard 5199999999999991 or 5299999999999990

Result Values Based on Amount Submitted

You can use the amount of the transaction to generate a particular result value. The following table lists the general guidelines for specifying amounts to submit in requests.

Amount Result
$0 - $1000 RESULT value 0 (Approved)
$1001 - $2000 Certain amounts in this range return specific PayPal results. You can generate the results by adding $1000 to that RESULT value. For example, for RESULT value 13 (Referral), submit the amount 1013.
If the amount is in this range but does not correspond to a result supported by this testing mechanism, Payflow returns RESULT value 12 (Declined).
$2001+ RESULT value 12 (Declined)

Result Values Based on Amount Submitted and Processor

This table lists the RESULT values that you can generate using the amount of the transaction. To generate a specific value, submit an amount of 1000 plus the RESULT value number (for example, submit an amount of 1013 for a RESULT value of 13).

Processing Platform RESULT Values Available for Testing
American Express 0, 12, 13, 104, 1000
Elavon 0, 12, 13, 104
FISERV North 0, 4, 5, 12, 13, 23, 24,114, 1000
FISERV Nashville 0, 12, 13, 104
Global Payments 0, 4, 5, 12, 13, 23, 24, 30, 100, 104, 114, 1000
Paymentech Salem 0, 12, 13, 104
Paymentech Tampa 0, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 23, 24, 1000
PayPal (Payflow Simulator) See Using the Payflow Simulator for testing
TSYS Acquiring Solutions 0, 4, 12, 13, 23, 104, 114, 1000
Vantiv 0, 4, 5, 12, 13, 23, 24,114, 1000

Result Values Based on Alternate Generation Methods

The following table shows another method for obtaining RESULT values. Servers do not return non-zero RESULT values from processors. Therefore, you cannot simulate non-zero RESULT values using the amount. In some cases, you may obtain certain results using the RESULT value plus 1000 even though this table suggests an alternate means of obtaining the RESULT value.

RESULT value Definition How to test using Payflow Gateway
0 Approved Use an AMT of 1000 or less
Credit (C) and force (F) transactions will always be approved regardless of dollar amount or card number
1 User authentication failed Use an invalid PWD
2 Invalid tender Use an invalid TENDER, such as G
3 Invalid transaction type Use an invalid TRXTYPE, such as G
4 Invalid amount Use an invalid AMT, such as -1
5 Invalid merchant information Use the AMT=1005. Applies only to the following processors: Global Payments and American Express
7 Field format error Submit a delayed capture transaction with no ORIGID
12 Declined Use the AMT=1012 or an AMT of 2001 or more
13 Referral Use the AMT=1013
19 Original transaction ID not found Submit a delayed capture transaction with an invalid ORIGID
22 Invalid ABA number Applies only to ACH transactions. Submit an invalid ABA number (eight digits)
23 Invalid account number Submit an invalid account number, for example, 000000000000000
24 Invalid expiration date Submit an invalid expiration date, for example, 0298
25 Transaction type not mapped to this host (Processor) Submit a transaction for a card or tender you are not currently set up to accept, for example, a Diners card if you aren't set up to accept Diners
29 Invalid XML document Pass a bad XML document (XMLPay users only)
30 Duplicate Transaction Use the AMT=1030. Only applies to Global Payments.
50 Insufficient funds available Use the AMT=1050. Only applies to Paymentech
99 General error Use the AMT=1099. Only applies to Global Payments.
100 Invalid transaction returned from host (Processor) Use the AMT=1100. Only applies to Global Payments.
101 Time-out value too small Set timeout value to 1
103 Error reading response from host (Processor) Use the AMT=1103
104 Timeout waiting for processor response Use the AMT=1104
105 Credit error Attempt to credit an authorization
108 Void error Attempt to void a captured authorization
111 Capture error The attempt to capture failed. This may be that the transaction is not an authorization, the attempt to capture an authorization transaction has already been completed, or the amount of the capture is above the allowable limit of the authorization transaction.
112 Failed AVS check You cannot generate this RESULT value by submitting an amount of 1112, but must submit a value for Address Verification Service that will fail; in production, this error occurs only if your account is configured by PayPal customer service to use the "AVS Deny" feature
113 Cannot exceed sales cap Applies to ACH transactions only
114 CVV2 Mismatch Use the AMT=1114. Only applies to TSYS Acquiring Solutions, Merchant e-Solutions and Global Payments.
1000 Generic Host (Processor) Error Use the AMT=2000. Does not apply to Elavon, American Express, or Global Payments.

Test the Address Verification Service

The Payflow testing server simulates address verification service by returning a value for AVSADDR based on the first 3 characters of the submitted value for BILLTOSTREET.

The testing server returns a value for AVSZIP based on the submitted BILLTOZIP value as shown in the table.

If BILLTOSTREET starts with 667 or higher or begins with a non-numeric character, then the simulator returns AVSADDR=X, AVSZIP=X.

The following table tests AVSADDR.

Submitted Value for BILLTOSTREET Example BILLTOSTREET Value AVSADDR Result
000-333 24285 Elm Y
334-666 49354 Main N
667 or higher or begins with a non-numeric character 79232 Maple X

The following table tests AVSZIP.

Submitted Value for BILLTOZIP Example BILLTOZIP Value AVSZIP Result
00000-50000 00382 Y
50001-99999 94303 N
Any value (if street address is 667 or higher or begins with a non-numeric character) BILLTOSTREET=79232 Maple&BILLTOZIP=20304 X

Test the Card Security Code

If you submit a value for the card security code, the card holder's bank returns a Yes / No / Not Supported (Y / N / X) response on whether the value matches the number on file at the bank. Card security code is described in "Card Security Code Validation".

CVV2 value determine the CVV2MATCH result, as shown here.

CVV2 Value CVV2MATCH Value
000 Y
001-300 Y
301-600 N
601 or higher X

Processor is PayPal

For the PayPal processor, there ware two ways of testing based on how your account is setup:

  • Using the Payflow simulator
  • Using the PayPal sandbox

To verify which one is being used do the following:

  1. Login to PayPal Manager.
  2. Click on Service Settings.
  3. Click on Set Up under Hosted Checkout Page.
  4. Verify if an email is listed under PayPal Sandbox email address.

If an email address is listed, you are using the PayPal Sandbox and use the data below; otherwise use the testing data and guidelines under Processors Other than PayPal.

Using PayPal Sandbox for Testing

For testing parameters for PayPal Sandbox using the following:

Using the Payflow Simulator for testing

The testing data below should only be used if you are using the Payflow Simulator and not the PayPal Sandbox.

Result Values Based on Amount

The following table shows another method for obtaining RESULT values. The servers do not return non-zero RESULT values from processors.Therefore you cannot simulate non-zero RESULT values using the amount. In some cases, you may obtain certain results using the RESULT value plus 1000 even though this table suggests another means of obtaining the RESULT value.

Result Definition How to test
0 Approved Use an AMOUNT of 10000 or less
3 Invalid transaction type Use the AMOUNT 10402
4 Invalid amount Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10400
  • 10401
  • 10403
  • 10404
5 Invalid merchant information Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10548
  • 10549
7 Field format error Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10405
  • 10406
  • 10407
  • 10408
  • 10409
  • 10410
  • 10412
  • 10413
  • 10416
  • 10419
  • 10420
  • 10421
  • 10509
  • 10512
  • 10513
  • 10514
  • 10515
  • 10516
  • 10517
  • 10518
  • 10540
  • 10542
12 Declined Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10417
  • 15002
  • 15005
  • 15006
  • 15028
  • 15039
  • 10544
  • 10545
  • 10546
13 Referral Use the AMOUNT 10422
23 Invalid account number Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10519
  • 10521
  • 10522
  • 10527
  • 10535
  • 10541
  • 10543
24 Invalid expiration date Use any of these as AMOUNT:
  • 10502
  • 10508
30 Duplicate Transaction Use the AMOUNT 10536
105 Credit error Attempt to credit an authorization
112 Failed AVS check Use the AMOUNT 10505
114 CVV2 Mismatch Use the AMOUNT 10504
1000 Generic Host (Processor) Error Use an AMOUNT other than those listed in this column

Litle Account Updater

The Litle Automatic Account Updater feature identifies outdated card information, "repairs" it, and substitutes new card information before submitting the transaction to the network. See the Litle Automatic Account Updater section for more information.

Merchants utilizing this feature should check for the presence of the CCUPDATED=Y response parameter, and if it is returned, should also check for the presence of the ACCT and EXPDATE response parameters to determine what card information has been updated.

Merchants can test their integration for the Litle Automatic Account Updater feature in the Payflow pilot test environment by doing the following.

In the ACCT request parameter, pass one of the following testing card numbers:

Card number passed in ACCT request parameter Updated card number returned in ACCT response parameter
4111111111111111 4321432143214321
4012888888881881 4012000033330026
5105105105105100 5454545454545454
5560136761278244 5105105105105100

In the EXPDATE request parameter, pass one of the following expiration dates:

Expiration date passed in EXPDATE request parameter Updated expiration date returned in EXPDATE response parameter
0000 0919
1213 1218
0120 0150
0230 0250
0340 0350

In the AMT request parameter, pass an amount that falls within one of the following ranges to bring about different account updater test cases:

Amount passed in AMT request parameter Test case
1000.00 > AMT > = 500.00 Both an updated credit card number and an updated expiration date
500.00 > AMT > = 400.00 Only an updated credit card number
400.00 > AMT > = 300.00 Only an updated expiration date

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